1、Business EnglishProduction & Quality ManagementLearning ObjectivesDefine production, manufacturing and operations.Describe production processes Explain planning operationsDiscuss controlling operationsSummarize modern production issues and techniquesQuestionHow do you make dumpling? Can you describe
2、 the whole process-how to prepare, what ingredients are needed, how to make them the final products?Comparing 3 Definitions Production ManufacturingOperationsProduction & OperationProductionthe process of transforming inputs (raw materials) into outputs (goods & services)tangible goods (recognizable
3、 physical products)intangible service (hospital, airline etc.)Production & OperationManufacturingone part of productiontangible goods by hand or with machineryProduction & OperationOperationsthe functions needed to keep the company producing, literally any function or series of functions enacted to
4、carry out a strategic plant.Purchasingmaterials managementProductioninventory and quality controlmaintenance and manufacturing engineeringplant managementThe Nature of Production Processinputtransformationoutputmaterial inputshuman inputsother inputsproduction activities that take theinputs and comb
5、ine them in somespecial way to produce the outputThe final result of the production processPeopleTechnologyEquipmentMaterialsCapitalInformationWork activitiesManagement activitiesTechnology and operations methodsFinished goods & servicesFinancial resultsInformationHuman resultsPlant LocationCustomer
6、 locationSource of raw materialsLabor supplyPower and waterCommunity considerationTake Tianjin Univ. as an example, please identify what are the inputs, transformation process and outputs?InputsProfessors BooksAcademic journalsAudiovisual materialsComputersClassrooms teachers work activitiesmanageme
7、nt activitiesthe teaching technology and methodsTransformation ProcessOutputsTo transform “unenlightened” students into educated and skilled individuals.ProcessesPartsPeoplePlanning and Control SystemsThe 5 Ps in OMPlantsOperations ManagementControlling OperationsPlanning operationsPlanning Operatio
8、nsCapacity planningFacilities location planningProcess planningFacilities layout planningAggregate planMaster schedulingMaterial requirements planning (MRP)Capacity planningFacilities Location PlanningWhere you choose to locate will depend on which factors have the greatest impact on total productio
9、n and distribution costs. Factors influencing plant locationproximity to customers (perishable, heavy or bulky items) proximity to suppliers (perishable items or products with high transportation costs)availability of needed labor skills (labor costs)(highly skilled people are needed) energy costs (
10、requiring a great of energy ) community consideration (low taxes, fine educational systems, clean water, etc.)Process planningProduction line producing production line workers Production ProcessesSynthetic processeither converts raw materials into other products or combines raw materials or parts in
11、to a finished productProcess manufacturingphysically or chemically changes materialsAssembly processputs together components to make a productAnalytic processContinuous process(连续性加工)Intermittent process(间歇式加工)mass-productionLong production runchemical plantFlexibleShort production run Job-order pro
12、ductioncustomer-designedIdentify the following processes? Crude oil is reduced to Gasoline, wax, fuelAnalytic processIn fabric industry, materials are changed by chemical and heat process before being formedSynthetic processProcess manufacturingLayout planning begins by assessing space needs. Space
13、has to be provided for work areas, tools and equipment, storage, maintenance facilities, rest rooms, offices, lunch areas and cafeterias, waiting rooms, even parking lots. process layout product layout fixed-position layoutThree work flow layoutsIt arranges components ( such as work centers, equipme
14、nt, or departments) together according to similarity of function. Process layoutThe components are arranged according to the progressive steps by which the product is gressive: adj 渐次的, 渐进的Product layoutIt is used when the product remains at one location because of its size. The product stay
15、s in place, and tools, equipment, and human skills are brought to it. Fixed-position layoutMaterials managementMRPmaterials requirements planninga computer-based system that uses sales forecasts to make sure that needed parts and materials are available at the right place and the right timeMRP IIMan
16、ufacturing Resources PlanningAdvance version of MRPAll resources involved in the efficient making of a product, more than just material requirementsProjected salesPersonnelPlant capacityDistribution limitationMaterials managementERPenterprise resource planninga computer-based production and operatio
17、ns system that links multiple firms into one integrated production unit.ERPEnterprise resources planningThe latest version of MRPComputer-based production and operations system Controlling Operations purchasing control inventory Control maintenance control cost control quality control Purchasingthe
18、function in the company that searches for quality material resources, locates the best suppliers, and negotiates the best price for quality goods and servicesManagement must monitor :Delivery Performance Quality Quantity Price of inputs from suppliers Inventory ControlInventory: a list of goods and
19、materials held available in the stock.ManufacturerDistributorWholesaler warehouseretailershopinventorya list of goods and materials held available in stock.materials and components or raw materials scheduled for use in making a productmaterials and components that have begun their transformation to
20、finished productsfinished products that are ready for sale to customersEfficiency is maintained by having the supplier linked by computer to the producer.III. Maintenance ControlDelivering goods or services efficiently & effectivelyhigh equipment use minimum amount of downtimedirect costsSalaries an
