1、【 able,capable,competent】adj.定,表,补 有能力的,能干的able 指有能力做某事,强调聪明、能干、有本事,后面可接动词不定式,后加-er, est 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: There are many able students in our institute You are able to do it better than I She is an abler actress than I thoughtcapable 意为“有能力的、 有才能的”,与 able 相比语义较弱, 有时两词可以互换使用, 但 capable 后面只可接介词 of ,而不能
2、接动词不定式, 前接 more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:Let me introduce the capable doctor to your parents Show your teacher what you are capable of He is capable of running a mile in four minutescompetent 除表示“有能力”外,还兼有“胜任的” 之义,后面可接动词不定式或介词 as,for 或 to ,前接 more,themost 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:He isnt a very competent dire
3、ctor Is she competent to do the work? Is she competent as a teacher? They are competent for designing this type of machine He is not competent to the task of teaching English【 absurd,ridiculous 】ddj.定,表,补 荒谬的,可笑的这两个词前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最 高级形式。absurd 意为“荒谬的、可笑的” ,表示某种言论因其极不符合逻辑、常识和情理而令人发笑,往 往指无稽之谈
4、, 常后接介词 in 用例:It is absurd in theory n is absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow What could be more absurd than that?ridiculous 指某人或某件事是“荒唐可笑的” ,常后接介词 in 用例: He looks ridiculous in that hat Dont be ridiculous! The idea seemed ridiculous to him【 abundan,t ample】adj. 定,表,补 大量的 这两个词意义相近,
5、许多情况下可互换,但仍有差异。abundant 意为“大量的、多的” ,多指某物品有“充裕的”供应,前接 more,the most 构成比较 级和最高级形式,但很少使用, 用例:abundant rainfall an abundant supply of meat, milk and eggs。ample 本义为“充分的”,可引申为“大量的,表示足够或超出必要的程度,通常后接不可效名 词或可数名词复数形式,可前接 more, the most 或后加 er,est 构成比较级和最高级形 式,用例: ample opportunities ample time We have ample m
6、oney for the journey【acid,sour】 adj. 定,表,补 酸的acid 一般指自然的酸味,通常是因含有化学酸,其引申义可表示辛辣、刻薄或讽刺,无比较级 或最高级形式, 用例:acid rain acid fruits Lemons have an acid taste His wit became acidsour 有时可与 acid互换使用,用例: The fruit is still green and tastes sour该词也表示物质由于 发酵或变质而发酸, 后加-er,est构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:sour garbagesour milk He
7、 has a sour temper 用于形容人 时,指人脾气坏、尖酸挑剔,用例:Jane took a sour view of everything【 accurate, exact, precise】 adj. 定,表,补 准确的,精确的accurate 意为“准确的、精确的” ,往往含有小心谨慎地做到与某一标准或客观事物相符合或相 一致的意味,可后接介词 at,in 等,前接 more, the most 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: Clocks in railway station should be accurate He was accurate in his work Hi
8、s memory was not accurateexact 意为“确切的、精确的、贴切的” ,强调与事 实、真实情况或标准绝对相符、严格吻合, 语气比 accurate强,常后接介词 in 无比较级或最高级形式,用例: He is always exact in his words I can hardly find an exact word to express What is the exact size of the room?precise 意为“准确的、精确的” ,着重指具有高度的精确度和准确性,表示连详情细节都精确无 误、分毫不差,因此有时含有过于讲究细节甚至吹毛求疵的意味,常
9、后接介词in 前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:He is precise in a11 his habits It is hard to give a precise definition to it【 acute,keen, sharp】adj.定,表,补 敏锐的acute 意为“敏锐的、精明的” ,强调对别人不易察觉的细微差别的感受性,也可表示只能短时 间内保持的高度神经紧张状态,前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: Her judgment is acute He has an acute awareness of the s
10、lightest ambiguity in each statement made by his opponent With his acute mind, he was able to find an answer quicklykeen 意为“敏捷的、敏锐的”,强调机敏过人或非凡的洞察力,同时还带有精力旺盛并令人信服 地解决艰深复杂问题的意味,有时比喻目光敏捷,既能明察秋毫又能见木见材,后加er,est 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: a keen intelligence The retired presidents insight is as keen as before Is you
