1、Phonics全阶培训教师版 Phonics是目前国际上最新、学习效率最高的英语教学法,近年被美国政府评定为 最正确英语教学法 布什政府斥资50亿 在全美语文 课堂普遍推行。Phonics拼音英语独一被美国布什联邦政府认定为最正确英语教学法,并斥巨资在全美学校推行。 被以为是学习英语最快、最简单、最有效的方法 !The Bush administration is making a concerted effort to promote the teaching of phonics in Americas classrooms. Bush administration officials s
2、ay they believe phonics is the best approach for teaching reading. 华盛顿邮报 2002年9月22日报道washingtonpost/wp-dyn/articles/A59455-2002Sep9.html内地与香港、美国小学生词汇量对照表北京上海国 内大部分地区 香港(非母语)美国(母语)语言课教材北京版小学英语共6册上海版英语共6册人教版小学英语共6册New Welcome To English共12册,配阅读及练习72册美国无指定教材,小学平均每年学习3000个单词。补充教材无无无science(英文科学)共6册,配套练习
3、6册词汇量(约)10267627382600+2500=510018000突破词汇是突破英语的关键香港小学生=内地大学生 中考大纲词汇仅830个 高考大纲词汇仅2500个 大学英语4级仅4000多个 而香港小学生英语词汇量5100拼音英语Phonics根本原理英语本身属拼音文字。音图 Phonogram 共156个。元音、辅音、词缀音图等。根本函盖了一切英语单词。拼读规那么。bus与传统英语教学法的比较音形义bs b-u-s公共汽车Phonics一切音图和拼读规那么培训大纲1.字母音图2.短音音图3.长音音图4.R音节5.双辅音音图6.双元音音图7.辅音串8.辅音集合9.特殊元音10.注音法1
4、1.音节划分13.词缀音图12.重读、弱读1.字母音图a a b c d e e f g h i i j k l m n o o p qu r s t u u v w x y z2.短音音图短音规那么: 一个元音,结尾辅音,发短音在单音节单词或重读音节中。 a e i o u cat desk igloo dog bus bat get win pop bug mad jet pin mop jug fast vest mix hop dust 3.长音音图long a a_e ai ay eigh long e e_e ee ea ei ie ey e y long i i_e ie igh
5、 ild ind i y long o o_e oe oa ow old ost o long u u_e ue ui ew 长音规那么: 两个元音一同走,第一个发字母音,第二个不发音,去睡觉。long o words:o_e:oe:oa:ow:home rope rose bone hopetoe oak load boat soap road coat snow slow grow old:cold fold told ost:most ghost post o:go no motion so long a words:a_eaiayeighmake gate hate shape nam
6、e mail faint chain nail rain pay may play pray spray eight sleigh neighbor long e words:e_e:ee:ea:ei:eve Chinese Japanese theseneed knee bee tree greenleaf meat clean teach heat ceiling receive protein receipt ie:thief field chief pieceey:key monkey donkey honey money e:she we me he be y:baby puppy
7、pony funny long i words:i_e:ie:igh:ild:kite hike bike smile fivepie die lie tiehigh light right night mild child ind:hind mind blind kindi:hi tiny y:my dry try by y:作辅音发:/j/弱读词尾发:/i/重读词尾发:/ai/ie:长单词中:/i:/短单词尾:/ai/long u words:u_e:ue:ui:ew:cute mute huge mule rude ruledue blue glue clue suit fruit ju
8、ice new screw chewlong u 的音图跟在j r l 后面读/u:/其他情况发/ju:/ chew是特殊。4.r 音节arer ir ur wor ear or ore our oar oor war quar ar words:arcarcardcartcharmsharkjarbarkfarharmfartmarkdarksharpbarartsmartparkfarmpartharder.ir.ur.wor.ear words:er : teacher sister brother fingerir : first bird girl skirt dirtyur : p
9、urse church nurse turn wor: word world worst worm ear: learn earn early heard or.ore words: or: corn fork horse horn pork cornerore: more chore shore core store our oar oor war quar words:our: four pour court oor: door indoor floor oar: board roar war: war warm warn quar: quarter quarrel 5.辅音音图sh: s
10、hip shell sheep fish ch: chin child chips chairtch: catch fetch switch ditchth: the these there them thinkwh: whale wheat where what whoph: phone photo elephant pharmacyck: duck sick rock clock6.双元音音图oioyouowauawalalloooi oy words:oi: oil boil spoil soil coin point joinvoice choice noise noisy oy: b
11、oy toy joy soy enjoy destroy ou ow words:ou: count south sour flour pound soundground found discount ow: cow flower shower tower down au aw words:au: sauce Paul faucet autumn pauseaw: paw draw dawn crawl al all words:al: talk chalk stalk walk bald saltall: ball call fall tall mall wall smalloo words
12、:oo: look shook hook brook book good wood wool oo: moon noon room broom groom soon food当oo后跟k的时候,oo发短音/u/当oo后跟 m n 的时候发长音/u:/其他视情况而定。7.辅音串c+lbl: black blind blow blue blendcl: clean clue clock cloud clownfl: fly flower flour floorgl: glue glass glove glad globepl: play place please plant plan7.辅音串 c
13、+rbr:bride brook bring brave braincr:cry crab crayon fr: fry free freeze friend fruitgr: green groom grow gradepr: praise pride prince praythr: throw thrash threetr: tree try trade traindr: drive dream drink dress 7.辅音串 s+csc: scoop screamsk: skate skullsp: spider speaksl: sleep sled spr:springscr:s
14、creenstr:stringst: stand stepsn: snow snacksw: sweet swing8.辅音集合1stkc: cat coat cupk: kite keyck: sick rockque: unique chequech:Christmas chemistryff: face fingerph: alphabet pharmacistq: Iraq8.辅音集合2ndgg:goodgue: colleaguegh: ghostjj: job jamdge: bridge fridgege:cage angelgi: digital enginegy: energ
15、y gym8.辅音集合3rdnn: nose not kn: know knockgn sign resignrr: red restwr: write wrist 8.辅音集合4thss: sister sixc: cell citysc: scissors sciencezz: zoos: please rose nose8.辅音集合5thshtisicition education sion depression discussioncian musician cial special cious gracioustian Martian tient patient 当ti si ci
16、后跟元音时发sh. 后面的元音发r8.辅音集合6thng: ang: sang ing: sing king ong: song longung: lung hungry nk: nx: anxious ank: tank bank ink: pink thinkunk: drunk junk8.辅音集合7thsi(zh): television Asian measurets: ds: hats beds 9.特殊元音集合(1st)long a: ei:veil ey:hey survey ea:great break steaki: uy: guy buyui: guide build y
17、: funny9.特殊元音集合(2st)are hare rare spareear bear pear eir their weird eer cheer beer ear hear dear ire hire oor poor tour pure ere here ove: love glove doveu put air hair chair 9.特殊元音集合(3rd)ough: ought nought thought bought brought cough ough: bough drought plough ough: rough tough enoughough: though althoughough: through throughoutaugh: taught daughter naughty caught haughty fraught 10.注音法符 号 实例短音符 a e i o u calf长音符 a e i o u弱读符 a e i o u a=e=i o=u mountain 双圆点 a palm calm father空心符 b climb 1
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