1、PAGE PAGE 13附1:内蒙古师范大学优秀博(硕)士学位(xuwi)论文推荐表学院(xuyun)名称: 物理(wl)与电子信息学院 学科、专业: 理论物理 论文题目二维三组元磁振子晶体的带结构论文英文题目Band Structures of Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystal with Three Components作者姓名论文答辩日期获得博士(硕士)学位日期论文涉及的研究方向丁秋月2014年5月28日 2014年7 月计算物理一级学科代码一级学科名称二级学科代码二级学科名称是否自设学科专业0702物理学070201理论物理否指导教师姓名(限填1人)指导教
2、师研究方向作者攻博(硕)期间及获博(硕)士学位后一年内获得与博(硕)士学位论文密切相关的代表性成果序号成果名称成果出处获得年月查询信息1二维三组元局域共振磁振子晶体带隙结构的优化 河北师范大学2014年5月ISSN 1000-58542自旋波在磁振子晶体中的传播与局域性质内蒙古师范大学2012年度研究生科研创新基金2012年7月CXJJS 120323平面波展开法计算一维薄板磁振子晶体带结构信息记录材料2013年4月ISSN 1009-562445论文主要创新点 本文主要引入了二维三组元磁振子晶体的结构单元。计算了相应的带结构、态密度和场分布情况,通过与相同参数下二组元的情况进行对比发现,产生
3、了低频带隙,并可以通过包覆层的厚度和整体的整体填充率实现带隙结构的优化。本人保密承诺按国家、省有关保密规定,经审查,本学位论文不涉密,可在互联网上公开评审。本人签字: 年 月 日答辩委员会意见学位论文得分 : 答辩委员会主席(签章): 年 月 日 培养单位意见负责人(签章): 年 月 日 学位评定分委员会意见 学位评定分委员会主席(签章): 年 月 日校学位评定委员会意见校学位评定委员会主席(签章): 单位公章: 年 月 日注:自主设置学科专业代码及名称须与报国务院学位委员会办公室备案时一致。请再填写一个与自设二级学科相近的现有(xin yu)学科目录中的二级学科代码和名称,填写格式为“自设二
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6、计算研究的,都专注于在磁性超晶格中,存在于自旋波频谱内的自旋波带隙由两个交替方向的铁磁层所构成的一个无限超晶格中,在所计算出来的自旋波传播的色散方程中发现,一定的频率范围内,超晶格中的自旋波色散曲线表现出宽通带和窄禁带随之,开始了对两种不同磁性材料周期性交替排列所构成的一维二组元磁振子晶体的计算研究新加坡的王智魁等人研究了由Permalloy和Cobalt两种材料的纳米条纹交替周期性排列组成的一维磁振子晶体的自旋波传播性质、磁振子带隙的宽度和其中心频率随外磁场的变化关系,以及纳米条纹的宽度值对带隙宽度的影响1996年法国的J. O. Vasseu等人以及波兰的H. Puszkarski等人构造
7、了由无限长的圆柱铁散射体周期排列在另外一种铁磁材料基底中的二维磁振子晶体,计算了晶格常数在纳米量级范围内自旋波的带结构研究表明,散射体之间的交换作用影响着带隙的形成,且带隙的宽度是和交换作用成正比的同时也发现带隙形成及带隙宽度和饱与磁化强度以及散射体体积填充率等有关2008年M. Krawczyk和H. Puszkarski等人构造了三维铁磁材料所构成的磁振子晶体,并计算研究了相应的带结构计算结果显示了磁振子晶体带隙的形成及带隙宽度与磁参数有密切的关系2010年曹永军等人针对短波微扰的情况,只考虑交换作用,改进了传统的平面波展开法用改进的平面波法进行计算可以节省很大一部分计算时间,提高工作效率
8、在本文中就是使用改进平面波法进行的数值计算 实验时,理想晶体很难达到,所以英国的V. V. Kruglyaka及乌克兰的A. N. Kuchko等人研究了磁振子晶体中存在缺陷的情况计算表明了缺陷的存在使得磁振子晶体带隙内出现了局域模,证明了缺陷态对自旋波的传播具有局域的作用 虽然对磁振子晶体的研究越来越多,但目前对于由于制作磁振子晶体技术的限制,对磁振子晶体的应用很少,主要的研究集中于理论和实验阶段磁振子晶体的概念由光子晶体、声子晶体引申而来,是磁性材料的超晶格结构,由二种(或以上)磁性材料在空间周期排列构成国内外已有初步的理论和实验研究工作均表明,磁振子晶体会对铁磁复合材料里的自旋波进行操纵
16、要的理论意义和巨大应用潜力关键词: 三组(sn z)元磁振子晶体,自旋波,带隙,平面波展开法Band Structures of Two-Dimensional Magnonic Crystal with Three ComponentsDing Qiu Yue ABSTRACTIn recent years, the one-dimensional magnetic vibrator lots of papers have been devoted to the study of magnetic composite materials such as superlattice band s
17、tructures. Most of these articles like Albuquerque and others have computing research, are focused on in magnetic superlattices, spin wave gap exists in the spin wave spectrum is composed of two. Alternating direction of the ferromagnetic layer of an infinite superlattice, found in the spin wave dis
