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1、Unit 6新思维职业英语综合教程 2New Thinking Vocational English Listening and Speaking能够听懂有关预约的英语表达。学会与预约相关的英语表达,能够进行相关话题的日常对话。Reading Intensive Reading:本文介绍了一种新的时尚潮流买二手货或便宜货,并分析了人们之所以喜欢它们的原因。 Extensive Reading:本文描述了在业务出现问题时,不同的公司对待顾客的两种截然相反的处理方式,并分析了这两种方式对其品牌所带来的影响。通过学习本文,要使学生了解顾客对企业的重要性。Practical Writing了解商务信函

2、的作用、分类和基本内容,掌握商务信函的基本写法。Language GuideGrammar Focus:掌握it的用法。Enjoying English理解幽默故事大意并且能够复述。Objectives4Section A Listening and Speaking1235Section B Reading Section C Practical WritingSection D Language Guide Section E Enjoying English HighlightsSection A Listening and SpeakingSentencesDialoguesTopic

3、 IntroductionPassageStituational Dialogue 想使你的生活变得轻松、快捷吗?那就预约 (make a reservation) 吧!通过预约,可以节省时间,提高生活效率。你可以向剧院预订演出票,向餐馆预订座位,向酒店预订房间,还可以预约医生、理发师、律师。似乎一切都可以预约!但预约之后,不要轻易取消 (cancel),否则,你可能会损失手续费 (processing fee) 哦!Topic Introduction Could we have a table by the window? A. All right.2. What kind of room

4、 do you want? A. Id like a suite with an ocean view. 3. What flights to London do you have tomorrow? A. We have flight 1076 and 1091. 4. When am I supposed to check in? B. The check-in time is 8:45.5. Have you got any vacancies for tonight? C. Yes. What kind of room would you like? SentencesDialogue

5、sNew Wordsbureau n. 办事处double adj. 供两者用的reschedule v. 重新安排appointment v. 预约,预定book up 订完available adj. 可获得的Dialogue 1M: Hello, Id like to book a table for three this evening.W: What time would you like the reservation for?M: 7 would be best, or maybe 7:30.W: Please give your name, and at 7 this even

6、ing well have a table for you.Q : What is the man doing?Dialogue 2W: Hongda Hotel. Can I help you?M: Here is Beijing Business Bureau. Im calling to make a reservation of a room.W: What kind of room do you want?M: A double one for me and my head, Mr. Wang.Q : What does the man want to book? ScriptDia

7、logue 3W: Hello, Beijing Hotel. What can I do for you?M: I have a reservation tonight. I need to cancel that. I have had a last-minute change of plans.W: I see. Your name, please? And would you l ike me to reschedule you for another night?M: Michael Lee. Ill let you know as early as possible. Q: Wha

8、t does the man want to do?Dialogue 4M: Good morning. I made an appointment with Mr. Smith at 10.W: May I know your name, sir?M: I am Br ian Stock, manager from ABC company.W: Follow me, please, Mr. Stock. Mr. Smith is waiting for you in his office.Q : What can we get from the dialogue?Dialogue 5M: I

9、d like to book a ticket on Flight 5215 to Hong Kong on February 16th.W: Sorry, sir. Weve booked up on 16th. But we still have a few seats available on 17th. M: OK. I will take it.Q : When will the man leave for Hong Kong? 1. A. He is booking a table for dinner. 2. D. One double room. 3. A. To cancel

10、 his reservation. 4. B. Mr. Stock comes to meet Mr. Smith. 5. C. On February 17th. AnswersPassageNew Wordsprivate tour 独立成团duration n. 持续时间confirmation n. 确认join-in tour 散客成团submit vt. 提交deposit n. 订金 Nowadays, online ordering is one of the most convenient ways to book a tour. While booking online,

11、first you should make sure the type of the tour you are going to take: private tours, small group tours or join-in tours. Next, fill in the order sheet where the price and tour duration are marked and submit it. The total cost will be calculated automatically. After submitting your order, an order n

