已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选资料可编辑修改,可打印别找了你想要的都有!精品教育资料全册教案,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务可修改编辑精选资料全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式 冀教版四年级英语下册知识点 第一单元:一、对应词my ?yourI ?youour?yourthis ? thathere ?there yes?nocome?goteacher?studentboy?girlhis?her 二、知识点1、表示在几楼上,要用介词on,如 on the first floor. 在一楼。The first 表示第一的,序数词在使用时前面一定要加 the,表示事物的排列顺序

2、。2、介绍离自己近的事物时用this is ., 介绍离自己比较远的事物时用 that is 如:This is my computer. 这是我的计算机。That is your computer. 那是你的计算机。3、how many ?多少?用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面只能跟名词的复数形式。 如 How many books do you have? 你有多少本 书?4、当表示有一个时,名词的前面可以用可修改编辑a 或者 an.元音前用精选资料an , 辅音前用 a.如 an apple 一个苹果an orange 一个橙子一只狗a pear 一个梨a dog 5、当用 Is this

3、 ? Is that ?提问时,一般用肯定回答是:Yes, it is .否定是 : No , it isn t. 第二单元:1、同义词:supper =dinner 晚饭 2、say (第三人称单数 )?says 3、同义句: What time is it? =What s the time? 现在几点了?4、Let s 后面直接跟动词的原形。如:Let s go! 让我们走吧!Let s clean the classroom. 让我们打扫教室吧!5、It s time for 后面跟名词。如: It s time for dinner. 该吃晚 饭了。Its time for Engl

4、ish class. 该上英语课了。It s time to 后面跟动词。如: It s time to eat dinner. 该吃晚饭 了。It s time to have English class. 该上英语课了。第三单元:1、对应词:put on - take offwhite?blackthese-those 2、特殊疑问词 What colour ?什么颜色?用来问物体的颜色,回答时一定要有表示颜色的词语。如:可修改编辑精选资料What colour is your bag? It s blue. 3、Who 和 Whose 的区别:Who 谁。用来问人是谁。如 :Who is

5、 that girl? 那个女孩是谁?She is my sister. 她是我的姐姐。Who is that tall man?那个高个子男人是谁?He is my father. 他是我的爸爸。Whose 谁的。用来询问物品是谁的。 在回答 Whose 引领的问题时,如果答案有人名,要在人名的后面加 s, 其中的 s 表示“某人的”。如: Whose shirt is this? 这是谁的衬衣?Its Mike s . 它是 mike 的。Whose bike is blue? 谁的书包是蓝色的?My bag is blue. 我的书包是蓝色的。4、have( 第三人称单数 )?has 5

6、、pants , socks , shoes , shorts , jeans 这些单词都是成双成对出现的,所以在句子中一般都是复数形式。如:These are my shoes. 这是我的鞋子。Those are your socks. 那是你的袜子。6、人称代词和名词性物主代词对应:我I 我的 my你 you你的your 他he他的 his她 she她的her 我们 we 我们的our你们 you你们的 your 他们 they他们的 their她们 they她们的their 可修改编辑精选资料人称代词一般在句中用作主语。物主代词一般后面加名词。第四单元:一、对应词:close?openp

7、ut on?take offcold?hotwarm?cool 复数形式: foot?feet (脚) 二、表示天气的几个形容词都是同是由相应的名词变化而来的,它们的对应形式是:名词形式 形容词形式 rain 雨 rainy 下雨的 snow 雪 snowy 下雪的 wind 风 windy 有风的 cloud 云 cloudy 有云的 sun 阳光 sunny 晴朗的 三、一般疑问句 Can you ?的回答形式有两种,肯定回答是:Yes, I can. 否定回答是 : No, I can t. 一般疑问句 Can I ? 的回答形式也有两种,肯定回答是:Yes, you can. 否定回答

8、是 : No, you can t. 四、同义词:How about ? =What about ? 怎么样?五、当问某个地方的天气如何时,要用 What s the weather like in +地名?可修改编辑精选资料如:What s the weather like in Beijing? 北京的天气怎么样?第五单元:一、Can I help you ? 是一般购物时,售货员的礼貌用语。二、How much 与 How many 的区别:1、How much 意思是多少钱?用来问物品的价格。在回答时一般要有表示价钱的单位。如:问一件物品的价钱时用How much is ? How m

