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1、有关安全生产文章关于安全生产的文章关于安全生产的文章“宁愿听到骂声,不愿听到哭声”浅析自己对安全生产管理的认识 作为一名安全管理人员,我很喜欢安全格言,如果遇到新鲜的就要记下来, 比如“严是爱,松是害,疏忽大意事故来。严是爱,松是害,保障安全利三代。” 这些安全顺口溜,之所以能够流传,是因为说的都是大实话。“严是爱,松是害”,说得非常有道理,但有道理,未必人人能接受。严格 管理,管理行为很严厉,避免了事故,也可能会招来反对埋怨牢骚甚至是咒骂;松 是害,管理松松垮垮,领导不敢得罪人,没出事故“你好我好大家好”,出了事故 造成伤亡,受害者流血又流泪,被处罚人也会受到很大的挫折。所以,还有一句大 家

2、耳熟能详的话:“宁愿听骂声,不愿听哭声。”这哭声和骂声里面有学问,往深 里说:哭声和骂声密切关联,互为前提。有骂声可能就没哭声。如果管理不严格, 没有骂声,出了事故哭过之后,还会有更大的埋怨。对哭声和骂声的关系,有不少 人整天研究,就是没人公布研究成果。曾经有人说过忽视安全生产就是对职工犯 罪。对安全要严加管理,要明知山有虎,偏向虎山行。宁听骂声,不听哭声。安全 生产都表现在具体小事上。大事故都是有小违章引起的,没发生事故前的事是小 事,发生了就是大事。要坚决从小事抓,抓小事,成大事;抓小事,防大事。找事 的目的是为了不出事。违章不一定出事,但出事肯定是违章。对习惯性违章,不能 习惯性不管。人

3、们的每次违章并不肯定导致事故发生,100次违章可能也不会发生 一次事故,但也可能一次违章你就连感到遗憾的机会都没有了。你能把握违章发生 事故的随机性吗,答案是肯定的:不能。你愿意将自己的安全建立在“幸运”的基础 上吗,肯定不会说到底最最关键的还是控制不安全的行为及潜在的危险,靠大家 的安全意识和安全责任。骂声中委屈的是安全管理人员;哭声中受伤害的是员工。无论是哭声,还是骂 声,我相信不会有人愿意去听。心情本来好好的,突然挨顿骂,那感觉可远远超过 一盆脏水泼在身上;净听到些哭声,也不会好受到哪儿去。“宁愿听到骂声,不愿 听到哭声”,只是在二难条件下的一种无奈选择。安全生产领域有一个十分重要的“海

4、因里希”事故法则,是美国著名安全工 程师海因里希提出的300?29?1法则。这个法则意思是说,当一个企业有300个隐 患或违章,必然要发生29起轻伤或故障,在这29起轻伤事故或故障当中,必然包 含有一起重伤、死亡或重大事故。这一法则用于企业的安全管理上,即在一件重大 的事故背后必有29件“轻度”的事故,还有300件潜在的隐患。()了解“海因里 希法则”的目的,是通过对事故成因的分析”p ,让人们少走弯路,把事故消灭 在萌芽状态。如果我们把“海因里希”的300:29:1安全法则,从另一个角度去理解就能更 好做好安全生产了。即培养一个良好习惯,必须经过29次重大改进或纠正,每次 改进和纠正就要做3

5、00次的重复动作。也就是说,为了培养员工良好的安全习惯, 需要进行多次反复的改进和完善,而每一次改进和完善之后,又要经过无数重复动 作和严格认真地落实,最终达到实现员工养成一个良好习惯的目的。从以上的要求 中,我们不难发现要培养员工的良好习惯,不是一件容易的事情,要经过艰苦的努 力才能成功。在日常的安全管理过程中管理人员要勇于做“黑脸包公”,要从查找人的不 安全行为抓起,不搞下不为例。美国著名的杜邦公司曾经作过事故统计,安全生产 事故归根到底96是由人的不安全行为造成的。心理学上有个“破窗效应”。美国 斯坦福大学心理学家菲利普?辛巴杜找来两辆一模一样的汽车,分别把他们放置在 中产阶级社区和杂乱

