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1、Ningbo meishan bonded area highend residential recreation zone宁波梅山岛保税港区高档居住休闲区22 January 2010FIRST INTERIM PRESENTATION初期概念汇报contents目录01_项目简介和基地位置PROJECT BRIEF & SITE LOCATION02_基地分析SITE ANALYSIS 03_案例分析CASE STUDIES04_比例尺度研究SCALE STUDY05_ 现行总规检查CURRENT DCP REVIEW06_ 总平面概念设计 MASTER PLANCONCEPT 07_ 片

2、区设计意向KEY AREAS DESIGN INTENT01 Project Brief & Site Location项目简介和项目位置New stage of landfill on Meishan Island to extend developable land. A new road and bridges to link two islands to the mainland梅山岛回填土地的新舞台,拓展开发用地。一条新路和若干座桥将两座岛屿与大陆相连。01Project Brief & Site Location项目简介和项目位置_Port Corridor _Residentia

3、l/Recreation Corridor _Commercial Core_港口走廊_住宅/休闲走廊_商业核心01Project Brief & Site Location项目简介和项目位置Regional Function区域功能分析Site01Project Brief & Site Location项目简介和项目位置02 Site Analysis基地分析Topography_Major peaks_Major ridges地形_主体山峰_主体山脊400m600m400m400m400m400m400m02Site Analysis基地分析Visual Analysis_Vistas视

4、觉分析_远景02Site Analysis基地分析Edge of rangeHighest PeakValley ViewHeadland06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念View 视线结构平面开放空间_海岸公园拓展太多,以致进入了高端住宅区_休闲功能未整合入港口开放区Structure Plan - Open Space_Coast park extending too far into high-end residential area_harbour open space not integrated with recreation functionsPublic

5、park along coastlineOpen space at harbour/marinaPrimary active public open spacePrimary scenic zone02Site Analysis基地分析结构平面水_运河系统可与住宅区进一步整合_环岛运河交通的潜力Structure Plan - Water_Potential for canal system to be further integrated with residential_Potential for canal transport to around islandPrimary active

6、 precinct主要活动片区Major rivers and canals leading to Business District引向商业区的主河流和运河Harbour/Marina海港/码头02Site Analysis基地分析03 Case Studies案例分析Dubai Maritime City_Reclaimed land_Trading port & Residential/Commercial Marinas_Incomplete迪拜海事城_回填土地_商贸港口和住宅/商贸码头_非完整03Case Studies案例分析Dubai Maritime City_Signatur

7、e building at end of peninsular, draws attention to the location of marina迪拜海事城_位于半岛尽头的标志建筑;聚焦码头吸引力03Case Studies案例分析阿姆斯特丹博尼奥波伦堡_回填土地_水滨住宅Borneo-Sporenburg, Amsterdam_Reclaimed land_Residential Waterfront03Case Studies案例分析阿姆斯特丹博尼奥波伦堡_整合水滨和建筑_混合的房型_造型人行桥将完善连续性Borneo-Sporenburg, Amsterdam_Integrated w

8、ater and buildings_A mix of housing types_sculptural pedestrian bridges to improve connectivity03Case Studies案例分析达尔文滨水_回填土地_娱乐休闲住宅_滨水住宅_码头_第一阶段已完成Darwin City Waterfront_Reclaimed land_Recreational Waterfront_Residential Waterfront_Marina_Stage 1 Complete03Case Studies案例分析Darwin City Waterfront_Water

9、 / buildings are integrated_Internal bay_Separate Swimming area adjacent to harbour connects active and passive uses_New bay can be a sculpted form within previous landfill达尔文滨水城_水体/建筑相融合_内部海湾_靠近港口的独立游泳池将动态空间和静态空间相连_在之前的回填地中新海湾可以造型形式展现03Case Studies案例分析纽约巴特里公园_回填土地_休闲娱乐水滨_水滨住宅Battery Park City, New

10、York_Reclaimed land_Recreational Waterfront_Residential Waterfront03Case Studies案例分析纽约巴特里公园_建筑从滨水边缘拔地而起_维持笔直的街道将视线延续到水滨Battery Park City, New York_Buildings step-up from waterfront edge_Maintain straight street lines for views to water03Case Studies案例分析A A mix of housing types . Borneo-Sporenburg ,

11、Amsterdam 多种房型 阿姆斯特丹博尼奥波伦堡B Pedestrian bridges as points of interest . Borneo-Sporenburg , Amsterdam 人行桥成为港口亮点 阿姆斯特丹博尼奥波伦堡C Signature building at end of peninsular, draws attention to the location of marina Maritime City, Dubai 标志性的建筑位于半岛低端,将视觉聚焦于码头迪拜海事城D Separate Swimming area ,adjacent to harbour,

12、 connects active and passive uses Darwin Waterfront City, 靠近港口的独立的游泳区将动态和静态区域连接达尔文滨水城03Case Studies-Conclusions案例分析-总结H Buildings step-up from waterfront edge Battery Park City, New York 建筑从滨水岸边拔地而起纽约巴特里公园F New bay can be sculpted form within previous landfill Darwin Waterfront City 新海湾可在已经成型的回填地中形成

