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2、。幸运的是,科学还告诉我们此刻我们还可以作出重大的弥补,试图扭转这些影响,但只有通过立即采取行动。这就是为什么我们研究这个课题希望大家一起加入遏制全球气温变暖行列。遏制全球变暖只是一个课题,但其目的却是真实的。希望通过众人的传播与身边的人们一起,迫使那些无意识的人们关注,团结起来为世界出一份力。地球作为一个生态系统正在发生变化,很大程度上的原因是在于全球化的影响和人为因素。更多的二氧化碳排放于大气层现在已经比过去六十五万年。这种碳在大气中停留,就像是温暖的毛毯,并拥有在热-因此得名全球变暖。 我们存在于这个星球上的原因,是因为地球的自然界提供我们足够热空气,其中的温度保持在一个非常狭窄的范围内


4、们的地球献出一份爱。让我们站起来呼吁身边更多的人们为了世界,也为我们的未来伸出双手。3你们最后得出的结论是什么,有无达到预期效果?有何意义或启迪?你们有没有好的解决方案?出你的承诺,让我们一起熄灯一小时,为阻止全球气候变暖,尽一份应尽的职责2007年三月31日,悉尼号召当地人为“全球变暖问题”做出贡献。于是有220万居民和2100家企业参与到了这项“还给地球一小时”活动。2008年,又有24个城市加入这一活动。今年更有超过1000座城市和上百万人口承诺参加这个活动。 就在不久前2009年3月28日 19:3020:30 作出你的承诺,让我们一起熄灯一小时,为阻止全球气候变暖,尽一份应尽的职责。

5、我们也正为这全球变暖做着一份贡献,虽然只是短短的一小时却节省了 电,而 却可以产生 热。而我们要做的不只是一小时,是生活中的每一天每一刻。2你们是如何调查研究,采用何种方法,简单的说明调查研究的过程 04年6月11日在自然杂志上公布的一项研究结果表明,随着温室气体的增加,亚马逊雨林最深处的树种结构发生了显著的变化全球变暖可使热带雨林变草原雨林消失全球变暖导致花期提前动物北迁2004年11月11日发表于自然气候变暖导致真菌流行病蔓延2006年1月12日援引最新一期英国自然杂志发表Learn MoreThe results are in and the reality of global warm

6、ing is beyond dispute or debate. Its not just an environmental issue. It affects our public health and national security. Its an urgent matter of survival for everyone on the planet the most urgent threat facing humanity today. Its going to take action from you and all of us working together.The fir

7、st step, Join the Virtual March.The second step, Keep reading below, and share this with friends.Global warming isnt opinion. Its a scientific reality. And the science tells us that human activity has made enormous impacts to our planet that affect our well-being and even our survival as a species.T

8、he worlds leading science journals report that glaciers are melting ten times faster than previously thought, that atmospheric greenhouse gases have reached levels not seen for millions of years, and that species are vanishing as a result of climate change. They also report of extreme weather events

9、, long-term droughts, and rising sea levels.Fortunately, the science also tells us how we can begin to make significant repairs to try and reverse those impacts, but only through immediate action. Thats why we urge you to join us. The Stop Global Warming Virtual March is virtual but its purpose is r

10、eal. By spreading the word and sharing this with others, our collective power will force governments, corporations, and politicians everywhere to pay attention.What is Global Warming?The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbo

11、n dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat hence the name global warming.The reason we exist on this planet is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to

12、 keep the temperature within a very narrow range - this creates the conditions that give us breathable air, clean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. Human beings have begun to tip that balance. Weve overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our cars and factories and powe

13、r plants. If we dont start fixing the problem now, were in for devastating changes to our environment. We will experience extreme temperatures, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destructive fury. Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effect

14、s of climate change have become more and more commonplace.Environmental DestructionThe massive ice sheets in the Arctic are melting at alarming rates. This is causing the oceans to rise. Thats how big these ice sheets are! Most of the worlds population lives on or near the coasts. Rising ocean level

15、s, an estimated six feet over the next 100 years or sooner, will cause massive devastation and economic catastrophe to population centers worldwide.The United States, with only four percent of the worlds population, is responsible for 22% of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. A rapid transition to

16、 energy efficiency and renewable energy sources will combat global warming, protect human health, create new jobs, protect habitat and wildlife, and ensure a secure, affordable energy future.Health RisksMalaria. Dengue Fever. Encephalitis. These names are not usually heard in emergency rooms and doc

17、tors offices in the United States. But if we dont act to curb global warming, they will be. As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread, infecting people in their wake. Doctors at the Harvard Medical School have linked recent U.S. outbreaks of dengue fever, malaria, hantavir

18、us and other diseases directly to climate change.Catastrophic WeatherSuper powerful hurricanes, fueled by warmer ocean temperatures are the “smoking gun” of global warming. Since 1970, the number of category 4 and 5 events has jumped sharply. Human activities are adding an alarming amount of polluti

19、on to the earths atmosphere causing catastrophic shifts in weather patterns. These shifts are causing severe heat, floods and worse.Five Things We Can All DoJoin StopGlobalW. Together our voices will be heard!Spread the word, share the learning. Send this link to family, friends, and colleagues. Sha

20、re why this is so important.Change begins at home. (See our Action Items list)Put the heat on your elected officials to support legislation to stop global warming.The power of the pocketbook; buy green products and donate to environmental organizations.Please Register here:窗体顶端Email Address (Must be

21、 same the as your Paypal or A account):Name:First Last Address 1 (Use home address. No PO boxes):Address 2:City:Nation of Origin:State/Province:Zip Code:Home Phone:Work Phone:Gender:Male Female Year of birth:Month of Birth:Day of birth:Primary Language:Educational Level:Occupation:Do you smoke?:Freq

22、uently Occasionally Never If you have friends who would be interested in doing online studies like this for money, put up to 3 email addresses here. They will be sent an invitation to join our mailing listFriend 1: Friend 2: Friend 3: Do you want to be informed of future cds studies?Yes No How did y

23、ou hear about us?If you said other please specify:In the future, what additional payment options would you like to see offered? 窗体底端*1、你认为目前最严峻的环境问题是什么?(单选)气候变暖水体污染噪音污染其他*2、你有感觉到近年气候的变化吗?(单选)有跟以前一样没留意过*3、你有关注过有关气候变化的报道吗?(单选)有没有*4、你觉得一下哪些因素导致了温室效应(单选)类活动排放的废气植被被大量破坏大自然自身循环产生的温室气体其他*5、你所了解到的全球气候变暖带来的危害(复选,最多可选10项)气候反常,水害加剧大量物种灭绝海平面上升,威胁沿海居民生存土地沙漠化其他*6、你认为气候变暖会威胁人类的生存吗(单选)会不会不知道*7、你认为近年水害严重与气候变化有关吗(单选)关系密切不知道可能有*8、你认为气候变暖是人类活动加剧的必然吗(单选)是不是,这是地球自古以来气候变化的规律*9、你认为减缓气候变暖速度已经刻不容缓了吗(单选)是的感觉没那么急迫*10、你觉得我国政府在控制气候变化方面做的够吗(单选)很不错不怎么样


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