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1、第 页共42页英语笔试二级指定教材第一单元英译汉Benjamin Franklin- the first American ”How does one characterize Benjamin Franklin?characterize英/?k?r?kt?ra2/vt.描绘的特性;具有 的特征vi.塑造人物我们如何来描述富兰克林呢?Journalist,scientist,educator,politician,writer,administrator,philosopher-he truly seemed to be able to do almost everything.journal

2、ist英/2PTnRRt/ n.新闻工作者;报人;记日志者politician 英 /?p?l?n/ n.政治家,政客administrator 英 /?d?m?i?stre?:?(r)/ n.管理人;行政官philosopher 英 /f?s?f?(r)/ n.哲学家;哲人记者、科学家、教育家、政治家、作家、管理者、哲学家-他似乎真的无所不能。His accomplishments and the talents and interests which he displayed during the course of his long life706 to 1790-have caused

3、 him to called both “the first American”and the last universal man”.accomplishment英 /?/k?mpl?m?nt/ n.成就;完成;技艺,技能.universal英/?u?i?V?Sl/ adj.普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的 n. 一般概念;普通性在他漫长的生命历程中(1706-1790),他取得的成就和展现出的非凡才能和广泛兴趣,使他赢得了 “美国第一人”和“最后 一个通人”的称号。Historian Samuel Eliot Morison gives this view of the man:

4、Franklin s secret,the thing that made hihis mind together,was his love of people.He talked with English and French statesmen as an equal;he was as homely and comfortable as an old shoe. ”.historian 英 /h?st?i?n/ n.历史学家.aspect英/?spekt/ n.方面;方向;形势;外貌.statesman英/Rte?sm?n/n.政治家;国务活动家历史学家萨缪尔艾略特莫里森这样评价富兰克林

5、:“富兰克林成功的秘诀-令他如此具有活力并将他的心智各个方面凝聚在一起的东西-是他对人民的爱。他以平等的身份与英国和法国的政治家对话;他就像一只穿旧的鞋子,让人感到普通而又舒适。”Morison even speculated that if he had lived in 1776 and had made a call upon Benjamin Franklin,he would made us feel at home.speculate英 /apekjule? vi.推测;投机;思索 vt.推断make a call upon 拜访莫里森甚至推测,如果我们生活在1776年,并且登门拜

6、访本杰明富兰克林,他会让我们感到宾至如归。He would have asked about our parents,and probably would have known them,or at least about them;he would then have asked us about ourselves,drawn us out,and sent us away with some good advice, a handshake,and a smile.他会询问我们父母的情况,或许还认识他们,至少是知道他们;他会询问我们的情况,鼓励我们跟他畅谈,临别时还会给我 们一些忠告,微

7、笑着和我们握手告别。Benjamin was one of 17 children,all of whom were expected to help support the large Franklin household.household 英 /?ia?sh?ld/n. 一家人本杰明家共有17个孩子,每人都要为养活这个大家庭出力。As a young child,he worked in the shop of his father,a soap and candlemaker,but this work did not appeal to a boy who loved to read

8、 and study.appeal 英 /?0i?n.呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉;吸引力,感染力,魅力;启发,打动v.呼吁,恳求;上诉,申诉,诉请裁决;对有吸引力,有感染力;启发,劝说,打动很小的时候,富兰克林就在父亲经营的制造肥皂和蜡烛的作坊里干活。但是这种工作对一个喜欢读书学习的孩子来说实在没有意思。Therefore,when he was 12,Benjamin was sent to assist his habfrother James who had a printing shop.于是12岁的时候,本杰明就被送到同父异母的哥哥詹姆斯的印刷所里帮忙。There,surrounded

9、by books,young Ben would often stay up late into the night reading on a wide range of subjects;and as he read,he practiced improving his own style of writing.于在那里,年幼的本杰明被包围在书海之中,他常常待到深夜,广泛阅读各种题材的书籍;他一边读书,一边练习提高自己 的写作风格。In 1921,James began publishing a newspaper,the New England Courantcourant/kur dnt

