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1、复旦大学医学院儿科学系20052006学年第一学期期末考试试卷A卷 B卷课程名称:_儿科学_ 课程代码: _开课院系:_儿科学系_ 考试形式: 闭卷 姓名: 学号: 专业: 题号选择题问答题1问答题2问答题3问答题4总分得分一、选择题(每题1分,共40分)A型题1. The most important influencing factor of growth after 2 years of age is A. Sex B. Race C. Endocrine D. NutritionE. Exercise2. DTP (Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vacc

2、ine), Primary immunization should be taken A. Just one time B. Once a month, two timesC. Once a month, three timesD. Once a week, two timesE. Once a week, three times3. What time is better for weaning in breast feeding baby? A. 4-5 months of age B. 6-9 months of age C. 10-12 months of age D. 13-15 m

3、onths of age E. 18 months of age 4. The ratio of Calcium and Phosphorus in breastmilk is A. 1:2 B. 1.5:1C. 2:1 D. 1.2:1E. 1.5:25. Which is main difference between dehydration of severe degree and moderate degree? A. poor skin resiliency B. orbit pitting C. oliguria or anuria D. metabolic acidosisE.

4、peripheral circulatory failure6. A pre-term baby of one month and two days old, gestational age 35 weeks, born in winter, breast feeding, weight is increasing from 2.0kg to 3.0kg. Now which supplementary food is added to at first and why? A. rice-water, for supplementation of energyB. vegetable soup

5、, for supplementation of mineral substancesC. rice-paste, for supplementation of energyD. cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit AE. cod liver oil, for supplementation of Vit D7. Very low birthweight infant is the newborn whose birth weight is less than A. 2500g B. 2000gC. 1500g D. 1000gE. 800g8.

6、 If the mothers Rh blood type is CcDee and the fetus is CcDEe, then Rh incompatibility should be A. C antigen B. c antigenC. D antigen D. E antigen E. e antigen 9. The range of serum natrium concentration in isonatremic dehydration should be A. 120140mmol/L B. 130160mmol/LC. 140160mmol/L D. 140150mm

7、ol/LE. 130150mmol/L10. Physiologic weight lower of a normal newborn will be recovered in A.13days B.35 daysC. 57 days D.710 days E.1014 days11. A healthy boy, one year and six months old, how much calorie and water should he require every day ? calorie (kj) /kg water(ml) /kgA. 418 (100 kcal) 100B. 4

8、60 (110 kcal) 100C. 418 (100 kcal) 110D. 418 (100 kcal) 125E. 925 (220 kcal) 15012. Intrauterine life comprises two stages: embryonic and fetal, the fetal period is usually considered to be: the end of 6 th week of gestation to 40 th week of gestationthe end of 8 th week of gestation to 40 th week o

9、f gestationthe end of 10 th week of gestation to 40 th week of gestationthe end of 12 th week of gestation to 40 th week of gestation the end of 12 th week of gestation to 37 th week of gestation13. Physiologic hypogammaglobulinemia is commonly seen in A. Immediately after birth B. 3-4 months of age

10、 C. 10-12 months of age D. 1-2 years of age E. 3 years of age 14. What is the most important clinical feature of nephritic syndrome? A. Proteinuria B. EdemaC. Hypertension D. HypoalbuminemiaE. Hypercholesteolemia15. Which one of the following statement isnt the clinical finding of febrile convulsion

11、 with a family history of seizuresoften occur in neonatal periodassociated with a rapidly rising temperatureless than 10 to 15 minutes episode typical generalized seizures16. The major early manifestation of tuberculous meningitis in children is A tense anterior fontanealConvulsionStuporCranial nerv

12、e palsiesMood changes17. Which one is the most common type of tuberculosis in children A. Primary pulmonary tuberculosis B. Miliary tuberculosisC. Tuberculous meningitis D. Tubeculous lymphadenitisE. Tuberculous pleurisy18. Which one is the cyanostic type of congenital heart disease A. ventricular s

13、eptal defect B. atrial septal defectC. tetralogy of Fallot D. Patent ductus arteriosusE.pulmonary stenosis 19. Which one of the following statement isnt the general regularity of growth development in children? from the upper part to the lower partfrom the distal part to the proximal partfrom the gr

14、oss motion to fine motion from lower level to higher levelfrom simple to complicated20. The major manifestations of acute glomerulonephritis are hypertension, hematuria, proteinuriaproteinuria, hypertensionedema, hypertension, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hypertension, hematuriaoliguria, edema, hematur

15、ia, hypercholesteolemia 21. 一般前囟最迟闭合的月龄为 A.12个月 B.14个月 C.16个月D.18个月 E.20个月 22. 4岁男孩的标准体重和身长最可能是 A.13kg,90cm B.15kg,100cm C.16kg,105cm D.16kg,110cm E.17kg,105cm 23. 母乳的成分中哪项是错误的? A.初乳中含有分泌型IgA B.人乳中的碳水化物主要是乳糖C.母乳中的脂肪以长链脂肪酸为主 D.母乳对酸碱的缓冲力大E.母乳提供较多的酶 24. 在新生儿期,应进行哪些预防接种?A. 卡介苗B. 卡介苗,乙肝疫苗C. 卡介苗,百白破疫苗D. 乙