9、uch is this jacket? 这件夹克衫多少钱?It s forty-five yuan. 它是 45 元。问多件物品的价钱时用How much are ? How much are these books? 这些书多少钱?They are ninety-nine yuan. 它们是 99 元。2、How many 意思是多少。用来询问物品的数量有多少,后面 跟名词的复数形式,回答时一般数字后面没有单位。如:How many cows do you have? 你有多少头奶牛?I have 12. 我有 12 头。How many horses are there ? They ar

10、e 12. 有 12 匹。第六单元:一、复数形式那儿有多少匹马?可修改编辑精选资料sheep?sheep (绵羊) hen?hens(母鸡)lamb?lambs( 羊羔) goat?goats (山羊)cow?cows (奶牛)horse?horses (马)goose?geese( 鹅) foot?feet( 脚) 二、可数名词变复数的规则:tooth?teeth( 牙齿) 1、一般情况下,在单数名词词尾加“s”.如:cat?cats dog?dogs book?books ruler?rulers 2、在以 s, ss , x , sh , ch 结尾的名词后面加 “es”,如:box?b

11、oxespeach?peachesbus?busesclass?classes 3、在以 o 结尾的单词后面加 “es”,如:tomato?tomatoes potato?potatoes4、以元音字母加 y 结尾的名词,直接加 “s”如:boy?boystoy?toysday?days 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的名词,去掉y 后加“ies”,如:baby?babieslady?ladiesbutterfly?butterflies 5、以 f, fe 结尾的名词,去掉f 或 fe 后加“ves ”,如:shelf?shelvesleaf?leavesknife?knives 三、I like

12、后面要加可数名词的复数形式或者不可数名词,如:I like apples . 我喜欢苹果。I like chicken. 我喜欢鸡肉。四、特殊疑问句:What are these? What are those ? What are they?在回答时,都要 用“They are ”可修改编辑精选资料What is this ? What is that?What is it ? 在回答时都要用It s a (an )一般疑问句: Are these ? Are those ? Are they ?的回答形式也都是一样的,肯定回答:No, they aren t. Yes, they are.

13、 否定回答:一般疑问句: Is this a(an) ? Is that a(an ) ? Is it a(an) ? 的回答形式也都是一样的, 肯定回答:Yes, it is. 否定回答:No, it isn t. 四年级英语短语 1. May I have.? Yes/Sure.Here you are. 我可以有 .吗?当然。给你。2. Happy Teachers Day 祝教师节快乐 3. in a toy shop 在一家玩具店里 4. I see.我明白了 5. have a look 看一看 6. Id like 我想要 7. What s this/that? 这/那是什么?

14、It s a. 是. 8. on the desk 在课桌上可修改编辑精选资料9. In which box? 在哪只盒子里?10. over there 在那边 11. in the classroom 在教室里 12. come here 过来 13. Let me see. 让我看看。14. Not at all.不用谢。15. Excuse me 对不起,打扰了 16. Sorry, I don t know. 对不起,我不知道。17. Me,too. 我也是。18. What s this/that in English? 这/那用英语怎么说?It s a. 是. 19. in En

15、glish 用英语 20. I like.( 用复数形式 ) 我喜欢 21. Do you like.? 你喜欢 .吗?Yes,I do./No,I don t.是的,我喜欢。 /不,我不喜欢。 . Unit 6?9 单元 1. Try this one on. 试穿这件。2. Try this pair on. 试穿这条。3. Whose is this? 这是谁的 ?It s s. 是 的。4. Whose are they? 这是谁的 .?They re s. 是 的。可修改编辑精选资料5. Don t worry. 别担心。6. Oh, dear! 喔,天呀!7. get up 起床

16、8. have breakfast 吃早饭 9. go to school 去上学 10. have lunch 吃午饭 11. go home 回家 12. watch TV 看电视 13. go to bed 上床睡觉 14. go to the cinema 去看电影 15. What s the time, please? 请问几点了?It s16. What time do you ? 你什么时候做什么?I at17. See you. 再见。18. It s late. 迟到了。19. It s time to 是 的时候了 20.Shall we ? 我们 ,好吗?21. Wha

17、t s and ? 几加几等于几?It s 是22. What s the matter? 怎么了?23. read the new words 读生词可修改编辑精选资料24. boys and girls 孩子们25. sit down 坐下26. stand up 起立27. do the puzzle 玩拼图28. Good night. 晚安。29. a glass of water 一杯水30. have some cakes 吃些蛋糕31. Good evening. 晚上好。32. have some soft drink 喝些饮料PEP 教材四年级英语下册知识点归纳一、语音1.

