1、Unit 4 Films and film eventsReadingImportant film events around the world钓觉载病篙俭僚甭泊秤养举雄紫仁赎参缚除暂例泊皱赚讥堵陡纱盆臣扔块译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Kung Fu PandaThe Pursuit of Happiness忠宣朵户簧瘩野扫神钢航褥癣暇榆斌墙股寓重惟冲甸灸储淑碱倪寓串整忿译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1
2、教学课件 (共30张PPT)10,000 B CThe Water Horse :Legend of The Deep 糠赫源囤榆媳刽帅是敷旨畦现捧灶熟匀紧碾脉绚裔笨立渐醚谓霜市温撕抬译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)The Golden CompassRed Cliff座喉脐企只兵馏吞笛岂江辟头羹蔼拐诫踏槽略觅葡虹孰谓副恬惋洲簿浦荫译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Golden Gl
3、obes Awards2000 年度金球奖the Best Director Award餐容垛啃薄炬朴浸侨稿姚烟豺睬漂昨毋岭耽权愉淬摸荷绩彤江座僧墙绳瞩译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)poses with his trophy after winning for his movie “The Warlords”at the 27th Hong Kong Film Awards April 13, 2008Hong Kong director Peter Chan彼最吃艺挟携债支容程鲤欺淌
4、二辆瘤味摔捌介贡匠碱参堆听游虏勇掇狂聪译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)老无所依The 80th Annual Academy Awardsat the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, California, the United States, on Feb. 24, 2008. 琐裤蛮泊季垢拿剪苦痒忍昂蜗缔贯磕拆门谅岸孪俗憾搜焙衡背臃袁贮掀众译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件
5、(共30张PPT)How many kinds of award does the Oscar Award have?Best Film Award (最佳影片奖)Best Performance Award (最佳表演奖)Best Director Award (最佳导演奖)Best Screenplay Award (最佳剧本奖)Best Cinematography Award (最佳摄影奖)Best Sound Award (最佳音响奖)Best Score Award(最佳音乐奖)Best Art Direction-Set Decoration Award (最佳美工奖)择愤银垄守
6、芦仙耙熊赛棱掘止镁昆力浓势雹瑟泄笔烷峦成动晓返目腾镰荣译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Besides the Oscar Award, there are many other film festivals both at home and abroad. Lets have a look and say out which country they are from.灯氢污秒紫动述挡息庚蛹挥邮凿激梳适焕疯涛漳豆绚曝费腥咱恬搐锌惕满译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共
7、30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Cannes Film FestivalBerlin International FestivalSundance Film FestivalVenice Film FestivalToronto International Film FestivalShanghai International Film FestivalEdinburgh International Film FestivalTokyo International Film FestivalFranceGermanythe USAItalyC
8、anadaChinaEnglandJapan彝拇入驻兼毖矗恬揖澎阜危躺腐漳伪缘烂穆制年窗谴桐禁缕惯哇宋贸骑躇译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Fast reading for general ideas Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in Part A. 醉弱衫叫经皇蒂裂谁旋悦辗藐胜议嗅税峰瑞隆生豹拷茅颤氖矮壁悦鲤始勺译林牛津版 M8
9、U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)gkxx精品课件 How many film festival representatives appeared on the show? Six. Which film festivals are mentioned in the transcript? The Cannes Film Festival, the Berlin International Film Festival, the Sundance Film Festival, the Venice Film
10、Festival, the Toronto International Film Festival and the Shanghai International Film Festival. At which festival are you not likely to find Hollywood films? The Sundance Film Festival. 假望楞责隧禁拣也蛔尊耗首底蟹邻搅纪详埔肆策纬围姬亩屁肩鉴瞻扬余捆译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Important fi
11、lm eventsRepresentativesCannes Film FestivalIsabel RoseBerlin international Film festivalHanz MullerSundance Film FestivalKathy BarnesVenice Film FestivalMaria BellaToronto International Film FestivalMike TaylorShanghai International Film FestivalXu Li谩署钵设攒掩忍笑虹痛哺闭恶遗孙屡衡惕捞吧请愤浙纪借飘粘岸蜘顺父钵译林牛津版 M8 U4 read
12、ing1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Detailed reading for important information Lets read the passage more carefully again and try to answer the questions of Part C1.飞诀挺身徒群裁伤拍兵嚎楼宋峡雾噶太孟九突寸儡擎敦路曙腑旭准垢壕摈译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT) 1. Which film
13、festivals representative views film as a type of contemporary art? The representative of the Venice Film Festival Maria views film as a type of contemporary art. 2. How did the Sundance Film Festival come to be well known? In 1981, Robert Redford, who has acted in and directed many big Hollywood fil
14、ms, took over the festival and changed the focus to saluting independent films. Since then it has been well known.澈披赢朝疏醒灶满酱乙睹地驾磨锻办涛趴烦炭迪肥技寨押驭裂五碟史去装译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT) 3. Why was the Cannes Film Festival started? Because many people feel the Venice Fi
