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1、初中英语冀教版八年级上册第一单元Lesson 1 Back to SchoolTeaching topic: Lesson 1: Back to SchoolTeaching aims: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:.Read, understand the new words like physics, and the new phrases like one is .9 the other is introduce.to9 search for.the same as.Talk about their own

2、 first day of the term.Be full of expectation of the new termTeaching important point: the use of the new phrasesTeaching difficult point: talk about the first day of the termTeaching tools: PPT, radio,Teaching procedure:Stepl: Lead -in and warm upListen to an English song and complete the missing w

3、ords.The name of the song is The Start of Something New. Now the new term starts, what new things do you have?Step 2: New ConceptI - ListeningT: Li Ming and Danny are talking about their new terms. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.How many new classmates does Danny have this term? Wha

4、t are their names?Does Miss Cox teach math?II. ReadingT: The first day seemed to be an exciting start. Please read carefully and answer the questions.How do Danny and Li Ming like the first day of Grade 8?What advice does Li Ming give Danny on how to start a conversation with Sandra?What is the new

5、subject?Which recent picture of Li Ming does Danny like?What is Li Ming preparing for?Show time (6 min.)To let students use the language in real situations.The teacher acts as a foreign teacher who comes into the classroom for the first time.The students show her their pictures and introduce themsel

6、ves.Tell them to read the listening script in pairs and underline the key sentences.T-SHome work (1 min.)To give extension task after class.Ask students to read the first two paragraphs.Tell students to make up a dialogue, talking about their pictures.T-SSummary:Brainstorming.W计e Hown phrases icri y

7、ou 8n kdrdc about* THe jabs belowartist【设计思路:引导学生通过对各种职业的描述,积累相关信息,为写 作做好铺垫。】III.Think About It. (About 1 minute)【设计思路:引导学生通过思考,明白只有立足现在,才会有美好的将来。】Step 2. Listen (About 5 minutes)Teacher: Today we will go on talking about our ambitions and dreams.And then show the title of this lesson-Our Ambitions

8、and Dreams.( WriteOur Ambitions and Dreams on the board.)First please listen carefully and try to answer the questions.【设计思路:通过听的训练让学生们初次感知文本的主要内容,并对 课文内容进行初步了解。】Step 3. Read (About 10 minutes)1) Read Lesson 29 silently and try to find out the answers to the questions.Then have the students answer t

9、he questions.Discuss the answers as a class.【设计思路:默读课文并根据问题在课文中找答案,捕捉信息,可以 锻炼学生的阅读理解能力,对课文加深了解。】Step 4. Practice(About 3 minutes)Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the useful expressions in thislesson.【设计思路:将本课时中应该掌握的词汇与短语进行挖空练习,可以 提醒学生掌握重点知识结构。】Step 5. Reading Practice(About 10 minutes)Giv

10、e the students a passage to read. First ask the students to tell T or F.And then let them answer the questions.【设计思路:通过练习,学习利用阅读后所获取的信息来进行写作。】Step 6.Writing (About 11 minutes)T: As we all know from this lesson, many people have dreams. Whatabout your dreams and why? Let the students discuss in group

11、s to finish the passage with the help of the following questions.Ask each group to present their article to the class if theres enough time.【设计思路:通过创设情景,采用循序渐进地语言实践活动,培养学 生用英语做事情的能力,从而突破本课难点。】Step 6 HomeworkWrite down the article on the exercise book.板书设计:Lesson 29 Our Ambitions and DreamsMy Ambitio

12、nI want to be a/an . when I grow up. Because I like .If I become a/ an.I will be strict but nice to the .And I will I will try my best to make .From now on, I will work hard at my study and try to learn more knowledge.四.教学反思初中英语冀教版八年级上册第五单元Lesson 30: A Famous Friend?一.教材分析:.单元及课文分析This unit will foc

13、us on discussing the students5 futures. Students will begin to explore their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses in terms of future careers. They will begin to form ideas and opinions about their futures and what they hope to accomplish. They will learn about different professions, job options