18、 cake snake grapes face /apple bag cat hat 2. we me we he she / egg bed desk pen 3. bike rice kite ice-cream / milk fish pig windows 4. O hole home nose rose /box fox orange lock 5. student cute music tube / umbrella toothbrush cup bus 二、词汇(一)四会单词1、computerboard fan light / this is my that your teac

19、her s desk picture wall floor / yes it 2、one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 可修改编辑精选资料Math ChineseEnglishP.E. music / what time it s=it is o clock for class 3、jacket shirt skirt dress T-shirt red blue yellow green white/ no not colour 4、warm cold cool snowy sunny / todayJeans pants sock

20、s shoes /let s=let us play football 5、big small long short / how muchapple banana pear orange watermelon 6、horse cat rabbit pig duck dog/ are they eleven twelve thirteenfifteen twenty / how manythere aren t=are not (二)听、说、认读词汇1、playground / garden / teacher s office / library / canteen Welcome to ou

21、r many class at please art room / computer room / washroom / music room / gym / TV room 2、lunchEnglish classmusic classbreakfastdinner P.E. class Get up go to schoolgo home go to bedready 3、weater shorts sothey re=they are4、hot weather rainy windy cloudyhello hi bye 5 、colourfulpretty cheap expensiv

22、e help sneakersslippers可修改编辑精选资料sandals boots For all right them6、sheep hen lamb goat cow fat tomatocucumber potato onion carrot 三、句型(一)Lets learn 部分1、Where is the canteen? Where is the art room?It s on the first 。Its on the second floor.2、What time is it ? Its nine oclock. Its time for English clas

23、s . Its time to go to school. 3、I like the white sweater with the green skirt.I like the blue dress. Where are my socks? What colour? White. 4、This is the weather report. Heres the world weather .It s cool in Lhasa . It s rainy in London. 5、Look at that dress. Its pretty. Yes.It is . Can I help you?

24、 Yes.I want a pair of sneakers. 6、What are they? They are goat. (二) Lets talk 部分1、Welcome to our school! Thisis the teachers office.How many students are there in your class? Forty-five. Do you have a library?Yes. This way ,please. Is this the library?Yes, it is.Is that the art room?No,it isnt. 可修改编

25、辑精选资料Your school is beautiful /cool. 2、School is over. Lets go to the playground. OK. Lets run. Hurry. Its time to get up. Breakfast is ready! ready. Its time for English. Im 3、 Whose is this ? Its your baby brothers.Where are they? These are your baby pants. Wow! Theyre so small. Our neighbour has

26、a new baby. 4、 Can I wear my new shirt today?No,you cant.Its cold. What are you doing?Not much. What s the weather like in Beijing? It s snowy today. Whats the matter? Its windy now. I have to close the window. 5、 Look at that dress. Its colourful. Its very pretty. Can I help you?Yes ,please.What si

27、ze?Size five. How much is this dress ? Its eighty-five yuan. Well take it. Oh,thats too expensive. Are they all right? Yes ,they are. 6、Oh, this farm is so big. Are they sheep/horses/donkeys? No, they aren t. How many cows do you have? I don t know./One hundred. Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. /N

28、o,they arent. Are those potatoes? Yes, they are. /No,they arent.可修改编辑精选资料What are they? Theyre onions.Are those cucumbers? Yes, they are. (三)Read and write 部分1、This is my computer.That is your computer.Is this a teachers desk . Yes ,it is . 2、What time is it ? Its two oclock.Its It s time for math c

29、lass. 3、Is this your T-shirt? No,its not.What colour is it ? Its white.4、 Its warm today. Lets play football. Its cool. Is it cold? 5、 How much is it ? Its ten yuan. How much are they? They re three yuan. 6、 Are they ducks? No, they aren Twelve. t. How many horses are there? PEP 四年级下 (第四册 )各单元句型总汇 第

30、一单元 Where is the canteen?It s on the first floor. Welcome to our school! How many students are there in your class? 可修改编辑精选资料Do you have a library? Do you have lunch at school? The canteen is on the first floor. This way, please. Your school is beautiful. We have a new computer room. Let s go there.

