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1、香港朗文版小学英语教材各册目录Chapter 6 A fashi on show(武汉 深圳 广州等外国语学校专用教材)香港朗文版小学英语1AChapter 1 Start ing schoolChapter 2 Nice to meet you!Chapter 3 My toysChapter 4 My pen cil caseChapter 5 We can do it!Chapter 6 Look at me!香港朗文版小学英语1BChapter 1 Choos ing a petChapter 2 Our pet frie ndsChapter 3 Wild an imalsChapt

2、er 4 More about ani malsChapter 5 Happy mome nts叮叮小文库Chapter 1 Weather and seas ons 香港朗文版小学英语2AChapter 1 Coming to schoolChapter 2 About meChapter 3 People who help meChapter 4 People at workChapter 5 Sig ns we seeChapter 6 Places in the park香港朗文版小学英语2BChapter 1 Buying sn acksChapter 2 Our favourite

3、 foodChapter 3 My dayChapter 4 Help ing at homeChapter 5 Sports we likeChapter 6 Activities we like香港朗文版小学英语3A叮叮小文库Chapter 2 More about our frie nds Chapter 2 Festivals we likeChapter 3 Our school eve ntsChapter 4 At the school fairChapter 5 Things at homeChapter 6 A trip to the beach香港朗文版小学英语3BChap

4、ter 1 Open dayChapter 2 Help ing othersChapter 3 Camp ingChapter 4 In the holidaysChapter 5 Our bodiesChapter 6 Whe n I was young香港朗文版小学英语4AChapter 1 Knowing our frie nds叮叮小文库Chapter 2 Turning over a new leaf Chapter 3 Whe n our gran dpare nts were youngChapter 4 Five hun dred years agoChapter 5 Ani

5、 mals big and smallChapter 6 Won derful placesChapter 7 Ricky lear ns a less on香港朗文版小学英语4BChapter 1 Join our clubChapter 2 Roles in fun placesChapter 3 Holiday pla ns in Hong KongChapter 4 A visit to Hong KongChapter 5 Food from around the worldChapter 6 Orderi ng foodChapter 7 The Choc-a-Rock Banan

6、 a-Rama Cake香港朗文版小学英语5AChapter 1 Chan ges at home叮叮小文库Chapter 3 Whats the matter?Chapter 4 Lending a handChapter 5 Favourite FestivalsChapter 6 A public hoildayChapter 7 JPC in action香港朗文版小学英语5BChapter 1 TeamworkChapter 2 Excit ing experie ncesChapter 3 Eat ing habitsChapter 4 Advice on eati ngChapt

7、er 5 Enjoyi ng n atureChapter 6 Help save the ani malsChapter 7 The new Cin derella香港朗文版小学英语6AChapter 1 When I grow up-5叮叮小文库Chapter 7 Our graduati on cere mony Chapter 2 My hobbies over the yearsChapter 3 Our polluted pla netChapter 4 Help save the earthChapter 5 Shoppers paradiseChapter 6 Special peopleChapter 7 Can you keep a secret?香港朗文版小学英语6BChapter 1 Study toursChapter 2 Explori ng LondonChapter 3 Ge


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