14、 and identify what their goals are for the future and what steps they will need to take to achieve those goals.In addition, they will learn to give and receive advice and positive feedback. The grammar focus throughout this unit will be the modal verbs might and would, comparative and superlative ad

15、jectives.教学目标语言技能:掌握描述理想的词汇与语句,并就自己的理想进行简单介 绍。掌握词汇:wise, actor接触词汇:Helen短语和句型:no matter what.情感态度:通过对课文的学习使孩子们树立远大理想,认识到立足现在才会有美 好的未来。.教学重点:了解不同人的理想,并利用阅读后所获取的信息来进行 写作。教学难点:根据所学知识,准确恰当地用英语描述自己的理想。.学习策略:鼓励学生通过观察、模仿、体验、探究、展示等方式学 习与合作学习。教学准备:磁带、录音机、多媒体三.教学步骤:Step 1. Class OpeningThink About It. (About

16、3 minutes)Who do you like to ask for advice when you need help? Your parents, yourteachers or your good friends?【设计思路:引导学生通过思考,明白只有立足现在,才会有美好的将来。】Step 2. Listen1. Teacher: Danny doesnt know his future very clearly. So he asked Helen for help.Show a photo of Helen. (About 2 minutes)2. Play the tape f

17、or the students. Ask them to listen carefully and then tell Tor F. (About 5 minutes)【设计思路:通过听的训练让学生们初次感知文本的主要内容,并 对课文内容进行初步了解。】Step 3. Read (About 10 minutes)Read Lesson 30 silently and try to find out the answers to the questions.What questions did Danny ask Helen ?Whats Helens advice for Danny?Wil

18、l Danny and Li Ming be friends when they become rich?Then have the students answer the questions.Discuss the answers as a class.【设计思路:默读课文并根据问题在课文中找答案,捕捉信息,可以 锻炼学生的阅读理解能力,对课文加深了解。】Step 4. Practice(About 5 minutes)Ask the students to fill in the blanks with the useful expresions in thislesson.【设计思路:将

19、本课时中应该掌握的词汇与短语进行挖空练习,可以 提醒学生掌握重点知识结构。】Step 5. Reading Practice(About 10 minutes)Give the students a passage to read. And then let them find out students ambitions and the reasons.【设计思路:通过练习,学习利用阅读后所获取的信息来进行写 作。】Step 6.Writing (About 10 minutes)T: As we all know from this lesson, many people have dre

20、ams. What about your dreams and why? Let the students discuss in groups to finish the passage with the help of the following questions.Write an e-mail to your friend. Tell him or her about your ambitions andask for advice.What? Why?。Wha+ is your ambiTion?How?are you going to be when you grow up4? We

21、por + about it./hy do you want To be a/ an.?How will you do if your are a/ an.?How?How do you wanT To do from now on?Ask each group to present their article to the class if theres enough time.【设计思路:通过创设情景,采用循序渐进地语言实践活动,培养学 生用英语做事情的能力,从而突破本课难点。】Step 6 HomeworkWrite down the article on the exercise bo

22、ok.板书设计:Lesson 30 A Famous Friend?初中英语冀教版八年级上册第一单元Lesson 3: Getting to Know You!一、教材分析本单元主要围绕“介绍人物”展开话题。教材为学生创设了各种人物介 绍、认识新朋友、了解他人的情境。帮助学生用英语进行交际、了解他 人。从而增强学生对英语的学习兴趣、交际能力,以及对友谊的珍惜。二、教学目标.语言技能:能用自己的语言介绍自己以及他人。.掌握一些基本词汇的用法:hate, either, glad, comb, pizza, lemon.教学重点,难点:掌握以下句型:What do you like/hate?go

23、 aheadplay the violin.情感态度:激发学生热爱交际、热爱交朋友。四.教学反思初中英语冀教版八年级上册第六单元Lesson 31: How Do You Travel?一、概述本课是冀教版第三册第六单元的第一课。本单元的话题是交通方式。 本课是一个中等长度的对话,讲的是Danny, Brian和Jenny谈论各自喜欢 的交通方式。通过本课学习可以帮助学生唤起之前学过的与交通方式相关 的一些语言知识,如:交通工具及交通方式的名称、对交通方式的询问、 分别用动词take, ride, drive等和介词by表达出行。八年级的学生在七年级时已经学了与交通有关的一些基础知识,因此学习