13、造型达尔文滨水城G Continue straight streets through site for water views Battery Park City, New York 延续笔直街道视线以获得水滨景观纽约巴特里公园E Increase frontage for increased value (Land/water integration) Darwin Waterfront City, 增加滨水区以达价值提升效果(土地/水体相整合)达尔文滨水城 03Case Studies-Conclusions案例分析-总结04 Scale Study 尺度研究纽约曼哈顿_基地面积与与整个

14、金融区和巴特里公园作比较Manhattan, New York_site area is comparable to the entire financial district and Battery Park City04Scale Study尺度研究青岛奥帆中心_码头_中国范例Olympic Sailing Centre, Qingdao_Marina_China Precedent04Scale Study尺度研究基地与码头_与青岛奥帆中心作比较_总平港口区过大,而形状欠缺可行性Site & Harbour_Compared with Qingdao Olympic Sailing Ce

15、nter_Master Plan Harbour Area is too large and the shape needs to be made more practical04Scale Study尺度研究05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨There is little integration between water and development land. Also, the water frontage lacks variation. 水系没有与发展用地相整合, 两者互相独立,缺少联系; 水岸线缺少变

16、化The harbor shape is impractical, because the marina shape is too long and boats will be far fromentertainment use. 游艇码头形状过于单调,不适合码头功能的整合。05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨The marina and future open space around it, need to be better connected to the surrounding development land.游艇码头的开放空间与其它发 展用地之间缺少联系, 没

17、有 成为一个整体,同时也没有 有效利用码头资源。05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨The green belt s at both sides of Hutang river are about 225m which conflict with the high-end residential which requires privacy and isolation.地块西面掩护塘河两侧的公共 绿化带宽约225米。会吸引一定 的人流量,对居住休闲区的私 密性和休闲性造成一定的影响。05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨The single-ended f

18、orm of the site will not create a balanced development. It would also not be accessible by all pedestrians.由游艇码头形成的单一公共 中心的模式,不利于后期的 发展, 也不符合人的步行 尺度。 05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨The sea wall is too formal and rigid, from the perspective of landscape, height of the sea wall is too high to view.海塘为了满足

19、防潮的功能, 形式过于机械, 从景观的 角度来看,海塘的高度太 高,影响视线。05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨According to current DCP, the 100m green space next to the river, ground floor and first floor will not have ocean view.According to previous master plan, when the green space sets back 20mfrom the river, ground floor has not ocean v

20、iew.根据CAD图纸,当绿地退后河道100米,底层和二层建筑没有海景;根据原总规,绿地退后河道20米,底层建筑没有海景。05 Current DCP Review 现有总规检讨06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Urban Morphology 城市演变06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Interface- Land and Water 界面- 水与陆地06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Water Space and Function 水空间与功能Edge of range

21、Highest PeakValley ViewHeadland06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念View 视线06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念View 视线06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念View 视线06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Dum-bell Structure “哑铃”结构Option One 方案一Wave Pool 游泳池View Tower 观景台Eco/ History Education Centre 自然/历史教育中心Hospital 医院School 学校Commercial

22、Basin城市水景广场Neighborhood Centre/Local Park邻里中心Landmark Hotel 酒店Yacht Club游艇俱乐部Super Yacht Marina 游艇码头Eco Marina 生态码头Harbor Park 海湾公园Sailing Club(Youth)青年帆船俱乐部Performance Centre演艺中心06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Land Use 土地利用06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Road Network 道路结构06 Mast

23、er Plan Concept 总平面概念Open Space 开放空间06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Water System 水系06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Density 开发强度06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Density 开发强度06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Development Parcel 开发地块06 Master Plan Concept总平面概念06 Master Plan Concept总平面概念Option Two 方案二06 Master Plan Concept

24、总平面概念Dam 堤坝Dam 堤坝Wave Pool 游泳池View Tower 观景台Eco/ History Education Centre 自然/历史教育中心Hospital 医院School 学校Commercial Basin城市水景广场Neighborhood Centre/Local Park邻里中心Landmark Hotel 酒店Yacht Club游艇俱乐部Eco Marina 生态码头Harbor Park 海湾公园Super Yacht Marina 游艇码头View Tower 观景台High End Residential高层Performance Centre演

25、艺中心Option Two 方案二06 Master Plan Concept总平面概念06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Land Use 土地利用06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Road Network 道路结构06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Open Space 开放空间06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Water System 水系06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念Density 开发强度06 Master Plan Concept 总平面概念06 Master Plan C

26、oncept 总平面概念Development Parcel 开发地块07 Key Areas Design Intent 片区设计意向 Hard Edge Waterfront硬质堤岸100年一遇潮水位+4.52常水位+0.68低潮水位-1.207Key Area Design Intent片区设计意向 Hard Edge Waterfront硬质堤岸07Key Area Design Intent片区设计意向 Soft Edge Water front软质堤岸100年一遇潮水位+4.52常水位+0.68低潮水位-1.207Key Area Design Intent片区设计意向 Soft

27、Edge Waterfront软质堤岸07Key Area Design Intent片区设计意向 Soft Edge Water front 软质堤岸07Key Area Design Intent片区设计意向Cultural Building Maritime Museum_Propose culture building maritime museum between the planned bridge and the harbour as gateway building文化建筑-海事博物馆_在规划的桥与游艇港湾处设置文化建筑,如海事博物馆,作为春晓到基地的标志建筑 Soft Edge Water front 软质堤岸Water Sport_Swimming, banana boating, water ski, parasailing, snork


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