16、肝疫苗,百白破疫苗E. 乙肝疫苗25. 下列哪一项不符合新生儿肺透明膜病的肺部X线表现?A. 两肺野透亮度普遍降低B. 均匀散在的细颗粒和网状阴影C. 支气管充气征D. 部分肺泡代偿性气肿E. 严重病例呈“白肺”26. 新生儿呕吐最常见的原因是A.幽门痉挛B.幽门肥厚C.胃食道反流D.感染E.消化道畸形27. 下列哪项不是21-三体综合征的临床特征A.特殊面容 B.皮肤纹理异常C.尿有特殊臭味 D.智能低下E.体格发育迟缓28. 中度脱水的静脉补液量前24小时为每公斤体重 A.50100ml B.80120ml C.90150ml D.120150ml E.150200ml29. 下列哪项不是

17、婴儿下呼吸道的解剖生理特点? A.粘液腺分泌不足B.纤毛运动差C.粘膜血管少D.缺乏弹力组织E.淋巴组织发达30. 呼吸道合胞病毒肺炎最突出的特点为A. 喘憋症状显著 B.肺部功能残气量减少 C.鼻翼煽动伴严重紫绀 D.肺部广泛细湿罗音 E.肺部罗音不明显31. 先天性心血管畸形发生在哪个胚胎发育时期? 周 23个月个月 9个月9个月以后32. 法洛四联症发生昏厥的主要原因是A 大型室间隔缺损B 高位室间隔缺损C 主动脉骑跨程度超过50D 右心室漏斗部狭窄痉挛E 右心室严重肥厚33. 室间隔缺损患儿出现声音嘶哑,最可能的原因为 A.左心房增大压迫喉返神经B.左心室增大压迫喉返神经C.右心室增大

18、压迫喉返神经D.主动脉扩张压迫喉返神经E.肺动脉扩张压迫喉返神经34. 急性肾小球肾炎最常见的致病原是 肺炎链球菌A组型溶血性链球菌柯萨奇病毒B立克次体支原体35. 肾病综合征最根本的病理生理变化是 A.大量蛋白尿 B.低蛋白血症C.高脂血症 D.血尿E.水肿36. 小儿尿路感染具确诊意义的检查是 尿常规见白细胞成堆Addis计数:白细胞100万/12小时尿细菌涂片找到细菌清洁中段尿细菌培养阳性,菌落计数10万/ml亚硝酸盐试验阳性37. 患儿,13个月。因“面色苍白1月半”收住入院。体检时心尖区闻及级收缩期杂音。血常规:Hb 50g/L,RBC 2.51012/L。该患儿的贫血程度属 正常血

19、象轻度贫血中度贫血重度贫血极重度贫血38. 单纯性高热惊厥有以下特点,但除外下列哪项?A.有明显的遗传倾向 B.发作前后神经系统无异常C.惊厥多为部分性发作 D.惊厥持续多在10分钟以内E.有年龄特点 39. 在身材矮小的儿童中,哪种情况下其骨龄发育是正常的 A生长激素缺乏症B甲状腺功能减低症C体质性青春期延迟D家族性矮身材E先天性肾上腺皮质增生症40. 心跳呼吸骤停最严重的危害为A. 中枢神经不可逆损害B. 再灌注损伤C. 复苏后坏死性肠炎D. 心功能损害E. 肾功能不全二问答题 (每题15分,共60分)1. 试述新生儿生理性黄疸和病理性黄疸的特点。2. 试述小儿肺炎合并心衰的诊断标准和处理

20、原则。3. 简述小儿腹泻伴脱水时静脉补液的原则。 4. 试述室间隔缺损的血流动力学特点和临床表现。答案20052006学年第一学期儿科学试卷(A) 2006.1(02级临床医学专业五年制留学生班、法医班)姓名 学号 班级 成绩选择题: 1、( C ) 21、 ( D )2、( C ) 22、 ( C )3、( C ) 23、 ( D )4、( C ) 24、 ( B )5、( E ) 25、 ( D )6、( E ) 26、 ( C )7、( C ) 27、 ( C )8、( D ) 28、 ( D )9、( E ) 29、 ( C )10、( D ) 30、 ( A )11、( D ) 31

21、、 ( A )12、( D ) 32、 ( D )13、( B ) 33、 ( E )14、( A ) 34、 ( B )15、( B ) 35、 ( A )16、( E ) 36、 ( D )17、( A ) 37、 ( D )18、( C ) 38、 ( C )19、( B ) 39、 ( D )20、( D ) 40、 ( A ) 二新生儿病理性黄疸和生理性黄疸的鉴别病理性黄疸 生理性黄疸黄疸出现时间 生后24小时或其他时间 生后23天黄疸高峰时间 不定 生后46天黄疸消退时间 2周后不退 足月儿生后2周 早产儿生后34周血清总胆红素 204umol/L 25umol/L 60次、分。2.心率突然加快180次/分。3.骤发极度烦躁不安,明显发绀,面色发灰,指趾甲微血管充盈时间延长。4.心音低钝,奔马律,颈静脉怒张。5.肝脏迅速增大。6.尿少或无尿,颜面眼睑或双下肢水肿。具有前5项即可诊断。处理原则:一般治疗:吸氧、体位、保持气道通畅 病原治疗:抗生素、抗病毒药物的应用 对症治疗:强心利尿扩血管、纠正水电介质紊乱3. 轻、中、重度失水的临床表现:轻度 中度 重度水分丧失量相当于体重55-1010皮肤稍干、弹性无改变干燥、弹性稍差苍白、干燥,弹性较差口唇粘膜略差较差非常烦躁眼眶前囟稍凹明显凹陷深度凹陷眼泪尿量减少尿少、泪少甚至无尿、无泪循环尚可


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