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1、浅谈条形码技术在产成品库存管理中的应用浅谈条形码技术在库存管理中的应用Application of Bar Code Technology in Storage Management of Finished Products;前言 : 对目前晋投产成品下线后基础数据的采集进行了分析 , 探讨条形码技术在产成品管理方面的应用 , 使之满足ERP上线后数据采集的实时性,从而快速响应客户需求,提高客户满意度, 消除潜在的经营风险, 降低物流成本, 提高效益。The paper analyzes basic data after finished products under line and dis

2、cusses application of bar code system in management of finished products,which meet real time of data collect after implementing ERP so as to response customers demands rapidly,boost customer satisfaction,avoid potential operation risk,reduc logistics cost and increase efficiency.摘 要 : 实现仓库管理条码化必须要为

3、每一种库存品建立唯一的编号,并使用条码打印机制作出条码标签附在库存品的上。进行各种仓库作业时,使用条码识读设备( 条码阅读器或数据采集器) 扫描库存品条码标签上的条码,这样电脑上的仓库管理信息系统就可以利用条码识读设备发送过来的数据进行各种统计、分析动作,及时反映企业replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements,to ensure that the amount of

4、 compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fu

5、el tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel

6、 tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in pla

7、ce, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent wi

8、th the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should库存的实际情况。对目前的物流行业

9、来说,库存管理成为各企业的一个重要的竞争力。探讨条形码技术在产成品管理方面的应用 , 使之满足企业资源计划系统上线后数据采集的实时性 , 从而快速响应客户需求, 提高客户满意度, 消除潜在的经营风险, 降低物流成本,提高效益。关键词 : 条形码 仓储 物流 库存一 现有企业的商品入出库管理工作的弊端目前 , 所有的物流公司产成品入、出库管理全部靠人工完成。各库的库房面积与当初设计的各生产厂的产能相配套。随着企业的发展库房面积利用能力不断提升,库存商品不断增加, 品种、结构越来越复杂化。为了确保企业正常生产 , 商品的转库量只有随着物流需求不断扩大而增加 , 这就造成物流费用增加。而现有入库、发

10、运靠人工管理的流程已不再适应现代企业发展的需要。弊端主要体现于以下几点 :数据传输不准确实时, 影响正常商品的发运。目前 , 尤其商品入库后要下线或者转运后 , 数据传输滞后时间约 2 小时。产成品入库、发运全部靠人工管理。为防止出错, 入库、发运时间长, 工作效率较低 , 发运成本高 , 顾客满意度偏低。replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensu

11、re that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hin

12、ge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder beforeinstallation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a tempor

13、ary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart travel

14、ing mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after openin

15、g size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms sh

16、ould每月、年都花费大量人力、物力进行盘库。 二 条形码技术在产成品库存管理上的运用我们知道 , 到超市买商品在出口处, 收银员只要用条码识别仪扫描一下该商品的条形码标签, 就可以准确知道该商品的价格、上架日期及生产日期等信息 , 然后根据识别仪读出的数据收取现金, 再打印相应的商品明细 , 顾客拿着明细出超市。而条形码技术在产成品库存管理上的运用是将无线网络技术和条码自动识别技术嵌入到企业产成品库的管理中去。在每个流程点中 , 将人工操作, 完全电子化地在手持终端中实现 , 从而提高人工的效率, 确保在库存管理、运输过程的统一性和准确性。基于条码技术的仓库管理设计方案以条码技术作为整个仓库

17、管理信息系统的基础, 通过合适的库存管理算法, 安排生产 , 不仅能使费用降低到最少, 而且还能实现质量跟踪, 系统所用的条码可以具体到每一批次的产品 , 即对同一种产品不同的批次制作不同的条码, 但是这也给条码的管理带来一定的复杂性。为了提高企业经济效益, 在库存管理算法中以总平均费用最少为目标来安排一类需求固定的产品的生产 , 同时考虑仓库容量的约束。从产品生产完成到成品入库, 再到成品出库, 这一过程采用条码物资管理信息系统进行管理, 可以在网上实现replacing the sealing plate and bolt screwdown, check the water surfac

18、e and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center,

19、 horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder con

20、nection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, ex

21、pansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span anddiagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs i

22、nstalled: legs and beams composedof h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with thebottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting.Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machineinstallation: two legs after the installation process is complet

23、ed andfully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should电子会签 , 并且生成入库单及出库单, 实现无纸化管理。如果出入库出错 , 可以追踪到具体的某一批次的产品 , 可以保证出入库不发生错误。并能对库存进行即时盘存 , 生成物资报表, 便于统计分析。根据需求信息 , 库存信息以及生产费用 , 制定合理的生产计划。基于条码技术的仓库管理系统主要包括编码及打印条码系统、入库物资管理、库存物资管理、及时库存管理、出库物资管理、统计报表、系统信息管理等功能模块。编码及打印条码系统这一部分在生产车间使用 , 车

