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1、每天黄昏,我奶奶在家翻阅杂志。 Every evening my grandma _ _ magazines at home.2. 我们应把自己的错记在笔记本上。 We should _ _ our mistakes in our notebooks. looks throughwrite down3. 他们的家庭生活和我们的相似。 Their family life is _ _ ours.4. 如果你告诉他实情,他会很生 气,但至少你证明了自己是老实的。 If you tell him the truth, hell be angry with you, but _ _ youll pro

2、ve youre honest. similar toat least5. 在回家的途中,我要去我女儿学 校接她。 On my way home, I have to go to my daughters school to _ her _.6. 如果你们有什么问题,请随时举手。 If you have any questions, feel free to _ _ your hands. pick upput up7. 确认一下你们手否都有飞机票。 _ _ youve got the air tickets.8. 我叔叔以前是个司机,而现在他 是工程师。 My uncle _ _ be a

3、driver, but now hes an engineer.Make sureused to9. 假设每个人都为保护环境做出贡 献,这个世界将变得更加美丽。 The world will become more beautiful if everyone _ a contribution to _ the environment. makesprotecting10. 这所房子两年前属于我姑姑。 The house _ _ my aunt two years ago.11. 这些巧克力都是手工制作的。 These chocolates are all made _ _. belonged

4、toby hand12. 我九岁时去小电台求过职。 I _ _ a job at small stations at the age of nine.13. 那时他在努力算出这道数学题。 He was trying hard to _ _ the maths problem at that time. asked forwork out14. 史密斯先生说话很慢以便学生们 能够听清楚。 Mr. Smith speaks slowly _ _ the students can hear him clearly. sothat15. 我没去那家公司,而是经理去的。 The manager went

5、 to the company _ _ me.16. 他是一个很容易相处的人。 He is easy to _ _ with. instead ofget on(along)17. 突然,我房间的灯都熄灭了。 Suddenly, the lights in my room _ _.18. 如果想翻开录音机,按蓝色按钮。 If you want to _ _ the recorder, press the blue button. went offturn on19. 普及全世界的人们都庆祝新年。 People _ _ the world celebrate the new year.20. 如

6、果你对此感兴趣的话,请填写 这张申请表。 If youre interested in it, please _ _ the application form. all over fill in21. 你认为哪一种嗜好所占空间最小? Which hobby do you think _ _ the least space?22. 事实上我正在学习汉语。 _ _ Im learning Chinese. takes up In fact23. 这要取决于季节、月亮或太阳 的变化。 This can _ _ the seasons, the moon or the sun.24. 他的新小说何时问

7、世? When is his new novel _ _? depend oncoming out25. 昨晚我被一阵噪音吵醒。 I was _ _ by a big noise last night.26. 最重要的是,博物馆是免费的。 _ _, the museum is free. waked upAbove all27. 所有的信息都已从电脑中删除。 All the information has been _ _ the computer.28. 昨天在放学回来的路上我顺便 去了玛丽家。 I _ _ at Marys on my way home from school yesterday. taken offdropped in29. 一开始我有一点孤独,但是那里 的人们很友好。 I was a bit lonely _ _, but people there are friendly.30. 自从我们在学校认识之后,我们 就一直是好朋友。 Weve been friends _ _ we met at school. a


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