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1、学习好资料 欢迎下载八年级 下 册英语学科课时教学设计第 4 单元第 1 课时任课教师:田秀梁课题八年级备课组:马双英田秀梁课型new Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents?s wrong?句式。知识目标: 1)掌握本课生词、短语及What教学 目标2)依据所给信息做有关讨论问题并给出建议的对话。能力目标:训练在听的过程中捕捉相关信息的技巧。情感目标:在学习过程中体会与人沟通以解决问题的重要性。教学正确运用 “ Whats wrong? Why dont you. 等句式 , 分角色表演。重难点教学图片、录音机学习read, say and list

2、en 方式器材教师活动学生活动个性化处理Step1 Presentation 1.We often have some problems in life. Listen and say. 教Whatre the most common problems? Listen and Can you give some examples? too much homework/trouble too many problems/classes 学2.1a Ask : Do you have these problems? 过Then let Ss understand the sentences. St

3、ep2: Listening and speaking 程write. 1) Speaking: 读 1a 中的 5 个句子并讨论这些问题是否是严重的。2)Listen and circle the problems you hear in 1a. (1b) 3)Listen again and check their answers. 学习好资料欢迎下载学生活动个性化教师活动处理Step3 Pair-work: 根据听力信息做对话完成1c。Listen and write. Step4: Listening and speaking (2a-2c) 1) Presentation : 介绍有

4、关 Peter 的烦恼。2)Listening: 捕捉对话相关信息以完成 2a;2b. 3)Acting : 根据听力内容分角色表演对话。Step5: Exercises 汉译英 1) 你看上去很累,怎么了?教2)我的父母不允许我与我的朋友闲逛。? Say and write. 学. 3)我与我最好的朋友打架了。过4)为什么你不和他谈谈呢?. 程? Step 6 Summary Homework: Make up the conversations in 2a, 2b. 教 学 反 思学习好资料 欢迎下载灵武市第二中学八年级下册英语学科课时教学设计课题教学目标第 4 单元第 2 课时主备人:仇

5、育红任课教师:八年级备课组:杨淑珍丁亚琼崔红 高瑞娟冯改英孙彦静严晓梅王莉白晓凌Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents课型new 1.知识目标:能够正确使用动词look through, give back, get on (well) with, instead或 instead of,offer to do sth, mind sb doing sth, and explain sth. to sb. hang over 。2.能力目标:能够熟练的谈论自己或他人的烦恼及给人提出合理的建议。3.情感目标:培养学生积极参与活动的兴趣,与别人能够谈论自己

6、兴趣。教学 重难点How to use the past tense correctly . The form of the past tense . 教学图片教师活动学习Listen, read and write 方式器材学生活动个性化处理Step1 Revision 翻译下列短语教怎么了? _ 代替 _ and 寻找 _介意某人做某事_ Read 还回 _ 它不是大事 _ Step 2 Presentation T: Who will you ask for help when you 学have problems? S: My friend/FatherT: Kim, my frien

7、d has a problem with his 过sister. I hope you can help him. Let come to 2d. Step 3 Reading s Ask answer. 程and 1.Read and answer the questions: 1).Who has a problem ? Whats wrong with ?is giving advice?Whats his Read 2)Who complete. advise? 学习好资料欢迎下载学生活动个性化处教师活动理2.Read aloud. Step 4 Reading 1.Answer t

8、he questions: Look and 1).Where do you usually find these letters? answer. 2). Who has a problem ? 3). Who is giving advice ? 2. Read and complete the chart. whom problems advice Read and His parents His brother answer. 3.Read aloud. 教4. Finish 3b and 3c. Do exercises . Step 4 Exercises 学根据汉意完成下列句子过

9、(1) 昨天我发现妹妹浏览我的东西。I find my sister _ _ my things 程yesterday. (2) 我仍然和她生气。Im _ angry _her.(3)我不能和家人处好。I can t _ _ my family. (4) 我总感到孤独和不安。I always feel and . (5)妈妈不介意我一直看电视。My mother doesnt mind TV . Homework: Read aloud the letter. 教学反 思学习好资料 欢迎下载灵武市第二中学八年级下册英语学科课时教学设计课题第 4 单元第 3 课时主备人:仇育红任课教师:new

10、八年级备课组:杨淑珍丁亚琼崔红 高瑞娟冯改英孙彦静严晓梅王莉白晓凌Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents?课型1.知识目标: 会背本课时的单词和短语, 学会询问他人遇到的问题及给出合理的建议。教学 目标2.能力目标:能够正确运用所学的句型询问他人遇到的麻烦并能给出合理 的建议。3.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生们懂得要学会关心他人,增进学生之间的情感。教学 1.重点:询问他人遇到的困难及给出建议。重难点 教学 器材2.难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以致用。图片、录音机学习read and write 方式教师活动学生活动个性化处理Ste

