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1、Lectures on Reading in DepthFeng 问题类型1问题类型一:主旨题 2问题类型二:细节题3问题类型三: 推理题 4问题类型四:词汇题5问题类型五:态度问题根据问题内容的不同,这类问题可分为主题型、标题型和目的型 。常见的命题方式: 1)What is the main idea (subject) of this passage ? 2)What does this passage mainly (primarily) concerned ? 3)The main theme of this passage is _. 4)The main point of the

2、 passage is_.5)Which of the following is the best title for the passage ? 6)The title that best expresses the theme of the passage is _.7)On which of the following subject would the passage most likely be found in a textbook ? 8)Which of the following best describes the passage as a whole ? 9)The pu

3、rpose of the writer in writing this passage _. 10)The author writes this passage to_. 对于这种类型的问题,一般来说,首先要找出主题句,概括和归纳出主题思想。试看下面三篇例文。I 主题型例文 (2019年6月阅读部分第3篇)2问题类型二:细节题这种类型的问题要求考生能够辩认主题展开的重要细节。细节是组成文章的主体部分,是用来阐明主旨大意的,或者说,是用来支撑主题思想的。要注意识别句子的功能及文中的承接语,以便充分理解文章的主旨及具体细节和事实。细节题就文章中的具体的细节给予测试。有的测试考生对某个句子或短语的理

4、解,有的测试考生迅速查读的能力。细节题的一般命题方式如下:1) What does the passage say about2) What is the authors opinion of.3) Where in the passage does the author mention4) Which of the following is NOT referred to by the author mention as5) Which of the following is most clearly an example of6) According to the passage, whi

5、ch of the following statement is NOT true?7) The author mentions all of the following except8) The reason for is9) According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc.)10) All of the following are true except针对细节题,必须快速、准确地找到原文的具体事实或特定信息的位置,正确理解原文的意义后,比较选项中心词是否与所获取的信息一致。或者,也可以根据选项中出现文章未涉及的中心词来进

6、行排除干扰项。这些干扰项的特点:1)内容部分正确;2)符合原文信息,但不是题目所要求的内容;3)符合常识,但不是题目所要求的内容;4)明显不是文章的信息。首先,阅读下文,迅速找出问题所要求的细节。 3问题类型三: 推理题 在一篇文章中,作者有时没有将某一个问题、观点直接、正面地陈述出来,而是隐含在字里行间。这时要求考生对所隐含的意义作推断。这种题型,除了需要准确、透彻地理解原文外,推论必须以原文内容为依据或前提,而不能是原文的简单重复。推理题的一般命题方式:1) What does the passage imply about2) What is probably the main reas

7、on that3) Which of the following can be inferred form the passage about4) Which of the following can most probably be inferred from the passage?5) It can be inferred form the passage that6) It can be assumed that the paragraph preceding the passage most probably discussed7) For whom is the author pr

8、obably writing this passage?8) For what purpose was the instrument originally designed?针对这类问题,要准确、透彻的理解原文,并对所读内容进行一定的引申和推理。推论以原文内容为依据或前提,同时,排除干扰项。推理题的干扰项有以下特征:1)原文的简单重述,而非推断出来的结论;2)看似从原文推断出来的结论,但实际上与原文不符;3)根据常识判断是正确的,但不能从原文推断出来;4)纯属主观臆断。要对所读内容进行一定的引申和推理,往往可以从作者带有感情色彩的语气、措辞等文体特征着手,来推断作者的观点、态度、写作目的、文章

9、风格和基调。 Worldwide fame burst upon Albert Einstein on November 7, 1919, when British astronomers announced they found the first confirmation of Einsteins general relativity theory. Einstein had already become known in scientific circles because of his two astonishing theories: the special theory of re

10、lativity, published in 1905 when he was only 26 and a minor clerk in the 4问题类型四:词汇题词汇考题要求考生根据上下文猜测四级考试大纲词汇表以外某些词汇和短语的意义,实际上也可以说是考察对上下文语境的理解。这类考察大体有两种情况:第一,熟词僻义。在这种情况下,选项一般也给出常规含义,作为干扰。第二,超出词汇表的生词。在这种试题中,上下语境是我们猜测词义的唯一根据。正确的选项一定能符合上下文语境。词汇题要求根据上下文来判断某个单词或短语的含义,即从已知推求未知,也是提高阅读速度的重要手段之一。可以根据定义或解释关系,对比关

11、系,因果关系,或者同位关系推测生词的含义。定义或解释关系:Sometimes the earth moves between the sun and the moon. Then the earths shadow falls on the moon; no light from the sun can then reach the moon. The moon gets dark because it cannot reflect the suns light. We call this an eclipse of the moon. 假定eclipse是生词,根据上文所作的解释,即可推知它

12、意指“月食”的“食”。对比关系:Although a large number of people think the man to be guilty, I believe him to be innocent of the crime.假定innocent是生词,although引导的让步状语从句表述的意思与主句的意思起反衬作用,根据对比推知,innocent是not guilty之意。 因果关系:The tree will have to be cut down because it obstructs the view of oncoming traffic.假定obstruct是生词

13、,because引导的状语从句说明了原因,根据因果推理方法,可以确定obstruct的词义是“阻碍”。同位关系:Different occupations differ widely in the character of their special vocabularies. In trades and handicrafts(手工业), and other vocations, like farming and fishing, that have occupied great numbers of men from remote times, the technical vocabula

14、ry is very old. like提示farming 和fishing与vocations构成同位关系,而且vocation词义的概括性比farming和fishing的概括性大。据此推测,农业和渔业更高一层的归类应是“行业”、“职业”、或“生产部门”。再依据上下文确定,这里取“行业”一义比较合适。另外,利用构词法知识,如词的前、后缀、词根等,也是有效的判断词义的办法。例如,根据create(创造)这个熟词,可猜出creativity(创造力或创造性)的词义。知道chemical(化学的)这个词,也知道bio-这个前缀(生物的),就不难猜出biochemical(生物化学的)之意。 要判断短语的含义,上下文一般都有与之相关的线索,可供作逻辑上的推理。5问题类型五:态度问题态度问题考察考生是否了解文章作者或文中某人对某事所持的观点或态度,是对篇章理解层次的要求。这类问题的命题方式:what is the attitude of the author towards ? 表态度的一些词汇有:褒义词: positive, wonder, support, useful, interesting, enthusiasm, admiring等;中性词:indifferent, impassive, uninterested, ambivale


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