1、考研英语阅读情感态度题胜经情感态度题概述:情感态度题分为两种,即全文情感态度题和局部情感态度题。全文情感态度题,是指作者对于全文论点谈论对象的情感态度;局部情感态度题,是指作者对于文章的非论点谈论对象的情感态度或者是指除作者以外的其他人对于论点谈论对象或非论点谈论对象的情感态度。 例如,假设一篇文章的论点是猪是所有动物中游泳最快的动物,并且为了证明这个论点,文章中的论据部分讲到了Smith先生说,“狗这个动物游泳也很快”。那么题目问我们作者对于猪是什么情感态度的题目就是全文情感态度题,因为它是作者对于全文论点谈论对象的情感态度;而如果问的是作者对于狗的情感态度或Smith对于狗或猪的情感态度的
3、论文的特征来解答。议论文的特征也正是情感态度题的命题的逻辑的缺陷,成为我们解题的关键。下面详细的讲解情感态度题的解题方法:全文情感态度题(一)情感态度题选项核心词汇(1)必然不会成为正确答案的中性词:indifferent,漠不关心的意思,这个词永远不能成为正确答案,因为如果作者对于论点谈论的话题不关心的话怎么可能去写一篇450字左右的文章呢?既然写了就一定是关心的;相近词汇有:disinterested, impassive;suspicion,怀疑的意思,它的形容词是suspicious,议论文的论点必须是鲜明的,作者已经把文章写完了又怎么可能会依旧怀疑自己的论点呢?如果怀疑又怎么有自信把
4、自己的文章邮寄到报社发表呢?报社又怎么可能发表呢?既然报社不可能发表那我们的命题者又是怎么找到文章的呢?所以这个词永远不会成为正确答案的;相近词汇有:questioned,questionable, puzzled, puzzling, gloomy; neutral,中立的意思,议论文的论点必须有倾向性,必须鲜明,因此不选。(2)必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词sensitive,敏感的意思,这个词汇是万能选项,因为任何议论文作者必然是对论点谈论的对象是敏感的,否则就不会写这样的议论文了。因此这个选项是适合任何议论文的作者的全文情感态度的,只有在确定排除其他选项的情况下,才可以成为正确答
6、aid, fear;(3)可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词objective,客观的意思,有人要问具有褒义色彩的中性词和中性词有什么区别?它们的区别就是中性词没有任何的倾向性,而具有褒义色彩的中性词本身虽然是中性词,但是它们确实有褒义倾向的。因此可以成为正确的答案。impartial,公正的、没有偏袒的意思,解释同上。surprised,惊讶的意思,相近词汇有:amazed;(4)可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词critical,批评的意思,作者在写议论文的时候完全批评一个事物;approve,同意的意思,它的反意词是:disapprove;positive,积极的意思,它的反意词是:
8、.identical(一致的); B. similar(相似的); C.complementary(相互补充的); D.opposite(相反的);因此这个题目选择D;(4)看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;(5)看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;(6)判断该对象的性质;如果该对象与伦理道德观念相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的褒义词的选项;比如尊师重道;如果该对象与伦理道德观念不相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的贬义词的选项;比如作奸犯科;如果该对象与伦理道德观念没有关系,那么应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性
9、词;比如经济的增长或衰弱;如果该对象与伦理道德的的关系还没有形成定论,那么应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词;比如安乐死,我们的道德观念不认为一个人支持安乐死就说他是邪恶的,也不会认为一个人反对安乐死就说他是残忍的,我们的道德观念而是允许发表任何言论。注1:如果判断一个题目应该选择褒义词,但是选项中没有褒义词的时候应该选择具有褒义色彩的中性词;反之亦然;注2:可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词成为正确答案的机率最大,其次是可以成为正确答案的褒义词,最后是可以成为正确答案的贬义词。(三)情感态度题真题演示 例1. The authors attitude towards euth
10、anasia seems to be that of .(1997)(A) opposition (B) suspicion (C) approval (D)indifference【解析】我们在做全文情感态度题时要严格的按照以上的解题方法和步骤去解题,不能跳跃,换而言之,我们必须能够合上笔记本说出上面的所有内容才能确保我们在做这样的题目时万无一失。第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中性词;据此排除了B和D;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;没有发现这样的词汇;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;也没有相近的选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以
11、成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此保留A和C;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即euthanasia(安乐死)。第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然安乐死是属于与伦理道德的关系还没有形成定论的,所以应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词。但是本题中没有可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词,因此根据注1应该选择褒义词,所以这个题目选C。例2. The passage shows that the author is the present situation.(1997)(A) critical of (B) puzzled by (C) d
12、isappointed at (D) amazed at第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中性词;据此排除了B;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;没有发现这样的词汇;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;应该排除A和C,因为A是批评的意思,C是失望的意思;因为批评了怎么可能会不失望呢?失望了又怎么能不批评呢?所以它们是相近选项排除;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此保留D;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即present situation. 根据文章知道present
13、 situation是指经济相关的话题;第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然经济相关的话题是属于与伦理道德没有关系的,所以应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词。因此所以这个题目选D。例3. The authors attitude toward the issue of “science vs. antiscience” is .(1998)(A) impartial (B) subjective (C) biased (D) puzzling第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中性词;据此排除了D;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;据此排除