10、/n. 报纸; 新闻 (仅用于报纸名) 1921年,詹姆斯开始出版一份报纸-新英格兰报Benjamin secretly wrote articles for the paper under the pen name of“ Dame Silence Dogood ” ,putting them urprinting shop late at night so that his brother would not know the articles were his.dame英/de?n/ n.夫人;年长妇女本杰明悄悄地用笔名“想做好事的沉默女士”为报纸撰稿,深夜将稿件放在印刷所的门缝下面,不

11、让哥哥知道文章是他写的。They were full of humor and wise observations of life in Boston,Franklin s birthplace,and the immediately becapublic.observation英/?bz?/Ve?n/n.观察;监视;观察报告文章描写家乡波士顿的生活,诙谐幽默,立刻受到读者欢迎When James was jailed for criticizing the British authorities,young Benjamin took over the publishing of the p

12、aper.jail英/d?e?/n.监狱;监牢;拘留所 vt.监禁;下狱criticize英/?kr?t?sa?z/ v评匕评;评论;非难 vi.批评;评论;苛求詹姆斯因批评英国当局被捕入狱,年轻的本杰明接管了报纸的出版工作。In defense of freedom of speech and the press,he courageously printed a quotation from a London newspaper:thought,there can be no such thing as wisdom;and no such thing as public liberty

13、without freedom of speech;which is the right of every man as far as by it if he does not hurt or control the right of another.”courageous英 /k?/?e/d?s/adj.有胆量的,勇敢的quotation英/kw?e?n/ n.贸易报价单;引用语;引证liberty英/?ti/ n.自由;许可;冒失为维护言论自由和出版自由,他大胆引用伦敦一家报纸上的话:“没有思想自由,就谈不上智慧;没有言论自由,也就谈不上公众自由;这是每一个人天生的权利,只要他不仰仗自己的

14、权利去伤害或者控制别人的权利”After a quarrel with James,Benjamin left Boston to seek his own fortune.quarrel n 英 /?w?r?/第 页共42页第 页 共 42 页n. 吵架,口角;反目,失和;争吵(或抱怨)的原因;方头凿,方头投掷物;方镞箭后来本杰明语詹姆斯发生了一场争执,就离开波士顿,去寻找自己发迹的机会。Failing to find work in New York city,the 17-year-old boy went on to Philadelphia where he found a job

15、as a printersoon had a wide circle of friends.apprentice英/?0rentR/ n.学徒;生手vt.使当学徒vi.当学徒Philadelphia美/,f?d?f?/ n.费城(美国宾夕法尼亚州东南部港市)在纽约市没有找到工作,这个17 岁的小伙子便前往费城,在那里给一家印刷所当学徒,很快便结交了很多朋友。Within a few years,Franklin had married,had started his own printing shop,and was looked upon as a successful young busi

16、nessman.没几年功夫,富兰克林便结婚了,并开了自己的印刷所,成了公认的成功的青年实业家。In 1729,Franklin purchased the newspaper,the Pennsylvania Gazette.Besides the regular news,Franklin included his own articles and editorials alive with humor and wisdom;and soon the paper was the most widely read in all of colonial America.gazette英/ c?/

17、Zet/ n.(英)公报;报纸vt.在报上刊载editorial 英 /?ed?t?ri?l/ adj. 编辑的,主编的;社论的 n. (报刊)社论, (美国电台)评论colonial 英 /k?l?ni?l/n. 殖民地居民;殖民地时期式样的房屋adj. 殖民的,殖民地的; (建筑,家具)殖民地时期式样的; (动物,植物)群体的;受英国殖民统治时期的1729年,富兰克林买下了宾夕法尼亚报。除了登载正常的新闻外,富兰克林还刊登自己撰写的充满机智和幽默的文章和社论;该报很快便成为殖民地时期的美国民众最爱读的报纸。At the same time,Franklin involved himself

18、 in community projects.与此同时,富兰克林积极参与社区的各项事业。He founded,for example,the Junto, a discussion group that met weekly to debate the issues of the day.The Junto was active for 30 years and developed into the American Philosophical Society.junto英/d ?nt?/ n.政治集团;秘密结社;团体debate英/d?be?/n.辩论;(正式的)讨论 v.(尤指正式)讨论,