24、本课比拟容易。我在授课开始时先设置了几个与学生旅游相关的话题,进而引出交通 方式的主题。接着以典型图片展示的方式复习交通工具的名称及相关语言 知识。之后,通过图片创设情景教授本课新单词。由单词引入了与课文相 关的观看视频并回答以下问题环节,然后听教学光盘中的短文录音并连线,帮 助学生初步了解课文内容。然后,我又通过PPT出示任务,让学生读课文 判断正误和角色扮演,帮助学生完成课文内容的学习。因为课文较为简 单,因此我又设置了一篇与交通方式相关的拓展阅读,参照考试中任务型 阅读的方式进行阅读训练,帮助学生在本单元的第一课就最大限度地摄入 信息,为之后课文的学习做好铺垫。二、教学目标.知识与技能(

25、1)掌握词汇及短语:hometown, Britain, seldom, rapid, on footo(2)能够运用所学知识就喜欢的交通方式的话题进行对话,训练学生听 说读写的技能。.过程与方法(1)能够通过师生说、生生说和自主听读体验交际式英语教学的一般 过程,掌握英语听说的基本方法;(2)能够通过小组角色表演,体验合作学习的过程和方法;(3)能够仔细倾听老师和同学的发言,有语言表达和与同学交流的愿 望。.情感态度与价值观鼓励学生用英语表达自己的想法,表现自己,培养学生学习英语的自 信、勇气以及小组合作意识。三、教学资源.冀教版八年级英语教材.网络资源;配套教学光盘四、教学重点:.复习常见

26、交通工具的名称及交通方式的多种表达。.进一步学习与交通方式相关的语言,如:说出喜欢的交通方式及理 由。五、教学难点:.交通方式的多种表达形式。.谈论几种主要交通方式的优缺点。.通过学习课文和拓展阅读完成一篇英语小短文。六、教学过程Class opening (3minutes)T: Good morning, class. Lefs have a free talk. I have some questions for you. PPT呈现出问题,以此导入本课话题。Step 1: Vocabulary (5 minutes)T: Whats your favourite transportat

27、ion? PPT 呈现具有代表性的交通工 具,借此谈论交通方式,起到唤起旧知识的作用,同时表达在情境中教学 新单词。同时,学生记忆本课单词和短语。Step 2: Listening and reading (8 minutes)T: Fil show you a video to help you understand the dialogue. Pay attention to the new words and expressions while watching.(播放视频)学生观看教学光盘中的视频,充分理解本课对话的意思,并注意新单 词和结构的运用。T: Listen to the C

28、D. Read aloud with it. Please do your best to imitate thepronunciation and intonation.(播方攵录音)学生听录音跟读,注意模仿录音中的语音语调。T: Come to Lets Do It! Ex. 2.学生快速连线,PPT订正答案。Step 3: Reading and writing (5 minutes)T: Now, class. Lets read the dialogue silently and write T or F. Come to Lets Do It! Ex. 1.订正答案,讲解理由,PP

29、T出示。Step 4: Role-play (7 minutes)T: Get into groups of three. Each group member will take one role. You may use your imagination to create. OK, practice.学生三人一组分角色练习对话,鼓励学生可以创新,然后呈现出来。Step 5: Consolidation (7 minutes)T: Dear boys and girls, next, we will read a short passage and finish thefollowing e

30、xercises.呈现文章及练习。学生完成之后出示答案,并结合PPT讲解答题技 巧。Step 6: Summary (2 minutes)学生在教师指导下总结本课所学的重点知识(与交通方式相关的单词和 表达),并结合以前所学知识进行拓展。Step 7: Enhancement (8 minutes)T: Now, class, we have learnt something about transportation. Next, lets practice writing.PPT出示英语短文题目。学生组内先交流想法,然后独立完成写作任 务。Step 8: HomeworkFinish the