14、了C;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;本题没有相近选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此保留A和B;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即“science vs. antiscience”,是指科学与反科学做斗争的话题;第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然该对象与伦理道德观念相吻合,那么应该选择含有可以成为正确答案的褒义词的选项;但是根选项中没有褒义词,根据注1这个题目应该选A;例4. The authors attitude towards the issue seems to be .(1999)(A) bias
15、ed (B) indifferent (C) puzzling (D)objective第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中性词;据此排除了B和C;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;据此排除了A;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;本题没有相近选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此保留D;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即issue,根据文章知道是指法庭对于消费者受到商品伤害后的处理案件的态度的发展史的话题;第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然该对象与伦理道德的的关系还
16、没有形成定论,那么应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词,所以选择D;例5. Toward the new business wave, the writers attitude can be said to be .(2001)(A) optimistic (B) objective (C) pessimistic (D)biased第一步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的中性词;本题中没有该选项;第二步:看选项,排除选项中的必然不会成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此排除D;第三步:看选项,排除选项中的相近选项;本题中没有这样的选项;第四步:看选项,保留选项中可以成为正确答
17、案的具有褒义色彩的中性词和可以成为正确答案的褒义词和贬义词;因此保留A、B和C;第五步:看题干,判断情感态度指向的对象;即new business wave根据文章知道new business wave是指经济相关的话题;第六步:判断该对象的性质;很显然经济相关的话题是属于与伦理道德没有关系的,所以应该选择可以成为正确答案的具有褒义色彩的中性词。因此所以这个题目选B。例6. From the text we can see that the writer seems .(2002)(A) optimistic (B) sensitive. (C) gloomy (D) scared.第一步:看
20、局部对象的主体找出本题的出题句;(二)在出题句(或称得分句)中寻找含有感情色彩的词语或句子;(三)比较该感情色彩的词语或句子和四个选项,选择一个意思和该词语最为接近的选项;三、局部情感态度题历年真题解析例1、In recent years, railroads have been combiningwith each other, merging into supersystems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for unde
21、r 70 percent of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Nextyear, after a series of mergers is completed, justfour railroads will control well over 90 percent ofall the freight moved by major rail carriers.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reduc
22、tions and better coordinated service. Any threat of monopoly,they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them
23、 by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one rail company. Railroads typically charge such “captive”shippers 20 to 30 percent more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business.Shippers who feel they are being overc
24、harged have the right to appeal to the federal governments Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against captive shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduc
25、es everyones cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the line. Its theory to which many economists subs
26、cribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail. “Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?”asks Martin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shippe
27、r.Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortunes. still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to
28、borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10. 2 billion bid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year.Conrails net railway operating income in 1996 was just $427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Whos going
29、 to pay for the rest of the bill? Many captive shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market. 52.What is many captive shippers attitude towards the consolidation in the rail industry?(2003)(A)Indifferent. (B) Supportive. (C) Indignant. (D) Apprehensive.【