31、 I like this one. Is this the library? Yes,it is. Is that the art room? No,it isn t. What s on it? Let s go and have a look. 四会句型:This is my computer. That is your computer. Is this a teacher s desk? Yes,it is. 第二单元 It s time for English class. 可修改编辑精选资料School is over. Let s go to the . Let s go hom

32、e. Just a minute. Let s run. That one is correct. It s time to go to school. Breakfast is ready! I m ready! Look at my clock. It s nice. Can I have a try? 四会句型:What time is it? It s two o clock. It s 9:45. It s time for math class. 第三单元 I like the white sweater with the green skirt. Where is my skir

33、t? Whose is it? 可修改编辑精选资料It s my T-shirt. Whose is this? It s your baby brother s! So many colours! Please pass me my T-shirt. My T-shirt is red. This small one? Where are my socks? Look at these. What are they? These are your baby pants. They re so small. But what for? Our neighbour has a new baby!

34、 Hurry up! This red T-shirt is pretty! 四会句型:Is this your skirt? No,it s not. What colour is it? It s white. 可修改编辑精选资料第四单元This is the weather report. It s cool in Lhasa. Can I wear my new shirt today? No,you can t.Come on . Those are my shoes. Where are they ? They are on your feet? Here s the world

35、weather. What are you doing? What s the weather like in Beijing? Not much. It s rainy today. How about New York? What s the matter? I have to close the window. 四会句型:It s warm today.It s cool Let s play football. Is it cold? 可修改编辑精选资料第五单元 Look at that dress. It s colourful. Can I help you? That s exp

36、ensive. I like it. This shirt is colourful,but its too big. It s fits me well. I want a pair of sneakers. What size ?Size five. How about this pair? Are they nice/all right? We ll take them. 四会句型:How much is it? It s ten yuan. How much are they? They re three yuan. 第六单元 How many cows do you have? Wh

37、at do you see in the picture? 可修改编辑精选资料What are those? How many geese can you see? Are these tomatoes? 四会句型:Are they ducks? No,they aren t. How many horses are there? Twelve. 四年级下册单词、句型集中营 Words in Book 4 Class_ Name_ Number_ playgroundgardenteacher s officelibrarycanteenart roomgymcomputer roomwash

38、roommusic roomfloorvisitorthere 可修改编辑精选资料TV room first class lunch this way please cool beautiful second computer board fan light this is my that your teacher s desk wall picture floor breakfast English class music class lunch it dinner P.E. class get up yes go to school go home go to bed just a min

39、ute over go to the playground now run one kid two three four five six seven eight nine ten what time it s=it iso clock English P.E. hurry Chinese music for class jacket shirt skirt dress red sweater T-shirt whose green white blue yellow not jeans pants no socks shoes shorts these those but what for

40、neighbour colour warm cold cool hot weather report weather wear today can t=cannot put on jeans pants socks shoes football let s=let us play snowy cloudy sunny 可修改编辑精选资料rainy windy New York matter close not much have to pretty cheap expensive colourful sixty seventy hundred assistant how much ninety

41、-nine big take apple small long short orange watermelon pear banana are they sneakers slippers sandals boots want pair we ll=we will a pair of son size horse hen lamb sheep goat cow farm aren t=are not donkey fat cat rabbit tomato pig duck dog onion carrotcucumber potato eleven twelve thirteenfresh

42、fifteen twenty how many there 重难点句子 Sentences in Book 4 Class_ Name_ Number_ 1. Where is the canteen?2. This is the teacher s office.It s on the first floor. That is my classroom.3. How many students are there in your class? Forty-five.4. Do you have a library? Yes! 5. The canteen is on the first fl

43、oor.6. This is my computer.7. Is this a teacher s desk?可修改编辑精选资料8. Is that the art room?9. What time is it?10. It s time for English class.Yes, it is.No, it isn t. It s nine o clock. Breakfast is ready!11. School is over. Let s go to the playground. 12. Let s go home. I m ready. 13. It s 7:05. It s

44、time to go to school. 14. It s 8:30 .It s time for music class. 15. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 16. I like the blue dress.17. Where is my skirt? 18. What colour is it? Blue. 19. Is this your skirt?Yes, it is./No. it isn t. My T-shirt is red. 20. Is that your T-shirt? No, it s not.

