人教版八年级下册英语课件 Unit 10 Period 4 Section B(2a-2d)_第1页
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1、Period 4 Section B(2a2d) 人教版 八年级下 Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.1234678910先练后背提示:点击 进入习题5答案呈现searchcount among; childhood; regardshame; especiallycentury; opposite Nowadays; millions of; search forhavent been backWith; crayon; to visitused to; at least; shameAccording to; however题组专训答案呈现

2、12345BCregards him asAaccording to your plan678according to where they liveCbuying 67nowadays答案呈现12345amongcountchildhood searchedcenturycrayons8opposite9shame1112CC10regards131415DDD课后巩固1617close to答案呈现According to18considers planting; yard课后巩固19Hometown; holds; childhood20left; soft; sweet2122AC23

3、B一、根据汉语提示完成句子, 并背记相应英语词汇1. She went into the kitchen in _ (搜索) of a drink.2. She began to _ (数数) up how many guests they had to invite.searchcount 3. Tom is my best friend _(在中) my classmates. We have been good friends since _ (童年). I _(把视为) him as my brother.amongchildhoodregard4. Her face turned r

4、ed with _(羞愧), _ (特别) when she met her teacher.5. At the end of the 20th _(世纪), his house was _ (在对面) ours. shamecenturyespeciallyopposite 二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子6. 目前, 数百万的中国人离开乡村到城市里寻找工作。_, _ _ Chinese leave the countryside to _ _ work in the cities. Nowadays millionsofsearch for7. 我现在几乎有三年没回去了。I _

5、_ _ for almost three years now.havent been back8. 由于彩色铅笔厂里的艰辛工作, 他抽不出很多时间去看望他的家乡。_ a hard job in a _ factory, he doesnt find much time _ _ his hometown.With crayonto visit9. “我过去每年至少回家一次很遗憾, 但我就是没有时间, ”他说。 “I _ _ return home _ _ once a yearIts a _, but I just dont have the time, ” he says.used to at

6、least shame10. 然而, 在钟伟看来, 有些东西永远不会改变。 _ _ Zhong Wei, _, some things will never change.According to however1. A recent study in Australia shows that parents are _ the top five worlds hardest jobs.【2019东营】A. between B. among C. from D. aboveB【点拨】句意为“澳大利亚最近的一项研究表明父母是世界上五种最辛苦的工作之一”。the top five worlds h

7、ardest jobs所表示的范围是三者以上, among“在中”, 使用范围在三者或三者以上。故选B。2. Communication is a bridge _ the young and the old.A. across B. throughC. between D. amongC【点拨】句意为“沟通是年轻人与老年人之间的一座桥梁”。between“在之间(两者)”, 故选C。3. 这位老人把他看作是自己的儿子。The old man _ _ _ his son.regards him as4. Cao Yuan, a 22-year-old Chinese scientist, wa

8、s regarded _ one of the 10 top people by Nature in 2018.【2019曲靖改编】A. as B. for C. in D. atA【点拨】固定搭配法。regardas是固定搭配, 意为“把看作”。句意为“曹原, 一名22岁的中国科学家, 在2018年被自然杂志评为十位最伟大的人物之一”。故选A。5. 一切都按照你的计划正常实施。Everything goes well _ _ _ _. according toyour plan6. 学生择校依据的是他们居住的地方。The students go to their school _ _ _ _

9、 _. accordingto where they live7. When we teenagers have problems in getting on well with parents, its necessary to put ourselves in parents shoes. _ 【2020昆明】A. wear parents shoes B. get parents shoesC. consider in parents position D. put parents to troubleC【点拨】转化法。句意为“当我们青少年在与父母相处方面遇到问题时, 有必要设身处地为父

10、母着想”。画线部分指“站在父母的位置上考虑问题”, 故选C。8. Your new skirt is beautiful, Lily.Thank you. Are you considering _ (buy) one for yourself? 【中考包头】buying 一、根据句意及首字母提示填写单词1. She is the tallest a her classmates.2. Can your sister c the number from one to a hundred?mongount3. The smell of the food reminded me of my c i

11、n the countryside.4. We s around for hours, but couldnt find the book.5. We can call a hundred years a c . hildhood earchedentury二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空6. Many kids like to use _ to draw pictures.regard, nowadays, shame, crayon, oppositecrayons7. Everything seems to be more expensive _. nowadaysregard, no

12、wadays, shame, crayon, opposite8. We sat _ each other, so I could see his face clearly. 【2020南充改编】oppositeregard, nowadays, shame, crayon, opposite9. Its a _ that I never thanked him for his kindness.shameregard, nowadays, shame, crayon, opposite10. Our English teacher is very kind and she _ us as h

13、er children.regardsregard, nowadays, shame, crayon, opposite三、单项选择11. I love this city, _ in the spring, even though I was not born here. 【2020镇江】A. certainly B. nearlyC. especially D. properlyC【点拨】句意为“尽管我不是出生在这儿, 但我喜欢这个城市, _是春天”。certainly“当然可以”; nearly“几乎”; especially“尤其”; properly“恰当地”。根据句意, 故选C。1

14、2. Where is Mr. Wang?He is _ the basketball players. A. for B. over C. among D. aboveC13. This museum _ here for over 80 years. It _ one of the oldest buildings in this city.A. is; was B. had been; is C. was; has been D. has been; isD【点拨】由时间状语for over 80 years可知, 第一句用现在完成时; 第二句陈述客观事实, 用一般现在时。句意为“这个博

15、物馆在这里80多年了。它是这座城市最古老的建筑物之一”。故选D。14. Project Hope has built many schools _ big classrooms and libraries.A. in B. of C. for D. withD15. Can you tell me something about your English teacher?Yes. All of us _ him as the best teacher in our school.A. look B. have C. tell D. regardD【点拨】regardas意为“把看作”, 故选D

16、。四、根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词16. 据米克说, 这是一部了不起的电影。_ _ Mick, its a great movie.According to17. 他在那儿生活了接近三年了。He has lived there for _ _ three years.close to18. 我妈妈考虑今年在我们的院子里种更多的花。My mom _ _ more flowers in our _ this year.considers plantingyard19. 家乡永远是保留我们所有童年记忆的地方。_ is forever the place that _ all our _ memo

17、ries.Hometownholdschildhood20. 这些照片在她心中留下了许多温柔甜美的回忆。These photos have _ many _ and _ memories in her heart.left softsweet五、阅读理解21. When did the writer leave his hometown? _A. About ten years ago.B. About twenty years ago.C. About thirty years ago.D. About forty years ago.C【点拨】细节理解题。由短文第一段第二句“It has been about thirty years since I left my hometown.”可知作者大约三十年前离开故乡。故选C。22. How was the writers hometown in the old days? _A. Poor


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