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1、A Systemic Functional Linguistics Approach to Translation Studies系统功能语言学视角下的翻译研究Huang Guowen (Sun Yat-sen University)中山大学 黃国文近年来我们的有关研究黄国文 2001,语篇分析的理论与实践, 上海:上海外语教育出版社。黄国文 2002,关于语篇与翻译,外语与外语教学2002第7期。黄国文 2006,翻译研究的语言学探索, 上海:上海外语教育出版社。张美芳、黄国文 2002,语篇语言学与翻译研究,中国翻译2002年第3期。黄国文、张美芳 2003, 从语篇分析角度看翻译单位的确

2、定,(香港)Translation Quarterly, 2003(30)。黄国文:功能语言学分析对翻译研究的启示, 外语与外语教学,2002 (5)。黄国文:杜牧清明英译文的逻辑功能分析, 外语与翻译,2002 (1)。黄国文:清明英译文的人际功能探讨, 外语教学, 2002 (3)。黄国文:从语篇功能的角度看清明的几种英译文,钱军 编 语言学:中国与世界同步 , 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2002。黄国文:唐诗英译文中的引述现象分析, 外语学刊2002 (3)。黄国文:对唐诗寻隐者不遇英译文的功能语篇分析, 解放军外语学院学报,2002(5)。黄国文:古诗英译文里的时态分析,四川外语学

3、院学报2003(1)。黄国文:汉英语篇比较研究的功能语言学尝试,外语与外语教学2003(2)。黄国文:从天净沙 秋思的英译文看 “形式对等”的重要性,中国翻译2003(2)。黄国文:静态与动态在翻译中的表现 柳宗元的江雪英译文分析,外语与翻译2003(1)。黄国文:翻译研究的功能语言学途径。中国翻译2004(5)。黄国文:形式的选择与意义的体现古诗英译文中的人称问题研究。外语艺术教育研究2004(4)。黄国文:古诗英译分析的语言学尝试。外语论坛2006(1)。黄国文:关于功能语言学与翻译研究。王东风 编功能语言学与翻译研究广州:中山大学出版社,2006。Outline1 Introductio

4、n: Two general approaches to translation studies2 Functional Linguistics3 Functional Linguistics and translation studies4 Hallidayan functionalism in translation studies (Catford, Hatim & Mason, Bell, Baker)5 SFL approach revisited (assumptions, functional views of language, levels of analysis)6 Ill

5、ustration: “Jiang Xue”7 Summary1 Introduction: Two approachesTwo approaches to translation studies:(1) Linguistics (formal vs functional)(2) LiteraryTranslation studies as a scienceTranslation as an artTranslation as a practice and translation studies as a inter-discipline or a multi-discipline2 Fun

6、ctional LinguisticsLinguistics:(1) Formal linguistics (e.g. generative linguistics)(2) Functional linguistics (including Systemic Functional Linguistics, Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, etc.)2 Functional LinguisticsFunctionalism in linguistics(1) Prague Schoo

7、l Linguistics (V. Mathesius, R. Jakobson, J. Firbas, N. Trubetzkoy)(2) London School Linguistics (J. Firth)(3) Copenhagen School (L. Hjelmslev) (4) French functionalism (A. Martinet )(5) Systemic Functional Linguistics (M. Halliday)2 Functional Linguistics(6) Autonomist functionalism or generative f

8、unctionalism (S. Kuno, E. Prince)(7) Functional grammar (S. Dik)(8) Text/Discourse grammar (van Dijk)(9) Mixed functionalism (S. Levinson)2 Functional Linguistics(10) Typological functionalism (W. Croft)(11) Role and Reference Grammar (R.D. van Valin, W.A. Foley)(12) West Coast Functionalism (T. Giv

9、n, P. Hopper, S. Thompson)(13) Cognitive linguistics (R.W. Langacker)Note that different functional approaches are usually related in one way or another. E.g., Halliday was Firths student and both were influenced by the Prague School. Both Halliday and Firth came from a European tradition influenced

10、 by de Saussure (esp Halliday) (as was the Prague School to some extent). What is clear is that there are influences rather than hierarchies involved here.3 Functional Linguistics and translation studiesAs a practice, the history of translation is as old as that of the human society.In terms of theo

11、retical approaches to translation studies, almost every linguistic theory/model has something to offer to the study of translation (as a theory or as a practice).Thus, one can say that there are more than 10 “functional linguistics” approaches to translation studies.3 Functional Linguistics and tran