45、 21. Whose is it? It s my T shirt. 22. Whose is this?It s your baby brother s! 23. What are they?These are your baby pants. They re so small. 24. Are those my shoes?Yes. But what for? 25. Our neighbour has a new baby! 26. This is the weather report.27. Can I wear my new shirt today? can. It s cool i

46、n Lhasa.No, you can t. /Yes, you 可修改编辑精选资料28. It s warm today.You can wear your new shirt. 29. Can I wear my T-shirt? Yes, you can.30. What are you doing? Not much.31. What s the weather like in Beijing?It s rainy today.32. How about New York? It s sunny. 33. What s the matter?34. It s windy now.I h

47、ave to close the window. 35. Look at that dress.It s colorful.It s very pretty. 36. Can I help you?Yes. 37. How much is this dress?It s ninety-nine Yuan.38. What size? Size five. 39. Are they all right? Yes, they are. 40. How much are they?They re thirty-five Yuan. 41. What are they? They are goats.

48、42. Are they sheep? 43. Are they horses?No, they aren t. They are goats. No, they aren t .They are donkeys. 44. Look at the hens. They are fat. 45. How many cows do you have? 46. What do you see in the picture?One hundred. I see five cats. 47. Are these tomatoes?Yes, they are. /No, they aren t. 48.

49、What are these? They are carrots. 连词成句可修改编辑精选资料1. is, my, this, computer (.)2. your, is, that, computer (.) 3. teacher s desk, this, is, a (?) 4. is, it, time, what (?)5. o clock, it s, two (.) 6. time, math, for, it s, class (.) 7. this, is, your, T-shirt (?) 9. warm, it s, today (.) 11. much, how,

50、 it, is (?) 13. they, much, how, are (?) 15. they, ducks, are (?) 8. colour, it, is, what (?) 10. play, let s, football (.) 12. yuan, it s, ten (.) 14. three, they, yuan, are (.) 16. many, horses, there, are, how (?) 四年级下册英语知识点Unit 1 Our school 一、句子:可修改编辑精选资料1、This is the teacher s office. 这是老师办公室。2

51、、That is my classroom. 那是我的教室。3、Go to the library. Read a story-book.去图书馆。读故事书。4、Is this the library? Yes, it is. 这是图书馆吗?是的。5、Is that the art room? No, it isn t. the art room is on the second floor. (on the third;on the 4th;on the 5th .)那是美术室吗?不是,美术室在二楼。(三楼、四楼、五楼 ) 6、Where is the canteen? It s on th

52、e first floor. (on the third; on the 4th; on the 5th .)食堂在哪里?在一楼。(三楼、四楼、五楼 ) 7、How many students are there in you class? 8、Lets go and have a look! 让我们去看一看。9、二、单词:Forty.( 数字 ) playgroundgardenlibrary canteenartroomlightpicture board teacher s office computer room washroom music room gym TV roomteach

53、er s desk wall floor your computer fan this way please Unit 2 What time is it? 一、句子:可修改编辑精选资料1、What time is it? 几点钟了?2、It s nine o clock. 现在九点。3、It s time for English class. 该上英语课了。( lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E class )4、School is over. Let s go to the playground. 放学了,让我们去操场吧

54、!5、It s time to go to school. 该去学校了!( get upgo to schoolgo to bedgo home )6、 Where is the short hand? 7、That one is correct 二、单词:lunch English class music class breakfast dinner P.E class get up go to school go to bed go home just a minute one two three four five six seven eight nine ten it s=it is

55、math Chinese English P.E music class Unit 3 Is this your skirt? 一、句子:1、I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 裙子。我喜欢白毛衣搭配绿2、Whose is this? It s my baby brother s.这是谁的?是我小弟弟的。3、Is this your T-shirt? No, it s not. 这是你的 T 恤衫吗?不是。4、Where are my socks? 我的袜子在哪儿?5、What colour is it? It s white. 它是什么颜色的?白色的。可修改编辑精选资料二、单词: sweaterjeanspantssocks shoes shortsgreenwhi


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