已阅读5页,还剩28页未读 继续免费阅读





2、边不管了,一直保持到考试。 据统计,在考研英语四十篇中所有大纲的难词和难的意思都包含进去了。也就是说这些单词真正的掌握应该是在精读真题的过程中,四十余篇真题需要篇篇精读。其中超纲词不足3%,常考词,会反复出现。这是最有效、直接而且保险的单词学习方法。由于复习时间有限,这一点就变得很重要了。 关于英语阅读的一些经验: 真题就是一切 ! 我的一个朋友分析得很有道理。那么多命题组专家一年只专心出一套真题。题目出得不可谓不精,处处陷阱,题题要命。而辅导书的老师们一个人呼啦啦一下子出了那么多套题,其命题质量不可能与真题相比,甚至会把你的思路带偏。其实,真题足够你复习之用,不必再花大量金钱和时间让其他阅读


4、有效果。 另外,真题不应只重文章轻解题。 在你读通文章后, 还有一件事情要做,就是仔细分析题目和答案。题目的陷阱很多要慢慢领悟。 关于真题的题目: 英语的题目出得很细,但此细不在细节上。你必须对作者的态度把握好,你必须洞悉作者观点的变化之处,这些讲起来就比较细了。我先说说总体的体会吧。 首先,这些题目都是中国命题专家根据中国学生的习惯思维和做题习惯出的,因此很多题目都非常容易做错,而且如果你总是按着自己的思路想的话,还会越想越觉得题目出得离谱。等隔一段时间再做一遍,你会发现,上次做对的还是对的,上次做错的还是错的。这是去年和我一块复习的几个学友无一例外的经历。如此不知悔改地一直练到考试,你的做

5、题水平也不会有令人惊喜的进步,或者说不能稳稳地拿到阅读高分。 关键的问题就是:出题人不是你,是那些整天琢磨着怎么整倒你的专家们。 而且他们的这些阴谋不是你能左右和改变的。所以你只有一条路了:改变自己,忘记自己的思路把自己的思路拼命往专家的思路上靠,靠得越近就越容易做对题。这个靠的过程,你可以从手头上的阅读参考书上,从网课上得到一些启发,但他们只是启发你而已,消化还得是在做真题的过程中不断地总结和体会。 总之,在这里我强调的就是千万不要忽略了历年真题的作用,把他利用好,能给你带来事半功倍的效果,省心、省时、省钱,而且还高效率。大家都重视起来吧。自己认为最简单的也许是最真实的,也是最容易忽略的复习

6、方法本复习方法是针对过了六级或者专四的同学,至少雅思要6分以上。如果你没过四级,请考pets3,如果你过了四级没过六级,请考pets4.综合推荐用书:全国英语等级考试系列用书考核内容详析与辅助练习(第5级)(附赠光盘)作者:PETS研究小组编写出版社:高等教育出版社出版日期:2004-08-01ISBN:704013382这是教育部考试中心的官方样题,是市面上不多的和pets5难度一样的样题,一定要把这本书做完。听力(30分)推荐用书:全国公共英语等级考试第五级强化训练听力作者: 曾宪宇出版社:北京语言文化大学出版社ISBN:756190868原价:¥26把这本书上的做一半基本听力就没什么问题


8、址联系我。雅思考试也有这个题(no more than three words),不过只听一遍,可见雅思的难度。另外把全国英语等级考试系列用书考核内容详析与辅助练习(第5级)上的听力做完。听力按照我说,要拿出三分之一甚至更多的时间来复习,因为30分满分的听力要达到18分笔试才算过关。英语知识运用(10分)共20小题,每个0.5分。在一篇250-300词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生根据短文内容填空,使补足后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。其中约有12题考查语法和语段结构,8题考查词汇。该部分所需时 间约为15分钟。这个题其实就是完形填空,但是难点在于没有选项,这个题是丢分题,怎么复习分数

9、也不会高,只要把我推荐的全国英语等级考试系列用书考核内容详析与辅助练习(第5级)上的样题做完就好。这个题不是复习要点。2011年公共英语四级考试完形填空练习(7)-In addition to their academic work,children in the United States are offered a wide range of activites in the after-school hours.They are designed to help _1_ their skills,ability and appreciation of life; to give them

10、 a chance to practice leadership and _2_ responsibilities;_3_ school courses;and to provide additional outlets and stimuli.There is often a _4_ of activities from which to choose,such as nature clubs,musical organizations,science clubs,art and drama groups,or language clubs.A _5_ selection of sport