6、街区。他把停在中产阶级社区的那辆车的车牌摘掉,顶棚打了 个洞。结果这辆车一天之内就被人偷走了。而放在杂乱街区的那辆车摆了一个星期 却仍旧完好无损。而把这辆车也打了一个洞,结果仅过几个小时这辆车也被偷 走了。如果有人打坏一栋楼的窗玻璃却不被制止,受这块玻璃的暗示,可能就有人 去打破更多的玻璃。作为一名安全管理人员千万不能做过头,为了听骂声而听骂声;不要成为偏执 狂,就是要听骂声,爱听骂声。这就走向了安全管理的反面。有的媒体的褒奖宣 传,塑造了让人难以接受的安全管理者形象。我们把这个宣传的形象描绘下来,是 什么样的呢,“铁青的面孔,铁石的心肠,铁打的手腕”,说话掷地有声,吐口吐 沫都能把地板砸几瓣

7、儿。这简直就是不食人间烟火的机器人。如果这样的机器人是 最好的安全管理者,那我们这些人做的工作,还不如交给机器去做。人和其他动物 的区别是人具有主观能动性,具有独立的思维方式,安全管理者不能是机器人。为 了不听到哭声,宁可听骂声,前提是同情心,是责任感,是人的感情存在,是人性 化的一种表现。如果管理者没有人性,没有脸皮,没有自尊心,任什么人骂都不 怕,反而有意去找骂,这实际上变现出一种不好的管理心态。我们在安全管理上见 到最多的是批评、严肃批评甚至是勃然大怒。依我看,只要管理者主观上没有恶 意,作为员工都应该接受。“听得进批评,才没有哭声”。“严是爱,松是害”,严格是为了员工不受伤害,是为了员

8、工自己好。员工 应该理解严格管理的出发点。如果别人为他好,他还要骂别人,那实在是不知好歹 了,是素质问题。管理上按制度去办,无论什么岗位,无论什么身份,安全面前, 安全管理面前,安全管理制度面前,一视同仁。受到处罚,员工有什么理由去骂管 理者,要骂只能骂制度,而制度不是针对员工每一个人制定的,骂制度也毫无道理 可言。当然,安全管理没有哭声没有骂声,只是理想境界。没有哭声,是我们追求 的结果;没有骂声,很多情况下不太可能。因为,人们的利益不同,思想认识不 同,修养水平不同,受到处罚的反映也不同。但是,我们在管理中可以做到的是公 平,“一碗水端平”,任何人没有话说。管理要人性化,尊重他人尊重自己,

9、让 被管理者知道管理者的良苦用心,才能达到“没有骂声也没有哭声”的安全管理理 想局面。Ne_tPage“Would rather hear the quarrelling sound, unwilling to hear the cry sound” on my own understanding of the management ofproduction safetyAs a safety professional, I am very like safety aphorism, if encounter fresh going down, such as strict is the lo

10、ve, the pine is the evil, careless accident.Strict is the love, the pine is the evil, protect safety benefit three generation. This safety patter can be spread, because said is the truth.“Strict is the love, the pine is the evil, said very reasonable, but justified, not everyone can accept.Strict ma

11、nagement, management is very strict, avoids the incident/accident, may also be brought against plain even cursing; pine is the evil, management slack, leading dare not offend a person, not an accident good position everyone I am , the accident casualties, victims of bloodshed and tears, the person b

12、eing punished will be greatly frustration.Therefore, there are a people for having heard it many times as saying: “would rather hear thequarrelling sound, unwilling to hear the cry sound. The cries and condemning the inside knowledge, deep said: crying and condemning the closely related, each premis

13、e.A favor may not cry.If the management is not strict, not condemning, accident after crying, there will be agreater blame.To cry and condemning the relationship, there are many people who study, is not being published research results.Someone once said that ignores safe production is the worker cri

14、me.On the safety management to strictly, to knog that mountain tiger, toward danger.Listen to voices, do not cry.Safety production performance in specific matters.Big ancient capital is a small violation caused by the accident never hened before, it is trivial, produced is important.Toresolutely fro

