人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 测试题(无答案)_第1页
人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 测试题(无答案)_第2页
人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 测试题(无答案)_第3页
人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 测试题(无答案)_第4页
人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 测试题(无答案)_第5页
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1、九年级U7课堂测试题一.翻译单词或短语1.证件3.吸烟;烟.扎;穿透.闪光灯;闪耀.哭;叫喊11.拥抱13.严重地;非常15.讨厌的17.感到遗憾;懊悔19.社区;社团21.机会;可能性23.教育;教导25.社会27.支持29.选择n. 2.平安性4.兼职的6.耳环8.极小的10.田野;场地12.举起;电梯14.顶嘴16.青少年18.诗;韵文.防止接近.自己做决定.完成;应付26.挡的路28.进来;进去30.扎耳洞二.翻译句子.-我认为16岁的孩子不应该被允许开车。.-你认为青少年应该被鼓励自己做决定吗?.-青少年不应该被允许有兼职工作。.-如果我们不使用闪光灯的话,你认为我们可以被允许拍照吗

2、?三.单项选择题 在每题的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最正确答案。to smoke.1. It is obvious that sixteen-year - oldsA. shouldnt allowA. shouldnt allowB . shouldnt be allowedC. not allowingD. not allowed()2. The girl often worries about a test.A. failB. failedC. failsD. failing()3. I hope all of you will come and actively me in th

3、e talent show.A. change B. support C. liftD. hug()4. What weather! The wind is blowing strongly. We are afraid to go outside.A. normal B. awfulC. lovelyD. different()5. - How I regret when my father told me not to play computer games.-Youd better say sorry to him.A. talked backB. talking backC. to t

4、alk backD. to talking back()6. There is something wrong with his TV. He wants to get it this afternoon.A. repairing B. repaired C. to repair D. repair()7.- Have you heard about the traffic accident?-Yes. Luckily, nobody was hurt.A. widely B. mostly C. hardlyD. badly()8. Im worried about the of the p

5、roduct. I think it may be dangerous.A.priceB.serviceC.licenseD.safety()9. How great the driver was! He to avoid an accident this morning.A.managedB.refusedC.continuedD.expected()10. WeYe very about the graduation ceremony next Saturday. We cant wait to be there.A.boringB.boredC.excitedD.exciting()11

6、. To my surprise, Daniefs parents allowed him Shanghai Disneyland with me.to visitB.visitingC.visitD.visits()12. - We shouldnt worry about Mary.You are right. She is to look afterA. old enough; herselfB. big enough;herselfC. enough old;herD. enough big;her()13. - Would you like to go shopping with m

7、e after lunch?Pd love to, but I to go out this afternoon.A. donft allow B. will allowC. won*t be allowed()14. - Do your hobbies your school work, Paula?Yes, sometimes. I think I should learn to plan my time carefully.A. take the place ofB. get in the way ofC. have to do withD. play a part in()15. -

8、Mum, I think Im to get back to school.-Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another day or two.A.so wellB.so goodC.well enoughD.good enough()16. The mother did all kinds of things to make her babyA.to stop cryingB.stop cryingC.to stop to cryD.stop to cry()17. -your English teacher you?Y

9、es, but he still encourages me to try my best.A. Does; strict withB. Does; strict inC. Is; strict withD. Is; strict in()18. Youd better get your hair. It is too long.A. cutsB. cutC. cuttingD. to cut()19. Smoking in the cinema. Please stop.A. allows, to smokeB. is allowed, smokingC. isnt allowed, smo

10、kingD. isnt, to smoke()20. - Its reported that Chinese over 40 minutes a day reading WeChat.Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.A. spendB. costC. takeD. pay()21. - Sixteen-year- olds should not be allowed to drive.- Its dangerous.A. I agreeI don*t think soD. I disagreeD. I di

11、sagreeC. I dont know)22. Thanks for your invitation, but Im so sorry I can*t go. I need to my baby at home.A. take awayB. take offtake care ofD. take out of)23. - Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?-Yes. But now I realize I was wrong. I really regret that silly thing to my mum.A.