12、slation studiesThere are a number of important functional approaches to translation studies. Below are three major ones:(1) Hallidayan functionalism (M. Baker, B. Hatim, R. Bell, J. House)(2) German functionalism (K. Reiss, H. Vermeer, C. Nord, J. Holz-Manttari)(3) Pragmatics/Mixed functionalism (E-

13、A. Gutt, L. Hickey)3 Functional Linguistics and translation studiesBasic assumptions:Viewing language as a means of communicationEmphasizing cognitive, socio-cultural, physiological factorsRegarding semantic, pragmatic, functional patterning as centralDoing analysis of texts and their contextsTransl

14、ation is translating meaning!4 Hallidayan functionalism in translation studiesBackground (neo-Firthian )Developments of Hallidayan linguistics: four stages(1) 1961-: Scale and Category Grammar(2) 1966-: Systemic Grammar(3) 1970-: Functional Grammar (Systemic Functional Grammar)(4) 1978-: Systemic Fu

15、nctional LinguisticsHalliday develops his theory of language from the study of syntax. From “a theory of syntax” to “a theory of language”Scale and Category Grammar, Systemic Grammar, Functional Grammar, Systemic Functional Grammar, Systemic Functional Linguistics4.1 Catfords approachJ. C. Catford,

16、A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics, 1965. (卡特福德翻译的语言学理论;穆雷译. 北京旅游出版社 1991)Notes: (1) Based on Scale and Category Grammar; (2) An Essay in Applied LinguisticsIn 1956, the University of Edinburgh established the first School of Applied Linguistics under the direction o

17、f J.C. Catford.翻译的语言学理论目录 (穆雷译)第一章:普通语言学理论第二章:翻译的定义和基本类型第三章:翻译等值第四章:形式对应第五章:意义和完全翻译第六章:转移第七章:翻译等值的条件第八章:按音位学原理的翻译,或称音位翻译第九章:按字形学原理的翻译,或称字形翻译第十章:音译第十一章:语法翻译和词汇翻译第十二章:翻译转换或翻译转位第十三章:翻译中的语言变体第十四章:可译性的限度“早在1965年,J.C. Catford 就试图用M.A.K. Halliday (1956, 1961)的阶和范畴语法思想来建立一个基于语言学的翻译理论模式,他所说的诸如“语境”(Context)和“

18、语境意义”(Contextual Meaning)这些概念都是源于Halliday及其老师、伦敦学派的奠基人J.R. Firth的语言学理论。” (黄国文 2004)“Catford(1965)以系统语言学为基础,提出了翻译对等论。他认为,翻译实践的中心问题是寻求等值成分:等值关系可以在 层面 (levels, 语法、词汇、语音、词形等) 和 等级 (ranks, 语法结构、句子、短语、词、词素等) 的任何一个交叉点上建立。” (黄国文 2003)DefinitionTranslation: the replacement of textual material in one language

19、 (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL). (Catford 1965)翻译是用另一种语言(译语)的等值的文本材料来替换一种语言(原语)的文本材料。(穆雷 译1990)“textual material”“textual material” (rather than “text”): it is not the entirety of a SL which is translatedReplacement: replacement of SL grammar and lexis by equivalent TL

20、grammar and lexisReplacement of SL graphology by TL graphology but the TL graphological form is by no means a translation equivalent of the SL graphological form“equivalent”“The central problem of translation practice is that of finding TL translation equivalents. A central task of translation theor

21、y is that of defining the nature and conditions of translation equivalence.”“transference”“at one or more levels there may be no replacement at all, but simple transference of SL material into the TL text.”In normal translation, the TL text has a TL meaning. The values of TL items are entirely those

22、 set up by formal and contextual relations in the TL itself.However, it is possible to carry out an operation in which the TL text, or part of the TL text, does have values set up in the SL (i.e. has SL meaning). Catford calls this process “transference”.In translation, there is substitution of TL m

23、eanings for SL meanings: not transference of SL meanings into the TL. In transference there is an implantation of SL meanings into the TL text. These two processes must be clearly differentiated in any theory of translation.“textual equivalence” vs “formal correspondence”“A textual equivalent is any

24、 TL text or portion of text which is observed on a particular occasion to be the equivalent of a given SL text or portion of text. ”“A formal correspondent, on the other hand, is any TL category (unit, class, structure, element of structure, etc.) which can be said to occupy, as nearly as possible,

25、the same place in the economy of the TL as the given SL category occupies in the SL.”穆雷. 评卡特福德的翻译的语言学理论J 外语教学1990 (2):37林克难. 重新认识卡特福德翻译理论 J 天津外国语学院学报 2001(1)刘文华 梁燕.卡特福德翻译等值论中的翻译的转移及对语言教学的启示 J 鞍山师范学院学报 2004(3)范祥涛. 从卡特福德到翻译规律的探讨 -兼论语料库翻译研究的意义J 外语研究 2006(2)孙乃荣 王秀娟.语言学翻译理论评介J.安徽工业大学学报 2006(6) 4.2 Approa