30、解析】:第一步:根据局部对象或者局部对象的主体找出本题的出题句;根据该题的题干,我们可以依据many captive shippers找到本题目的出题句(得分句)为最后一段的第一句话。第二步:在出题句(或称得分句)中寻找含有感情色彩的词语或句子;在最后一段的第一句中我们找到了worry这个单词;第三步:比较该感情色彩的词语或句子和四个选项,选择一个意思和该词语最为接近的选项;发现D不仅有理解的意思,还有忧虑的意思,因此本题选D;例2、It is said that in England death is pressing, in Canada inevitable and in Califor
31、nia optional. Small wonder. Americans life expectancy has nearly doubled over the past century. Failing hips can be replaced, clinical depression controlled, cataracts removed in a 30-minuts surgical procedure. Such advances offer the aging population a quality of life that was unimaginable when I e
32、ntered medicine 50 years ago. But not even a great health-care system can cure death-and our failure to confront that reality now threatens this greatness of ours. Death is normal; we are genetically programmed to disintegrate and perish, even under ideal conditions. We all understand that at some l
33、evel, yet as medical consumers we treat death as a problem to be solved. Shielded by third-party payers from the cost of our care, we demand everything that can possibly be done for us, even if its useless. The most obvious example is late-stage cancer care. Physicians-frustrated by their inability
34、to cure the disease and fearing loss of hope in the patient-too often offer aggressive treatment far beyond what is scientifically justified. In 1950, the U. S. spent $12. 7 billion on health care. In 2002, the cost will be $1540 billion. Anyone can see this trend is unsustainable. Yet few seem will
35、ing to try to reverse it. Some scholars conclude that a government with finite resources should simplystop paying for medical care that sustains life beyond a certain agesay 83 or so. Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm has been quoted as saying that the old and infirm “have a duty to die and get
36、out of the way”, so that younger, healthier people can realize their potential.I would not go that far. Energetic people now routinely work through their 60s and beyond, and remain dazzlingly productive. At 78, Viacom chairman Sumner Redstone jokingly claims to be 53. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Da
37、y OConnor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s. These leaders are living proof that prevention works and that we can manage the health problems that come naturally with age. As a mere 68-year-old, I wish to age as productively as they have.
38、Yet there are limits to what a society can spend in this pursuit. Ask a physician, I know the most costly and dramatic measures may be ineffective and painful. I also know that people in Japan and Sweden, countries that spend far less on medical care, have achieved longer, healthier lives than we ha
39、ve. As a nation, we may be overfunding the quest for unlikely cures while underfunding research on humbler therapies that could improve peoples lives. 58.The authors attitude toward Richard Lamms remark is one of .(2003)(A) strong disapproval (B) reserved consent (C) slight contempt (D) enthusiastic
40、 support【解析】:第一步:根据局部对象或者局部对象的主体找出本题的出题句;根据该题的题干,我们可以依据Richard Lamms remark找到本题目的出题句(得分句)为第三段的最后一句话,但是这句话里并没有作者的情感态度,只有Richard Lamm的看法,因此本句不是出题句(得分句),但是可以肯定的是出题句就是该句附近。我们发现在第四段第一句话说I would not go that far.这里的I就是指作者,that是指Richard Lamm的看法,所以本句才是真正的出题句;第二步:在出题句(或称得分句)中寻找含有感情色彩的词语或句子;这个句子中没有一个单词是有感情色彩的,
41、但是作为一个整体又是有感情色彩的,意思是作者不会和Richard Lamm走一样远的。不会走一样远并不是说不走,只是说没有走的那么远,所以作者对于Richard Lamm的看法是局部的同意和支持的;第三步:比较该感情色彩的词语或句子和四个选项,选择一个意思和该词语最为接近的选项;因此本题应该选择B;例3、When it comes to the slowing economy, Ellen Spero isnt biting her nails just yet. But the 47-year-old manicurist isnt cutting, filling or polishing
42、 as many nails as shed like to, either. Most of her clients spend $12 to $50 weekly, but last month two longtime customers suddenly stopped showing up. Spero blames the softening economy. “Im a good economic indicator,” she says. “I provide a service that people can do without when theyre concerned
