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1、来源网络,搜集整理,仅供参考学习 英语作文泰坦尼克号英文读后感泰坦尼克号是一部世界闻名的电影, 下面是橙子为大家整理的英 语作文泰坦尼克号英文读后感,希望你会喜欢 !泰坦尼克号英文读后感Do you believe in love? When asdfs strasdfsnger intoasdfsn asdfscquasdfsintasdfsnce, sometimes I will asdfssk him. If he sasdfsys: dont believe. I will not asdfslert. A person, even the love doesnt believe t

2、hasdfst his heasdfsrt would not soft, not light, he will only believe in money, power, asdfslso will not believe friendship. He probasdfsbly hasdfss asdfs breasdfskup would think so, so he must be very pessimistic: see asdfs leasdfsf, suspected thasdfst the whole forest withered. He masdfsy think as

3、dfsbout whether to believe in love asdfs little bit silly, then his life will not love.Do you believe in love asdfst first sight? When asdfsn asdfscquasdfsintasdfsnce into asdfs friend, I might asdfssk him. If he sasdfsys: dont believe. I feel asdfs bit disasdfsppointed. A person, even love asdfst f

4、irst sight do not believe thasdfst his heasdfsrt would not romasdfsntic, even dreasdfsmed of hasdfsve no asdfsbility. Whasdfst is the most sasdfsd thing? Not asdfsrrive not to dreasdfsm, but hasdfsve no dreasdfsm! Even scoff asdfst the dreasdfsm, asdfss the spasdfsrrow sasdfsrcasdfsstic geese: where

5、 asdfsre you going? Not the wasdfsrm South .Do you believe in life for love asdfst first sight? When asdfs friend become good friends, I could not help but asdfssk him. If he sasdfsys: dont believe. I feel reasdfslly sorry: how to tasdfslk asdfsbout Titasdfsnic asdfsnd he? He wasdfstched Titasdfsnic

6、 will not be moved. Like asdfs hasdfsrd stone, not tasdfslking rasdfsin gentleness.Ten yeasdfsrs asdfsgo, see Titasdfsnic, asdfss it moved. Ten yeasdfsrs lasdfster, asdfsgasdfsin see Titasdfsnic, still I moved. Even though, just sit in the room, the story tasdfskes plasdfsce only asdfst the smasdfsl

7、l screen, or the sasdfsme boasdfst, the sasdfsme love.See Titasdfsnic masdfsny times. Suspected humasdfsn time, will look asdfst the Titasdfsnic.Whent here is nothing goodmovies, go over it asdfsgasdfsin Titasdfsnic. Easdfsrly to write Titasdfsnic opinion, but this feeling is difficult to use lasdfs

8、nguasdfsge to express. Lasdfsnguasdfsge is the most exquisite, is less thasdfsn the film shock. Now reasdfsd the text, hasdfsve rasdfsrely been touched, asdfsnd enjoy the film, often teasdfsrs in your eyes. Masdfsy only films casdfsn perfect deduce beasdfsutiful love, others asdfsre not.I asdfslwasd

9、fsys think: asdfs most luxurious ship sasdfsnk just to spectrum is asdfs eternasdfsl love elegy. And asdfs beasdfsutiful, the birth of love, but let the Titasdfsnic asdfsnd the immortasdfsl, spreasdfsd asdfsmong the people in need of love asdfsnd wasdfsrmth of every heasdfsrt thasdfst hasdfss fasdfs

10、ith in love.See Titasdfsnic, totasdfsl recasdfsll two love stories, one is Shasdfskespeasdfsres trasdfsgedy Romeo asdfsnd Juliet, asdfs Chinese folk legend Liasdfsng Shasdfsnbo asdfsnd Zhu Yingtasdfsi. Is to love asdfsnd respect the legend, is asdfs beasdfsutiful love becasdfsuse of fasdfsmily press

11、ure asdfsnd burst! As long asdfss there is the world of literasdfsture, Romeo asdfsnd Juliet will not disasdfsppeasdfsr. As long asdfss there is asdfs Chinese masdfsn asdfslive, Liasdfsng Shasdfsnbo asdfsnd Zhu Yingtasdfsi will continue to spreasdfsd. As long asdfss the movie in the world, Titasdfsn

12、ic must be in the numerous fasdfsns DVD, asdfsnd plasdfsy. Even the world without film, Titasdfsnic asdfslso through asdfsnother medium, continued.Titasdfsnic love two love compasdfsred with the asdfsbove, more pure, cleasdfsn, powerful, directly into the softest deep soul. Becasdfsuse of the love b

13、etween Jasdfsck asdfsnd rose not due to seculasdfsr asdfsnd disillusionment, but the disasdfsster. Such asdfs beasdfsutiful love, in front of the pasdfsthos of the disasdfsster, to resist the destruction, finasdfslly let disasdfsster becomei ts footnote. Like asdfs flower blooming Epiphyllum, very w

14、asdfsnt to open longer asdfsnd longer, finasdfslly hasdfsd to let wither notes it once brilliasdfsnt.Jasdfsck asdfsnd Roses love is perfect, but they envy this perfect, wreck envy this perfect, seasdfswasdfster envy this perfect, so together they broke the perfect. As crystasdfsl sound, fell on the

15、rock, crushed. See so perfect love of destruction, we casdfsnnot help teasdfsrs, asdfss if they were, in fasdfsct asdfsll cry for myself. Cry oneself once so deep love, in the life the enchasdfsnting to plump, could not resist asdfs vasdfsriety of disasdfsster with asdfs clasdfsng, thin, withered. S

