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1、第 页共15贞第 页共15贞鄂尔多斯市2020年(春秋版)六年级上学期英语阳光指标学业水平调研测试A卷姓名: 班级: 成绩:小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最樟的!根据上下文及首字母的提示,填词完成句子。(每小题0. 5分,共(共10题;共5分)1.0.5分)根据所给图片补全单词(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)2.(0.5 分)(2018 四上浙江期末)PaSS me the 3(0 5 分) The floor is W YOU ShOUld be careful.in the morning.4.(0.5 分)Amy Often5.(05 分)She ha

2、s :a6.and ChriStmaS pudding.7.(0.5分)(2020五上北京期末)根据括号内的要求完成下列各题。(1)nine (序数词)(2)good (最高级)(3)UndergrOUnd (同 义词)(4)Canada (加拿大人)(5)drive (驾驶员)SkiPPing (动词原形)8.(0.5 分)9(0. 5 分) I a a Cake yesterday10.(0 5 分)Its n to the Iibrary 二、用所给单词的适当形式,完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)(共7题;共10分)11(2分)I(be) at SChOOI VeSterdav12.(1

3、分)What are you(Write) in yourIetters?13.(2分)(2019六上苏州期末)What(happen), Mum?I(IOSe) mv keys inthe restaurant14.(2分)DO you have(SOme) bananas?15.(1分)The Weather(be) Windy this afternoon.16.(1分)The king WearSmagic(ClOth)17.(1分)My COUSinS(ViSit)HaikOU every year选词,完成句子,填写序号。(每小题1分,共5分)(共1题;共5分)18(5分)看图,选

4、一选A. Yes, I have.B. No, I havent.(1)HaVe you got a bag?(2)HaVe yougot a bike?仔细观察图片,请根据情境完成下面的对话。(每空0.5分,共5 (共1题;共5分)19.(5分)看图写出正确的单词(1) (2) (3) (5) (6)五、单项选择,请选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)(共15题;共15分)20.(1 分)(2018 四上瞅麟期末)一What S that?A Its good.B Its a PineaPpie.(1分)(2020五上北京期末)WelCOme to Beijing! 11 ShOW you

5、the City this afternoon.A aroundB about22.(1分)(2020 六上乐淸期末)The IittIe boy SeeSa big dog HeAhappyBangryCafraid23.(1分)HeSad VeSterdaV AWereBWaSCbe24.(1分)OnCe UPOn a time, therea monkejrin the StOryAisBWaSCWere25.(1分)(2018 北京模拟)COme here, please. 11tell youAanything importantBimportant anythingCSOmethi

6、ng importantDimportant SOmething26.(1分)COme andmv new Den DalASeeBSeeingCto See27.(1分)(2017 六上深圳期末)Did you PIay With your friendAtomorrowBnowCIaSt Weekend28.(1分)(2020 一下北京期末)May I COme9AOnBatCin29.(1分)(2019四上微山期中)一is VOUrSChOOIbag?C With9It,S yellowA What COIOUrB WhatC HOW many(1 分) The IittIe monke

7、y is the treeAtoBOnCinenough to(1 分)(2014 广州)The Weather is gettingand it WilI bego hikingA Warmerj fineBWOrSetfineCwarmer,WelIDWarml good32.(1分)you PIay football yesterday?ADOBdoesCDid33.(1分)NiCemeet you.AtoBtooCtwo34.(1分)MiSS Wangisthem about SOme PaintingSA tellB tellingC tellsD to tell六、根据语境,完成句

8、子。(每小题1分,共10分)(共10题;共10分)35.(1分)蛇没有腿。36.(1分)许多鸟正在寻找食物。37.(1分)写出下列单词第6页共15贞第6页共15贞(1)空气(2)到处(3)活着的(4)气球38.(1分)这是我的小弟弟。39.(1分)写出下列单词(1)杀死(2)睡着的(3)下次(4)从前(5)睡着40.(1.分)BObby正朝窗外看。41.(1分)翻译(1)shopping Centre(2)NO Iittering(3)IOOk OUt(4)IS SOmeOne smoking?(5)叫他贝贝(6)把你的果汁带进店里(7)在爸馆里吃而条(8)帶一些来作为午饭42.(1分)汉译英

9、。(1)站起来。(2)坐下。第 页共15贞第 页共15贞(1 分)DO you have any? I need to StiCk something.(1 分) DO you an e-mail to your friends during the holidays?完形填空。(共1题;共5分)(5分)完形填空。It is SUnday morning The StUdentS are going to the 1 LiIy and LUCy Iike animals 2 They get UP Very 3 in the morning After 4 they go to SChOol

10、The StUdentS 5 at the SChOOI gate They go there 6. MiSS GaO goes 7 them.There are many kinds Of 8 in the zoo. The biggest One is 9 BUt they cant See any CatSThe StUdentS 10 the ZOO at four in the afternooIL LiIy and LUCy get home at about five They have a Very good time(1)A CinemaB ZOOC facto:Cy(2)A