19、辩论;仔细考虑develop英/d ?/el?p/vt.开发;进步;使成长;使显影 vi.发育;生长;进化;显露philosophical 英 /f?R?f?d/adj.哲学的(等于 philosophic);冷静的society英/s?Ra?ti/ n.社会;交往;社团;社交界比如,他成立了一个叫“小团体”的时事小组,每周聚会一次,对当时的各种问题展开辩论。“小团体” 一直活跃了 30年,后来发展成为美国哲学协会。He also founded the country s first subscription library and organized Americfighting and

20、fire insuranicst ccenpanies.subscription英/s?bRkrpZ/n.捐献;订阅;订金;签署他还成立了美国第一个捐赠图书馆,创立了美国第一个消防和火灾的保险公司。He helped to improve the local police force and to establish a hospital and a college which later became the University of Pennsylvania.He once said one of his activities,“ I would rather have it said,

21、 he lived useful than他帮助增强地方警察力量,并创办了一家医院和一所大学,就是后来的宾夕法尼亚大学。一次,他曾经这样评价自己的 活动,“我宁愿人们说他生的有用,而不愿他们说他死的富有In 1732,Franklin began the publication of an almanac under the name Richard Saunders(an English astrologer).publication 英 /?D?bl?ke?n/ n.出版;出版物;发表almanac英 /?1m?n?k;勿m ?n?k/ n.年鉴;历书;年历astrologer 英 /?R

22、tr?l?d?(r)/ n.占星家1732年,富兰克林开始以理查德桑德斯(英国一位占星家)的名义出版年鉴。He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years,and it came to be know as Poor Richard s Almanacannually 英 /?nju ?li/ adv.每年;一年一次 此后他每年都出版一本,一直出了 25年,这就是后来人们所熟悉的穷人理查德历书。As Franklin said in his autobiography: I endeavored to make it both ent

23、ertaining and useful.I considered it a proper vehiclconveying instructions among the common people who bought scarcely any other books:I therefore filled all the little spaces thatoccurred between the remarkable days in the calendar with proverbial sentences chiefly such as inculcated industry and f

24、rugality.autobiography/, ?:t?ubai? g?fi/n.自传endeavor 英 /?ndev?/ n 努力;尽力(等于 endeavour) vi.努力;尽力(等于 endeavour) vt.努力;尽力(等于 endeavour)entertaining /,ent?teini?/adj.有趣(味)的,引起乐趣的,令人愉快的;娱人的,使人得到娱乐的consider英/k?n?!?(r)/ vt.考虑;认为;考虑到;细想 vi.考虑;认为;细想vehicle英/劭?望/ n.车辆车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物convey英/k?n?/e? vt.

25、传达;运输;让与scarcely英/Rke?sli/ adv.几乎不,简直不;几乎没有;决不; 刚就;仅仅,刚刚;勉强,刚;根本不可能;不可能,不会calendar英/Ml?d?(r)/ n.日历;天历法;日程表vt.将列入表中;将排入日程表proverbial英/pr?v?bi?l/ adj.谚语的;众所周知的;谚语式的inculcate英/?nk?lke?/ vt.教育;谆谆教诲;教授;反复灌输Industry 英 /?nd?stri/ n.产业;工业;勤勉frugality 英 /fru ?g?l ?ti/ n.俭省,节俭正如富兰克林在自传中所言:“我尽量让它既有娱乐性,又有实用性我把它

26、当作是适合在普通人(他们几乎不买其它任何第 页 共 42 页把日历上那些重要的日子之间的空白全部填满。书籍) ” 中间传输知识的工具; 因此我就用那些教人勤奋和节俭的格言警句,汉译英容闳容闳,生于公元 1828 年,卒于公元 1912 年,号纯甫,广东香山(今中山县)人,近代著名的爱国者、杰出的社会活动家和 向西方学习的先驱。Rong Hong,his literary name Chunpu,was born in Xiangshan(now Zhongshan Country),Guangdong Province in 1828 and died in 1912.He was an ar