11、activities is always available._6_ every school has a student-run newspaper;often a photographic darkroom is also _7_,some of these activities take place during the school day,but _8_ are held after classes are over._9_ theyre optional they _10_ a part of the American educational experience. Parents

12、 encourage their children to participate in those program that _11_ suit their own special talents and interests.Much is learned during these off-duty hours,especially in _12_ of human give-and-take.Americans believe this _13_ human relationships,social skills and a well-trained body,_14_ intellectu

13、al development .Both _15_ and college admission officers in the United States carefully consider the extra curricular activities _16_ students have participated,both during their free time after school and also during the long holidays.These indicate to them _17_ of a young persons leadship potentia

14、l enthusiasm,creativity,_18_ of interest,vitality and personality.They weigh these qualities,together with the academic record,in order to _19_ a students intelligence,perseverance and ability to use what he knows,_20_ merely repeating it by rot on examination papers.1) A broaden B extend C stretch

15、D concentrate2) A resume B assume C adopt D presume3) A to supplement B supplemening C to support D supporting4) A scale B specimen C ring D range5) A deep B long C wide D high6) A Lastly B Virtually C Finally D Consequently7) A possible B available C peobable D capable8) A many B few C other D some

16、9) A Even though B in case C despite D however (一)命题思路PETS-4 阅读理解出题题型比较固定,每种题型的解答方法不同。考生应该摸清各种题型的特点,形成一套固定的解题方法,这样有助于提高解题速度和正确率。下面我们为考生总结了各类题型的特点及解答技巧:1.主旨题(1)文章主旨给出的四种形式:文首,文中,文尾,没有明确主旨(需总结).(2)主旨题的解题技巧 :不管它出现在文章的什么位置,都作为最后一道题去做,因为做完其他题以后会对主旨的理解有帮助着重理解首末段,首末句主旨在文章中间的情况(非文首文尾),遇到文章前后段意思转折,提高警惕(3)主旨题

17、的注意事项:段落中出现转折时,该句很可能是主题句作者有意识的反复重复的观点通常是主旨首段出现疑问句时,对该问题的解答就是文章主旨提出文章主旨时常伴有的文字提示:therefore, thus, but, however, in short等等(4)主旨题的选项特点:正确选项特点:不出现细节信息;不含过分肯定或绝对意义的词干扰项特点:细节信息明显;过于笼统2.作者观点和态度题(1)作者态度题的解题技巧:作者对某一事物的看法,要么支持,要么反对,带中立色彩的词最不可能是正确答案漠不关心类词语一定不对,既然写文章就不会不关心不要把自己的态度揉入其中,也要区分开作者的态度和作者引用的别人的态度当作者的

18、态度没有明确提出时,要学会根据作者使用词语的褒贬性去判断作者的态度作者观点一般与文章主旨相关联(2)新趋势:不仅局限于作者的态度,而发展到问文中某人对某事物的态度选项可能不再是态度明确的肯定或否定的词语,而改为带有程度限制的词一般带有绝对化或过于强烈的表示必错,如:strong,complete,entire,enthusiastic等持有保留态度的比较客观,常常是正确选项,如:reserved,qualified,tempered,guarded,consent等3. 词义/句义题(1)对词义考察的两种方式:超纲词义含义推断;熟词生义或是在特定场合的意思(2)词义题的解题技巧:根据上下文进行


20、几种中常用的几种翻译方法,考生在平时练习中应该反复练习这些翻译方法,这样在考场上才能水到渠成。1. 直译法所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式。在汉语和英语两种语言中存在着许多共同之处,在对于许多英语句子的翻译过程中,完全可以采取直译的方法,这样可以获得一举两得之功效,既保持了原文的结构,又正确表达了原文的内容。直译的焦点不在原文形式,而原文词语的字面意思,即只要按字面意义(或称表层意义)去译,不管结构形式改变与否都是直译。如既能保留字面意思,又能保存原句句式,则是典型的直译。例如:Tom always boasts about his past.汤姆

21、总是吹嘘自己的过去。They enjoy the adult relationships with others at work and feel stimulated by demands and challenges of being employed.他们喜欢在工作上和他人建立的那种成人的关系,并由于工作上的要求及挑战而感到激奋。以上两例译文都使用了直译法,即根据句子的语法结构,按照原文的内容,保持原文形式的特点,直接译出。对于那些英语和汉语的句法结构非常相近的句子,甚至完全一致的句子,都可以采用直译法。但是,由于英汉两种语言在句法结构上或者说表达方式上存在较大差异,这种“字对字”的翻译

