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1、Pricing StrategiesChapter 120ObjectivesLearn the major strategies for pricing imitative and new products.Understand how companies find a set of prices that maximizes the profits from the total product mix.1ObjectivesLearn how companies adjust their prices to take into account different types of cust

2、omers and situations.Know the key issues related to initiating and responding to price changes.2Price is #1 factor influencing choice of cellular companiesPrices in wireless industry dropped 25% in three years Few companies were profitablemLife ad campaign attempted to build the AT&T wireless brand

3、so consumers would consider value rather than just priceCampaign met with strong initial success mLife: AT&T WirelessCase Study3DefinitionsMarket-Skimming PricingSetting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from segments willing to pay the high price.Market-Penetrat

4、ion PricingSetting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market share.4Product Line PricingSetting price steps between product line items. Price pointsOptional-Product PricingPricing optional or accessory products sold with the main productProduct Mix

5、 Pricing Strategies5Captive-Product PricingPricing products that must be used with the main product High margins are often set for suppliesServices: two-part pricing strategy Fixed fee plus a variable usage rateProduct Mix Pricing Strategies6By-Product PricingPricing low-value by-products to get rid

6、 of themProduct Bundle PricingPricing bundles of products sold togetherProduct Mix Pricing Strategies7Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographicalInternationalTypes of discountsCash discountQuantity discountFunctional (trade) discountSeasonal discount

7、AllowancesTrade-in allowancesPromotional allowancesStrategies 8Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographicalInternationalTypes of segmented pricing strategies:Customer-segmentProduct-form pricingLocation pricingTime pricingAlso called revenue or yield

8、managementCertain conditions must exist for segmented pricing to be effectiveStrategies 9Conditions Necessary for Segmented Pricing Effectiveness Price Adjustment StrategiesMarket is segmentableLower priced segments are not able to resellCompetitors can not undersell segments charging higher pricesP

9、ricing must be legalCosts of segmentation can not exceed revenues earnedSegmented pricing must reflect real differences in customers perceived value10Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographicalInternationalThe price is used to say something about the

10、 product.Price-quality relationshipReference pricesDifferences as small as five cents can be importantNumeric digits may have symbolic and visual qualities that psychologically influence the buyerStrategies 11Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographic

11、alInternationalTemporarily pricing products below the list price or even below costLoss leadersSpecial-event pricingCash rebatesLow-interest financing, longer warranties, free maintenancePromotional pricing can have adverse effectsStrategies 12Promotional Pricing Problems Price Adjustment Strategies

12、Easily copied by competitorsCreates deal-prone consumersMay erode brands valueNot a legitimate substitute for effective strategic planningFrequent use leads to industry price wars which benefit few firms13Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographicalIn

13、ternationalTypes of geographic pricing strategies:FOB-origin pricingUniform-delivered pricingZone pricingBasing-point pricingFreight-absorption pricingStrategies 14Price Adjustment StrategiesDiscount / allowance SegmentedPsychologicalPromotionalGeographicalInternationalPrices charged in a specific c

14、ountry depend on many factorsEconomic conditionsCompetitive situationLaws / regulationsDistribution systemConsumer perceptionsCost considerationsStrategies 15Initiating Price Cuts is Desirable When a Firm:Has excess capacityFaces falling market share due to price competitionDesires to be a market sh

15、are leaderPrice Changes16Price Increases are Desirable:If a firm can increase profit, faces cost inflation, or faces greater demand than can be supplied.Methods of Increasing PriceAlternatives to Increasing PriceReducing product size, using less expensive materials, unbundling the product.Price Chan

16、ges17Buyer reactions to price changes must be considered.Competitors are more likely to react to price changes under certain conditions.Number of firms is smallProduct is uniformBuyers are well informedPrice Changes18Respond To Price Changes Only If: Market share / profits will be negatively affecte

17、d if nothing is changed.Effective action can be taken: Reducing price Raising perceived quality Improving quality and increasing price Launching low-price “fighting brand”Price Changes19Pricing within Channel LevelsPrice-fixing Competitors can not work with each other to set pricesPredatory pricing Firms may not sell below cost with the intention of punishing a competitor or gaining hi


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