



1、 医学专业2022留学申请书范例 医学专业2022留学申请书 Dear _, I feel the capacity to care is the thing which gives life its deepest significance.I want to make a dramatic difference to peoples lives! I feel that Radiotherapy is the perfect profession to fulfil this. I am confident that I can become, with your help, a very

2、 successful Radiotherapist because I believe that my personality traits and skill sets are perfect for Radiotherapy - Im responsible, caring, supportive,trusting, empathetic and most of all I am an inexhaustible source of positivity and always have a smile on my face. I am extremely interested in Sc

3、ience - particularly Physics which I study in school. The continuing professional development within Radiotherapy is very appealing to me and I love the idea of entering a diverse and rapidly changing career. I enjoy working as part of a team, and feel my good interpersonal skills would be utilised

4、as a Radiotherapist. I did work experience in one of Irelands largest and busiest Radiotherapy Departments -Whitfield Clinic. I was given a thorough guide through the areas of consultancy, simulation, treatment and mould making phases of Radiotherapy which only fuelled my desire to study your degree

5、. I was shown simulation machines, scans of patients with various illnesses, CT and MRI Scanners as well as the Linear Accelerators. I was introduced to other members of the Oncology team, such as the Medical Physicist, and was given an outline of their roles. I felt the work experience was inspirat

6、ional and fascinated me, and even though I was only in the Radiotherapy department for a short time, it proved to me that Radiotherapy is the career that I am most suited to. To further expand my knowledge of Radiotherapy and its practices, I did extensive research on the subject, to ensure that it

7、would be a suitable career path for me. I read several publications from the Society of Radiographers, most notably the publications on Summary of Intervention for Acute Radiotherapy Induced Skin Reactions in Patients, Learning and Development Framework for Clinical Imaging and Oncology,Implementing

8、 The Career Framework in Radiotherapy, Policy Into Practice, End of Life Strategy, and Patient Advocacy. I feel the Radiotherapy courses in the UK have much more to offer than the one Radiotherapy course in Ireland, in terms of employability after the course, Employers deem the vast clinical experie

9、nce gained on UK courses essential for the successful introduction of newly graduated Radiotherapists into their clinic. The world class standard and professional recognition that your course offers would also ensure that I would graduate a very capable Radiation Therapist. I have done a lot of volu

10、ntary and fund-raising work in my local community. I volunteer at my local Youth Club every week, where I work as part of a team to provide a social outlet to children in the local community. I have also volunteered in a local retirement home which has showed me my ability to establish trusting rela

11、tionships quickly and has also proved that I can successfully interact with a diverse range of people. I am very excited at the prospect of starting your Radiotherapy course and if selected I hope I can follow in the footsteps of your long list of very successful alumni. Yours sincerely, 出国留学要了解的事项

12、一、交流的困难 首先的问题,交流障碍,有些同学即使通过了雅思托福等语言等级的考试,但在生活交流上仍然存在着很大的问题,书本上的知识,只停留在书面,并不能应用到实际的生活,所提沟通就成了问题。沟通困难的问题给留学生日常生活和与人交际带来了很大的压力。造成很多人就会不愿意出门与人沟通,变得孤僻,情绪低落,甚至抑郁。交流障碍是导致生活质量低下的一个原因。 二、高额的留学费用 除了交流障碍的问题,高额的留学的费用也是导致留学生生活质量底下的问题。 虽然尽管现在大多数家庭,都能负担得起孩子出国留学的费用,但留学的费用开支并不是一笔小的费用。 其中像美国英国等发达国家,一年的留学费用可能高达40-60万,

13、对于很多家庭来说,这种开支并不是一笔小的费用,虽然家长不会缩减孩子的生活费用,但身为留学生,对于自己家庭的经济情况还是有简略的了解的,高额的留学费用,对于留学生来说,本身也是一种压力,面对国外种种的支出费用,很多留学生过着一种低于外界所想象的辛苦生活。 三、环境因素的影响 在留学的过程中,产生认同感的需要时间和精力。 我们要去到一个完全陌生的环境中,这个地方与自己生活的地方,存在着各种差异。从文化背景、生活习惯,习俗礼仪等完全不一样,需要去适应,而适应新的环境,需要付出大量的精力和时间,而且常常与自己本身拥有行为习惯不一样,这样的环境,让人很没有安全感和归属感。 留学生们需要在新的环境中,把自

14、己的生活习惯和这个国家的生活习惯,风俗礼仪融合在一起,这种挑战会导致学生们焦虑不安或是很有压力。 四、心里因素的问题 由于离开了自己的生活圈,与家庭朋友失去了以往亲密的的联系,很多留学生会产生很强的的孤独感。异国他乡,周围的学生也来自于世界各地,想要在短时期内,和别人打成一片是一件很困难的事,很多留学生会觉得来到这个地方,我不知道我该做什么,我觉得我不属于这个地方。归属感的缺失,会给留学生带来心理上的落差和消极情绪。 五、文化冲突与歧视偏见 除了心理上没有归属感,学业落差及文化冲击,种族歧视偏见,都会对留学生的心理造成很大的压力与焦虑。在不同的文化背景中,由于人们对尊重的表达方式不同,有一些肢

15、体动作,行为,语言,可能会被理解为不尊重别人,甚至是有侮辱性的。因此会造成别人带来敌意。同样,外国人可能也会有一些类似一些行为,也经常会让留学生感到自己不被尊重。还有在种族方面,有些极端的外国人带有歧视,会发出一些带有侮辱性的动作语言,而这种歧视会对心理造成负面影响,感到更多的压力,自我认同和满意度更低。 瑞典留学新生抵达后要做的事项 一、民事登记 首先大家要做的,就是去相关的部门进行身份的登记,虽然大家获取了合法入境的证明护照,但是要想在瑞典展开新的生活,还需要有一个合法停留的身份居留,这是需要办理的。 大家之前前往本地的税务局,进行身份的注册,这样就会获取自己的身份证件号码,这既是大家居留的证明,也是后续有自己的收入了以后的报税证明,退税也需要用到它。 二、办交通卡 本地拥有特别发达的交通,不过单程乘车的成本是比较高的,并且每次单独购票也比较麻烦,学生作为长期居留的群体,完全可以办一张本地的交通卡,这样可以很好的省钱省时间。 办好的卡,可以乘坐所有的公共类交通工具,都能够享受折扣的优惠,办卡只需要去购票的敞口,出示自己的省份证明和学生证明,既可以立刻办好,实名这样补办会更方便。 三、转换时差 中国和瑞典之间,是有这好几个小时的时差的,大家要想正常开展生活,那么倒时差就特别重要,这也是很重要的一个步骤,如果在国内有时间的话,可以直接开始适应,计算好瑞典的作息


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