22、(word-for-word translation)毕竟非常有限。直译只有在一定条件下才可进行,即“必须达意”。如果认为“只要一字一字地将原文换成汉语,就是直译”,那便曲解了直译的意思。因此,要克服对直译理解的这种片面性。直译法有着显而易见的优越性:一方面有助于保存原著的格调,另一方面又有助于不断从外国引进一些新鲜、生动的词语和表达方法。汉语中有好多词语与英语是对等的。open secret 公开的秘密 chain reaction 连锁反应black market 黑市 cold war 冷战这些都是直译的范例。2意译法意译是直译的对立面,没有直译,就无所谓意译。当原文的思想内容与译文的表

23、达形式有矛盾不宜采用直译方法处理,就应采用意译法,也就是不拘泥于原文的形式,而重点在于正确表达原文的内容,根据上下文的逻辑关系,从词的基本意思出发进一步引申词义,用比较恰当的汉语词汇表达出来。只有在正确理解原文的基础上,运用相应的翻译方法以调整原文结构,用规范的汉语加以表达,才叫真正作到了“意译”,翻译实践证明,大量英语句子的汉译都要采取“意译”,例如:Dont cross the bridge till you get to it.如按原文字面意思和句子结构直译成“不到桥不要过桥”或“到了桥才过桥”,就是一句毫无意义的废话。如采用意译法处理,译成“不必自取烦恼”“车到山前必有路”“不要杞人忧

24、天”,“麻烦还未到,不要去烦恼”等意,其深刻含义便跃然纸上。当然,意译不等于乱译,胡乱地翻译是不符合“忠实”的翻译标准的。This is where the shoe pinches.一般情况下,此句之真正含义与“鞋子”并无关系,直译成“这儿就是鞋子挤脚疼的地方”令人费解,只能意译出其抽象含义:“这就是问题的症结所在”。3直译和意译并用直译和意译是翻译中最基本的两种方法。在翻译过程中,有时使用直译法,有时使用意译法,有时则两者必须并用。例如:This was the last straw. I was very young:the prospect of working under a wom

25、an constituted the ultimate indignity.我再也无法忍受了。我当时很年轻,我要在一个女人手下工作,这对我简直是最大的侮辱。“This was the last straw.”用的是直译法,后面的部分用的是直译法。这是典型的直译与意译并用。He drinks in all the words and expressions which come to him in a fresh,ever-bubbling spring.他全部吸收了那些如同一股清新的、不断涌出的泉水般流向他的词语和表达方式。这个句子中前半部分用了直译法,后边的“come to him in a

26、 fresh,ever-bubbling spring”用了意译法。一般来说,如果直译能够晓畅达意,则应坚持直译,如果直译不能完全达意则要采取一些补偿措施,做一些必要的添加、删除,甚至采用意译手法。在翻译的过程中,我们要学会灵活机动,哪个方法效果好,就采用哪个方法,不可勉为其难。要摆脱不合理的条条框框,最巧妙、最精确地传达原文内容,决不可随意脱离或替换原文的意思。三天冲刺PETS5,这个标题一定非常吸引读者吧,我们说的办法当然是一些考试技巧了,当然大家的水平还是通过日常的基础学习累计出来的,现在就请大家看看我们精彩的“PETS临时抱佛脚”吧,祝大家好运连连,精彩不断。 PETS临时抱佛脚 听力

27、篇 比如说先从听力说起,听力场景涉及到包括教育、借书、还书图书馆等等之类的场景,建议大家迅速提高听力的方法背一些相关的场景词汇,对于场景词汇的掌握,听到这个单词,马上能反映出这道题发生在什么场景里,对你选择题目的时候有很大的帮助。听力的时候大家需要掌握一些场景词汇。其次,迅速提高听力成绩还可以背诵或者掌握一些相关的日常用语以及情景对话当中比较地道的,大家经常说的表达方式,大家可以在平时的复习当中再次温习一下,这样的话会对听力的提高起到一定的作用。正常来说,听力是一个非常缓慢的提高过程,不可能说在短时间内速成,但是在这种情况下,我们遵循的考试规律还是有一定的方法可以让大家提高一定的成绩,给大家两

28、点建议,一个就是背一些场景词汇,第二就是熟悉一下情景用语以及对话的表达方式,这是给大家关于听力部分的建议和意见。 PETS临时抱佛脚 语法篇 英语知识的应用,根据不同级别的难度,不同级别的考生按照级别大纲所要求的难度进行语法复习,现在按照整体来讲,语法知识在整个PETS考卷当中占的比例比较低的,需要考生做的就是简单的复习几个比较重要的语法点,按照大纲来看,比较重要的语法点,还有一些易掌握的词组,这样的话会对完形填空起到一定的提高作用。其次是阅读,阅读出题方式非常有规律,一般是以细节题、主旨题或者推理题这样几点所构成的。因为我们不可能事先对命题的题目有所了解,我们也不可能对题目所涉及的内容有所了