15、m small catch, catch thing, event; grasping things, and events.The purpose is to find not to have an accident.Violation is not must have an accident, but the incident is certainly illegal.Onhabitual violation, cannot be used no matter.People are not sure every violation cause accident occurs, the 10

16、0 violation may not be an accident, but may also be a violation you even have no chance to regret.Can you hold violation accidents randomness? The answer is yes: not.Would you like build your safety base on the lucky”?Certainly not! In the final analysis, the most critical is to control the unsafe b

17、ehavior and potential risk; we rely on the sense of safety and safety responsibility.Favor of grievance is safety management personnel; the crying of hurt is the employee.Whether it is crying or swear, I dont believe there are people willing to listen.The mooNe_tPaged was good, suddenly and scolding

18、, that feeling can be much more than a basin of the slops in the body; hear the cry ofthe , not by where to go.“Would rather hear the quarrelling sound,unwilling to hear the cry, but in two difficult under the conditions of a helpless choice.Safety production areas have a very important Heinrich acc

19、ident principle” is a famous American Safety Engineer Heinrich proposed 300: 29: 1.This principle means that, when a pany has 300 hidden orviolate the rules and regulations cases, must have 29 minor injuries or fault, in the 29 minor accident or fault, must contain one seriousinjury, death or seriou

20、s accident.The rule for the safety management of enterprise, i.e.in a major accident must be behind 29 piece mild accident, there are 300 potential pitfalls.Understanding of Heinrich principle , is based on the cause of the accident analysis, let people take less roundabout way, the accident nipped

21、in the bud.If we put the “Heinrich principle” of 300: 29: 1 safety rules, from another perspective to understand better the safe production.Is to cultivate a good habit, must go through 29 major improvements or corrected each improvement and correction to do 300 times to repeat the action.That is to

22、 say, in order to train staff of good safety habits, needs to be repeated many times to improve and perfect, and every time to improve and perfect, and after numerous repetitions and scrupulously fulfill, finally achieves realizes the employee to develop a good habit .From the above requirements, we

23、 discover not hard to nurture good habits, not an easy thing to do, to go through the hard efforts to succeed.In the daily safety management process .the professional should dare to do black-faced , from look unsafe behavior to grab, do not to be taken as a precedent.The famous American pany DuPont

24、once accident statistics, production safety accident in the final analysis 96 is caused by peoples unsafe behavior.Psychology has a broken dow effect.The United States Stanford University psychologistPhilip Zimbardofind two cars as like as two peas car, respectively, setting them in the middle class

25、 munity and mi_ed and disorderly block.He parked in a middle-class neighborhood of the car that took off, ceiling hole.Results the car was stolen only one day.Put in mi_ed and disorderly block that car still intact before a week.But the car also hit a hole, only a few hours of this car was stolen.If

26、 someone broke a building dow glasses is not prohibited by the glass, hint, and might have to break more glass.As a safety professional do not overdo it, in order to lis Ne_tPageten to and hear voices cursing; not to be paranoid, it is listen to the voices, to hear voices.It was against gone to the

27、safety management.Some media praise for publicity, create unacceptable safety managers image.We put the publicity image depicting down, what is it? “Livid face, heart of stone, iron wrist, speaks e_tremely elegant and valuable, spat can give the floor a few petals.This is simply as the robot behavio

28、r.If the robot is the best safety managers, that those of us who do the work, rather than to the machines to do.The difference between human beings and animals is that people have the initiative, independent thinking, safety management is not robot.In order not to hear the cry, would rather listen t

29、o voices, the premise is passion,responsibility, is the peoples feeling, it is a manifestation of human nature.If managers are not human, no face, no pride, what people call are not afraid, but intends to call, which actually show a good management mentality.Here give an e_le of city management: as

30、some city management officers, found business stall hawker, like mopping up see things move then penalty, see some, “grisliness. just to pay no heed.Me etdifferent people take different methods to treatment.deliberatelyfinding fault in the management are e_tremely rare, we see in safety management i

31、s the most serious criticism, or even fly.In my opinion, as long as the management on subjective intention is not bad, the employee should accept.“Listen to criticism, no cry.“Strict is the love, the pine is the evil, strictly to the employee from harm to ensure their own good.Employees should understand the strict managemen


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