43、about saving some dollars.” So Spero is downscaling, shopping at middle-brow Dillards department store near her suburban Cleveland home, instead of Neiman Marcus. “I dont know if other clients are going to abandon me, too” she says.Even before Alan Greenspans admission that Americas red-hot economy
44、is cooling, lots of working folks had already seen signs of the slowdown themselves. From car dealerships to Gap outlets, sales have been lagging for months as shoppers temper their spending. For retailers, who last year took in 24 percent of their revenue between Thanksgiving and Christmas, the cau
45、tious approach is coming at a crucial time. Already, experts say, holiday sales are off 7 percent from last years pace. But dont sound any alarms just yet. Consumers seem only concerned, not panicked, and many say they remain optimistic about the economys long-term prospects, even as they do some mo
46、dest belt-tightening. Consumers say theyre not in despair because, despite the dreadful headlines, their own fortunes still feel pretty good. Home prices are holding steady in most regions. In Manhattan, “theres a new gold rush happening in the $4 million to $10 million range, predominantly fed by W
47、all Street bonuses,” says broker Barbara Corcoran. In San Francisco, prices are still rising even as frenzied overbidding quiets. “Instead of 20 to 30 offers, now maybe you only get two or three,” says john Deadly, a Bay Area real-estate broker. And most folks still feel pretty comfortable about the
48、ir ability to find and keep a job.Many folks see silver linings to this slowdown. Potential home buyers would cheer for lower interest rates. Employers wouldnt mind a little fewer bubbles in the job market. Many consumers seem to have been influenced by stock-market swings, which investors now view
49、as a necessary ingredient to a sustained boom. Diners might see an upside, too. Getting a table at Manhattans hot new Alain Ducasse restaurant need to be impossible. Not anymore. For that, Greenspan & Co. may still be worth toasting.52.How do the public feel about the current economic situation? (20
50、04)(A) Optimistic. (B) Confused. (C) Carefree. (D) Panicked.【解析】:第一步:根据局部对象或者局部对象的主体找出本题的出题句;我们发现本题根本就没有对应的出题句。因为文章中没有the public这个短语。在没有一样的词语的时候我们应该寻找一个近意词来替代。结果发现在文章倒数第二段的第一句话中的Consumers即是指大众,因此本句为出题句。第二步:在出题句(或称得分句)中寻找含有感情色彩的词语或句子;在最后一段的第一句中我们找到了notin despair这个词组,是没有绝望的意思;第三步:比较该感情色彩的词语或句子和四个选项,选择
51、一个意思和该词语最为接近的选项;发现A是乐观的意思,是四个选项中意思最为接近的选项;例4、Americans today dont place a very high value on intellect. Our heroes are athletes, entertainers, and entrepreneurs, not scholars. Even our schools are where we send our children to get a practical education not to pursue knowledge for the sake of knowled
52、ge. Symptoms of pervasive anti-intellectualism in our schools arent difficult to find. “Schools have always been in a society where practical is more important than intellectual,” says education writer Diane Ravitch. “Schools could be a counterbalance.” Razitchs latest bock, Left Back: A Century of
53、Failed School Reforms, traces the roots of anti-intellectualism in our schools, concluding they are anything but a counterbalance to the American distaste for intellectual pursuits.But they could and should be. Encouraging kids to reject the life of the mind leaves them vulnerable to exploitation an
54、d control. Without the ability to think critically, to defend their ideas and understand the ideas of others, they cannot fully participate in our democracy. Continuing along this path, says writer Earl Shorris, “We will become a second-rate country. We will have a less civil society.”“Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege,” writes historian and professor Richard Hofstadter in Anti-Intellectualism in American life, a Pulitzer Prize winning book on
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