27、dent patriot of modern China,a prominent social activist and a pioneer who encouraged learning from the West. 1. “字”英语中作“ style name”; “号”英语中作“literary name”literary 英 /?l?t?r?ri/ adj. 文学的;书面的;精通文学的.ardent英/?Rnt/ adj.热情的;热心的;激烈的;燃烧般的.patriot 英 / ?p?tri ?t; ?pe?tri ?t/ n. 爱国者.prominent 英 /?pr?m?n?nt/

28、 adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的5.social英/?/ adj.社会的,社交的;群居的n.联谊会;联欢会.pioneer 英 /?pa?n?(r)/ n. 先锋;拓荒者vt. 开辟;倡导;提倡 vi. 作先驱.encourage doing sth容闳出生在贫苦农民家庭,童年时,父亲为把他培养成买办,设法将他送到澳门,在英国人创办的一所小学里受教育。Though Rong Hong was born into a poor peasant s family,his father,in the hope of making him a comprador,managed to sen

29、school in Macao set up and run by the British,for elementary education.peasant 英 / ?peznt/n. 农民;乡下人.comprador/,k cmpr?d?/n.买办(旧中国的);中间人.elementary 英 /?el?mentri/ adj. 基本的;初级的; 化学 元素的1847 年,在香港一些英美人士的赞助下,容闳赴美留学,进入了马萨诸塞州孟松学校。In 1847,sponsored by some Americans and Englishmen then living in Hong Kong,h

30、e went to the United States and entered MonsonAcademy in Massachusetts.sponsor英/?p?ns?(r)/n.赞助者;主办者;保证人 vt.赞助;发起.academy英/?%?d?mi/n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校毕业后,他又考入著名的耶鲁大学。在大学里,他发奋苦读,克服了数学基础差和费用不足的种种困难,终于以优异的成绩获得了文学学士学位。After he graduated from Monson,he took the entrance examinations and enrolled in the famou

31、s Yale University where he workedvery hard,overcoming difficulties in mathematics and shortage of funds and,he got his bachelor degree with honors.enroll 英 /?nr?l/ vt. 登记;使加入;把.记入名册;使入伍vi. 参加;登记;注册;记入名册.overcome 英 / ?v?Tk?m/vt.克服;胜过 vi.克服;得胜.bachelor英/?D?t ?l?(r)/ n.学士;单身汉;(尚未交配的)小雄兽容闳是第一个毕业于美国大学的中国

32、留学生。He was the first Chinese ever to have graduated from an American university.容闳长年学习生活在国外,大学毕业后,他的生活习惯和内在气质,都已与中国同胞截然不同。但是他没有忘记自己是炎黄子孙,对祖国始终充满了爱。Having lived and studied in the United States for many long years,he had adopted a lifestyle and developed a makeup totally different from that of his co

33、untrymen by the time he graduated from the university.But he never forgot he was a Chinese descendant and he cherished a deep love for his country.adopt 英 /?d?pt/ vt. 采取;接受;收养;正式通过vi. 采取;过继.descendant英/d?Send?nt/n.后裔,子孙;(由过去类似物发展来的)派生物;(机器等)后继型产品为了用自己的知识报效祖国,离开耶鲁后,容闳毅然拒绝了留在美国的劝诱,回到了祖国的怀抱。Upon gradua

34、tion from Yale,he was offered opportunities to stay in the United States,urged by his desire to apply what he had learned to the well-being of his motherland,he rejected the offers and returned to China。容闳回到祖国后,看清了清政府的腐朽落后和国家的贫弱。But Rong Hong returned only to find a poverty-stricken country under a

35、corrupt government.corrupt 英 /k?r?pt/ adj. 腐败的,贪污的;堕落的面对现实,他忧国忧民。The stark reality set him worrying about the future of his country and its people.stark英/stcfk/adj.完全的;荒凉的;刻板的;光秃秃的;朴实的对比中西社会,他认识到,要使中国富裕强盛,就必须向西方学习。He realized,by the sharp contrast between China and the West,if China ever hoped to be