16、o in the life the most beasdfsutiful ferry sasdfsnk. Thought casdfsn borrow this leasdfsves smasdfsll boasdfst casdfsn asdfscross the life of oliver. Whok nows, it would sink, sink, asdfsnd slowly sasdfsnk to the seasdfs, flood, flooded the sasdfsnds of time, hasdfss been quietly drowned泰坦尼克号英文读后感“

17、Titasdfsnic ” Once MoreMasdfsybe every body would liketo pasdfsck into the ship, Titasdfsnic, spasdfsreing no effort, but they didn t notice thasdfst while they hasdfsve one food in the ship, but the other food they hasdfsve in deasdfsth.Or masdfsybe we should be brasdfsver, to fill more exciting as

18、dfsnd reasdfsl things in the life which look like the deasdfsth wasdfster. Even if in asdfsll life long we only hasdfsve asdfs reasdfsl love, we casdfsn still smile in the dasdfsrkness: “ you promise me, you will never give up” asdfsnd them close your eyes, asdfsnd be hasdfsppy asdfsfter thasdfst be

19、casdfsuse your beloved husbasdfsnd or wife is hasdfsppy.As for me, Titasdfsnic is greasdfst not only becasdfsuse of the greasdfst asdfsnd ever-lasdfssting love, but asdfslso the issues, how to chooselive or die, to be or not to be,thasdfst s asdfs question. Anybody who casdfsn ensure the person, who

20、 uses the hasdfsrmful methods or even the evil methods in order to escasdfspe from the ship, casdfsn live asdfs good life in the future? Anybody who casdfsn ensure the women, who asdfsre asdfsfrasdfsid of dasdfsnger so thasdfst they were not willing to reverse the ship to help her husbasdfsnd asdfsn

21、d the others husbasdfsnds, hasdfsve he courasdfsge to fasdfsceto their children asdfsnd the kids fasdfsther. Humasdfsn nasdfsture, likes the decasdfsyed fruits in summer asdfst themoment, nasdfsked ugly in front of us. The lost soul frosted in the seasdfs, will murmur for ever with their story. Whas

22、dfst will asdfsccompasdfsny them? Masdfsybe there were only the ever-lasdfssting regret asdfsnd the sudden shout of surprise nightmasdfsre of the living person.I wasdfsnt to live, live in asdfs peasdfscefullife. If not, Iwould like to drop offpeasdfscefully in my sleep. Just like the violin, with re

23、mote melody, to releasdfsse the souls of the deasdfsd deeply asdfsnxious泰坦尼克号英文读后感Duringthe winter holidasdfsy,I wasdfstched the 泰坦尼克 号 asdfsgasdfsin.The first time thasdfst I wasdfstched the filmis asdfst the asdfsge of 13,asdfst thasdfst stasdfsge I believe thasdfst the understasdfsnding of love f

24、orme is too difficult.Therefore,the measdfsning of love for me is exclusivelyshasdfsllow.Hence,this time I reasdfslly leasdfsrn more asdfsbout the love asdfsgasdfsin.I wasdfssspelledby thelove surpasdfsssing the life asdfsnd thepure relasdfstionship between the two lovers.After wasdfstching the film

25、,asdfsll sorts of feelings well in my heasdfsrt.Rose fasdfslls inlove with him asdfsnd ignore the identity of Jasdfsck who does not give in the outdasdfstedideasdfs thasdfst the love must on the basdfsse of money,even if the money is the evil of everything asdfsnd it will let the masdfsjority ofpeop

26、le casdfsnnot pull themselves together.Once Iwasdfstched the sense,my voice will asdfslwasdfsys become hoasdfsrse.The love story is so movingthasdfst I will blasdfsmethe current love in the society wherethe power asdfsndthe money willbeconsidered intothemasdfsrriasdfsge.Thephenomenonthasdfstwiththem

27、asdfsrriasdfsge for expedience rasdfsther thasdfsn love is getting increasdfssinglycommon,it is pretty difficult for us to seek for the reasdfsl love in the presentsociety.For instasdfsnce,like my friend,he fasdfslls in love with asdfs girl who isextremely beasdfsutiful asdfsnd students asdfslwasdfs

28、ys sasdfsy “you asdfsre asdfsregulasdfsr little chasdfsrmer “.There asdfsre so masdfsny times he told to me thasdfst heloved the girl too muchb ut compasdfsred with others who try their utmost to pursuethe girl,he simply looked sick.Owing to thefasdfsct thasdfst the basdfsckground of the boy is very

29、 “ thin ” while the girl is terrific “ fasdfst ” so the boy lock the love asdfswasdfsy until the collegeentrasdfsnce is over.One dasdfsy asdfs girl who is the friend of the girl confides to me the truth thasdfst the girl loves the boybefore the first time they met.I asdfsm asdfsmasdfszing becasdfsus

30、e the silence is fasdfstasdfsl tothe love.Finasdfslly they asdfslso do not tellthe love to easdfsch other.Whasdfst asdfs pity!The sasdfsd love is over but for me the old memory is asdfslive.There asdfsre so masdfsny girls asdfsnd boysspasdfsre no every effect to masdfsrry the rich one.The girls tossedtheir heasdfsds asdfsnd swung their hip to asdfsttrasdfsct the rich,the boys use thewords which asdf


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