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1、Hotel Practical EnglishScene 12 Seat GuestsTeaching ProceduresExercises 4Text3Hotel Practical English2Case Study5Home Reading6Free Talk1. Free Talk1. Why do you need to make customers feel welcome?2. How do you welcome customers? Give good reasons to support your opinion, please. Hotel Practical Eng

2、lish Dialogue 1 Welcome to Roman Holiday ( A:Waiter B: Guest )A: Welcome to Roman Holiday. Do you have a reservation?B: Yes, the name is Jack Paul.A: Ah, yes, here you are. That was a party for ten and you booked a private room, correct?B: Yes.A: Right this way, please. B: Excuse me. Im afraid my fr

3、iends cant find me. I want to wait for them in the lobby.A: Dont worry, Mr. Paul. When your friends come, Ill show them to your room. B: Thank you.A: Youre welcome, sir.B: Here it is. Its called Lotus Pavilion. How do you like it, sir?A: Its very cosy. I like it.B: Your waitress will be with you rig

4、ht away. Wish you a pleasant meal, sir. . Hotel Practical English. Hotel Practical English Dialogue 2 Id Like to Have Some Lunch (A: Hostess B: Guest)A: Good morning, sir.B: Good morning. Id like to have some lunch.A: Do you have a reservation?B: No, I dont. I thought Ill get a free table.A: I hope

5、so, too. But Im sorry to say that the tables are all engaged at the moment. Would you mind to wait for a while?B: Certainly not. But how long do you think Ill have to wait?A: Look at the table in the corner, sir. I guess it will be free in a minute.B: You are right. A: Well, may I have your name, si

6、r? B: Kim Black.A: Mr. Black. Is it just yourself to have lunch?B: Yes.A: OK, Mr. Black. This way, please. Ill show you to the waiting room. B: Excuse me. Where is the bathroom? I want to wash my hands first. Hotel Practical EnglishA: Its on the second floor. Go straight; you will see it on the righ

7、t.B: Thank you.A: Its my pleasure. . Text Seat Guests in the Restaurant Restaurants know that bringing guests through their front door is the first step to making a profit. Hence, restaurants are obliged to make the seating procedures as smooth and fair as possible in order to elevate the total qual

8、ity of the customer experience. Seating procedures that show courtesy and care for the guest aid building a pleasant first impression. Its the duty of the hostess or host to greet and seat the guest. Here are some tips to let you know what the perfect way to seat guests is. You should follow these s

9、teps well. First, get in touch with the guests. When you see some guests coming, open the door forwardly for them with a smile. Greet the guests according to the time like “Good morning” or “Good afternoon”. It is the first contact with the guests. The first impression that we are going to give them

10、 will condition the meal. Take care of the guests. Check whether they have prior reservation or not. If they have reserved, ask them “under what name?” and “For how many guests?” If they havent reserved, ask how many of them like to be seated. You can politely ask “How many are you, sir?” or “Table

11、for one, right?” And then make them wait and check the availability. If possible, offer the customers the choice between the tables available. . Text If all seats are occupied, then politely inform that to the guests by saying sorry and write down the guests name and ensure him or her that whenever

12、suitable seat would be free you will let him know right away. Accompany them to their table. Help first and foremost the women to sit down. Pull out the chairs and help them to take the seats. Before you leave, wish them a pleasant meal. . Exercises Role-play Activity The following is a role-play ac

13、tivity to practice seating the guests. Divide the class into two groups: the waiters and the guests. And then have the students work in pairs. The following is a conversation just as a sample. The students can create conversations as they like.A: Id like a table for seven, please.B: Did you make a r

14、eservation, madam?A: No, I didnt.B: Im sorry. Im afraid you may have to wait about twenty minutes.A: No problem. B: Would you rather have smoking or non-smoking?A: Smoking, please.B: And would you like a table or a booth?A: I dont care.B: Would you prefer to sit inside or outside?A: Outside, please.

15、B: Could you please give me your name? Ill call you when the table is available. Exercises A: Its Wollaston.B: Could you spell that please?A: W-O-L-L-A-S-T-O-N. May I look over the menu while Im waiting? B: Sure. Here you go.A: Thank you.B: Thank you for your waiting, madam. Case StudyWhy Dont You H

16、ave My Reservation? Michael Moffa (M) made a reservation yesterday. When he comes to the restaurant, he finds that the hostess (H) doesnt have his reservation.H: Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?M: Yes. I do.H: Under what name, sir?M: Moffa. M-O-F-F-A.H: I didnt get your name in the rese

17、rvation book. Whats your telephone number?M: My cell phone number is 1231420089. And the residential telephone number is 8997553.H: Im very sorry. I didnt find your phone numbers, too.M: I dont understand. I made a reservation, but why dont you have my reservation?H: I do apologize for it, sir. I wa

18、s off yesterday. Maybe my colleague forgot to write down your reservation in the reservation book.M: You just know how to take the reservation, but you dont know how to “hold” the reservation. Its very bad.H: Dont worry, sir. Ill try my best to help you. So, table for one, right?. Case StudyM: No. A

19、 table for ten. H: OK, Mr. Moffa. One reservation for twelve was cancelled just now. Would you like to take a look at the cancelled private room? M: Yes. I have no other choice but to do so. H: Follow me, please. Case StudyRead the above conversation and complete the outline. You should write your a

20、nswers in no more than three words.1、Michael Moffa made a 1 reservation yesterday.2、The hostess tried to look for Mr. Moffas 2 and 3 in the reservation book, but she failed. 3、The hostess had a 4 yesterday. 4、Mr. Moffa has invited 5 friends. They might have a gathering in the private room this eveni

21、ng. . Home Reading Be a Great HostessThe person who greets guests is called hostess (or host). She welcomes and escorts guests to their table. The way she welcomes a guest influences the sales. The dress, the behavior, the attitude and the capability of the hostess are going to be the important elem

22、ents to welcome guests successfully. The hostess must keep track of each station. Make a chart of each servers station, and learn the table layout by heart. Keep note of how many persons are in a party and what table they are at.Be aware as guests approach the restaurant. If you are busy with anothe

23、r guest, acknowledge the new coming guest by saying, I will be right with you. Make eye contact at the same time, or a simple hand gesture also works.Greet the guests with a smile and welcome them to the restaurant. Remember, you are the first chance for the restaurant to make a good impression and

24、set them at ease. . Home Reading Find out how many persons are dining. If there is a wait, make sure to get everyones name in right away so they do not feel ignored. Avoid giving them a specific time frame. Explain that we currently have a short wait, and that there should be a table ready momentarily, or we are currently getting tables cleared and set.When figuring out where to seat them, rotate the stations. Distribute the tables evenly among the servers. But also keep in mind how many large parties they have or have had. Try not to seat any two large parties too close tog


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