36、 a powerful and prosperous country,it had to learn from the West.contrast英/?ntr dSt/n.明显的差异,对比,对照.prosperous英 /?)r?sp?r?s/ adj.繁荣的;兴旺的当时他的主张主要有两点:一是培养通晓西方文化科学知识的各种人才;二是引进西方先进技术,发展民族工业和交通运输业。He had two objectives that stood out in his mind then:firstly, China had to train talents equipped with a good

37、 knowledge of Westernculture and science;secondly,it had to introduce advanced technology from the West to develop its national industry,communications and transportation.1.objective 英 /?b?d?ekt?v/ n. 目的;目标; (军事行动的)攻击目标;物镜;宾格2.talent 英 /?t?l ?nt/n. 才能;天才;天资为了实现自己的主张,容闳不辞辛劳、四处奔走、寻觅可行的途径。He begun to r

38、un about,trying to seek possible means to this end.就在这时,曾国藩为了兴办洋务,广泛招聘人才,向容闳发出了邀请。 1863 年 9 月,容闳应邀到达安庆,入曾国藩大营。At that time Zeng Goufan,busy recruiting people for his Westernization drive,issued an invitation to Rong Hong.InSeptember,1863,Rong Hong went to Anqing and joined Zeng in his campaign.recru

39、it 英 /r ?kru?t/v. 征募;聘用;通过招募组建;补充; (非正式)说服; (使)恢复健康n. 招聘;新兵;新成员.westernization 英 /?west?na?ze?n/ n. 西方化;欧美化.campaign英/k?m隼e?i/n.运动;活动;战役,军事行动;竞选到安庆后,容闳向曾国藩提出了建立机器工厂的建议,这个建议与曾国藩建立近代兵工厂的想法不谋而合,曾国藩即授予他出洋购办机器的全权。Rong Hong suggested to Zeng Guofan that a machinery plant be established and ,as his suggest

40、ions coincided with Z ensgidea of setting up a modern munitions factory in China,he authorized him with the mission of purchasing machines from abroad.machinery 英 /m?i?n?ri/ n. 机械;机器;机构;机械装置.coincide英/次?曾融劭vi. 一致,符合;同时发生vi.(在性格、品质等方面)完全一致,相符.munitions 英 /mju?n?n/n. 军火,军需品 v. 供给军需品,供给军火1865 年,容闳从美国订购

41、回了 100 多套机器,为江南总局提供了主要设备。In 1865,Rong Hong bought over one hundred sets of machines from the United States,which constituted the bulk of equipment forJiangnan General Manufacturing Bureau.constitute 英 /?k?nst?tju?t/ vt. 组成,构成;建立;任命.bureau 英 /?bj?r?/n. 局,处;衣柜;办公桌除了兴办近代工业企业,容闳还十分注重培养西学人才。Besides,he di

42、rected full attention to the training of people with Western learning.他两次提议清政府派遣留学生赴美学习。清政府采纳了他的建议,几年内先后派遣了 120 名官费留学生,还任命容闳任中国留学事务所副监督。Twice had he suggested that the Qing government send students to study in the United States and,over the following few years,theQing government,adopting his advice,

43、sent 120 students on government funds and appointed Rong Hong as Vice Superintendent for overseas students affairs.superintendent 英 /?su?p?r?n?tend?nt; ?sju?p?r?n?tend?nt/n. 监督人;负责人;主管;指挥者晚年,容闳定居美国,但是他对于国家的命与前途依然极为关注。In his late years Rong Hong settled in the United States,but his concern for the fa

44、te and future of his country as intense as ever. 对孙中山领导的资产阶级革命运动,他给与了极大的支持。He extended vigorous moral support to the bourgeois revolution under Sun Ya-tsen.vigorous英/?V?g?r?s/ adj.有力的;精力充沛的.moral 英 /?m?r?l/ adj. 道德的;精神上的;品性端正的 n. 道德;寓意.bourgeois英/?b?w a? 1b?Wc? adj.中产阶级的;世俗的;资产阶级的 n.中产或资产阶级分子.revolu