11、 very WelIB Very goodC Very much(3)A earlyBIat已C earlier(4)A SUPPerB IUnChC breakfast(5)A SeeB WatChC meet(6)A by footB On footC On feet(7)A forB andC With(8)A animalsB birdsC CatS(9)A keyB a tigerC an elephant(10)A get toB go toC leave八、阅读理解。(每小题1分,共10分)(共2题;共10分)(5分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。A FOOtbalI PIayer

12、MOSt PeOPIe make their IiVing With their hands BUt TOm makes his IiVing With his feet A Very goodIiVing it isl too.and TOm IiVeS in a Very Small City in England HiS ParentS are Very POOr SeVerl PeOPle IiVe in their SmalI house TOm has no PIaCe to PIay but in the Street Tom S father Ofterl PIayS foot

13、bal 1 LittIe TOIn WantS to PIay football, too. SO his father InakeS a SOft ball for him to kick It is a SOCk filled With PieCeS Of CIOth The Iittle boy kicks it every day. At IaSt TOm IearnS to kick a real football, and after few years he Can PIay football Very Wel1 NoW TOm is One Of the best footba

14、ll PIayerS in the WOrld(1)TOm makes his IiVing With hisAfootBhandsCfeet(2) Toms father makes aball for him to kick.Abig and hardBSOftCSmalI(3) Tom* S ParentS are VeryAPOOrBrichCnice(4) TOm has no PlaCe to Play but in theASChOOIByardCStreet(5) TOm is One Of the best football PIayerS .A in No. 10 Midd

15、Ie SChOOIB in the WOrldC in a SmalI City47.(5分)阅读下而材料,根据其内容选择正确答案。Hello, m Amy. Tin from the UK. I have a good friend She is LingIing She is from China TOmOrrOW is SUnday And its LingIing,S birthday We are going to have a birthday Party LingIing is going to get UP at eight And shes going to go ShOPP

16、ing With her mother Shes going to buy a new dress Imgoing ShOPPing too. I ln going to buy SOme ChOCOIate for her LingIing* S grandma is going to Inake a big第9页共15页第 页共15贞第 页共15贞Cake for her We WilI have a happy day.LingIing is A from the UKB Amy S friendC in the PartyAmy is going to give Lingling .A

17、 a CakeB SOme ChOCOIateC a dressWhat,S MUm going to do?She,S going to A go ShOPPingB make a CakeC get UP at SiXWhat day is it today?It, S A SUndayB MOndayC SatUrdayLingIing is going to A go to SChOOIB have a big CakeC buy a PreSent九、书面表达。(5分)(共1题;共5分)48.(5分)你(Wang Jie)也很想有快乐的暑假吧!现在来计划一下吧,给你的朋友(ZhaO

18、YOng)写一封信,告诉他/她你假期的打算。参考答案一、根据上下文及首字母的提示,填词完成句子。(每小题0.5分,共(共10题;共5分) I-E【第1空】iLWW1-2.【第1空】e1一3、【第1空】1-4.【第1空】a1-5.【第1空】th2-1、【第1空】knife3-1、【第1空】WeI【第1空】reads【第2空a4-1、【第3空】book5-1、【第1空】ChineSe6-1、【第1空】turkey7-1、【第】空】ninth7-2、【第1空】best7-3、【第1空】SUbWay7-4、【第1空】Canadian7-5、【第1空】driver7-6.【第】空】$kip1、1、【第】

19、空】aleIO-K【第】空】ext二、用所给单词的适当形式,完成句子。(每空1分,共10分)(共7题;共10分)第13贞共15页第 页共15贞Il-K【第1空】WaS12-1、【第1空】Writing1 happened13-1【第2空】IOSt14-1.【第1空】any15-1%【第1空】WiIlbe16-1.【第1空】ClOtheS17-1.【第1空】ViSFt三、选词,完成句子,填写序号。(每小题1分,共5分)(共1题;共5分)18一 1、【第1空】A18-2.【第1空】B四、仔细观察图片,请根据情境完成下面的对话。(每空0.5分,共5 (共1题;共5分)【第1空】CoOk【第2空】Pr

20、lOt第3空】taxi driver【第4空】teacher【第5空】fireman19_i、【第锂】doctor五、单项选择,请选择最佳答案。(每小题1分,共15分)(共15题;共15分)1. BK A TOC o 1-5 h z 1、 C1. BK B1. CK A1、 C1、 C TOC o 1-5 h z 1、 A1、 C1、 A1、 C1、 A1、 B六、根据语境,完成句子.(每小题分,共“分)(共H)题;畑分)1. The Snake has no legs,1、Many birds are IoOking f0r f00cf.1、【第1空】air37-2、【第1空】everywhere37-3、【第1空】alive4、【第 1 空】balloon1、【第 1 空】Thi$ is my IittIe brother1、【第1空】kill39-2.【第1空】asleep39-3.【第】空】next time39-4、【第1空】OnCe UPona time5、【第1 空】fail asleep1、【第】空】BObby


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