1、GOLDEN EAGLELIFESTYLE金鹰扬州Yangzhou泰州Taizhou常州Changzhou合肥(h fi)Hefei南通Nantong南京(nn jn)Nanjing苏州Suzhou昆山Kunshan上海Shanghai昆明Kunming淮安Huai an马鞍山Ma anshan西安Xi an连云港Lianyungang徐州Xuzhou淮北Huaibei宿迁Suqian盐城Yancheng共二十二页城市(chngsh) 生活 金鹰CityLifeGolden Eagle共二十二页城市(chngsh)全生活运营商金鹰Golden Eagle Provider of the Com
2、plete Lifestyle Experience城市,是生活的舞台(wti),每一天都在见证精彩The city is the arena in which you live, witnessing the wonders of urban life everyday.生活,因为城市的发展,每一天都在面对未来Life, in the wake of urban development, is progressing into the future day by day.共二十二页共二十二页全生活(shnghu)中心生活是无限精彩(jn ci)和充满想象的全生活中心,全新平台和服务包含生活百
3、态,满足生活所需容纳天地,超乎想象 G City一站式满足生活所需的城市商业G.CityLife is full of wonder and imaginationG.City is a brand new service platformContaining the answers to all your daily needsEncompassing the world around you, exceeding all expectationsUrban Architecture Providing for theOne-Stop Fulfillment of Lifes Needs共二
4、十二页全生活(shnghu)中心G.City跨界组合,多元业态Integrated Industry, Diversified Retail金鹰全生活中心Golden Eagle G.City,除了商业百货外In addition to commercial retail,还将融合金鹰自有平台的住宅、酒店、物业乃至汽车等六大核心板块G.City will integrate real estate, hotel, property, and even automobile services developed under our own Golden Eagle platform,在一座建筑群
5、内全方位展现All appearing here in a single structure,并突破现有商业理念,与室内水族馆、主题餐厅、艺术(ysh)中心、生活医疗、定制婚庆、亲子教育等行业跨界合作Partnering with aquariums, themed restaurants, art centers, health care centers, wedding services and educational institutions,满足城市生活购物、餐饮、娱乐、教育等全方位需求Meeting urban needs for retail, dining, leisure, e
6、ntertainment and education.GE Lifestyle城市的无限延展,需要一个生活中心The unlimited boundaries of urban expansion require a lifestyle experience,在一个时空内,满足生活所需Fulfilling all of lifes needs in one space and time.共二十二页全生活(shnghu)中心G.City智能服务(fw),独特定制Intelligent Service, Custom-Made未来的金鹰将会推出私人商品服务、私人度假、私人医疗体检、专属婚礼、艺术收
7、藏等定制服务更能根据消费历史信息,推衍和提示客户的需求提供主动服务让生活成为真正的享受Golden Eagle G.City, uses scientific analysis and intelligent methodology,to select and provide the most suitable, thoughtful, and satisfying services for city-dwellers.The Golden Eagle of the Futurewill offer private customer services in the sectors of ret
8、ail, leisure, health care, wedding planning and art collecting.The center will analyze customer consumption patterns to proactively provide for their needs.Allowing true enjoyment of life.Fulfilling a variety of unique individualized needs, we make customers VIP in their daily lives;this is the futu
9、re of the service industry.共二十二页金鹰商贸亚洲500最具价值品牌Golden Eagle RetailGroup One of Asias Top 500 Most Valuable Brands2006年在香港主板上市,股票代码HK.3308,入选摩根“MSCI中国指数”,被众多投行评为中国最好的百货集团之一目前在苏、沪、皖、陕、滇等地运营26家连锁店,预计(yj)未来3年全生活中心和连锁店的总数将达到50个Listed on the main board of Hong Kong in2006,(HKEX:3308), Golden EagleRetail G
10、roup Limited has also beenselected by Morgan Stanley as the MSCIChina Index as one of Chinas bestdepartment store groups.Currently with 26 stores spread throughoutJiangsu, Shanghai, Anhui, Shaanxi, andYunnan, in the coming three years, GoldenEagle will increase the total quantity ofshopping centers
11、and outlets to 50.金鹰房产中国大企业竞争力500强Golden Eagle Real Estate One of the 500 Strongest Chinese Enterprises拥有一级开发资质的专业(zhuny)房地产发展商,总开发面积近千万平方米成功开发一、二、三线城市核心区黄金地段的优质物业,提供倍增的价值成长力A professional real estate developerwith National Class A qualificationsand close to 10 million square metersof total area alr
12、eady developed.Successful cases of highquality properties invarious tier 1, 2 and3 cities, occupyingprime central locationsto ensure multipliedvalue growth.A core structure with thriving development bothin the real estate and commercial sectors房产、商贸两大集团双翼共振的核心架构金鹰插上智慧的翅膀The first intelligent informa
13、tion managementplatform for the Chinese department store industrywas developed with the advanced ERP system.A platform developed and launched by theinternational leader in Information Technology IBMcombines key elements of E-commerce such as BI(Business intelligence), SCM (Supply chainmanagement), C
14、RM (Customer relationsmanagement),PM(Precision marketing). All thisenables Golden Eagle to soar with wings of wisdom.20年品牌运作经验及长期持续盈利管理模式20 years of experienced brand operation with consistent profit increase专业招商,与众多国际品牌保持良好合作,形成共赢拥有具有国际视野和本土化运作的杰出团队,专业高效管理旗下连锁店2012年销售逾160亿元Experience in attracting
