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1、第二章 计算机信息检索概论(giln)共二十五页第一节 计算机信息检索的发展(fzhn)共二十五页计算机信息检索是利用计算机查找出符合读者(dzh)所需信息的过程。计算机信息检索的发展史脱机信息检索阶段(20世纪50年代中期到60年代中期) 联机信息检索阶段(20世纪60年代中期到70年代初期) 跨国联机信息检索阶段(20世纪70年代中期至今)光盘信息检索阶段(20世纪80年代中期至今)网络信息检索阶段(20世纪90年代至今)共二十五页第二节 计算机信息检索的基础知识共二十五页一、计算机信息检索系统的构成物理构成 :计算机硬件、软件、数据库数据库构成:文档(File) 、记录(Record)

2、、字段(Field)逻辑构成 :信息采集(cij)与建立数据库子系统、标准化子系统、用户子系统共二十五页字段(FILED): 计算机检索的最基本单位。计算机检索的重要字段包括(boku)篇名(Title)、作者(Author)、作者地址(Address)、刊名(Source,来源)、关键词(Keyword)、主题词(MeSH)、文摘(Abstract)等。记录(RECORD): 在一个二维表格中,每一栏称为一个字段(Field),多个字段构成的一条完整信息称为一条记录(Record)。共二十五页CBMDISC数据库检索(jin su)结果题录格式标题(biot):急性胰腺炎中西医结合与单纯西医

3、治疗对比分析 作者: 陈晓东(1); 孔棣(2); 马明(1) 作者单位: (1)天津医科大学研究生,天津300070; (2)天津市南开医院,天津 300100 出处: 天津中医药 2010; (2) : 116-117 相关链接: 主题相关 共二十五页CBMDISC数据库详细记录格式(g shi)(中文)(机标)流水号2006156553标题 2005年重庆市城乡高血压流行病学调查及相关因素分析(fnx)英文标题Hypertensive epidemiological survey and correlation factors analysis in urban and rural ar

4、eas of Chongqing City in 2005著者胡蓉(1); 黄晓波(1); 罗开良(1); 胡淀(2); 乐庆荣(1); 侯永兰(1); 卢仙娥(3)著者单位(1)重庆医科大学附属第二医院心血管内科,重庆400010; (2)重庆医科大学医学统计学教研室,重庆400016; (3)重庆医科大学流行病学教研室,重庆 400016 国省市名 重庆文摘 目的:研究重庆市城乡人群高血压患病情况、危险因素、临床特点。方法: 15岁以上人群抽取5246人进行调查,对城乡人群各年龄段的资料进行对比研究。结果:重庆市15岁以上自然人群高血压患病率为18.49%(标化率16.65%),男性为18

5、.79%,女性为18.23%, 结论:重庆市城乡人群高血压各有其特点,防治措施必须针对改变膳食结构、加强锻炼、减重等为重点。著者文摘Author 参文数6 基金重庆市卫生局资助项目(2003)出处第三军医大学学报 2006; 28(10): 1121-1123 ISSN1000-5404国内代码51-1095内部代码D07出版地重庆 字段组成共二十五页PubMed:summary格式(g shi)(AU)Haberl I, Frei K, Ramsebner R, Doberer D, Petkov V, Albinni S, Lang I, Lucas T, Mosgoeller, W(TI

6、 )Vasoactive intestinal peptide gene alterations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.(SO)Eur J Hum Genet. 2006 Sep 27; Epub ahead of print (PMID) 17003842 PubMed - as supplied by publisher共二十五页PubMed:abstracts格式(g shi)(SO)Eur J Hum Genet. 2006 Sep 27; Epub ahead of print (TI)

7、Vasoactive intestinal peptide gene alterations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.(AU)Haberl I, Frei K, Ramsebner R, Doberer D, Petkov V, Albinni S, Lang I, Lucas T, Mosgoeller W.(AD)1Medical University of Vienna, Department of Internal Medicine I, Division Institute of Canc

8、er Research, Borschkegasse 8a, Vienna A-1090, Austria.(AB)Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a progressive disease, characterised by increased proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells, vasoconstriction and remodelling of the vascular wall leading to right heart failure and death. The id

9、iopathic form is rare (idiopathic arterial primary hypertension (IPAH); formerly PPH, MIM#. untranslated region in exon 7 (g.8129TC) was observed in five patients. It appeared in 46% of the control group. The frequency of this alteration in the coding region of the VIP gene could therefore not be co

10、rrelated with the appearance of IPAH. Apart from the importance of VIP signalling, genetic and/or environmental modifiers might therefore contribute to the development and perpetuation of the disease.(SO)European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 27 September 2006; doi:10.1038/sj

11、.ejhg.5201711.PMID: 17003842 PubMed - as supplied by publisher 共二十五页Web of science详细(xingx)格式Vasoactive intestinal peptide gene alterations in patients with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension 作者: Haberl, I (Haberl, Ines); Frei, K (Frei, Klemens); Ramsebner, R (Ramsebner, Reinhard); Doberer,

12、D (Doberer, Daniel); Petkov, V (Petkov, Ventzislav); Albinni, S (Albinni, Sulaima); Lang, I (Lang, Irene); Lucas, T (Lucas, Trevor); Mosgoeller, W (Mosgoeller, Wilhelm) 来源出版物: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS卷: 15 期: 1 页: 18-22 DOI: 10.1038/sj.ejhg.5201711 出版年: JAN 2007 被引频次: 5 (来自 Web of Science)

