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1、LOCAL STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURESLSOP No.:RM FO FD -016Effective Date:Revised Date: Prepared by :Nov. 2010Divi:Front Office ReceptionSection:JeffreyApproved by:SUBJECT:Guest Profile宾客OBJECTIVE 目的:To be able to find an accurate guest information为了能够在电脑系统内准确查找到客人信息he Opera systemPOLICY 政策:A standard

2、 format must be adhered to when entering profileo the system.在为客人建立时按照规定的格式输入十分必要。PROCEDURES 程序:1.To avoid a backlog and to have the system correct as soon assible,theguest details must be updated in the system as soon assible followingcheck-in. If there are other guests waiting at the desk, the reg

3、istration cards must be kept in an appropriate place until they can be updated.为保证系统的信息及时准确,客人信息在客人入住后必须及时输入电脑。如果前台同时有其它客人要入住必须妥善保管登记卡,随后再输入电脑。2.When entering the guests name from the reservation or registration formthe Opera system, ensuret the names are correctly entered.当为客人做预订或将登记卡输入电脑时,必须按照以下规定

4、的格式输入电脑。oChi内宾客人guestTyChiPinyin by Guest Name in Surname andName slot. the character name isleading character should be capitalized. The Chi request also在客人的姓和名的框里输入客人名字的拼音。注意第一个字母Foreign guest外宾客人andguests spell should follow by the, Chiname.Pinyin only update without other spelling, also need gue

5、sts Chi及人必须以或客人证件上的拼音输入,大陆拼音是在没有其他的拼写方式的情况下最后采用的。也必须输入中文名Japaname should be update after the English name for Japaguest人英语名后要输入中文名3.Check so the departure date given by the guest matches of reservation.核对客人的实际离店日期是否与电脑内相符。t given at the time4.Adjust the number of guests if this differs from the orig

6、inal reservation.输入房间实际居住人数。5.Ensure the guest name is spelt correctly客人必须准确(包括客人的称呼)。he system (including the title).6.Enter the company name if this is not already on the folio.输入客人的公司名称。7.Typehe correct address as given by the guest.输入正确地址。8.Ensuret Travel Agent numbers are in place (if appropria

7、te) for tracking pures. Also, ensuret routing instruction is put in correctly.标明旅行社凭证号码以便跟进,同时输入分账指令。9.Ensuret method of payment has been given and if nesary change thepayment code.保证获得客人付账方式, 必要时修改付账代码。a)For credit cards, typehe number of the card and the expiry date要输入号码和有效期。b)For vouchers, ensure

8、 details on the voucher correspond with reservation details. The voucher number must be in the horemarks field. Ensurethe folios are set up correctly for vouchers covering modation and breakfast etc.modation only or客人所持的旅行社凭证要和预订一致。并将旅行社凭证号码输入电脑。 按照旅行社凭证所规定的方式安排客人账目,例如旅行社凭证,只付房费或旅行社凭证付房费和早餐费等。c)For

9、company charges, ensure the Finance Department.t the account number has been entered by对于公司付账的客人, 保证事先获得财务部批准。10.Enter the appropriate code for the newsp applicable.如条件允许, 将客人喜好的报纸代码输入电脑。rt has been requested, if11.Edit the spel codes if nesary.必要, 修改客人喜好和特殊要求代码。12.The GSA must initial the registrat

10、ion card to indicate system has been done.t updating in the输入结束后宾务员要在登记卡上签名。保证登记卡的信息在电脑内已更新。13.It is important t all information is entered and is correct, since the Guest Profile, containing the Guest History, will be automatically updated from the guest folio.保证信息的输入和准确十分重要。因为客人包含客人的客史。电脑会自动根据客人更新账单内容。14.Any spel requests, complas, disputes etc. must be recorded in “Remarks”he Guest Profile, for future reference.客人的特殊要求,账目争议等必须输入客人,以便为今后工作做参考。15.Can not creative a new guest profile when Opera system already has been set up by another assote.不能对已有客史的客人建立新的。16.Its everyones resp


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