21、d insurance expenses Labor and materials costs Cost Controlincurred in proportion to the output of good or serviceindirect costsunaffected by changes in outputCost:Controlling Production: SchedulingJob schedule: the plan for the manufacture of a particular job.Master production schedule shows when t
22、he manager plans to produce each product and in what quantitiesPERT ChartsProgram Evaluation and Review TechniqueSteps:analyzing and sequencing tasks that need to be doneestimating the time needed to complete each taskdrawing a PERT network illustrating the information from step 1 and 2identifying t
23、he critical paththe sequence of tasks that takes the longest time to completeModern Production TechniquesComputer techniquesflexibilityspeedFlexible Manufacturing Systemsare totally automated production centers that include robots, automatic materials handling equipment, and computer-controlled mach
24、ine tools that can perform a variety of functions to produce different products.Computer-aided Design and Manufacturingto help in the design of products (CAD)to involve computers directly in the production process (CAM)CAEcomputer-aided engineering: the designing and analysis of products, the progra
25、mming of robots and machine tools, the designing of moulds and tools, and the planning of the production process and quality control.Lean Manufacturingis the production of goods using less of everything compared to mass productionA company becomes lean by continuously increasing its capacity to prod
26、uce high-quality goods while deceasing its need for resources.Productivitythe amount of products or services produced with the resources used.Output can be measured in terms of:volumequantity of items produceddollar value of items producedProductivityManufacturing businesses: using output per worker
27、-hour or number of worker-hours required to produce a single product.Service industries: on the number of tasks performed or the number of customers processed per given period of timequality standards, deadlines, etc.ProductivitySales performanceThe volume of sales per given unit of timeThe number o
28、f calls made upon existing accountsThe number of new accounts openedThe amount expected per saleJIT ProductionJust-in-time: a term coined to describe the Toyota production system, widely recognized today as one of the most efficient manufacturing operations in the world.JIT requires only necessary u
29、nits be provided in necessary quantities at necessary times. JIT ProductionJITs mandateeliminate wasteFlexible resourcesMultifunctional workers perform more than one jobGeneral-purpose machines perform several basic functions.Cellular layoutsManufacturing cells are comprised of dissimilar machines b
30、rought together to manufacture a family of parts.JIT ProductionPull production systemrelies on customer requestsprevents overproduction and underproduction; only necessary quantities are producedKanban (card) production controlcontains basic information such as part number, brief description, type o
31、f container, unit load (quantity per container), preceding station (where it came from), and subsequent station (where it goes to).JIT ProductionSmall-lot productionRequires less space and capital investmentQuality problems are easier to detectLower inventory levelsQuick setupsInternal setup can be
32、performed only when a process is stopped; it cannot take place until the machine has finished with the previous operation.External setup can be performed in advance, while the machine is running.JIT ProductionUniform production levelsSmoothing the production requirements on the final assembly lineRe
33、duce variability with more accurate forecasts.Reduce variability by smoothing demandQuality at the sourceSmaller lot sizes encourage qualityJIT ProductionTotal productive maintenanceCombines the practice of preventive maintenance with the concepts of total qualityemployee involvement, decisions base
34、d on data, zero defects, and a strategic focus.Supplier networksQuality ManagementQuality is a Journey, not a DestinationWhat is Quality?Quality is “fitness for use”(Joseph Juran)Quality is “conformance to requirements”(Philip B. Crosby)Quality ManagementWhat is quality?The totality of features and
35、characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy given needs. by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the American Society for Quality Control (ASQC)Quality from the consumers perspectiveFor manufactured productsPerformanceFeaturesReliabilityConformanceDurabil
36、ityServiceabilityAestheticsSafetyOther perceptionsQuality from the consumers perspectiveFor servicesTime and timelinessCompletenessCourtesyConsistencyAccessibility and convenienceAccuracyresponsivenessThe Meaning of QualityProducers PerspectiveConsumers PerspectiveQuality of Conformance Conformance
37、to Specifications Cost Quality of Design* Quality Characteristics * Price Fitness forConsumer UseProductionMarketingEvolution of Quality ManagementQuality ControlQuality AssuranceTQMInspectionTQMQuality ControlMeasurement against standardsDone at the end of the production line Detect defective outpu
38、t rather than preventQuality AssuranceQuality characteristics & standards:Customer preferencesTechnical specificationsMarketing suggestionsCompetitive productsTotal Quality Managementrepresents a set of management principles that focus on quality improvement as the driving force in all functional areas and at all levels in a companycustomer-oriented, leadership, strategic planning, employee responsibility, continuous improvement, cooperation, statistical methods, and training and educationWhat Is TQM?Continuous improvementEmployee involvementCustomer satisfac
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