18、persion equations have been calculated in, a certain frequency range, the spin wave in the superlattice dispersion curves exhibit a wide band and narrow band gap. Then, the calculation of the beginning of two different magnetic one-dimensional periodic material alternating arrangement consisting of
19、two component magnetic oscillator crystal. Wang Zhikui, Singapores study of the relationship by Permalloy and Cobalt of two kinds of materials of nano stripes alternating periodic one-dimensional magnon crystals composed of spin wave propagation properties, the magnon band gap width and the center f
20、requency with the external magnetic field, and the width of nano stripes effect on band gap width.1996年法国的J. O. Vasseu等人74以及波兰的H. Puszkarski等人75构造了由无限长的圆柱铁散射体周期排列在另外一种铁磁材料基底中的二维磁振子晶体,计算了晶格常数在纳米量级范围内自旋波的带结构研究表明,散射体之间的交换作用影响着带隙的形成,且带隙的宽度是和交换作用成正比的同时也发现带隙形成及带隙宽度和饱与磁化强度以及散射体体积填充率等有关IIIIIn 1996 Frances J
21、. O. Vasseu and Polands H. Puszkarski, et al is constructed by the cylindrical iron scattering periodic infinite array of two-dimensional magnetic dipole in a ferromagnetic material in the substrate crystal lattice constant, spin in nanometer range wave band structure calculation. In the study, exch
22、ange scattering between the body affects the formation of the band gap, and the band gap width is proportional to the switching function. At the same time, also found that the band gap formation and the width of band gap and saturated magnetization and the scattering volume filling ratio and so on.2
23、008年M. Krawczyk和H. Puszkarski等人83构造了三维铁磁材料所构成的磁振子晶体,并计算研究了相应的带结构计算结果显示了磁振子晶体带隙的形成及带隙宽度与磁参数有密切的关系In 2008 M. Krawczyk and H. Puszkarski et al. constructed magnon crystals made of three dimensional ferromagnetic materials, and the corresponding calculation of band structure. The calculation results sho
24、w that the magnetic dipole formed crystal band gap and the close relationship between the width of band gap and magnetic parameters.2010年曹永军等人针对短波微扰的情况,只考虑交换作用,改进了传统的平面波展开法用改进的平面波法进行计算可以节省很大一部分计算时间,提高工作效率在本文中就是使用改进平面波法进行的数值计算In 2010 Cao Yongjun et al for the short wave perturbation case, considering
25、 only the exchange interaction, improved the traditional plane wave expansion method. Using the plane wave method improved calculation can save a large amount of computing time, improve work efficiency. Numerical calculation of improved plane wave method is used in this paper.实验时,理想晶体很难达到,所以英国的V. V.