12、umber will be created. Please remember this number because you will use it to check your order confirmation. Your order will be confirmed by the travel agency within 24 hours. If your order is confirmed, you will be required to make a deposit. There will be a link referring you to the payment web pa

13、ge. After the deposit is paid, the travel agency will e-mail you a final confirmation of all the booking details. It means that you have successfully booked a tour. Script1. How to book a tour online. 2. Three.1. F2. T 3. F 1. online ordering 2. order sheet 3. make a deposit 4. booking details Answe

14、rsSituational Dialoguessuite n. 套间rate n. 价格,费用courtyard n. 庭院refund v. 退款refundable adj. 可退还的New Words and PhrasesNotesWe have single rooms, double rooms, and suites. 我们有单人房、双人房、以及套房。Activities(R=Receptionist, S=Mr. Smith)R: Hello, Beijing Hotel, reservation desk. Can I help you?S: Yes. Id like to

15、make a reservation of a room from July 10 to 15.R: What kind of room would you like, sir? We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Chinese, Japanese, British, French and presidential styles.S: A double room in Chinese, please. What are your rates?R: 650 yuan for one night for

16、a double room in Chinese style facing the courtyard. We can give a discount of 15% if you book a common one. S: OK. Id like one facing the courtyard. By the way, does the price include the breakfast?R: Sure. And, sir, we need a one-night deposit.S: Do I have to pay a deposit? If I cancel the reserva

17、tion, can I have a refund for my deposit?ActivitiesR: If you cancel your reservation within 3 days, your deposit is fully refundable. We only charge a small amount for processing fee.S: Thats reasonable.R: Could you give me your name, please?S: The last name is Smith.R: Mr. Smith, double room in Chi

18、nese style facing the courtyard from July 10 to 15. We look forward to welcoming you.Section B ReadingIntensive ReadingExtensive ReadingIntensive ReadingExercisesWarm-up Exercises TextVocabularyWarm-up Exercises I. 1. 顾客的投诉是我们值得学习的教科书。 2. 照顾好一位顾客,比10 000美元的广告还超值。 3. 如果我们不关心顾客,有人会的。 4. 顾客是你上班的原因。如果他们

19、走了 ,你也得走。 5. 永远不要小看一位愤怒的顾客的力量。 Bargains Become More and More Popular Stepping into the most popular clothes stores in Britain or the US, you may be surprised by whats hanging from the rails. There will be coats with rips in the pockets and shoes scuffed at the heellasting traces of the items previou

20、s owners. Yes, these clothes are second-hand. But if youre a young fashionista, you certainly wont view them as second-rate.VocabularyStructureNotesText Several years ago, before the recession hit the Western world, the clothes at second-hand clothing markets were seen as worn and old-fashioned and

21、the customers more so. But today, as young people dont have much cash in hand, second-hand clothing has made a comeback.VocabularyStructureNotes “ I dont see shopping in second-hand shops as a worse choice at all,” said 24-year old Fran Hall, a recent graduate of Kings College London.“ You can find

22、some great stuff there and people are always impressed if they like something yourewearing and you tell them its from a second-hand shop,” Fran continued.“ I guess people just think about what a great bargain youve got.” Its not only bargain basement fashion stores that have become popular. In the U

23、Ks Poundland shops, which stock everything from make-up to dog biscuits, business is prosperous. Each shop stocks about 3 000 products, including 800 big-name brands, and most importantly, every item is priced at 1 (11 yuan) or less.VocabularyStructureNotes How do the shops make money if they sell a

24、t such low prices? Manufacturers, it seems, are willing to bring down prices in return for big volume purchases. Of course, success is also down to the huge numbers of customers the stores attract. And surprisingly perhaps, the millions of shoppers that pass through Poundland come from all classes.