29、解,所以大家能做的就是再次熟悉一下出题的方式以及各个选项之间的区别和联系。当大家对于文章的选择以及选择题的答题确实有很大难度的时候,是否能从一些解题的技巧方点。 PETS临时抱佛脚 写作篇 各个级别的PETS考试都与写作的题型要求是不同的,在不同的题型当中总结出一定的规律,我们说首先写作,有的同学觉得写作是最难提分的,如果让我说,我觉得在三天之内写作是最容易得分的。因为写作部分文体是固定的,大纲有所要求。第二点,写作是可以遵循一定的,比如说三段论或者四段论。还有写作的模板,比如怎样写应用文,怎样写书信体,大家通过背诵一定的范文起到迅速提高的作用。建议大家背诵一些谚语,因为第一部分的文体非常简单

30、,大家可以在很短时间复习至少能够起到文章非常切合题目要求的程度。第二部分大作文,大家首先熟悉一下大作文需要的几点,大家写作文的时候一定要分段,这是我要提醒考生的。其次在大作文中,应该在三天有限时间之内准备一些比较精彩的,比如说虚拟句、强调句或者是被动语态,有意识地应用这些句式和语法点的变化,会非常得到判卷老师的青睐。这是句子构成需要大家事先准备比较精彩的句子。最后大家可以总结一下总结性的观点,比如说综上所述来表达之类的。作文大家积累一定的精彩的句子以及积累一定的常用表达方式在作文当中是非常有必要的,也是大家在三天之内迅速掌握并且迅速记忆的东西。 PETS临时抱佛脚 笔试篇 对笔试的注意事项对大


32、质比较差,当第一题没有听到或者听到已经晚的时候,他们会觉得这次考生好像已经失败了一样,大家上来浏览题目之后,迅速把注意力集中在第一题,把注意力集中。听力过程中,需要大家注意的是各个考生不需要在听力过程当中去涂卡,你要利用听力结束一部分时间去涂卡,很多考生不用着急涂卡PETS Level 4 Sample Tasks Section I Listening Comprehension Part AYou will hear a recording of a conversation between Mary and John about the Hilton Hotel and the Hote

33、l Rossiya. Listen to it and fill out the table with the information youve heard for questions 1-5. Some of the information has been completed for you. Write not more than 3 words in each numbered box. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 25 seconds to read the table below.Information abou

34、t the Hilton Hotel and the Hotel RossiyaThe Hilton HotelThe Hotel Rossiya Number of Bedrooms13,200Number of Employees23,000Number of Restaurants12 3Number of Elevators4Country of LocationU.S.5Tapescript:M: Hi, Mary. Hows everything?W: Fine. You know, John, Im planning to go to Las Vegas for a holida

35、y and would like to stay in a large hotel. Anything to recommend?M: Er? the Hilton Hotel there is quite a large one. It has ? er ? 3,174 bedrooms. It also has 12 restaurants and about 125,000 square feet of convention space. Therere a 10-acre recreation deck and a stage show dining hall. Over 3,600

36、people now work for it.W: Oh, great! Is it the largest hotel in the U.S.?M: Yes, it is. But it may not be the largest in the world. Er ? as far as I know, the Hotel Rossiya in Moscow is larger than Hilton. It is a 12-story building that has 3,200 rooms. It can provide accommodation for 6,000 guests.

37、 It takes nearly 8 years and a half to spend one night in each room. Besides, theres a 21-story Presidential tower in the central courtyard. It has 15 restaurants and 93 elevators. And it employs about 3,000 people. The ballroom is known as the worlds largest. Russians are not allowed to live in tha

38、t hotel. And foreigners are charged 16 times more than the very low rate charged Russian officials.W: Its unbelievable ?fade outNow you will hear the recording again. (The recording is repeated.)That is the end of Part A.Part BYou will hear a radio weather forecast. Answer questions 6-10 while liste

39、ning. Use not more than 5 words for each answer. You will hear the recording twice. You now have 40 seconds to read the questions.When will showers reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales? 6What will the minimum temperature be in the south during the night? 7On what day of the week

40、do you think this weather forecast was given? 8What will be the general feeling about the weekend in the Netherlands? 9What part of England will be cloudy and dry over the weekend? 10TapescriptW: Hello. Its been another warm and fine day for most of us. Temperatures in south-east England reached twe