26、 Kruglyaka及乌克兰的A. N. Kuchko等人84,85研究了磁振子晶体中存在缺陷的情况计算表明了缺陷的存在使得磁振子晶体带隙内出现了局域模,证明了缺陷态对自旋波的传播具有局域的作用During the experiment, it is difficult to achieve the ideal crystal, so Britains V. V. Kruglyaka and Ukraine N. Kuchko A. et al studied the existence of Magnon crystals. The calculated results show that
27、the defects that appear in the band gap of localized magnon crystals, demonstrate the spreading defect states on the spin wave with local role.The group has investigated the optimizing problems of spin-wave gaps with the mechanism of Bragg scattering by changing the shape, the arrangement and the fi
28、lling fraction of scatterers embedded in matrix, and investigated the properties of defect states by designing available defect structure in magnonic crystals. Based on the idea of localized resonance, a two-dimensional magnonic crystal with three components is presented in this thesis at the first
29、time. The three-component magnonic crystal composed of the scatterer, the coating layer and the matrix. After the calculating of band structures and field distributions of magnetization, we have found that some remarkable advantages in the three-component magnonic crystal generating low-frequency ga
30、ps, and so the spin wave with low frequency can be controlled by using this kind of magnetic composite materials. Density of states of magnons in the magnonic crystal also has been calculated, and the same results as the band structures can be obtained.Previous studies of the magnon crystals are two
31、 kinds of material compound and into, this paper builds a two-dimensional three component magnon crystals, scattering body is composed of two kinds of materials. Study on propagation of spin waves in 2D three component magnetic dipole in the crystal, expansion method numerical the two-dimensional th
32、ree component magnetic oscillator crystal band structure, density of States, energy localization by plane wave. The improved crystal unit change mainly comprises three components: the total filling rate of change, and change the thickness of coated layer in single cells.This paper mainly through the
33、 filling ratio optimization design of rate and central cylinder and coated cylinder radius on the unit cell, and explore its effect on 2D three component magnetic oscillator crystal single cell with the structure characteristics of the band gap, effective way to adjust the frequency of 2D three comp
34、onent magnetic oscillator crystal material.The first chapter mainly deduces the Fourier coefficients of the three element magnon crystals, and taking into account, the wavelength of the spin waves is the short wave case, exchange short plays the main role, so the static magnetic items can be ignored
35、. In this approximation, by using the improved plane wave expansion method to derive the eigenvalue equation the corresponding.The second chapter of this paper, to study the two-dimensional structure of the three component magnetic oscillator crystal characteristics, using the plane wave method is i
36、ntroduced to calculate the band structure and density of States, and compared with the uncoated condition, results can be found to optimize the band gap by parcel third kinds of material.The main research in the third chapter is the influence of some parameters of 2D three component magnetic oscilla
37、tor crystal band frequency range of band gap structure, such as the whole coating column filling rate and coating thickness. Analysis of the spin wave gap frequency under different parameters are calculated and, change the fill rate of coating thickness and coating column to explore change curve of
38、it, the band structure of Magnon crystals by changing these parameters can be optimized further. By the plane wave expansion method, band structure and density of states of the two-dimensional three component magnetic oscillator crystal were calculated, and compared with the 2D two component of low
39、band gap is found, field three the distribution of points and calculated, and by adjusting the coated column fill rate and central cylinder and coated column radius ratio to optimize the band gaps. The numerical results show that, the system in this paper, the first band gap width appeared in the fi
40、lling ratio and radius ratio when the width of second. The band gap appears in the filling ratio and radius ratio of time. By two change curve can be optimized with structure according to the need, the maximum width of the gap. If fixed radius ratio, then You can choose to obtain the maximum filling
41、 rate near the band gap. This paper research on optimization problem of low-frequency spin wave gap of 2D three component based, and provides a way to use the magnon crystals to achieve controllable operating frequency spin waves. The results of the study above, the 2D three component magnetic vibra
42、tor crystal provides theoretical help in making some real devices.In this paper, the two-dimensional three component magnetic oscillator crystal structure optimization is to bring the magnon crystals, using three component to optimize the band gap of the thought originates from the local resonance s
43、tructure. The scattering mechanism has two kinds, one kind is the Prague scattering mechanism, another is the local resonance mechanism. In this paper the mechanism, is the Prague scattering plays a major role. Not from the Prague scattering mechanism of band gap structure of local resonance in the
44、role, but from local resonance, vibrational coupling through the substrate material and the center cylinder between materials, so that the resonance amplitude reached the maximum. Hope I can work in the future, coated layer of europium oxide the material is a central column and the base material for
45、 soft magnetic materials, can make the band gap edge dense vibration mode in scattering or coating, the magnon so as to form a local resonance band gap. However, here the vibration two words just draw a noun acoustic field here, not an actual vibration, but a magnetization process. But we still use
46、the acoustic field formulation, local resonance is so named. Local resonance compared Bula Lattice scattering mechanism is a prominent feature, local resonance mechanism does not require the periodic structure of the lattice constant and the spin wave wavelength, periodic structure unit can be far l
47、ess than the wavelength of the spin waves, while Prague mechanism requires wavelength and lattice constant of electromagnetic wave. The lattice constant compared to magnon crystals often in the nanometer and nanometer, so in production requires the technology is very high. Therefore, local resonance
48、 Prague scattering mechanism can break through the limit, regardless of the lattice constant and the spin wave appearance than the quasi under the premise of band gap or controlled operation of spin waves, with the advantages and development a great potential in the magnon crystal field.Because of experimental technology major advances in nanotechnology and magnetic materials, magnetic oscillator crystal have become a new interdisciplinary research field. In addition to the obvious challenge, also have the opportunity to many an untappe
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