25、Accordingly, the shops perform just as well in both rich and poor neighborhoods.VocabularyStructureNotesPartParagraphMain Idea1Para. 1Para.2Second-hand clothes become more and more popular. 2Para. 3Para. 4The reason of the rise of second-hand items. 3Para. 5Para. 6UKs Poundland shops attract both ri

26、ch and poor people with low prices.StructureTextVocabularyNotesbargain n. 便宜货 vt. 讨价还价hang vi. 悬挂rail n. (固定在墙上用来挂东西的) 横杆rip n. 裂口scuff vt. 磨损heel n. (鞋、靴子等的) 后跟;脚后跟trace n. 痕迹 previous adj. 先前的,以往的TextStructureNotesVocabularyNew Words TextStructureNotesfashionista n. 超级时尚迷second-rate adj. 二流的,平庸的,普

27、通的recession n. (经济) 不景气;后退old-fashioned adj. 过时的 basement n. 地下室prosperous adj. 兴旺的;繁荣的brand n. 品牌,牌子manufacturer n. 制造商volume n. 数量;音量;卷册purchase n. 购买的物品 vt. 购买view sb./sth. as 把视为 make a comeback 东山再起be willing to do sth. 愿意bring down 降低(价格);推翻in return for sth. 作为对的回报be down to sb. 依赖,仰仗(某人)pass

28、 through 经过,路过TextStructureNotes Phrases and ExpressionsNotes But today, as young people dont have much cash in hand, second-hand clothing has made a comeback.。可如今,由于年轻人手头并不宽裕,所以二手服装也就正式回归了。本句中,as作为连词,引导原因状语从句。as引导原因状语从句时,其语气不如because强,通常为附加说明的理由,且是已知晓的原因,主句与从句没有逻辑上的因果关系。e.g. As she was not well, I

29、went there alone.因为她身体不好,所以我独自到那里去了。TextStructureVocabularyNotes 此外,as还可以引导时间状语从句、方式状语从句、让步状语从句和比较状语从句。e.g. She rose up as he entered. 当他进来时,她站了起来。You should do as the teacher tells you. 你应当依照老师所说的去做。Hard as it was raining, they went on workingin the fi eld. 虽然天下大雨,但他们继续在田地里干活。He doesnt work as hard

30、 as I (do). 他不像我工作那样努力。TextStructureVocabulary Reading Comprehension hanging traces previous worn recession comeback bargain prosperous Manufacturers purchases Exercisesdiscover发现: 指先于他人首次发现已经存在的东西,或出乎意料地发现。e.g. 1) The new star was discovered by a Chinese scientist. 2) We got chatting and discovered

31、 wed been at college together.find发现;找到;查明:指偶然发现,发现某事属实,或经过寻找、研究等才得到了所需要的东西或丢失的东西,强调动作的结果。e.g. 1) I found that letter which was buried in some papers on my desk. 2) She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement. 3) He at last found a clue to the puzzle.detect发现,查明:正式用词,强调经过周密观察或

32、研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。e.g. 1) They detected no defect in the product. 2) We could detect no triumph in his eyes.Vocabulary Practice 1. discovered 2. detect 3. found 4. discovered 5. found 6. discovered 7. detect 8. foundII. 1. manufacturer 2. purchase 3. volume4. recession 5. old-fashioned6. traceII

33、I. 1. bring down 2. am willing to 3. in return for 4. passed through 5. were down to 6.view asExercises1. He lost the last election but hopes to make a comeback next time. 2. Haveyouhadpreviouscareerexperience? 3. Nike is my favorite brand of shoes. 4. Ive been wondering where to hang my new picture

34、 5. The city is becoming more and more prosperous.II. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C Translation TrainingExtensive ReadingStructure Unhappy CustomersBrand TerroristsPartParagraphMain Idea1Para. 1Mistakes often occur in business and they are harmful. 2Para. 2Para. 5There are two extremes of dealing with the pro