11、r grandfathers eyesight still keen?sharp 意为“敏锐的、灵敏的、机敏的” ,通常表示天分极高,而不一定在某一领域受过专门教 育,强调聪慧、精明、敏于观察和利用,有时含有狡猾之义,后加 er,est 构成比较级和最 高级形式,用例:He is old but his mind is still sharp n takes sharp eyes to see the flaw You wont catch him He is very sharp【acute, nasty,urgent】 adj. 定,表,补 严重的,急迫的 acute 意为“严重的、激烈的
12、” ,通 常修饰已使危机恶化了的缺乏或需求,有时也修饰其它一些紧急情况,该词在医学上表示“急性的” ,前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式;用例: an acute water shortage the acute problem of air pollution in cities The doctors think his illness is acute rather than chronic nasty 意为“严重的、凶险的” ,在不正式的用法中,该词可以形容任何严厉的、严重的或者有 害的行为, 后加er,est 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:She old hi
13、m that she wouldnt put up with his nasty remarks any longer I have a nasty cold this morningurgent 常用词,意为“紧迫的、急促的” ,该词常修饰某种紧急情况,表示接近危机状态,前接 more,the most构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: The matter is urgent;we must do it now The refugees are in urgent need of help I received an urgent message from my father telling
14、me to return home at once【 adequate, enough, sufficient 】adj.定,表,补 充足的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式。adequate 较正式用词,意为“充分的、足够的” ,指数量或程度上符合某一特定或最低要求,用 例:The supply is not adequate to the demand. We took adequate food for a short camping holiday / Is your salaryadequate to support a family of five?enough 常用词,意为“足够的、充
15、足的” ,多指数量、份量或程度上能满足需求或愿望,特别 是物质上的需要,作定语时多置于所修饰的名词之前,但也可置于其后(强调该名词时,名词在前;反之,该名词在后。 用例: We have enough money,so why dont we have a good meal? We have time enough to get to the airport The food iS enough for a11 of us Please dont worrysufficient 正式用词,意为“足够的、充分的” ,在很多情况下,可与 enough 通用,主要表示 实际需要能够得到满足,作定语
16、时只可置于所修饰的名词之前,用例: Is one hundred yuan sufficient for the expenses of your journey? The poor child didnt have sufficient clothing for the winter He has sufficient authority to allow them to do this【 adult,mature】 adj.成年的,成熟的这两个词可指已经完成了生命最初阶段的成长期和发展期的任何生物。adult 定 用于修饰人时,指其生理上已过于青少年期,法律上也已达到法定年龄。该词暗示一
17、个年龄分界线, 例如 18 岁或 21 岁,无比较级 或最高级形式, 用例:adult education adult entertainment Are these films suitable for adult women only?mature 定,表,补 修饰人时,常着重表示其智力、智慧及体力“成熟” ,而并无严格的具体年 龄界定,可前接 more,the most或后加er,est构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:He is not mature enough to be given too much responsibility/ She is very mature for he
18、r age【 advanced,progressive】 adj.定,表,补 先进的,进步的这两个词前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式。advanced 意为“先进的、高级的” ,多表示时间上和位置上处于前面的,或者在发展过程中早 已超出最初阶段的,用例:advanced science and technology He has advanced ideas The United States has an aircraft Of an advanced designprogressive 意为“进步的、先进的” ,多表示与落后的和反动的相比较而言先进的或进步的, 亦可
19、表示不断前进的,用例 progressive ideas progressive changes a progressive political party This is a very progressive firm that uses the most modern system【afraid,fearful】 adj. 害怕的 这两个词前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式。afraid 常用词, 表示人害怕或担心, 只作表语, 用例:Shes much afraid Of dogs Im afraid that I cant come tomorrow She is
