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1、励志语:把每天当作最后一天.Lesson 41 Pennys bag.cheese 奶酪cheese cake 芝士蛋糕 bread 面包toast 吐司 (烤面包片)bread and butter 1. 涂黄油的面包;2.基本生活资料(所需)soap 肥皂 a bar of soap 一块儿肥皂 soap opera pr 肥皂剧肥皂剧的起源 肥皂剧一词起源于早期的欧美电视,原因是在晚间 ,电视台会播放一些搞笑的短片 ,没有深度 ,只求一笑,在这些断片里经常会夹杂着一些肥皂的广告。久而久之,大家都以肥皂剧来称呼这些断片。 再接下来, 短片不断的拍摄 , 形成连续剧的形式 ,现在人说的肥皂剧

2、大体和以前的含义差不多 , 但是主要的意思比较贬义,含有无聊 拖沓的意思。 在英美等西方发达国家,每周都会有固定的播出时间给几部持续几年甚至数十年的肥皂剧(老友记(friends),欲望城市(sex & city,加冕街coronation street)等等, 欣赏的观众层次也由最先的家庭主妇扩充到 “雅皮士”(西方城市职业阶层中的年轻人士) 阶层。chocolate 巧克力 a bar of chocolate 一块儿巧克力sugar 食糖candy sweets糖果coffee 咖啡black coffee清咖啡white coffee加了奶的咖啡tea 茶a cup of tea 一杯

3、茶green tea 绿茶black tea 红茶That shirt isnt my cup of tea.那件衬衫不合我口味。 not my cup of tea 非我所爱,不合我胃口tobacco 烟草Is that bag heavy,Penny?Here !Put it on this chair.Whats in it?A piece of cheese.A loaf of bread.A bar of soap.A bar of chocolate.A bottle of milk.A pond of sugar.Half a pond of coffee.A quarter o

4、f a pound of tea.And a tin of tobacco.Is that tin of tobacco for me?Well, its certainly not for me!表示数量的短语有:a loaf ofa bar ofa bottle ofa pond ofhalf a pond ofa quarter ofa tin of一个一条一瓶一磅半磅四分之一一听a piece of一块表示数量的短语有:一个a loaf of一条a bar of一瓶a bottle of一磅a pond of半磅half a pond of四分之一a quarter of一听a tin

5、 of一块a piece of快速反应: 看谁抢的快?一个面包a loaf of bread一条香烟a bar of tobacco一瓶牛奶a bottle of milk一磅糖a pond of sugar半磅咖啡half a pond of coffee四分之一磅茶叶a quarter of a pound of tea一听烟丝a tin of tobaccoThere is a passport on the table.Is there a passport on the table?Yes, there is. There is one on the table.There is s

6、ome milk on the table.Is there any milk on the table?Yes, there is. There is some on the table.There is _ on the table._ there a spoon on the table?Yes,_. a spoon Isthere isThere is _ on the table.one_ a tie on the chair._ a tie on the chair?_,there is. _ on the chair.There isIs thereYes There is on

7、eThere is _ on the table.Is there _ on the table?Yes, there _. There is _ on the table.some bread any bread is someThere is a hammer _.Is there a hammer_?Yes, there is. There is one _.on the shelfon the shelf on the shelf There is _ Is there_? Yes, there is. There is _.some tea on the table any tea on the table some on the table a vase a suitsome tobacco some chocolate some cheese a


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