35、blems, which will have different effects to the company. 3Para. 6It introduces how the best businesses will deal with unhappy customers.Exercises1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. CSection C Practical WritingBusiness LetterBusiness Letter 商务信函是商务交际的重要工具,其功能是传递业务信息。商务信函种类繁多,如商洽函、询问函、请求函、订货函、任命函、祝贺函、推销函等。一、商务信函的基

36、本内容 商务信函同私人信函一样,通常由信头、日期、信内地址、称呼、正文、结尾礼词、签名等部分构成。此外,根据需要可添加参考编号、经办人、事由、附言、附件、抄送等要素。信头商务信函一般都印有信头,包括公司的名称、地址、电话号码、传真号及电子邮件地址等,有些会将经营项目、注册商标和公司董事、经理等姓名一并印在信头上。参考编号和日期发信人为了在收到对方回信之后能尽快识别与自己发出的哪一封信有关,收信人在回复时为了使对方能够尽快处理自己的信件,通常都会在各自的信笺上写上参考编号与日期。 信内地址信内地址通常包含收信人的姓名、头衔、公司名称和投递地址等。 经办人经办人指公司、机关中负责某一具体事物的职员

37、的真实姓名。有些商务书信不便发给个人,需要发给公司。事由事由又称为“主题”,要简明扼要,直接写明信件的重点,使人不必读完全信即可了解信的内容。签名 签名一般包括公司名称、写信人的手写签名、写信人的打印签名、写信人的头衔。附件附件一般包括产品目录、订单、发票、样品或样品图片、价目表、报价单等。 抄送署抄送部分用于告诉收件人还有哪些人收到这封信。二、商务信函的基本格式 商务信函的格式与私人信函的格式基本相同,只是部分格式略有不同。 商务信函特有的部分格式如下:参考编号位于信头的最后一行;经办人位于称呼上方;事由位于称呼下方12行处;附件在签名下注明,与签名间隔12行,从左侧顶格写;抄送位于信件最后

38、的左下角。三、商务信函的常用表达信头参考编号和日期参考编号可由Reference (可缩写为Ref), Our Reference, Your Reference等引出,可以是英语字母、数字、多种组合或者其他缩写形式。经办人经办人可由Attention (of) 引出 (Attention可以缩写为Attn)。 称呼Dear Jack Dear Mr./Ms.+姓氏用Dear Madam or Sir, Dear Sir(s)/Madam/Mesdames/Gentlemen, To whom it may concern事由事由可由Subject (可缩写为Sub) 或者Re引出,也可在事由

39、下加着重号而不用引导词。 正文商务信函中,习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、参考编号、主题及简单内容加以综合叙述,或利用开头语作必要的自我介绍。 结尾礼词商务信函的结尾礼词较为正式 签名 附件 附件前需要写上Enclosure或其缩写Encl或Enc,如果附件不止一项,应写成Encls或Encs,并应注明有几个附件,以方便收信人查点。例如:Enclosure (1);Encl: One check; Encls: Catalogue and 2 Photos。抄送抄送内容以CC或者CC to开头。 商务信函的写作要求 商务信函写作要注意“7C原则”,即清楚、简洁、正确、具体、礼貌、体谅

40、和完整。 (1) 清楚 (clarity):使读者一目了然,没有艰涩难懂或产生误会之处。 (2) 简洁 (conciseness):言简意赅地表达所需表达的意思,同时又无损于书信的完整和礼貌。 (3) 正确 (correctness):正确的商务信函不仅表现为语法恰当,标点符号和词汇拼写正确,还要求叙述正确,提供的事实和数字无误,写作格式规范、技巧运用恰当以及商业术语正确。 (4) 具体 (concreteness):避免采用模糊、大概和抽象的词语和语句,应尽量运用具体的事实和数字,一般使用主动语态来陈述内容。 (5) 礼貌 (courtesy):及时是商务信函写作的礼貌之首。此外,应避免使用