20、 afraid to come alone注意 短语 be afraid to do something表示“害怕、不敢做某事” ,而短语 be afraid of doing something表示“担心(会产生某种结果 )”,用例: 1wasafraid to wake him up意为“我不敢唤 醒他。”而 I was afraid of waking him up意为“我怕把他惊醒。 ”fearful 定,表,补 意为“胆怯的、害怕的” ,指人处于害怕的境况之中,心中不安、感到忧 虑,担心的成分多于惊慌,可后接介词 of 或 that从句,用例: The old man is fear
21、ful of falling They were fearful that the river would flood She is fearful in case something happens to him【aggressive,bold,brave,courageous heroic】adj. 定,表,补 敢作敢为的,勇敢的,英勇的 aggressive 指长期一贯的性格、性质。用作褒义词时,多表示在事业上“敢作敢为的、有进取 心的”,前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: If you want to be a success in business yo
22、u must be aggressive An aggressive young man can go far in this firm用作贬义 词时,表示“爱寻衅的、有侵略性的” ,用例: An aggressive country is always ready to start a war Some dogs are trained to be aggressive,bold 可以指长期一贯的性格,也可以指一时的表现。用作褒义词时,意为“勇敢的、无畏的” , 强调勇往直前、无所惧怕,后加 -er,est 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:I determined to be bold an
23、d speak the truth a bold new venture in space scienc;e 用作贬义词时, 有“冒失的、 卤莽的”之义,用例: She is a bold child One student was so bold as to argue with the professorbrave 褒义词,意为“英勇的、勇敢的” ,可以指长期一贯的性格,也可以是时的表现,强调 在危险面前无所畏惧, 后加-er,est构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:I was brave of her to go into the burning building The boy was
24、very brave about his operationcourageous 文学用词,意为“勇敢的” ,强调行为中表现出勇气,前接 more,the most 构成比较 级和最高级形式,用例: It was courageous of her to go into the burning house to save the child What a courageous thing to do!heroic 褒义词,意为“英勇的”,强调像英雄般勇敢、 伟大,多指时的表现, 前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: She died a heroic death H
25、er behavior was indeed heroic【 agreeable,favorable,pleasant】Adj. 定,表,补 )令人愉快的,讨人喜欢的本组词前接 more, the most构成比较级和最高级形式。agreeable 正式用词,指因与对方的气质、 兴趣、爱好、情感等相和而 “令人愉悦的”,用例:She has an agreeable voic。e The designs are agreeable to the taste of this market He replied with an agreeable cultured intonationfavora
26、ble 表示“讨人喜欢的”时,侧重指行为举止赢得赞许,此义不常用,用例: He made a favorable impression on his future employer Her table manner was favorablepleasant 常用词,表示“令人愉快、讨人喜欢”时,要有两种含义: 1)指事物或事情引起感官或 情感愉悦,用例:What a pleasant taste the food has! / How pleasant the riverside walk was! / It was a pleasant surprise to see her again2
27、) 特指人因其独特的外表、举止而“令人愉快、讨人喜欢” , 用例: a pleasant lad Your brother iS a very pleasant person to stay with【 alert,careful,cautious】 adj.定,表,补 仔细的,谨慎的 本组词前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式。alert 意为“警惕的、警觉的” ,指思想高度集中地注视着可能发生的事件,尤其是危险的、恐怖 的事件,可后接介词 to 引出警惕的对象, 用例:You must be alert to the danger around you/She is a
28、lways alert during lessons/ They are alert soldierscareful 意为“仔细的、细心的”,指做事细心,连细节也不疏忽, 用例:He is a more careful driver than I am. /You cant be too careful in examscautious 意为“小心的、谨慎的” ,多表示所有方面都慎重考虑周全后才开始行动,也可表示行 为中带有迟疑、尝试甚至胆怯,可后接介词 of 引出慎重对待的对象,用例: Cautious people dont take chances You must be cautiou
29、s of being hurt this time Be cautious when you are swimming in deep water【 alien, contrary, converse, opposite reverse】 adj.相反的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式,除 reverse外均可作 定,表,补 。alien 正式用词,意为“相反的、性质不同的” ,强调在性质或性格等方面相反的、迥异的,作表 语时常后接介词 from 或 to,用例: an effect utterly alien from the one intended /Their ideas are comp