31、 exercises in Learning English and activity book.Learn words and useful expressions of this lesson by heart.Preview Lesson 32.七、板书设计Lesson 31: How Do You Travel?hometown on footBritainseldom rapid八、课后反思本节课教学效果较好,学生在较为轻松的气氛中完成了本节课的学习 任务,课后经过反思,我觉得本课在设计上有如下特点:.教学目标、教学模式及方法的选择合理;.对教学资源进行了合理的补充;.努力为学生创设

32、了语言学习的环境,加强了语言学习的意识。.学生课堂参与度高,交流热烈,发言积极。但也有一些缺乏,如: 最后英语短文的完成略显仓促,尤其是对于学困生来讲。在班容量大的环 境下,优化课堂时间分配就显得更为重要。初中英语冀教版八年级上册第六单元Lesson 32 Trains Go Faster!一、教材分析.教学目标语言知识掌握词汇: wheel, born, passenger, railway, most, station, standard, speed, be born, get on/off, steam engine语言技能理解并能灵活运用书中的重点单词、短语谈论火车的开展史。情感态度

33、培养学生英语阅读能力,保持学习英语的浓厚兴趣,提高学生之间的 合作能力。教学策略学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,了解“火车开展史”。在教 学过程中借助多媒体,提高课堂效率。.教学重点通过了解信息,丰富有关火车开展的知识,掌握本课重点词汇。.教学难点培养学生阅读能力以及合作能力。二、教学准备多媒体课件、配套教学光盘三、教学步骤Step 1 Class opening (2 minutes)T: Good morning, class. Many of us like travelling. How do you usually travel toother cities?向学生提出问题,并

34、请3-5个学生回答以下问题,使用课 件出示图片。 Yes, we usually travel to other cities by bicycle/car/taxi/air/ship/trainStep2 New ConceptsLeading in (1 minute)出示火车上乘客的图片,并介绍:How exciting the passengers were! Itwas fun to take a train.教学 passenger (n.乘客)。出示不同时期的火车图片,教师介绍Today we will read about thehistory of trains. Train

35、s werent always as they are today. New trains are faster than old ones.引出本课课题并板书 Lesson 32 Trains Go Faster!Presentation & Practice (8 minutes)出示图片,引导学生学习生词,并初步了解有关火车的知识。In the 1700s, many scientists worked on steam engines.In the 1760s, a scientist in England found a way to put steamengines and whe

36、els together.In 1804, the first train engine was born in England. It travelled only about fifteen kilometres in two hours.The Rocket was the most famous early engine.Do you know what a railway is? A railway is the special roadthat trains travel on. During the 1830s, countries all over the world star

37、ted to build railways.People built many train stations to help passengers geton and 叨 the trains easily.Early trains were slow by todays standardsEarly trains were slow by todays standardsToday5 s highspeed trains can travel at about 300 kilometers per hour.3. Listen and think! (3 minutes)提出以下两个问题,提

38、出以下两个问题,请同学听教学光盘中的内容,并回答以下问题。T: Now we are going to listen to the text and try to answer two questions.When was the first railway born?Why did people build train stations?Ask the students to listen carefully and write down their answers. Then check the answers together.Read silently and do Lets Do I

39、t! Ex. 1. (6 minutes)默读课文内容,完成Lets Do It! Ex. 1。T: Were going to know more details about trains. Please read silently and do Lets Do It! Ex. 1.Try to make sure the students can understand the questions well.巡视学生做题情况,并对学生的答案进行评判,及时指导学生作答。在此环节,要限定学生阅读及做题时间,并根据问题的难易程度,请 同学板书答案。在订正时,要讲解问题的答案出处,以及根据原文如何作

40、 答。Step 3 Group Work (12 minutes)分组合作,进一步帮助同学掌握本课有关火车的开展史。T: Discuss in groups. Try to think about which events are the most important. Then use short sentences to explain. Lets see which group is the most active.为了更好地让学生理解本环节的意图,教师要做出示范。如:1760s-Scientists invented the steam train.激发学生学习英语的兴趣。三.教学准备