41、nty-six degrees Centigrade by mid-afternoon, and Brighton had fifteen hours of lovely sunshine. But already the weather is beginning to change, Im afraid, and during the night showers will slowly move in from the Atlantic to reach south-west England and the southern coast of Wales by early morning.T

42、he rest of the country will have a very mild, dry night with minimum temperatures no lower than fifteen degrees in the south, a little cooler ? eleven degrees or so ? in the north. Any remaining showers in northwest Scotland will pass quickly, to leave a mild, dry night there too.And now, the outloo

43、k for Friday and the weekend. Well, southern Europe will once again get the best of the weekend weather, and if your holiday starts this weekend, then southern Spain is the place to go, with temperatures of thirty-four degrees along the Mediterranean coast. At the eastern end of the Med, too, you ca

44、n expect uninterrupted sunshine and temperatures of up to thirty-two degrees Centigrade in Greece and south-east Italy, but further north the weathers not so settled. Much of France, Belgium and the Netherlands will be cloudy with occasional rain and maximum temperatures will be around twenty-two de

45、grees ? very disappointing for this time of the year.Scotland and Northern Ireland will have heavy rain for much of the weekend and temperatures will drop to a cool seventeen degrees. Across most of England the weather will be cloudy but mainly dry with sunny periods. And when the sun does come out

46、temperatures could rise to a maximum of twenty-three degrees.Now you will hear the recording again. (The recording is repeated.)That is the end of Part B.Part CYou will hear three dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have time to read the questions related to it. While lis

47、tening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have time to check your answer. You will hear each piece once only.Questions 11-13 are based on the following talk introducing Emily Dickinson, a well-known American poet. You now have 30 seconds to read questions 11-13

48、.11. How long did Emily Dickinson live in the house where she was born?A almost all her lifeB less than half her lifeC until 1830D before 187212. Which of the following is true of Emily Dickinson?A She was not a productive poet.B She saw many of her poems published.C She was not a sociable person.D

49、She had contact only with a few poets.13. When was Emily Dickinson widely recognized?A after Henry James referred highly to herB after seven of her poems were publishedC after her poems became known to othersD after she was dead for many yearsTapescript:M: Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest Amer

50、ican poets. She was born in a typical New England village in Massachusetts on December 10, 1830. She was the second child of the family. She died in the same house fifty-six years later. During her life time she never left her native land. She left her home state only once. She left her village very

51、 few times. And after 1872 she rarely left her house and yard. In the last years of her life she retreated to a smaller and smaller circle of family and friends. In those later years she dressed in white, avoided strangers, and communicated chiefly through notes and poems even with intimates. The do

52、ctor who attended her illness was allowed to examine her in another room, seeing her walk by an opened door. She was thought of as a strange figure in her home village. When she died on May 15, 1886, she was unknown to the rest of the world. Only seven of her poems had appeared in print.But to think

53、 Emily Dickinson only as a strange figure is a serious mistake. She lived simply and deliberately. She faced the essential facts of life. According to Henry James, a famous American novelist, she was one of those on whom nothing was lost. Only by thus living could Dickinson manage both to fulfill he

54、r obligations as a daughter, a sister, and a housekeeper and to write on the average one poem a day.She read only a few books but knew them deeply. Her poems are simple but remarkably rich. Not until 1950s was she recognized as one of the greatest American poets.Section II Use of EnglishRead the fol

55、lowing text. Choose the best word for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET (1).During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 per cent. Some countries did not 1 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not(2) . Many of these c

56、ountries looked to the industrial processes of the developed nations (3) solutions.(4) , problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very(5) . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and h

57、ighly (6) workers are needed to(7)and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, (8) many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the (9) of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to (10) vocational and professional training. (11) , just to b

58、egin training, the students must (12) learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and (13) do not return home.All nations agree that science and technology (14) be shared. The point is: countries (15) the industrial processes of the developed nations need t

59、o look carefully (16) the costs, because many of these costs are (17) . Students from these nations should (18) the problems of the industrialized countries closely. (19) care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, (20) the benefits.1. Agenerate Braise Cproduce Dmanufacture

60、2. Aanswered Bmet Ccalculated Dremembered3. Afor Bwithout Cas Dabout4. AMoreover BTherefore CAnyway DHowever5. Aexpensive Bmechanical Cflourishing Dcomplicated6. Agifted Bskilled Ctrained Dversatile7. Akeep Bmaintain Cretain D protect8. Asince Bso Cand Dyet9. Acharge Bprice Ccost Dvalue10. Aaccept B


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