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1、第四章 句子的英译之语序的调整1语序 语序指句子成分的排列次序,它是词语和句子成分之间关系的体现,反映语言使用者的逻辑思维和心理结构模式。句子语序的调整,从宏观看一般包括:句内语序调整句间语序调整2句内语序调整实例别的方面呢?平常女孩子所喜好的事,她却一点都不爱。And whats more, she didnt share the same likes with ordinary girls. (冰心梦,张培基译)沙发上坐着一个人。A man was sitting on a couch.3这甜蜜的犬吠声一直把我送入我在加德满都过的第一夜的梦中。The sweet barking sent

2、me straight into the dreams I had on my first night at Katmandu. (季羡林加德满都的狗,张培基)4在机器中很多能量是由于部件之间的摩擦而损失的。In a machine a great deal of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts.他们很细心地观察化学变化。They observed the chemical reaction with great care.They observed with great care the chemical re

3、action.5他们肩并肩地以疯狂速度向那座石塔奔去。They ran side by side at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.Side by side and at a fantastic speed they ran towards the stone pagoda.Side by side they ran at a fantastic speed towards the stone pagoda.6句间语序调整就分句间的相对位置而言,汉语的顺序相对比较固定,一般按照先因后果、语序与时序相一致的顺序排列。而英语则比较灵活,语序

4、与时序常常不相一致。这也是汉译英时需要调整语序的重要原因。(陈宏薇)7句间语序调整实例佗用刀刮骨,悉悉有声。The knife made a thin, grating sound as it scraped the surface.如果说白天广州像座翡翠城,那么当太阳沉没,广州就成了一颗夜明珠,灯光如海,千街闪烁。If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it becomes a luminous pearl, with a sea of lights twinkling in the streets after the s

5、un sets in the west.8一个人的生命究竟有多大意义,这有什么标准可以衡量吗?提出一个绝对的标准当然很困难:但是,大体上看一个人对待生命的态度是否严肃认真,看他对待工作、生活的态度如何,也就不难对这个人的存在意义做出适当的估计了。How significant can ones life be at all. Is there a criterion of judgment? Of course, it is difficult to come up with an absolute one, but a general look at whether he takes lif

6、e seriously and how he treats his work and life will make it easier to duly evaluate the significance of his being.9古来一切有成就的人,都很严肃地对待自己 的生命,当他活着一天,总要尽量多工作、多学习,不肯虚度年华,不让时间白白地浪费掉。我国历代的劳动人民以及大政治家、大思想家等等,莫不如此。Throughout history, men with great achievements all treated their life seriously. While alive,

7、they always tried to do more work and study, never allowing their youthful days to slip for nothing. Our working people through the ages as well as great politicians and great thinkers are all cases in point.10随堂练习 1. 他猛然倒在一把椅子上,椅子被压得吱吱响。He crashed down on a protesting chair.2. 在我们学校里这一点表现为:教鞭消失了,心理

8、老师出现了。In our school this is reflected by the vanishing stick and the emerging psychiatrist.113. 大学生不应该把他们辛苦挣来的钱都用来上馆子和约会。College students should not spend their hard-earned money on dining out or dating.4. 允许美国战俘接受红十字会的食品包裹,允许他们写信,但信要经过检查。American prisoners are permitted to receive Red Cross food pa

9、rcels and write censored letters.125. 由于形势混乱,引起了政府的严重关注。The chaotic situation caused serious concern.6. 讲座提供了很多信息,给我们留下了深刻的印象。The informative lecture impressed all of us.7. 路面结冰,加上能见度很低,因而导致了这场交通事故。Icy road and poor visibility led to the accident.13 句子语序调整技巧英汉语都以主语+谓语+宾语或施事+行为+受事为基本语序;就施事、行为和受事的顺序而言

10、,汉语语序排列比英语灵活。施事、行为、受事的位置在汉语中比较自由,在英语中比较固定。14一、 状语位置调整 在汉语中,状语一般位于主语和谓语之间,呈主语状语谓语宾语模式。如:他每晚都要看电视。有时为了强调,也可放在主语之前,如:几十年来,我经常想到这一只狗,直到今天,我一想到它,还会不自主地流下眼泪。在英语中,状语一般出现在宾语后的句尾,呈主语谓语宾语状语模式。He watches TV every evening.有时也可出现在句首或句中,如:They observed with great care the chemical reaction.In a machine a great de

11、al of energy is lost because of the friction between its parts.15 表示时间、地点和方式的状语同时使用时,在汉语中通常排列为时间地点方式动词的顺序;在英语中则通常排列为动词方式地点时间的顺序。如:他 每晚 都在 图书馆 用心 读书。He reads hard in the library every evening.大会将于 今年九月 在 北京 隆重 召开。The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September.16二、定语位置的调整 汉语定语

12、总是放在中心词前面;英语定语位置较灵活,单词作定语时一般放在中心词之前,较长的定语如词组或介词短语则放在中心词之后。浩瀚的大海the vast sea古老的中原文化the time-honored Central Plain culture摔断了左腿的男人a man with a broken left leg懂礼貌的人a man of good manners17当名词中心词之前出现几个属于不同层次的形容词作修饰语时,常涉及词序问题。一般按下列词序排列:表示说话人评价的形容词表示大小、形状、新旧的形容词表示颜色的形容词表示国别、来源、材料的形容词表示用途、目的的形容词或分词、名词等类别词。整