41、:多媒体、听力音频、彩纸四.教学步骤:Step I Lead inHello everyone, how are you today?Im good!Fm glad to hear that.Step II New conceptsShow some pictures to show the new words and phrases:pizza, lemon, comb, hate, play the violin, .(设计思路:通过图片以轻松愉快的方式进入英语学习,教师要带动学生。)Listen to Dannys report and circle the words.让学生通过听录音

42、进行选择,录音听两遍,之后找几位学生进行回 答。(设计思路:锻炼学生的听力,对课文内容进行初步了解)Read the lesson and answer the questions.学生默读课文,并且找出问题的答案。(设计思路:练习学生的阅读理解能力,默读课文并根据问题在课文 中找答案,捕捉相关信息,对课文加深了解。)Read in roles.学生大声朗读课文并展示。在此环节,教师要指导各个学习小组进行活动,并鼓励组内英语学习 较薄弱的同学也能参与组内活动。Step 4 Consolidation (5 minutes)T: According to the lesson, what hav

43、e you learned ?学生复习巩固本课所学知识,完成以下试题。用所给词或词组的适当形式填空。railway station speed passenger get on and off be bomThe first railway in England.Today, high-speed trains can have a top of 500 kilometresan hour.3.1 went to the new last Sunday. Its bright andbeautiful. If s easy for to the train.Step 5 Reading (3

44、minutes)T: To improve the students reading skills, read one short passage. What is it mainly about?Over two thousand years ago, Chinese people invented kites. Kites can fly like birds, but they can 7 take people up into the sky. Hundreds of years later, the Wright brothers made the first successful

45、experiment. A machine carrying a man rose into the sky using its own energy. It was the first plane. Inventors went on to improve planes. Two engineers, Frank Whittle of the U.K. and Hans Von Ohain of Germany, developed the jet plane during the late 1930s.(The history of planes.)Step 6 Class closing

46、Homework完成“The History of Trains”的短文,并完本钱课相关的练习题。四、板书设计Lesson 32 Trains Go Faster!The History of Trains1760s :1760s :(18251830s.invented theThe first trainpassengerstarted tocan travel atMaybe .havesteam trainengine wasrailway opened.build railways.about 300 km/h.no wheels/rideborn. Jon air. y五、教学反思

47、初中英语冀教版八年级上册第六单元Lesson 33 Life on Wheels一、教材分析1 .教学目标语言知识掌握词汇: wing, pull, able, appear, machine, space, imagine, environment, be able to语言技能理解并能灵活运用书中的重点单词、短语。情感态度培养学生英语阅读能力,保持学习英语的浓厚兴趣,提高学生之间的 合作能力。教学策略学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,了解“车轮上的生活”。在 教学过程中借助多媒体,提高课堂效率。.教学重点通过了解信息,丰富有关交通工具的知识,掌握本课重点词汇。.教学难点掌握不定式用法。

48、二、教学准备多媒体课件、配套教学光盘三 教学步骤Step 1 Class opening (3 minutes)Greetings.Sing a song The Wheels on the Bus.这首英文儿歌不仅是进入课堂状态的一个热身,而且为本课学习做了铺垫。Step2 New ConceptsLeading in (1 minute)T: This world is always moving. Everything seems to have wheels. Now our life is on wheels.板书本课课题 Lesson 33 Life on Wheels.Discu

49、ssion (2 minutes)Discuss: How many ways can you think of to use wheels?弓 I 导学生自 由讨论、发言,然后出示图片。Read the text and fill in the blanks (4 minutes)T: Jeremy wrote a report. Please read it carefully and quickly. Fill in the blanks.This is Jeremys report on t.Cars make the U.S. a nation on w.Now people can

50、 even travel to space in s.Riding a bike is good for our health and the e.Ask the students to do Lets Do It Ex.2 and write down the answers. Then check the answers together.Read the text again and answer the questions. (5 minutes)T: Now lets read Jeremys report again and we will know more about it.P

