外研版八年级上册英语习题课件 Module12 Unit2_第1页
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1、 外研版 八年级上 Module 12 HelpUnit 2 Stay away from windows and heavy furniture. 答 案 呈 现温馨提示:点击 进入讲评习题链接1power2brave3earthquake4inside678910warn; aboutDo not jumpKeep clear ofKeep calm; Be bravebe careful of课内知识夯实基础5warns答 案 呈 现习题链接1B2warned; about3warned; against4warned that678910ACbe careful withIn shor

2、tIn short题组专训突破考点5A答 案 呈 现习题链接1C2C3D4A678910to learnto gosmokespellingquiet课后巩固拓展延伸5B1112131415worstafraidto dopossibleoutside1617181920to allowattentionmovesituationyourself答 案 呈 现习题链接课后巩固拓展延伸2122232425ADDCB2627282930CADCB一、根据汉语提示完成句子, 并背记相应词汇1. The 53.7meterlong rocket has the greatest boost _ (电力

3、) in the Long March Launch Vehicle (长征系列运载火箭). 2. There are a group of _(勇敢的) Chinese soldiers in the movie The Sacrifice(金刚川). We are proud of them.powerbrave3. On the International Day for Disaster Reduction, our teacher showed students how to stay safe during an _(地震). 4. She opened the door and

4、looked _(向室内). 5. Our teacher often _(警告) us not to talk in class.earthquakeinsidewarns二、根据汉语意思完成句子, 并背记英语句子6. 地震总是发生得很突然, 所以很难给予人们预警。Earthquakes always happen suddenly, so it is difficult to _ people _ them.warn about7. 不要从高楼里跳出来。_ _ _ out of high buildings.Do not jump8. 远离火。_ _ _ fires.Keep clear

5、of9. 保持镇静, 尤其是当身边还有其他人的时候。勇敢一点, 帮助他人。_ _, especially when you are with other people. _ _ and be helpful.Keep calmBe brave10. 在山里, 小心落石。In the mountains, _ _ _ falling rocks.be careful of1. Look at the sign “No swimming”; it warns us _ in the lake. 【2020广元】A. to swimB. not to swimC. swimmingB【点拨】表示“警

6、告某人不要做某事”用warn sb. not to do sth. 。2. 我要去海里游泳。宾馆里的人们提醒我要注意那里的鱼。I was going for a swim in the sea. The people in the hotel _ (warn) me _ the fish there.warned about3. 那个男士提醒我们在车站要提防小偷。The man _ us _ pickpockets at the station.warned against4. 气象台预报有暴风雨来临。The weather station _ _ a storm was coming.war

7、ned that5. Wed better follow the seven-step hand-washing method _ healthy. 【2020重庆B卷】A. to keep B. keep C. keeping D. keepsA6. Mr Wu keeps _ his students that the future belongs to the well-educated. 【2021盐城期末】A. telling B. to tell C. ordering D. to orderA7. Please be careful _ falling things from t

8、he mountains.A. to B. for C. of D. onC8. 请当心我的眼镜。Please _ _ _ my glasses.be careful with9. In a word, finishing the job is not so easy as you may think.(同义句改写)_ _, finishing the job is not so easy as you may think.In short10. 简言之, 在课堂上仔细听老师讲很重要。_ _, its important to listen to the teacher carefully i

9、n class.In short一、单项选择1. My mother asked me to be _ strangers because they might be bad men.A. busy with B. interested inC. careful of D. excited aboutC【点拨】用语境分析法。句意为“我妈妈要我当心陌生人, 因为他们可能是坏人”。be careful of意为“当心; 小心”, 故选C。2. If you want to stay healthy, you must _ junk food.A. take care of B. pay atten

10、tion toC. stay away from D. look forward toC【点拨】用语境分析法。句意为“如果你想保持健康, 你必须远离垃圾食品”。故stay away from符合题意。3. Keep _ when the earthquake happens.A. excited B. happy C. sad D. calmD【点拨】语境分析法。根据句意可知, 发生地震时应保持镇静。故选D。4. We know there are lots of ways to avoid getting H1N1.Yes, but in a word, we should care for

11、 our health at any time.(同义替换) _A. in short B. no doubt C. in detail D. in factA5. The traffic signs warn people _ after drinking.A. to drive B. not to driveC. driving D. dont driveB二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空6. Its impossible _ (learn) English well in a short time.7. Where are you going next weekend?I havent

12、decided where _ (go). to learnto go8. Dont _ (smoke) here. It says“ No smoking.” on the wall.9. Please be careful of _ (spell) these new words.10. Keep _ (quietly), because the baby is sleeping.smokespellingquiet三、选择合适的词并用其适当形式完成短文Did you meet any problems when you used a lift? Being trapped (使落入险境)

13、 in a lift can be one of the _11 experiences in ones life. Some people may be too _12 to use the lift again. In fact, there are some things _13 when people are in trouble in a lift.possible, move, bad, situation, you, do, attention, outside, allow, afraidworstafraidto doFirstly, keep calm. Being afr

14、aid will make you too nervous to think clearly. Tell yourself to be calm and believe that everything is _14.Secondly, use the emergency (紧急情况) call inside the lift or your mobile phone to let people _15 know you are in trouble.possible, move, bad, situation, you, do, attention, outside, allow, afrai

15、dpossibleoutsideThirdly, using WeChat is also a good idea _16 more people to know you are in need of help. If help doesnt arrive, knock at the door to get _17 from other people in the building.possible, move, bad, situation, you, do, attention, outside, allow, afraidto allowattentionFinally, _18 les

16、s and try to relax. Even if the workers know your _19, it may take them some time to repair the lift. So, keep quiet and relax _20 as much as possible.possible, move, bad, situation, you, do, attention, outside, allow, afraidmovesituationyourself四、 【2021原创】完形填空 Its hard for us to know when earthquak

17、es (地震) might come. But Google is trying _21. 21. A. to help B. helping C. help D. helpsA【点拨】努力做某事; try doing sth. 尝试做某事。由下文语境可知选A。You can _22 your smartphone to detect (监测) earthquakes. Google _23 a new system (系统) in its Android mobile phones (安卓手机). 22. A. take B. give C. send D. use23. A. lies B

18、. turns C. cuts D. putsDD【点拨】22. use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事。【点拨】23. put in把安装在上。It can tell people when an earthquake _24.There are many earthquakes in California, a US state. 24. A. come B. came C. is coming D. to comeC【点拨】根据语境“地震何时来”应用现在进行时表将来, 故选C。So Android users in California will be able to _25 earthquake warnings (警告) on their phones.25. A. give B. receive C. send D. hearB【点拨】用词义辨析法。give 给; receive接收; send发送; hear听见。句意为“因此, 加利福尼亚的安卓使用者将能通过手机接收地震警告”。The early warning system, _26 ShakeAlert, uses signals from more than 700 seismometers (地震检波器) across the state. If the signals _27 th


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