45、tion 英 /?rev?lu?n?/ n. 革命;旋转;运行;循环直到去世前夕,他还不忘叮嘱自己的两个儿子,一定要放弃在美国的职业,回国服务。Till the last days of his life,he kept telling his two sons to quit their jobs in the United States and go back to China and work for its welfare.welfare 英 /?welfe?(r)/ n. 福利;幸福;福利事业;安宁 adj. 福利的;接受社会救济的梁启超曾经说容闳“舍忧国外,无他思想,无他事业也。

46、”The great scholar Mr.Liang Qichao once said”, He had no other thoughts and no other pursuits but concerns for his country”.1.scholar英/&k?l?(r)/n.学者;奖学金获得者2.pursuit 英 /p?sju?t/n. 追赶,追求;职业,工作一位美国人也评价容闳: “他从头到脚,身上每一根神经纤维都是爱国的。 ”对于这些称誉,容闳当之无愧的。An American once remarked”, Rong Hong has a sense of patrio

47、tism in every fiber,from head to foo”t. He certainly deserves these compliments.patriotism 英 /?p?tri ?t?z?m; ?pe?tri ?t?z?m/.deserve英/d?Z?V/ vi.应受,应得vt.应受,应得.compliment 英 /?k?mpl?m?nt/ n. 恭维;称赞;问候;致意;道贺 vt. 恭维;称赞练习英译汉 第一题:.Cam Mcleay has been obsessed with the Nile since his childhood in New Zealand

48、.obsess英/?b?ses/v.使痴迷,使迷恋;使心神不宁,不停地困扰;唠叨;挂牵,念念不忘 卡姆麦克利从孩提时起在新西兰就迷上了尼罗河。.And then on November 7,about 3,300 miles into the trip,local rebels ambushed the expedition,killing colleague Steve Willis.rebel 英 /?rebl/n. 反叛者,叛徒;叛逆者;反抗权威者ambush 英 /?mb?/ n. 埋伏,伏击;伏兵vt. 埋伏,伏击vi. 埋伏expedition 英 /?eksp?d?n/ nS征;

49、探险队;迅速11月7ri,在他们航行了大约3300英里之后到达的地方,探险队遭到了当地反叛者的伏击,他们的同伴史蒂夫威利斯遇难。will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and the brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for benefit of all.harness 英 /?h a ?n?s/?V理,利用;creative 英 /kri?e?t?v/adj.创造性的leverage英/?li?v?r?d?/ n.手段

50、,影响力;杠杆作用;杠杆效率v,利用;举债经营tremendous 英 /tr?mend?s/adj. 极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的talent 英 /?t?l?nt/n. 才能;天才;天资我会挖掘出我们所拥有的创意和才能,并且我们要呼吁那些最优秀和最聪慧的人,为了我们所有人的利益而去最大化地利用他们的才干。4.We have cashed out prosperity and we have grown our economy so much that we now stand in a real danger of undermining hope-running down resour

51、ces,cutting down rainforests and spilling oil into the Gulf of Mexico,changing the climate-the only thing that has remotely slowed down the relentless rise of carbon emission is actually recession.cash outprosperity 英 /pr?sper?ti/ n. 繁荣,成功undermine英/?nd?ma?n/vt.破坏,渐渐破坏;挖掘地基gulf英/ g ?lf/ n海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡

52、remotely 英 /r?m?tli/adv. 遥远地;偏僻地; (程度)极微地,极轻地relentless 英 /r?lentl?s/ adj. 无情的;残酷的;不间断的emission英/?m?n/ n.(光、热等的)发射,散发;喷射;发行recession英/r?se?n/ n衰退;不景气;后退;凹处我们已经预支了繁荣,我们的经济增长过快,使我们处于破坏希望的真正危险 消耗资源、砍伐热带雨林、向墨西哥湾泄露原油、改变气候等等 实际上唯一能让无情增长的碳排放略微放缓的却是衰退。.The system dynamics looks like this:firms produce goods