51、lease try to answer the questions in 5 minutes.According to Jeremy, what does everything seem to have?What did horses do long ago?What did people do over 100 years ago?What is space? Can you travel to space with an airplane?在此环节,要限定学生阅读及做题时间,并根据问题的难易程度,请 同学板书答案。在订正时,要讲解问题的答案出处,以及根据原文如何作 答。Step 3 Lan

52、guage points (10 minutes)出示图片,设置学习情境学习本课重难点知识。Everything seems to have wheels, engines or wings.seem +adj./to do 似乎;好像wing翅膀Then steam was able topower boats and cars.Long ago, horses pulled carts, but now we have engines on everything, even on bicycles and skateboards !be able to能够做,强调通过努力而获得的某种能力。

53、上can强调自身已具有的能力。Over 100 years ago, people began to make flying machines.begin (start) to do sth.开始做某事Now people can even travel to space in spaceships.Can you imagine future transportation?Step 4 Practice (5 minutes)T: My favourite type of transportation is the bicycle. I like to go everywhere by bi

54、ke. Ifs good for my health and for the environment. What about Jeremy?Tell the students to do T/F in 5 minutes.The lesson is about a report on engines.Now we even have engines on skateboards.Transportation is just for the ground and water.Jeremys favourite type of transportation is the bicycle.Steam

55、 engines make the U.S. a nation on wheels.Trains began in the 1700s.在此环节,根据课文内容,请同学判断正误,要求学生不是简单地判 断T/F,而是要讲清楚判断的依据,利用课件对错误的陈述进行改正,从 而提高学生的阅读能力。Step 5 Listening (2 minutes)Listen to the passage and choose the correct words. (Lets Do It! Ex. 1.) 利用配套光盘,对学生进行听力训练。Step 6 Consolidation (5 minutes)T: Acc

56、ording to the lesson, what have you learned?学生复习巩固本课所学知识,完成以下试题。Look at the sign! You should p, not push.-Can you i flying like a bird, Tony?- Oh, that must beamazing.-What type of transportation is good for your e?-I think riding a bike is the best one.Everything seems getting better and better. A.

57、 is B. being C.be D. to beMike is filling the bottle rice.A. for B. with C. of D. inable, boats, to, steam, cars, was, power, andaround, of, have, years, been, for, boats, thousandsof, cars, be, roads, full, the(注意本小题的变化哟)这些试题即检测了学生对本课知识的掌握情况,又进一步帮助学生巩 固了本课的重难点。Step 7 Class closing (3 minutes)Pair w

58、orkImagine the future transportation. Then make up a dialogue in pairs.What does it look like?It looks like a bird. It has wings.How will it help people?学生以组为单位,两两结合,使组内成员都有使用英语进行交际的机 会,锻炼了学生的口语表达能力。Homework完本钱课相关的练习题,并预习下一课。四、板书设计Lesson 33 Life on WheelsPeople can even travel to space in spaceships

59、. Can you imagine future transportation?I like to go everywhere by bike in my city. Its good fbr my health and fbrthe environment.四、教学反思初中英语冀教版八年级上册第六单元Lesson 34 Flying Donuts一、教材分析1 .教学目标语言知识掌握词汇:invention, probably, oil, presentation, cardboard, backpack,fuel, imagination, stay up late, turn on语言技

60、能理解并能灵活运用书中的重点单词、短语。情感态度培养学生英语阅读能力,保持学习英语的浓厚兴趣,提高学生之间的 合作能力。教学策略学生通过思考、讨论、交流和合作等方式,了解Danny新创造的交通 工具。在教学过程中借助多媒体,提高课堂效率。.教学重点学习Danny运用想象制作的新交通工具,掌握本课重点词汇。.教学难点掌握不定式用法。二、教学准备 多媒体课件、配套教学光盘 三、教学步骤Step 1 Class opening (3 minutes)Greetings.THINK ABOUT IT! What kinds of transportation can you name?(设计思路:纠正


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