26、ch by Hatim & Mason Hatim & Mason (1990) takes a functional discourse approachRegister analysisDiscourse structureTextureText typeContextIntertextuality and intentionality4.3 Bells approachBell (1991) focuses on elements in communicationWhat?Why?When?How?Where?Who?4.4 Bakers approachBaker (1992) foc

27、uses on “equivalence”:Equivalence at word levelEquivalence above word levelGrammatical equivalenceTextual equivalencePragmatic equivalence 5 SFL approach revisitedRevisiting the Systemic Functional Linguistics approach to translation studies5.1 Basic assumptionsA translated text is different from th

28、e original text in terms of context of co-text, context of situation and context of culture.A functional linguistics approach to the analysis of a translated text is a functional linguistics study of the text and its context.5.2 A functional view of languageLanguage as meaning-potentialChoices of la

29、nguage are meaningful in relation to the system of choices available (what could have been said but was not)Language as metafunctionalIdeationalInterpersonalTextualLanguage as multi-stratal(Discourse) SemanticsLexicogrammarPhonology / Graphology The traffic light system Stop Slow down RED Go AMBER G

30、REENMeaning (is realized by) FormLanguage as meaning-potentialHe is my father/dad. 父亲。他是我 爸爸。 老窦。 Meaning as metafunctionalIdeational metafunctionInterpersonal metafunctionTextual metafunctionIdeational equivalenceInterpersonal equivalenceTextual equivalenceIdeational equivalenceA. He is a teacher o

31、f English. (Relational process)B. He teaches English. (Material process)(1) 他是英语老师。(关系过程)(2) 他教授英语的。(物质过程)Interpersonal equivalence窈窕淑女,君子好逑。(诗经)A good young man is wooing a maiden fair he loves. (许渊冲 译,1992) The lad is keen to woo the lass, a very dream.(赵彦春 译,2002)A lad would like to woo a lass wi

32、th pretty looks.(汪榕培 译,1997)Textual equivalenceThey arrived at the airport yesterday afternoon and were met by the mayor of Beijing there. (passive)(1)他们昨天下午到达机场,北京市市长到那里接见了他们。(主动语态)(2)他们昨天下午到达机场,便受到北京市市长的接见。 (被动语态)5.3 Levels of analysis (1) Ideology(2) Context of Culture: genre (schematic patternin

33、g)(3) Context of Situation: register (field, tenor, mode) (4) Context of co-text: language (Ideational, Interpersonal, Textual) 5.3 Levels of analysisMetafunction: Transitivity (process types: material, mental, relational, verbal, behavioral, existential), Ergativity, Voice; Speech role (offer, stat

34、ement, command, question), Mood (declarative, indicative, interrogative), Modality (modalisation, modulation); 5.3 Levels of analysisThematic structure, Information structure, Cohesion (reference, ellipsis, substitution, conjunction).Grammatical metaphor (ideational, interpersonal, textual)Groups an

35、d phrasesClauses5.3 Levels of analysisClauses in combinationTypes of relations between clauses: logical dependency relations (dependence/ hypotaxis; equality/parataxis); logico-semantic relation: (a) expansion: elaboration, extension, enhancement, (b) projection: locution, idea)6 Illustration: “Jian

36、g Xue”Illustrations: River Snow柳宗元江雪 6. Illustration: “Jiang Xue” 江 雪 柳宗元 千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。 孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。6. Illustration: “Jiang Xue”Text 1: River SnowA hundred mountains and no bird,A thousand paths without a footprint;A little boat, a bamboo cloak,An old man fishing in the cold river-snow. (Witter Byn

37、ner 译)6. Illustration: “Jiang Xue” Text 2: The Snowbound RiverOer mountains and mountains no bird is on the wing;On thousand lines of the pathways theres no footprint.In a lone boat on the snowbound river, an old man,In palm-bark cape and straw hat, drops his angle string. (吴钧陶 译)6. Illustration: “J

38、iang Xue” Text 3: River SnowfallAmidst all mountains, birds no longer fly;On all roads, no more travelers pass by.Straw hat and cloak, old mans in boat, head low,Fishing alone on river cold with snow. (王大濂 译)6. Illustration: “Jiang Xue”T1: Thing (nominal groups)T2 & T3: Situation (clauses)T1 & T2: State (relational, existential)T3: Event (material)6. Illustr


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