13、理下列形容词的排列顺序: old English charmingthe church. medical well-known Germana school little first interesting red French oil twohis paintingscharming old Englishwell-known German medicalfirst two interesting little red French oil18参考论述: 汉语中不同类型词语作定语修饰一个名词时,常将表明事物本质属性的词语排列在前,将描写性词语排列在后;而英语则相反,越是表明事物本质属性的定语

14、,越是靠近被修饰的中心词。山东曲阜是中国古代著名思想家,教育家孔子的故乡。Qufu, Shandong province, is the birthplace of Confucius, a well-renowned ancient Chinese thinker and teacher.中国现存规模最大,保存最完整的古代建筑群。The best-preserved magnificent ancient architectural complexes in China.19定语后置在英语中也很常见:他是依然健在的最伟大的科学家。He is the greatest writer alive

15、.这是可能取得的最令人满意的结果了。This is the most satisfactory result obtainable.20当然,也可以使用定语从句:你能指给我看莎士比亚曾经住的那间屋子吗?Can you show me the house where Shakespeare once lived?我永远忘不了我们第一次见面的那一天。I shall never forget the day when we first met.只有在河水很浅的地方我们才能涉水而过。We can only ford where the river is very shallow.21或是使用分词形式:

16、他是一个值得同情的人。He is a man deserving of sympathy.日本和我国是一衣带水的邻邦。Japan is our close neighbor separated only by a narrow strip of water.22再或使用介词短语:那一座书架上的书都是有关生态学的。The books on that shelf are all on ecology.大街上奔跑着各种品牌的汽车。Cars of different brands run along the street.正月十五元宵夜,街上挂着各式各样精巧的灯笼。On the evening of

17、the Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first lunar month, exquisite lanterns of diverse designs are hung along the streets.23句间的语序调整:叙事和表意的顺序 无论是汉语还是英语,在句子中既有叙事部分,又有表意部分,在汉语句子中,叙事在前,表意在后,而且前者可长,后者较短。人类没有空气就无法生存,这是十分自然的。It is very natural that man couldnt live without air.24 他比赛失败,我感到很惊讶。I was not a l

18、ittle surprised that he lost the game.你丈夫念书,你挣钱养家,他不会感到不自在吧。I hope your husband doesnt feel bad about it, with him studying and you earning money.女主人已经离开人世,再没有人喂它了。它好像已经意识到这一点。He must have been aware that nobody was going to feed him after the death of his mistress.25练习:居然没有一个人倾听这个意见,真是太遗憾了。It is a

19、pity that nobody should be on the listen.中国娱乐界怎样的趋势,我却不大了解,也不很注意。I am not too clear, not too interested, either, regarding current trends in Chinas entertainment world.约翰的中国之行,给他留下最深刻印象的是杭州西湖之秀美。The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou was what impressed John most during his trip to China.父亲母亲的形象还能回忆

20、一点儿,但很模糊。Even today I can recollect what my own parents looked like but, of course, my impression is blurry.早晨的公园里,遛鸟者时常可见。Early in the park we often see people walk with caged birds in hand.Taking a walk in parks with caged birds in hand is a common scene in the early morning.26第四章 句子的英译之否定句的翻译27Ke

21、y Points 否定转移 A.谓语否定主语否定; B. 谓语否定状语否定; B. 状语否定谓语否定。 延续否定 实用否定词28汉语常否定谓语,英译常否定主语如果没有太阳,什么都不能生存。Without the sun, nothing could live.这里周围,无论是苍蝇还是蚊子,一只也找不到。Not a fly nor a mosquito was foundaround here.29谓语否定转移至状语否定中国在任何时间和任何情况下都不会首先使用核武器。At no time and under nocircumstances will China be the first to u

22、se nuclear weapons.30状语否定转移至谓语否定有时孩子们下棋并不全是为了娱乐。Sometimes the children dont play chess for amusement.注:在含目的状语的否定句中,有时not并不否定其后的动词,而是否定句中的目的语。31巧用小否定词延续否定从前线回来的人说起白求恩,没有一个不佩服,没有一个不为他的精神所感动。No one who returned from the front failed to express admiration for Bethune whenever his name was mentioned, and

23、 none remained unmoved by his action.这头大象不像一堵墙,不像长矛,不像蛇,不像树也不像扇子。The elephant isnt like a wall or a spear, or a snake, or a tree, neither is he like a fan.32实用否定词-动词 Tip:英语中有不少动词或动词词组, 形式肯定,却暗含否定概念, 所以汉译时用反译法译成否定句。常见的有: fail, forbid, forget, deny, hesitate, lack, wonder, miss, lose, neglect, ignore,

24、 escape, resist, decline, doubt, reject, deprive, refrain, free/keep/save/protect/prevent/stop/ persuade from等,如例句:33那部车无法爬上那个山坡。The car failed to climb the hill.你没有射中靶子。You have just missed the target.公共场合请勿吐痰。Please refrain from spitting in the public places.他们不准这陌生人进入室内。They excluded the stranger from entering the ro


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