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1、Useful expresNotice:All of the following senten目s for pare derived from pr-writingrs and theernet.录一、研究方法表述类:2二、摘要总结类:9三、公式表述类:10四、其他表达:11一、研究方法表述类:A great number of research results have been reported , for exle15A neural network based dynamics compensation method has beenproed for trajectory contr

2、ol of a robot system11.A combined approach of neural network and sliding mode technology forboth feedback linearization and control error compesationhasbeenpresented12.1、研究目的的表示方法Thepure of this investigation is to .Themain focus of this study is .Theobjective of the present work is to .Theaim ofthe

3、 present study is to .Thepresentstudyisaimed at .Thepresentstudyisdesigned to .Thepresentstudyisan attempt to .Wehave embarked on research attempting to .This study is undertaken with theent of .The present investigation is conducted to .This study was undertaken to .To gain a better understanding o

4、f .The investigation concentrated on efforts to .The present study is performed in an effort to .2、研究的表示方法Since the earlyliterature contained a few reports of .Because of thepotential importance of ., we have investigaed .Because of theeconomic potential of ., we decided to study .Current work in th

5、is laboratory ., stimulatederest indeterminingsome of .Prompted by ., we initiated an examination of .In view of ., this study was conducted to examine.The finding of ., led us to reinvestigate .A recent report ., encouraged us to .Little attention/effort has been given to . are poorlyunderstood . h

6、ave beenpoorly characterized .The questionhave been raised as to whetheror not. the question arose.3、研究内容的表示方法Thisarticle examines .Thisresearch assessed .Thisstudys .The present work has shown.This report describes .The pr presents .Work presented hererodu.Ouring studies willestablish.In this repor

7、t, we report .Here we describe.In this report weexamine .In this reprot wedescribe .We report here. this is thereport of .This is thereport .This reportcontains the.Our resultsarethereport on .We report hereforthetime .This ., is theto ., reported for.,This reports the. this is thetimet ,The novelty

8、 ofthis researchs in .Of particularerest and novelty is .The evidence presented in this communicationdemonstrtes .The data presented in this report represent .The major idea addressed in this studies .The emphasis of this study is .This study is an attempt to .4、的数量表示方法., much efforts has goneo the

9、study of .Many research groups have recently been involved with . have received fairlyensive study. have done a considerable amount ofwork on .Manystudies have addressed .Therehave been many investigationso .Therehave been numerous studies .A substantial amount of . informationis availableon.There a

10、re only a few reprots of .Only a fewstudies have dealt with .Only a fewstudies have bean performed on. there arevery few studies .Few studieshave involved .Few studieshave centered on .Investigations . are extremely few .A surprisingly limited amount of information existson.Reports on . are extremel

11、y scarce. has been the subject of only a limited number of studies.Information . is limited.We found no reprots of .We know of no report concerning ., no studies . have been reported .Thereare no reports on .no .have beened . noinformation is available concerning .No datahave been published .To date

12、,no reports have appeared concerning.no . isreported .None have been reported for . information . is . lacking .Virtually nothing is known about .Little is known of .very little actually is known about .There is little known about .5、注意、的表示方法. has not received as muchattention .Less attention has be

13、en paid.Relatively little attention hasbeen directed . have received very little attention .Little attention has been given to .Attention was focused on . has recently received increased attention.There is currently greaterest in . has been the focus ofense researcherest. has beene a subject of cons

14、iderableerest.6、研究正在进行的表示方法Studies are under way to . are currently under study.Furtherwork is in progress .Furtherexperiments are in progress to .Furtherinvestigations are inprogress to .Attempts to . are currentlyin progress.Efforts continue .We are presently attemptingto determine.Further studies

15、 . are beingconducted .Our laboratory presently is involved with. is being investigated.7、将来工作的建议的表示方法Further work isneeded .Further work isrequired . is worthy offurther study.Much more research is needed .has to be elucidated.have to be determined.requires further testing .makes . worthy of furthe

16、r study.Further studies are contemplated to .Further research is planned to .continuing studies will yield further insighto .Furtherresearch . may yield.Furtherresearch should explore .Furtherstudies should clarify .remains to be determined.remain to be investigated,and.remainstobetested.remains tob

17、eestablished.What remainstobe resolved. remains tobeshown. remains unexplained., it remains unknown. remain unanswered .8、结论的表示方法In, .Thisis supported. by . findingt . leadsto thet .二、摘要总结类:Simulations and experiments are carried out on AdeptOne robot.From the simulation and experimental results,the

18、 effectiveness andusefulness of the proed control sysytem are confirmed. This pr addresses the ie of trajectory tracking control based ona neural network controller for industrial manipulators.his pr,resent a new and simple control system consisting of atraditional controller for trajectory tracking

19、 control of industrial robotmanipulators.This pr describes a vi-based navigation method in an indoorenvironment for an autonomous mobile robot which can avoid obstacles.In this method, the self-localiation of the robot is done wim-based visystem,and a non-stop navigation is realized by aretroactivei

20、tion correction system.resent a robust and automatic method for evaluating the accurancyofd discrimination algorithms. The proed method is based onsimualated agronomic images and a cropd discrimination algorithmcanbedivididedothetwofollowingsteps.ly,.Afterwards,.In this research ,we aim at high precitrajectory tracking control ofthe industrial robot manipulatorsusing simple and applicable contrlmethod.三、公式表述类:The dynamic mcan be easilyderived and expressed systematicallywith the formulation as follows:Form


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