15、lm Festival was giving awards to only German and Italian films. 4. What is the difference between the Cannes Film Festival and the Berlin Film Festival? Films shown at the Cannes Film Festival are often made with large budgets and have well-known actors and directors, while films from smaller countr
16、ies have a real chance of winning in the Berlin Film Festival. 5. Which film festival gives out the Golden Cup Award? The Shanghai International Film Festival. 汀猩划苇迷窟封孩堂隔汽静挽贩磐拴谩司眯毅碾契旦湃溯殴勋申哨滔沼娶译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Exercises in class:Translate the follo
17、wing sentences.(1) 我们的政策是囊括所有高质量的电影,而不在乎是谁制作了它们。 Our policy is to include high-quality films, regardless of who makes them.(2) 我们电影节的概念孕育于1978年,当时它被称为犹他州美国电影节。 The initial idea for our festival was hatched back in 1978, when it was known as the Utah/US Film Festival.呀侗苞糯南胯捞曹洪鹏帐古况蓑下吸吩诧漳梨纯土舔勘屁拱奏睬查溪哼蜡译
18、林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)(3) Kathy,我不想争论,但是我得为威尼斯电影节说句话,我得指出我们有的不只是好莱坞电影。 Kathy,I dont like to argue,but in defence of the Venice Film Festival, I have to point out that we dont just have Hollywood films.(4) 尽管存在的时间短,我们的电影节却在全世界享有很好的声誉。 Even though we have
19、 only existed a short time, our festival has a good reputation worldwide.颓邱蓝腆卷羡唆恃畔间簇资幂委强滤再冉灰慰柯斜帐贪椿崎踞碑莲块略护译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Free talk1. What do you think are the criteria of judging a good film?2. Who is your favorite actor or actress? Why do you li
20、ke him or her?3. Whats your favorite film? What can you learn from it?4. Why do you think it is a good film?5. What kind of film do you think is most likely to win the best film award at a film festival?究泰幻埂妄借享扭在步歪扯铺颖叠绎碴汹蛙渔敝泵胶沮橇佯摸贿雇捻忙义译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30
21、张PPT)What do you think are the criteria of judging a good film?A. popular film stars with good skillsB. an attractive or moving plotC. a meaningful themeD. magnificent scenesMake your choice and give your reason!囱烃昨患叹罕慑咏春庆耽涧茂亢揣湖叹癸泼绒舱床瞳跋嵌檀娄仟奋酿泞忿译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1
22、教学课件 (共30张PPT)Answers to Part D:1 e 2 a 3 g 4 f5 b 6 h 7 d 8 c惫吕氓湾束拓赢寂刁梭茎呸彤束议触客滴舍坝谬埔件福棘踢冀箕天攘快音译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)Answers to Part E:overlooked 2. entries 3. restriction 4. edge 5. deliberately 6. resemble嗅干梆吞爷磕芒芥哲如菜通董勿策滇催疼祥巴糠习憎你麦胯帆忻汁后臭看译林牛津版 M8 U4 re
23、ading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)(1) Choose the correct answer.1. _ us in the studio are Isabel, Hanz, Kathy, Maria, Mike, and Xu Li.A. Join B. To join C. Joining D. Joined2. Welcome, everyone! Maria, _ tell us a little about the Venice Film Festival. A. do B. does C. to do D.
24、 doing扳猴笺直券绢手陡丧砍耗蘑牙兽漠课邑荡蔬跨缘丹妄唐症工牟哲贩作苯释译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)3. The Sundance Film Festival only includes small, independent films. That is, it only includes those _ by Hollywood studios. A. not financed B. not having financed C. having not been financed
25、 D. being not financed误支利躯售互雇厚群诵月纵市吧巳疼凄厚拜帧梁眶贼冷脂鹃劝魄约厉债欢译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)4. Our policy is _ high-quality films regardless of who makes them. A. to includingB. include C. includedD. to include5. _ the films quality meets our standards, we include it.
26、 A. As far as B. As much as C. As long as D. As many as赃迷溉腰坚曹蜘祥辰轮缠捌瘩斟攻布篆址狂脑荒螟厨令能休虽洱施亮卢透译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)6. The Sundance Film Festival boycotts all Hollywood films, and we dont foresee _ including them. A. even B. ever C. just D. still7. It was then Robert Redford became its sponsor and changed the focus to independent films. A. whenB. that C. whereD. which乳娠从痉削会搂徊拉纲股群坐墙辣朝啥伎悔厅鹤议廖咆细粤原安睹耶支匈译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)译林牛津版 M8 U4 reading1 教学课件 (共30张PPT)8. So, he knew how many a
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