30、letely alien to our way of thinkingcontrary 意为“相反的”,一般用于修饰意见、计划、目的等意义抽象的概念,有时带有矛盾或 敌对的意味,作表语时常后接介词 to,用例:Your statement is contrary to the facts/ That decision was contrary to my wishes / What you have done is contrary to the doctors orderconverse 专业用词, 指方向、作用方面“相反的”,用例:converse wind in converse dir
31、ection; 也可指次序方面“颠倒的” ,用例: The converse order of the English alphabet is from Z to A. opposite 常用词,意为“对立的、 对面的、相反 的”,指两个彼此尖锐对立的抽象事物, 如观点、 条件、陈述、性质或力量,但没有 contrary 所含的“矛盾、敌对”的意义,用例: What is on the opposite side of the coin? /“ True”and “false”have opposite meanings 该词作表语时后接介 词 to ,用例: His political po
32、sition is opposite to oursreverse 意为“相反的、倒转的” ,与 converse意义一致,指事物的顺序颠倒或运动的方向相反, 多作定语用例: It would be funny to begin at Z and write the dictionary in reverse order /move in the reverse direction。【 alien, foreign, strange】 adj.定,表,补 陌生的alien 意为“陌生的、外来的”,强调一种事情与另一件事情完全不同,根本没有联系或不可能组 成一个整体,含有嫌恶、反感、排外的意味,
33、无比较级或最高级形式, 用例:He would often adopt certain modes of thought that he knows to be really alien to his nature/These principles are alien to our religionforeign 意为“陌生的、异质的、外来的” ,强调某种事情由于与另一件事情不能相容或无关而显 得不同或陌生,无比较级或最高级形式,用例: a foreign object in the eye Sitting still is foreign to the boys nature/Much co
34、al contains foreign matterstrange 意为“陌生的、不熟悉的” ,强调对人或事物由于前所未闻、未见过或未经历过而感觉陌 生,比较级和最高级形式为 stranger和 stranges,t 用例: a strange neighborhood/ in a strange country / Never accept gifts from strange men 该词表示人对某事物感到陌生或不习惯时,常 用于 be strange to结构中,用例:The village boy is strange to city life./ She is strange to
35、the work【 alike, comparable,like ,parallel,similar 】 adj. 相似的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式。 alike 表意为“相似的、同样的” ,强调彼此在 外貌、性格、方法等方面十分相像,只能用 much, very much, exactly, somewhat 等词修饰,用例: All music is alike to him / The pronunciations of the two words are exactly alike / The two brothers look very much alike comparable
36、表 意为“类似的、相似的” ,指在某一方面或在有限的某些方面相似,可后接介词 to 或 with ,用例: A fire is comparable with the sun both give light and heat 该词更常用于表示 荣誉、名望、身份或权势等方面 “可比拟的”,用例:Your achievements are comparable with the best Johnsons work can be comparable to that mastesr worklike 定,表意为“相同的、相似的” ,指事物在外貌、性质或特性上非常相似,但并非同一, 用例 He wr
37、ites well on this and like subjects. / Like father,like son;like master,like man。 /The two brothers are of like disposition but have different interestsparallel 定,表 )正式用词,意为“相似的、类似的” ,指人或事物并列比较时相似、相像,并常 暗示经过一个相似的历史发展过程,用例: We were amazed by the almost parallel growth of the twin cities. /The power o
38、f the father in this household is parallel to that of the kingsimilar 定,表 意为“类似的、相似的、同样的” ,指部分或大部分相似,强调不同事物之间的 相似之处,暗示不同之处可忽略或不予理睬, 常用于 A is similar to B 结构中,用例:Your situation is similar to mine Gold is similar in color to brass The two T-shirts are similar but not identical My wife and I have simil
39、ar tastes in music。【 alive,live ,living 】 Adj. 活的,活着的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式。alive 多作表,补意为“活着的、有生命的、没死的” ,常含有本可能死去而现在还活着的意思, 用例: She was unconscious but still alive when taken to the hospital / Many peopleare stillburied alive after the earthquake该词偶尔作定语时一般后置,多用于指人,用例: Who is the greatest scientist alive?liv
40、e 定 l 指“活的、有生命的”时,放在所修饰的名词前面, 通常指动物, 用例:I want some live shrimps The cat was playing with a live mouse 指人时,引申义为“生气勃勃的” , 用例: John is a live young man1iving 定,表,补 意为“活着的”,可指一切有生命的事物,尤指“现存的、现在活着的、活 动中的”人或物,语义比 alive 广,作定语时既可前置,又可后置,用例: a11living things the greatest living English living writer/No man