13、 引用的参考文献: 15 查看(chkn) Related Records 摘要: Pulmonary arterial hypertension is a progressive disease, characterised by increased proliferation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells, vasoconstriction and remodelling of the vascular wall leading to right heart failure and death. The idiopathic form is

14、 rare (idiopathic arterial primary hypertension (IPAH); formerly PPH, MIM# 178600). Our group correlated a deficiency in vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP; MIM# 192320) levels in serum and lung tissue with the pathogenesis of IPAH. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of genetic a

15、lterations in VIP to the development of IPAH. We screened 10 patients (age 4-66 years) for alterations in the coding, the noncoding regions and the enhancer region of the VIP gene by direct sequencing. In eight of 10 patients, we found alterations compared to the wild-type sequence. We detected nine

16、 alterations. In the noncoding regions, eight alterations were in the introns 1, 2, 3 and 4 (g.448G A g.501C T g.764T C g.2267A T g.2390C T g.3144T C g.3912A G g.4857A G). In the coding regions, a single alteration in the 30 untranslated region in exon 7 (g.8129T C) was observed in five patients. It

17、 appeared in 46% of the control group. The frequency of this alteration in the coding region of the VIP gene could therefore not be correlated with the appearance of IPAH. Apart from the importance of VIP signalling, genetic and/or environmental modifiers might therefore contribute to the developmen

18、t and perpetuation of the disease. 共二十五页文献类型: Article 语种: English 作者关键词: idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension; vasoactive intestinal peptide; gene alterations; VIP serum by RIA KeyWords Plus: POLYPEPTIDE; MICE; VIP 通讯作者地址: Mosgoeller, W (通讯作者),Med Univ Vienna, Dept Internal Med 1, Div Inst Can

19、c Res, Borschkegasse 8A, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 地址: 1. Med Univ Vienna, Dept Internal Med 1, Div Inst Canc Res, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 2. Med Univ Vienna, Dept Otorhinolaryngol, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 3. Med Univ Vienna, Dept Internal Med 4, Div Pulm Med, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 4. Med Univ Vienna, D

20、ept Pediat, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 5. Med Univ Vienna, Dept Internal Med 2, Div Cardiol, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 6. Med Univ Vienna, Dept Histol, A-1090 Vienna, Austria 电子邮件地址: wilhelm.mosgoellermeduniwien.ac.at 出版商: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, MACMILLAN BUILDING, 4 CRINAN ST, LONDON N1 9XW, ENGLAND JCR

21、 类别(libi): Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Genetics & Heredity 学科类别: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology; Genetics & Heredity IDS 号: 117RM ISSN: 1018-4813共二十五页文献特征(tzhng)的字段描述外部特征:文献外在形式的反映。如书名(题名(t mng)、篇名)、人名(作者)、机构名(通信地址、作者单位)、出版社、出版时间、专利号等。(题录格式)内部特征:表征文献实质意义、反映实际内容的。如主题词、关键词、分类号、国际专利分类号、文摘等。(文摘格

22、式)共二十五页文献(wnxin)著录(文献(wnxin)特征的格式描述)文献著录总则GB/T 3792.12009著录:在编制文献目录时,对文献的内容和形式特征进行分析、选择和记录的过程。著录格式:构成款目(记录)的各个项目(字段)在载体(物质形态)上的排列顺序。不同的表达代表不同的文献类型(lixng)。出处: 第三军医大学学报 2006; 28(10): 1121-1123 共二十五页二、计算机信息检索技术(jsh)1. 布尔逻辑检索(jin su) 布尔逻辑算符有 “与”、“或”、“非”,分别用AND 、OR和NOT表示。 A AND B A OR B A NOT B例:A=1,2,3,

23、4,5 , B=3,4,5,6,7 A AND B= A OR B= A NOT B=3,4,51,2,3,4,5,6,71,2共二十五页逻辑(lu j)与(AND):含义:表示相交关系。组配不同的检索词。检出的 记录必须同时(tngsh)含有所有的检索词。作用:对检索词进行限定,缩小检索范围。提高查准率。如:超声乳化 AND 散光共二十五页逻辑(lu j)或(OR):含义:表示并列关系。组配具有同义或同族概念的词。如同义词、近义词、相关词等。检出的记录中至少有两个检索词中的一个。作用:扩大检索范围,增加(zngji)文献量,提高查全率。如:膀胱癌 OR 膀胱肿瘤共二十五页逻辑(lu j)非(

24、NOT):含义:表示排斥关系。所组配的两个检索词中应从第一个概念中排除第二个概念。作用:提高专指度,缩小(suxio)检索范围。如heart diseases not coronary arteries disease.共二十五页2.截词检索(jin su)截词检索:利用检索词的词干或不完整词形进行检索的过程。截词符号有“*”、“?”及“”等,各种检索系统采用不同的符号。 如:COMPUT* (右截词或前方一致) 如果“*”代表任意个字符,则此表达式表达的单词(dnc)可以为compute, computer, computerize, computing等单词中的任何一个。提高查全率。共二十五页3 精确检索(jin su)或词组检索(jin su) exact wording or phrase “ ”共二十五页共二十五页共二十五页4.限制


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