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1、Business School, SDJUChinese-English Bilingual Teaching For Logistics & Supply Chain Management Chapter 9. Logistics/Supply-Chain Management姜 阵 剑jzjBusiness School, SDJUBusiness School, SDJULogistics/Supply-Chain ManagementEvolution and Characteristics of Extended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业Future Trends in

2、 Supply Chain ManagementManagement Best Practices are EvolvingBusiness School, SDJUtotal supply chain costs consume about 7-12 % of corporate annual revenue across all industries. integrated supply-chain management (一体化的供应链管理) is now at the epicenter of business transformation.Business School, SDJUE

3、xtended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业The term extended enterprise represents the concept that a company is made up not just of its employees, its board members, and executives, but also its business partners, its suppliers, and even its customers. The extended enterprise can only be successful if all of the c

4、omponent groups and individuals have the information they need in order to do business effectively. Business School, SDJUExtended Enterprise 外延/扩展型企业true enterprise-strength solutions 企业实力的处理方案随着全球化的开展,企业之间的竞争也日趋猛烈。单个企业曾经没有才干顺应快速变化的市场,而必需和其它相关企业组成严密的协作同伴关系,构成扩展企业Extended Enterprise,保证竞争力优势互补,来共同面对变化

5、的市场和猛烈竞争的对手。Business School, SDJU1. Evolution and Characteristics of Extended Enterprisethe genesis 来源of extended enterprise logistics Japanese automobile makers Business School, SDJU精益消费, Lean Production精益消费Lean Production,LP,又称精良消费,其中“精表示精良、准确、精巧;“益表示利益、效益等等。精益消费就是及时制造,消灭缺点,消除一切浪费,向零缺陷、零库存进军。精益消费的

6、来源精益消费的特点Business School, SDJU1、含义:一体化战略指企业以现有运营领域为根底,根据物流的方向,不断地向深度和广度开展,使企业的经济规模扩展或在上下游之间扩展的一种战略。2、分类:纵向/垂直一体化战略 (vertical integration)横向/程度一体化战略一体化(生长)战略Integrative Growth/StrategyBusiness School, SDJU一体化战略纵向/垂直一体化战略横向/程度一体化战略前向一体化战略后向一体化战略一体化(生长)战略Integrative Growth/StrategyBusiness School, SDJU

7、一体化(生长)战略Integrative Growth/Strategy竞争者供应商企业零售商零售商顾客后向一体化前向一体化程度一体化前向一体化Business School, SDJU供应链管理横向一体化的代表借助信息技术(IT)和管理技术,将供应链上业务同伴的业务流程相互集成,从而有效地管理从原资料采购、产品制造、分销,到交付给最终用户的全过程,在提高客户称心度的同时,降低整个系统的本钱、提高各企业的效益。Business School, SDJU横向一体化外包供应链供应链Supply Chain 是在相互关联的部门或业务同伴之间所发生的物流、资金流和信息流,覆盖从产品(或效力)设计、原资

8、料采购、制造、包装到支付给最终用户的全过程。Business School, SDJU1. Evolution and Characteristics of Extended EnterpriseThe best companies:Enjoy an advantage in total supply chain management cost of 3-6 percent of revenueHold 50-80 percent less inventory than their competitorsHave a 40-65 percent advantage in cash-to-cas

9、h cycle time over average companies.Business School, SDJUStage 1:StuntedLogistics PerformerStage 2:Neophyte Logistics PerformerStage 3:InternallyIntegrated PerformerStage 4:ExternallyIntegrated Logistics PerformersLogistics buried at lowest levels of corporate organizations.Stovepiped logistics; eac

10、h function acts in relative autonomyInternal cross-functional teams spanning physical distribution functionsIntercorporate networked logistics teams and shared performance management information systemsLogistics defined as shipping function.Logistics defined as shipping and warehousing functions.Log

11、istics defined as shipping, warehousing, and customer service functions.Logistics defined as total supply-chain integration; Run by shipping clerksRun by military-style logisticiansRun by a chief logistics officerRun by a VP for supply chain供应链是物流开展的高级阶段Business School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Suppl

12、y Chain Management Full-spectrum visibility and real-time management Example:Ford Motor Company Business School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Total Connectivity 整体连通性Information technology and telecommunicationsThe emergence of the internetInternet-enabled shared information helps

13、 break down organization politics and functional fences, helping supply-chain alliance members 供应链联盟成员 develop a common understanding of the competitive environment. Business School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Total ConnectivityAll companiescan benefit from a more open informati