12、 doB. to doC. doingD. did)24. Sixteen-year- olds shouldnt be allowed to get their earsA. to pierce B. piercedC. piercing D. pierce四.完形填空As a child, I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost; these fears were very real and 1 me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was strange that things in m

13、y room often frightened me at night. There was nevertotal darkness, but a streetlight or passing car lights 2 clothes hung over a chair takeon the 3 of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains seem tomove when there was no 4. A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times

14、5 than in the daylight. My imagination would 6 wild, and my heartwould beat fast. I would lie very still so that the enemy would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost,7 on the way homefrom school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no

15、8. But after school, when all the buses were 9 up along the street, I wasafraid that rd get on the wrong one and be taken to some 10 neighborhood. Onschool or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldnt let the leaders out of my11 .Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of

16、 not being likedor 12 by others. Being popular was so important to me 13, and thefear of not being liked was a powerful one.One of the processes of growing up is being able to recognize and 14 ourfears. Understanding the things that frightened us as children helps us 15 greatersuccess later in life.

17、A. acceptedA. gotA. shapeA. breathA. quieterA. runA. directlyA. solutionA. calledA. oldA. taskA. acceptedA. onceA. avoidA. makeB. causedC. refusedD. didB. forcedC.causedD. madeB. heightC.bodyD. spiritB. airC. windD. soundB. louderC. easierD. softerB. winC. regardD.changeB. simplyC. probablyD. especi

18、allyB. problemC. answerD. questionB. linedC. backedD. packedB. crowdedC. unfamiliarD.poorB. mindC. orderD. sightB. guidedC. wonderedD. protectedB. thereC. thenD. anywayB. leaveC. overcomeD. needB. achieveC. discoverD. record五.阅读理解It started with a trip to the waste transport station. In 2011, Mirand

19、a Wang visited a waste transport station in her hometown of Vancouver. She and her friend Jeanny Yao, now a senior at the University of Toronto, were shocked to see the huge amount of plastic in the station.So they decided to do something. As seniors in high school, they read through the hundreds of

20、 pages of scientific papers and had an idea: find bacteria (细菌)that can degrade (降解)plastic. The University of British Columbia invited Wang and Yao to use their lab space to start working on their project.Now four years in, Wang and Yao finally made it. They are turning their high school science pr

21、oject into a multi-million dollar, award-winning business. They set up BioCellection last May, a company that takes plastic pollution out of the ocean and then uses bacteria to break down these plastics into a product used in the textile (纺织)industry.Basically, we recycle ocean plastic pollution int

22、o usable materials,“ Wang said.BioCellection recently won the Grand Prize in Pennvention. It was also the top undergraduate team and the winner of the Social Impact Prize in the Wharton Undergraduate Business Plan Competition.Though Wang and Yao have been developing their idea throughout college, th

23、is year they take their project to the next level, getting two patents (专 利)and nearly $300,000 in funding. BioCellection makes money by both clearing plastic from the ocean and selling the product produced from the waste plastic. Under their business plan, BioCellection aims to become a $100 millio

24、n company, taking 243,000 tons of plastic out of the ocean every year. The most sustainable (可持续的)technology comes from sustainable business/9 they said.However, the pairs main fbcus is on the influence of this technology. We hope that the younger generation would never see plastic pollution. They s

25、aid.When did Wang and Yao begin their project?A. When they studied in the university.B. When they were in high school.C. After they finished high school.D. Before they found a job.According to the passage, whats the main problem that Wang and Yao have been solving?The waste transport station can no

26、longer accept plastic.They need a lot of money to run the plastic company.There is much waste plastic pollution in the ocean.Plastic industry is facing difficulties to develop further.According to the passage, how did Wang and Yao deal with their project?They sold their project to a technology company to make more money.They kept working on it while studying in the University of British Columbia.They did nothing special but worked on it with the help of the government.They turned the project into an award-winning business called BioCellection.Which of the following statements


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