24、间生产出成品 , 录入相应的产品信息 , 系统将根据产品信息和生产信息自动为该产品生成对应的条码, 然后 ,通过条码打印机打印条码, 制作标签 , 检查无误后 , 将条码标签贴到包装箱上。为了跟踪每一箱产品 , 需要为每一箱产品制作唯一的条码。这样的编码, 既保证了条码的唯一性 , 又具有一定的灵活性。入库物资管理计算机生成并打印交库单, 入库物资经过核对 , 确认无误后 ,由仓库保管员进行电子会签, 完成入库 , 并生成人库单。库存物资管理对于标签破损, 从数据库中调入相关的信息 , 重新打印 , 进行补贴。在物资移位时, 用识读器进行识读, 自动收集数据, 把采集数据自动传送至计算机物资管

25、理系统中进行数据管理。对于退货的产品 , 有两 replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supportsthe slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that theamount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base

26、 weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel

27、 tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room,

28、 equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawle

29、r crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed

30、with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should种解决办法: 一是重新打包, 修改相应的信息并更换条码; 二是在备注字段里填入信息 , 并标明退货信息。即时库存管理库存自动预警: 对各种物资库存量高于或低于限量的进行自动预警。结合各种物资近期平均用量, 自动生成需要在一定时间内需要采购或生产的物资品名

31、和数量等。管理人员可适时的安排生产, 有效的控制库存量。空间监控监控物资的实际位置、存放时间、空间余地等参数, 自动对不合理位置、超长存放时间、空间余地不足等规定的限量自动报警。出库物资管理采用条码识读器能对出库物资包装上的条码标签进行识读并将物资信息快递给计算机, 计算机根据物资的编号、品名、规格、数量等自动生成出库单。发现标签破损或丢失的按照上述程序人工补贴。将出库物资经过核对确认无误后 , 再进行库存台帐处理, 更新物资库存信息。统计报表 根据物资的出入库和库存信息 , 适时完成库存物资管理的各种日报 , 月报和年报。在规定时间内完成任务的情况, 统计各分库, 分厂等基层单位工作情况。系

32、统管理 系统管理是为仓库物资管理系统正常、安全运行提供保障。其主要功能为: 品种代码维护, 用户管理 , 权限管理 , 日志管理和数据管理。replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hi

33、nge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concret

34、e strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder beforeinstallation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installati

35、on: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connec

36、tion of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T

37、crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should条码技术的引入对仓库管理模块的作用对物资进行条码管理 物资入库时, 根据物资的名称、规格及时间生成一个条形码 , 并将条形码贴在对应的物资上, 这样 , 每件物

38、资就会有一个“身份识别码”。通过查询条形码, 就会看到该物资的入库时间、单价、存放位置、供应商等相关信息。在物资的领用等流动环节, 只要扫入条形码 , 写入所需数量 , 其他信息都会自动载入。有了条形码管理, 就能杜绝以往一种物资有几个供应商时, 不能准确区分的现象 ; 杜绝一种物资有几个单价时不能做到一一对应的现象。现在进行了条形码管理 , 对每件物资的来龙去脉都能做到一清二楚, 从而有效地控制物资管理出现混乱的现象。快捷、方便、准确、及时现在物资入库时, 只需仓库人员根据合同 , 将条码扫描后入库, 然后将扫描后的信息打印出入库单流转到财务。这样大大地减轻了工作人员的工作压力 , 在物资发

39、放时, 非常方便、快捷, 只需扫入领用人的条码、物资条码、填好数量。整个过程无需填入文字, 耗时很少 , 极大地提高了工作效率, 并能准确及时地反映库存物资的动态情况, 物资的出、入库变化都能随时随地反映, 做到账物相符从而为合理编制物资采购计划提供了可靠的依据。有效地控制了因信息 不及时不准确而造replacing the sealing plate and bolt screw down, checkthe water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure th

40、at the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points.Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge sea

41、t elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary s

42、upport the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling m

43、echanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span anddiagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size

44、 consistent with thebottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting.Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machineinstallation: two legs after the installation process is completed andfully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should成库存物资短

45、缺或重复采购的现象。三 条形码系统管理的预期通过条形码系统的管理, 将达到以下六点效果: (1) 管理更加细化。原来管理到产成品的批次及存放的仓库, 将由条形码系统管理到每一卷、件、块及其存放的每个货位和层数。操作更加规范。原来靠人为控制装车, 现在靠程序控制装车, 装车过程中用无线终端扫描所装货物 , 校验是否满足装车要求及所装产成品是否符合提单要求。晋投玄武岩精品在市场上站一席之地, 订单都是国内、外知名度高的大企业。尤其是管线钢发错一件货将在国内、国际造成相当大的负面影响 , 因此 , 凡是晋投玄武岩精品、出口材发运营销总公司都组织精兵强将, 指定专人对每一件、块、卷进行实时跟踪, 确保