41、可能激怒、伤害对方的言辞或语气,语调上要尽可能站在客户的立场上做到互惠互利。 (6) 体谅 (consideration):发信人应尽可能从收信人的立场来考虑问题,在分析对方会如何理解信息的基础上,提供其所需要的信息。 (7) 完整 (completeness):信函内容必须力求完整,要包括写信人希望收信人做出积极反应的一切情况,或是回答来信所提出的全部问题和要求。I. Shenzhen Mingshang Industrial Co., Ltd 21C, Hangdu Buliding, No. 1006, Huafu RdShenzhen 518031P. R. of China Ref:

42、 C8310November 10, 2009Beckman Instruments, Inc.1120 Lincoln StDenver, CO 80203USAExercisesAttn: Mr. Peter Johnson, Sales ManagerDear Sirs:Sub: Asking for PriceYour firm has been recommended to us by Betty Corp. with whom we have done business for many years. We are interested in your digital camera

43、s. Will you kindly send the information about the price and the after-sales service?Yours truly, SHENZHEN MINGSHANG INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD Black WangBlack WangProcurement ManagerCC: Elizabeth Clinton, AccountantExercisesII.Eastman Kodak, Inc. 2800 Forest AvenueDallas, TX 75234-7596USARef: C1264 (参考编号:

44、C1264)September 14, 2009 (日期: 2009年9月14日)Chang Xing Co., LtdNo. 120 Lishi RdXicheng District, Beijing 100034P. R. of China (信内地址: 中国北京市西城区礼士路120号长兴商贸公司, 100034)Attn: Mr. Michael Lee, ManagerDear Sirs: Sub: Quote (事由: 报价)Many thanks for your inquiry of the l0th of September. (非常感谢贵公司9月10日来函询价). We en

45、close our catalog and price list. Our prices include postage and packing. The goods can be delivered immediately from stock. Whats more, we would grant you a discount if your quantity were big enough. Awaiting your early orders. (盼尽早下订单).Yours faithfully, (结尾礼词)Tom GreenSales ManagerEncls: Catalogue

46、 and Price List (附件2份: 产品目录与价目表)Section D Language GuideGrammar FocusThe following are sentences with “it”. Compare the usage of “it” and find out the differences.It was nearly midnight when she came back.It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.It is your understanding that I am looking for. It d

47、epends, and I cant assure you of this.It is my mother on the phone.Finding FeaturesGrammar FocusThe Usage of “It”it可做人称代词,构成强调句型,做形式主语或宾语,也可用于某些固定短语中。一、做人称代词 (1)代替前面提到过的事物、动物、婴儿、未知的人和事情等,避免重复。 (2)it可用作指示代词,指代天气、时间、日期、距离、度、量、衡、自然现象、环境等。作此用法时,it在句中找不到它所代表的词语。二、构成强调句型 it可构成强调句型:it is/was+所强调的成分+that/wh

48、o+其他成分。被强调的部分是人时,可以用who代替that。 三、做形式主语或宾语 当句子的主语或宾语是不定式、动名词或者从句时,为了保持句子平衡,常用it做形式主语或宾语代替它们,而把真正的主语或宾语后置。 1. it做形式主语替代不定式的常用句型 (1) It is+形容词+(of sb.) +to do sth. 该句型中,sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。句中的形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的词,常见的有bad, brave, careless, clever, cruel, foolish, honest, horrible, kind, lazy, modest, naughty, polite, rude, silly, stupid, wise, wrong等。 (2) It is+形容词+(for sb.)+to do sth. 该句型中的形容词通常是表示事件的重要性、紧迫性、频繁程度、难易度、安全等情况的词,常见的有important, necessary, easy, hard, difficult, safe, dangerous, common, normal , unusual, rare, impossible, pleasant等。 2. it做形式主语替代动名词的常见句型 (1) Its no


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