11、p1 Revision 翻译下列短语教1.做运动2.和朋友闲逛Read and 3.独自一人消磨时间4.看电影5.读书6 和 打架write. 学Step2 Presentation Discuss and If you are stress out, what activities will 过you do to relax your body or lower stress? 程Step 3 Discuss and write write Finish 4b and 4c. 学习好资料欢迎下载学生活动个性化处教师活动理Step 4 Exercise Fill in the blanks w

12、ith although/so that/until. Step 5 Writing 根据汉意完成下列句子教(1) 我的父母给我很多学习上的压力。Say and My parents give me_ _ _ write. _ about school. (2) 我没有得到足够多的睡眠。I don t get _ _ _. 学(3)我和我的父母吵架了I _ _ _ _my 过parents. 程Homework: Review “ grammar focus” . Prepare the next lesson. 教学 反思学习好资料 欢迎下载灵武市第二中学八年级下 册英语学科课时教学设计课题

13、教学目标第 4 单元第 4 课时主备人:仇育红任课教师:八年级备课组:杨淑珍丁亚琼崔红 高瑞娟冯改英孙彦静严晓梅王莉白晓凌Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents?课型new 1.知识目标:会背本课时的单词和短语,领会文章意思。2.能力目标:通过回答问题能够正掌握阅读技巧并能复述课文大意。3.情感目标:通过对本课的学习,使学生们懂得要劳逸结合,善于和父母沟通谈心,让父母理解我们,我们也要理解父母。教学 重难 点 教学 器材1.重点:单词和短语。2.难点:灵活掌握本课遇到的句型和短语,并能学以致用。图片、录音机学习listen and write 方式教师

14、活动学生活动个性化处理Step1 Revision 翻译下列句子1.在学习方面,父母不应该给孩子太多的压力。教_ Read 2. 昨天我和我的朋友吵架了 . write. _ and 学3.在学校我必须和我的同学竞争。过_ 程4.虽然你和你的父母生气了, 但你必须找他们谈话_ 5.我完全同意。_ Step 2 New words Learn new words and phases. Learn new words. 学习好资料欢迎下载学生活动个性化处教师活动理Step 3 Reading (1) 完成 1a:(采用问答式 ) Read and answer. A: What s wrong?

15、B: I feel stress out. A: You should talk to parents or other family members. Step 4 Listening 教1. Listen and check the problems. Listen. and 2. Listen and fill in the blanks. Step 5 根据听力内容练习1e:A:I think Wei Ming should 学B: Why? Say A: Because write. 过程Homework: Make up the conversations . Prepare th

16、e next lesson. 教学 反思学习好资料 欢迎下载灵武市第二中学八年级 第 4 单元第 5 课时下 册英语学科课时教学设计 主备人:仇育红 任课教师:课题教学目标八年级备课组:杨淑珍丁亚琼崔红 高瑞娟冯改英孙彦静严晓梅王莉白晓凌Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents? 课型new 知识目标:能会背本课时的单词和短语usual, in ones opinion, perhaps.能力目标:能够根据2b 短文完成本课时问题并给出意见。情感目标:通过学习,知道如何处理不良情绪并能够给他人提相关建议。教学 重难点进一步理解 2b 短文 ,用英语表达自

17、己对某个问题的想法。教学图片、录音机学习read, say and write 方式器材教师活动学生活动个性化处理Step1 Revision 教3.翻译下列短语Listen and say. 1.继续做某事2.尽量/力3.寻找4.同意5.想让某人做某事学Step 2 Presentation Read and say. Discuss: 1. What activities do you usually do after 过school? 程2. What activities do you want to do but you can t do?Step 3 Reading 1.Read

18、and answer the questions.(2b) 2. Read the article again and answer the 学习好资料欢迎下载学生活动个性化处教师活动理questions. 1). How many kinds of after-school classes are mentioned in the reading passage? Read and 2). Why do many parents send their answer. children to after-school classes? 3. Read the article again and

19、 answer the questions.(2d) 4. Finish 2c Step 4 Exercises 1. Would you mind_ (clean) the 教room? Say and 2.Would you please do the dishes? 学OK. I_ (do) them in a minute. 过3. Could you please_ (help) me with the housework? write. 程4. When I _ (finish) the work, could you help me with my Chinese? 5. I e

20、njoy_ (draw) pictures. 6. I get_ (annoy) when people follow me around. Homework: Read the article aloud. 教 学 反 思学习好资料 欢迎下载灵武市第二中学八年级下册英语学科课时教学设计课题教学目标第 4 单元第 6 课时主备人:仇育红任课教师:八年级备课组:杨淑珍丁亚琼崔红 高瑞娟冯改英孙彦静严晓梅王莉白晓凌Unit4 Why don t you talk to your parents?课型new 知识目标:能会背本单元的重点单词和短语。能力目标:能够用英语谈论问题并给出建议。情感目标:通过学习,知道如何处理不良情绪并能够给他人提相关建议。教学 重难点本单元所有重点知识点,表达自


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