14、on flow by using the information to:Reduce or eliminate unnecessary inventoryImprove their planningDevelop active rather than reactive operationsSmooth product flowsTrim costImprove serviceBusiness School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Holistic 整体的, 全盘的 Supply-Chain Management Meth

15、ods Top management encourages this kind of segmentation and departmentalization Senior executives ability to manage supply-chain costs and therefore the profitability of a company is dependent on their ability to take a holistic approach to the companys operations. Business School, SDJU2. Future Tre

16、nds in Supply Chain Management Global Third-Party Logistics (3PL) ProvidersGlobal logistics companies are now acting as systems integrators for major corporate clients, conducting elaborate, highly sequenced “milk runs to pick up and deliver components and products with a whole host of suppliers and

17、 vendors on an international basis. Business School, SDJU名词解 释第一方物流需求方为采购而进行的物流,如赴产地采购、自行运回商品。第二方物流供应方为了提供商品而进行的物流,如供应商送货上门。 第三方物流由物流的供应方和需求方之外的第三方所进行的物流。Third-party logistics providers (3PLPs,第三方物流(服务)商) 第四方物流提供各种物流信息咨询服务的企业。提供各层次物流人才培训服务的企业。各方物流的概念Business School, SDJUMilk Run来自牛奶公司每天清晨挨家挨户在牧场收买牛奶

18、,送牛奶的工人送牛奶时拿走一个空瓶,再放一瓶牛奶。物流配送中常用这样的方式。牛奶式取货、循环取货,集货配送,多仓储间巡回装卸货混载运送,定时定点取货。国内最早是汽车制造业东风、上海通用运用的一种物料集货方式。Business School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management Global Third-Party Logistics ProvidersThe computer company reports a high degree of satisfaction with the arrangement, which allows

19、 the company to:Avoid sunk costs in information systems and ware-housing capacityGain greater market leverage over ocean, air, and surface transportation service providers Achieve greater flexibility in meeting the needs of customers Business School, SDJU2. Future Trends in Supply Chain Management G

20、overnment Trade Facilitation systemsNew trade facilitation systems implemented by national governments have also supported the globalization of supply chains. Singapore The U.S. Customs ServiceDHL World-wide ExpressBusiness School, SDJU3. Management Best Practices are Evolving Managing the extended

21、enterprise will increasingly focus on these three domains of best practice:Physical network managementInformation and knowledge network managementComputer-based infrastructure managementBusiness School, SDJU供应链构造表示图供应商制造商仓储和配送中心客户:物流:信息流现金流Business School, SDJU供应链管理与物流管理实物分销Physical Distribution物流Lo

22、gistics供应链Supply Chain供应链管理的研讨是从物流管理研讨开场的1915年美国阿奇萧二站时期,美国军队建立后勤Logistics实际1956年日本引入“物的流通1989年部分性研讨整体性、集成性研讨Business School, SDJU供应链管理是物流管理的延伸物流管理有狭义和广义两方面的含义:狭义的物流管理指物资的采购、运输、配送、贮备等活动,是企业之间的物资流通活动。广义的物流管理包括从原资料到产品整个消费过程的物料转化过程,即供应链管理。供应链管理是物流管理的延伸供应链是物流开展到集约化阶段的产物。Business School, SDJU供应链管理是物流管理的延伸

23、物流贯穿于整个供应链。(几流之一)供应链强调的是系统的整合和优化。作为一种战略概念,供应链也是一种产品,而且是可增值的产品。Business School, SDJU供应链管理和物流管理的比较 物流一词最早出现于美国。 1915年,阿奇肖在一书中用的是Physical Distribution。 第二次世界大战以后,物流获得了长足的开展。物流一词也逐渐由Physical Distribution演化为Logistics。 美国物流管理理事会Council of Logistics Management的定义。Business School, SDJU供应链概念的提出要比物流晚得多1982年,凯思奥立夫Keith R. Oliver和麦考尔威波尔Michael D. Webber在杂志上发表了,初次提出“供应链管理的说法。供应链管理的出现源于对物流管理的研讨。从这个意义上讲,供应链管理是物流管理的开展和延续。尤其是现代物流一体化的提出,更使得物流管理和供应链管理的研讨领域和研讨方法雷同。Business School, SDJU供应链管理与物流管理的区别首先,供应链管理不仅包括对于供应链中物流的管理,还包括对于商流、信息流和资金流的管理。其次,战略联盟的出


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