46、发货准确率100 ? , 浪费了大量人力、物力。产成品信息都需实时改变 , 有时一堆货物中只需要一块板材, 翻堆后信息如不及时跟上就会严重影响以后发运工作, 给库存管理带来极大隐患。有了条形码系统作支撑将使翻堆后信息和发货信息实时跟踪, 彻底杜绝了装错货的风险, 节省了人力、物力 , 使有限的资源得到了优化配置。流程简化。从产成品下线到产成品出厂, 原来靠人工现场码堆, 建码堆卡 , 再输入到计算机中。发运时, 现场监装 ,replacing the sealing plate and boltscrew down, check the water surface and supports t

47、he slider surface inheight meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression.8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard, hinges in place, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal contro

48、l points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinfo

49、rcement. Cylinder and hinged connections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided according to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2

50、.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbit, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs an

51、d beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Machine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully

52、fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should及时更新码堆卡记录 , 发运结束后及时输入到计算机上 , 确保“帐、卡、物”相符。只要一个环节存在问题 , 就不能保证发货准确性。而采用条码系统, 产成品下线后及时贴上相应条形码。入库时, 只要扫描相应条形码, 系统就会接收到该产成品一切信息 , 在系统中就会记录该产品所在库的位置。发货时自动提示该提单货物位置即使翻堆频繁只要扫描该产成品条形码就能把该产品所在的区位号、货位号、及层数及时传输到系统中 , 确保“帐、物”相符。取消原始码堆卡, 节约了人工和码堆成本。合理利用

53、货位。通过货位管理及货位视图方便地规划货位的使用 , 有效地利 用有限的货位资源。有了条形码系统作支撑, 产成品下线时, 系统能根据货场状况推荐货位。发运时, 对每张提单进行优选, 当输入提单号后 , 系统显示该产品所在的准确位置及所在的层数, 使发货员能准确找到货物所在位置。提高了发运速度。对后续信息化工作的支持。通过给每一个产成品唯一的条码, 为将来在电子商务中跟踪单件、块产成品质量, 验证此件、块产品是否是公司的产品创造了条件。 ( 注 : 目前市场假冒伪劣产品繁多, 有了条形码做支撑点 , 将有力地保护公司的知识产权及品牌。 )实时库存的实现。便于准确地组织发运, 将转库量降至repl

54、acing thesealing plate and bolt screw down, check the water surface and supports the slider surface in height meets the requirements, to ensure that the amount of compression. 8.2.5 installation of hydraulic headstock gear hinge installation: first cylinder hinge seat base weld chipboard,hinges in p

55、lace, release height measurement by total station and the Center, horizontal control points. Good point, concentricity control hinge and hinge seat elevation. Fuel tank installation: when the hinged seat second stage concrete strength to meet the design requirements, fuel tank installation. Cylinder

56、 before installation, clean line on the cylinder and cylinder connection and reinforcement. Cylinder and hingedconnections, welding a temporary support the fuel tank is fixed, so that later no load test. Hydraulic installation: after the formation of headstock gear room, equipment will be provided a

57、ccording to the design drawings of hydraulic station channel, expansion bolts. 8.2.6 hoist to install one-way door installation: cart traveling mechanism in place, running gear and bottom beam positioning position the connection of the factory is completed, 50 ton crawler crane to hoist them in orbi

58、t, adjust levels, span and diagonal, finished, reinforced. Legs installed: legs and beams composed of h-shaped, adjust the legs after opening size consistent with the bottom end rail bolt hole distance, tight bolts with 50T crane hoisting. Adjust vertical degrees, fixed with chain and wire rope. Mac

59、hine installation: two legs after the installation process is completed and fully fixed, for machine installation. Selected chicken farms should最低 , 节省转库搬倒费用。四 结语现代的仓库作业和库存控制作业十分复杂, 人工登记和处理已难以胜任。如果不能保证准确的进货、验收、质量保证及发货, 就会导致库存积压、延迟交货等问题 , 从而影响了服务, 最终失去客户。仓库作为物流管理的一个重要环节, 涉及各种资源、空间的综合利用, 合理的库存分布、高效的仓库

60、运作。有效的存货控制是保证企业交货能力的基础, 同时又需要尽可能地提高管理效率, 降低成本。条码技术的广泛应用为此问题的解决提供了可行的思路, 目前 , 条码技术在仓储管理中得到了广泛的应用。条码可对仓库中的每一种货物、每一个库位做出标记, 可定期对库区进行周期性盘存, 并在最大限度减少手工录入基础上, 确保将差错率降至零, 并且高速采集大量数据。具体应用中可将仓库分为若干个库房, 每一个库房分若干个库位, 明确定义存货空间。按仓库的库位记录仓库货物库存, 在产品入库时将库位条码号与产品条码号一一对应 ; 然后通过采集入库、出库、移库、盘库数据, 使仓库货物库存更加准确。同时通过后台应用软件的


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