41、living could have done better/My grandfather is still living at the age of 93【 alternate,intermittent ,periodic 】 adj.定,表,补 定期的,间歇的 本组词无比较级或最高级形式。 alternate 用于修饰两种事物时,意为“交替的、轮流的” ,表示两事物既间歇地又不断地轮流出现,用例: Day and night are alternate with each other / We had a week of alternate rain and sunshine 用于修饰多个同
42、类事 物时,表示“每隔一个的、 间隔的”,用例:John and I do the work on alternate days /The class meets on alternate days of the week, beginning Tuesdayintermittent 表示“间歇的、 时断时续的” ,强调持续中的中断, 指事物不时消失或遭到遗漏, 却总会重返回来, 用例: intermittent flashes of light from a lighthouse There is going to be intermittent rain today periodic 意为
43、“周期的、 定期发生的” ,强调重复性, 指事物在较长时间内几乎是每隔固定时期就反复再现一次, 因此能得到较准确的预测, 用例: periodic inspection of markets ,hotels,and restaurants The periodic movement of the moon round the earth takes 28 days 【alternative,optional , select】 adj.可供选择的,精选的本组词无比较级或最高级形式。alternative 定意为“两者选一的, 可能的、 可供选择的” ,强调二选一, 用例:He offered
44、the alternative plans of having a picnic or going to the zoo Is there an alternative road to that place?optional 定,表,补意为“可任选的, 任意的”,侧重随意性以及非强制性, 用例: Tennis is an optional course in school.select 定,表,补 意为“精选的、选择的 ,强调经严挑细选后品质优良,用例:A select group of people wasinvited to the banquet tonight / The book i
45、s a select collection of Shakespeares works / The crew for the dangerous job is select 【 ambiguous, dim ,indefinite , obscure, vague】 adj. 定,表,补 含糊不清的,模糊的ambiguous 意为“模棱两可的、含糊的、不明确的” ,着重表示含糊、模棱两可、因可能有各种不同的解释而 使人费解, 前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:”Indian ”is an ambiguous word because it can mean an
46、 American Indian or a native of India His statement was a rather ambiguous reply dim 意为“模糊的、朦胧的” ,强调由于光线不足或视觉不良而导致的轮廓模糊不清、难以辨认,比较级和最 高级形式为 dimmer 和 dimmest,用例: The dim shapes of the trees loomed beyond the headlight / I have only a dim memory of last nights events /We could see only the dim outline
47、Of the mountains in the distance indefinite 意为“含糊的、 不明确的” ,表示轮廓、 重点等不明确, 强调没有确切地定下来或限制住, 前接 more, the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例: indefinite frontier His ideas are indefinite at the moment I gave him an indefinite answer obscure 意为“模糊的、含糊难解的、隐藏的” ,语义较强,可表示因光现黑暗而造成的视觉困难,或因所示 某物内容复杂、深奥和模棱两可而造成的理解困难,前接more ,
48、the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:He sat at an obscure corner Of the room /The point of his speech was obscure /His talk was full of obscure political jokes vague 意为“不明确的、含糊的、暖昧的” ,表示因言辞笼统而不清楚或不明确,使人不能理解其 意,比较级和最高级形式可前接 more,the most 构成或变为 vaguer 和 vaguest,用例:She is so vague that I can never understand what
49、shes trying to say /The man was rather vague about his past/I have only a vague idea where the house is【amiable,compatible,friendly , kind】adj. 定,表,补 )友好的,可共处的amiable 意为“和蔼可亲的 ,指人具有令人愉快的友好性情,前接 more,the most 构成比较级 和最高级形式,用例: I enjoy talking to that old man ;hes very amiable, She has a nice amiable m
50、annercompatible 意为“能和睦相处的、合得来的” ,涉及两种或两种以上的人或物,所体现的友好程 度不如本组内其它词深, 前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:The two sisters couldnt live together because they werent compatible /All these actions are compatible with his character/You should choose a roommate more compatible to your tastesfriendly 意为“友好的、友善的