15、investors andmaintaining positive cooperation withmany international brands to createwin-win partnerships.Golden Eagles outstanding team hasinternational vision, localized operations,andhighlyefficientmanagement.Our department stores achieved RMB16 billion of sales in 2012.充足优质土地储备及强大的开发运用执行力Suffici
16、ent high quality land reserves combined withsuperior utilization打造如南京金鹰国际商城、南京珠江壹号大厦、昆明金鹰等多项城市地标可持续增长的优质房地产物业的长期运营,长期持有的总建筑面积将超过600万,分布于中国江苏、上海、陕西、云南、安徽、内蒙古6个省市,并稳居所在区域市场的前瞻地位Golden Eagle has builtlandmarks in different citiesliketheNanjingGoldenEaglePlaza, Golden Eagle Summit Hotel, andKunmingGolde
17、nEagleBoutique.With long-term operations and sustainablegrowth of high-quality properties, our real estateportfolio will soon surpass 6 million squaremeters of developed area, spread out overJiangsu, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Anhui andInner Mongolia, giving us 6 stable, leadingmarket positions.120万
18、VIP的忠实拥趸1.2 million loyal VIP clients秉承比承诺做的更好之服务理念,率先推出“全国通一站式退换”等金牌服务集团拥有VIP数量近120万名,并以10%的速度逐年递增。百货业绩超过58%来自于VIP的贡献,成熟门店这一数字可达64%Golden Eagle upholds the principle of“Performing Beyond Our Promises”, andbeing the first to offer superior customerservices like a nation-wide return andexchange polic
19、y.Cateringtonearly1.2millionVIPcustomers,with a 10% increase year-on-year, VIPcustomers contribute to over 58% ofGolden Eagles total department storesales. In mature stores this number canreach 64%.SAP商业智慧管理系统SAP Intelligent Commercial Management中国百货业首个基于先进的ERP系统打造的智能信息管理平台包含BI(商业智能)、SCM(供应链管理)、CRM(
20、客户关系管理)、PM(精准营销)、电子商务等核心要素,由国际领先的信息技术服务企业IBM实施落地,让共二十二页品牌价值铸就核心竞争力A Brand Value that Enables Core Competitive Capacity得益于20年之卓越经营Benefiting from 20 years of superior operating standards,承载(chngzi)荣耀与行业优势,全新出发Golden Eagle is starting this new journey with a portfolio full of accomplishments and indus
21、try advantages.全心全意构建城市全生活中心We are devoted to the creation the G.City;未来金鹰,无限精彩The future with Golden Eagle is a future without limits.曾经改变历史,现在创造(chungzo)未来We once changed history, now were creating the future.精彩全生活,由此开启A spectacular G.City Experience begins here.共二十二页Xinjiekou Store Building BXinj
22、iekou Store Building A新街口店B座重点项目介绍(jisho) 南京 新街口店B座Key ProjectNanjing Xinjiekou Store Building B重点项目介绍 Key Project南京 新街口店B座Nanjin Xinjiekou Store Building B繁华升级,百亿(bi y)全生活巨擘Flourishing Through an Invaluable Commercial Engine“中华第一商圈”CBD核心区位In the midst of the CBD of “Chinas No. 1 Trade Zone”,与金鹰商贸旗舰
23、店新街口店A座无缝连接A 22-floor themed shopping mall brings a brand new definition to the以全生活的内涵,全新定义城市商业高度Connecting to the Golden Eagle flagship department store with a seamless sky corridor,Once again bringing reinvention to the city center.共二十二页建筑大师匠心巨制(j zh)国际接轨,蔚然大观Superb World-class Design forthe Beaut
24、y of the City重点项目介绍 南京 新街口店B座Key ProjectNanjing Xinjiekou Store Building B充满生命的空间结构,多姿多彩,心灵(xnlng)愉悦A Landscape for the New Millennium, Joining TogetherEndless Commercial Potential想象,在充满绿色的空间中,享受全生活的多种乐趣A fully transparent Sky Corridor.“商圈森林”自然景观系统,让生命无所不在7th Story Sky Garden.创世纪空中透明连廊,不仅仅是桥梁,更是自然与人
25、生的完美对接Visitors enjoy a green stroll while walking amongst clouds,更加愉悦,更爱生活Visitors enjoy a green stroll while walking amongst clouds,共二十二页Defining the meaning of urban life9F-12F 特色餐饮 Food and Beverage愉悦从未有过的高度Unprecedented tastes享受生活(shnghu)的升华Enjoying a sublime lifeB1F-8F 百货商业 Department Store引进更加
26、时尚、更符合城市气质的品牌Attracting brands that are more fashionable and committed to quality urban life双子闪耀,妆扮城市生活The two towers shine brightly, decorating the cityB5F-B2F 地下停车场 Parking Lot地下四层近千个停车位4 underground levels will offer nearly 1000 parking spaces新街口白金地段,从此泊车无忧Providing carefree parking in the commer
27、cial and business hub of Xinjiekou空中(kngzhng)连廊Sky Corridor重点项目介绍 南京 新街口店B座Key ProjectNanjing Xinjiekou Store Building B突破性的商业高度生活之悦A Breakthrough in Commercial Development andthe Enjoyment of Life23F-42F品质酒店 High-End Hotel城市高端的享受, 是品质无以复加Providing a classy enjoyment to urban life, taking service to new levelsAn incomparable increase in luxury living是多元性的实体与情感面元素Providing a diverse physical and emotional experience to guests尊重、关爱、满足Respecting, Caring, Satisfying是人生的生活形态An individually-catered lifestyle13F-22F特色业态 Featured CommerceUnits for education and health care will land in G.CityAn easy
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