53、 for households and provide us with incomes. dynamics 英 /da?n?m?ks/ n. 动力学,力学,动态看来,体制的动态状况是这样的:企业为家家户户生产商品,也为我们提供收入。.Many of them are victims of economic dislocation,and it is hard to fault them for seeking a change.dislocation 英 /?d?sl?ke?n/ n.位;混乱;医脱臼他们当中的很多人是经济胡乱的受害者,很难责怪他们求变的心态。.Keynes called th

54、is the“ parado-sxaovfinthgrsiftpull dow” n the economy. paradox 英 /?p?r?d?ks/n. 悖论,反论;似是而非的论点;自相矛盾的人或事thrift英/ 0 r?ft/n节俭;节约;植海石竹卡恩斯称它为 “节俭悖论” -储蓄会削弱经济。.A court in Oslo ruled Wednesday that Norwegian authorities,by holding Breivik in solitary confinement for five years,have breached the European Con

55、vention on Human Rights.Norwegian英/n?wi?d?n/ adj.挪威的;挪威语的;挪威人的;挪威文化的n. 挪威语;挪威人solitary 英 /?s?l?tri/ adj. 孤独的;独居的 n. 独居者;隐士confinement 英 /k?n?fa?nm?nt/n. 限制;监禁;分娩breach 英 /bri?t?/ n. 违背,违反;缺口 vt. 违反,破坏;打破convention 英 /k?n?ven?n/n. 大会;法 惯例;计 约定;法 协定;习俗奥斯陆一家法院星期三裁定,挪威当局将布雷维克单独监禁长达5 年,违反了欧洲人权公约。9.Some o

56、f the rarest days of the year come in the September seaso-ndays when it is comfortably cold but pulsing with life,when the sky is clear and clean,the air crisp,the wind free of dust.pulse 英 /p?ls/ vt. 使跳动 vi. 跳动,脉跳comfortably 英 /?k?mft?bli; ?k?mf?t?bli/ adv. 舒服地;安乐地;充裕地九月有着一年中难得的好时光。天气凉爽宜人,万物生机盎然,天空

57、清澈明净,空气清冽,纤尘不染。10.And asters blossom everywhere,along the roadsides,in meadows,on the hilltops,even in city lots.aster 英 /?st?(r)/n. 植 紫菀属植物blossom 英 /?bl?s?m/ n. 花;开花期;兴旺期;花开的状态;漂亮的人v. 开花;兴旺;成功发展meadow 英 /?med?/ n. 草地;牧场hilltop 英 /?h?lt?p/n. 小山顶紫苑的倩影在道路边、早地上、山顶上,甚至在都市的空地上,都随处可见。第二题Franklin(356 字)In

58、 1757,Franklin went to London as an agent for the colony of Pennsylvania.colony 英 /?k?l?ni/ n. 殖民地;移民队;种群;动物栖息地1775 年,富兰克林作为宾夕法尼亚殖民地的代表来到伦敦。He was later also colonial agent for Georgia,New Jersey,and Massachusetts.colonial 英 /k?l?ni?l/ adj. 殖民的,殖民地的后来又历任佐治亚、新泽西和马萨诸塞的殖民代表。During these years abroad,he

59、 worked hard to bridge the developing division between England and her American colonies.在国外生活的这些年中,他努力弥合英国与其美洲殖民地之间日益增大的裂痕。He had always considered himself a loyal Englishman.consider英/k?n?s?d?(r)/vt.考虑;认为;考虑到;细想 vi.考虑;认为;细想loyal英/?l?l/adj.忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的他一直认为自己是个忠诚的英国人。Gradually,however,his sympathies

60、 became more and more American and less British,and his ideas favoring American independence became stronger. sympathy英 /?s?mp? 0 i/riW情;慰问;赞同然而,渐渐地,他对美国的同情越来越多,而对英国的同情则越来越少,赞成美国独立的思想也越来越强烈。Returning to Philadelphia in 1775 at the start of the American Revolution,Franklin worked tirelessly for the c


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