51、、好意的” ,强调入的态度或其行为方式容易赢得他人的好感和 友谊,比较级和最高级形式为 friendlier 和 friendliest ,用例: a friendly nation / friendly advice/He spoke in a friendly waykind 意为“仁慈的、和善的、亲切的” ,强调一种体恤人、助人的性情,后加 er,est 构成比 较级和最高级形式, 用例: It is so kind of you to come to meet us/I have a kind mother. /He has a kind heart【 ample,spacious】a
52、dj. 定,表,补 1 宽阔的ample 意为“面积大的、宽敞的” ,可用于表示体积、面积大到充裕而有富余的程度,可前接 more,the most或后加-er,est构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:an ample lawn There is room for an amble garden/The building has an ample lobbyspacious 意为“广阔的、宽敞的” ,般指平面既长又宽,在引申用法中,强调某一范围或界限 内的宽松和自由,前接 more, the most 构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: We love the spacious western sk
53、ies。 The house was not spaciou,s but is faced on neat lawn.【 angry, furious, indignant, mad】adj. 愤怒的本组词除 mad 外,均可作 定,表,补 angry 意为“生气的、恼火的” ,表示形之于外的不愉快,通常指人通过激动的言辞。表情或动 作来表现愤怒,比较级和最高级形式为 angrier 和 angriest,用例: The king is angry;see,he bites the lip、 He was angry to 1earn that he was left out of the t
54、eam。恼火的对象为事物时, 后接介词 at或 about,用例: Whats he so angry about? /I was angry at being kept waiting。 / The teacher was angry about those tricks 恼火的对象为人时, 后接介词 with ,用例:The mother pretended to be angry with her naughty son/She was angry with him for having broken his promise。furious 意为“勃然大怒的” ,指由于感情冲动所表现出来
55、的强烈的愤怒情绪,前接more, themost构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:He was in a furious rage/He got furious at her words。 / He was furious to hear of the rumor.indignant 意为“愤慨的、愤怒的” ,强调满怀义愤,即因非正义的举动、无理挑衅所引起的愤 怒、有正当理由的愤怒,前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式。愤慨的对象为事物 时,可用介词 at,about或 over连接,用例:They are indignant at(about)the increased p
56、rices. /He was indignant over their brutality愤慨的对象为人时,用介词 with 连接,用例: The public was indignant with the cruel criminal.mad 表,补 意为“狂怒的”,主要用于非规范口语或写作中,比较级和最高级形式为madder和 maddest,用例: I was so mad over the way father was talking /She looked mad for asecond,but soon she began to laugh.【annual, yearly】 adj
57、. 定,表,补 每年的,一年一度的这两个词无比较级或最高级形式,两 者均可表示“每年的、一年一次的”或“以年度计的、周期为一年的” ,常可互换,但 annual 强调每年的同个日期,较 yearly 正式,且一年生植物只能用 annual 修饰。 用例: a yearly(annual)income/Corn and beans are annual plants【anxious,eager】 adj. 渴望的 这两个词前接 more,themost 构成比较级和最高级形式。,anxious 表 )表示在强烈的渴望中交织着对可能遇到的挫折或失望的焦虑和担心,可后接介词 for,动词不定式或 t
58、hat 从句(从句的谓语动词用 should型虚拟语气 ),用例: The immigrantwas anxious to become an American、He was anxious for a bicycle/ She was very anxious that her son should succeedeager 定,表,补 表示积极地“渴望”,多指带有热心、热情、不愿拖延,作表语时可后接动词 不定式或介词 after, for 等,用例: an eager look /The children listened to the story with eager attention
59、/He is eager for his first look around Paris/We are eager for(after) peace /Dont be too eager to succeed【 apparen,t clear,distinct ,evident,manifest,obvious,plain 】adj. 定,表,补 明显的,清楚的, 显然的apparent 正式用词,意为“显然的、明显的” ,强调显而易见或一想便知,有时含有表面如此其 实未必的意思,前接 more,the most 构成比较级和最高级形式, 用例:Its apparent to all of u
60、s/it is apparent that you have misunderstood me。/As more and more facts were revealed,the mans crimes became apparentclear 本组词中含义和用法最广的一个,意为“明白的、清楚的、明确的、明显的” ,表示易于观 察、了解和识别,凡是能听清、看清或易于理解的事物都可以用该词来形容,后加-er,est构成比较级和最高级形式,用例: The letter had made that quiet clear /Let us first be clear about our aims/
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