1、浅析英文文献阅读方法 1第1页,共24页。英文文献的特点研究内容具有前瞻性研究方法具有严谨性多学科交叉水平高2第2页,共24页。阅读英文文献的基本要求词汇 post-secondaryprimary education elementary educationSecondary education (middle school junior senior high school)Post-secondary education higher education 语法(S+V+O)背景知识3第3页,共24页。阅读英文文献的基本方法(十问)1.论文主要解决的问题是什么2.这个问题重要吗?为什么?(
2、我为什么要读这篇文献?是否有人做过?自己会怎么设计方法来解决?)Introduction(引言)3.A通过图表,你会得到什么结论? B图表说明什么问题?能否说明该问 题?自己要得到这张图会用什么方 法?作者用的是什么方法? C你能够重新画出这张图,用自己的 语言表达吗?Picture(图片)4第4页,共24页。4.A作者采用什么方法来解决这个问题? 假设是什么?理论依据是什么?这些方 法是否符合论证命题的需要? B通过这个方法,你觉得大概能得到 怎样的结果? C是否有能得到更好结果的方法或更 简单的方法?Abstract(摘要)Conclusion(结论)5.A这些设计能否满足需要?这种方法是
3、 否存在缺陷? B这些实验是如何组织起来的?每项实 验都有什么意义? C 如果是我得到这样的结果,我会得到 什么结论?Abstract(摘要)Conclusion(结论)5第5页,共24页。6.A 文章的结论是什么?和你想的差 异在哪里? B结论可靠性如何?对原来的结论有 什么支持或变化?你如何评价?conclusion7.A试验结果是否支持文章的结论?问 题、设计、方法和讨论的逻辑关系 是什么,作者是如何达到目的的? B还有哪些问题没有得出结论?为什 么不确定?我能否进一步确定? C文章是如何描述结果、如何解析图 表趋势,论据如何组合,如何表达 自己的观点? 比较结果和结论 6第6页,共24
4、页。8.和同类文献,有什么共同点和不 同点?比较同类文献回答9.和以前的文献,作者思路上有什 么变化,下一步是什么?我能否 有进一步改进或者加入?比较以前的文献10.别人还有哪些地方没做?要是我 接着此方向继续做,哪些是在我 所在工作条件下可以做到的,哪 些必须要做,哪些别人肯定比我 做得更好更快?总结7第7页,共24页。阅读英文文献的结构标题摘要、关键字引言分析与讨论结语(结论)参考文献8第8页,共24页。阅读英文文献的方法 通过标题把握文章主题及研究方向Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical culturali
5、st research agendaBuilding a student loan scheme in China: Five lessons from the US student loan system Organizational Culture in Higher Education:Defining the Essentials9第9页,共24页。阅读英文文献的方法 通过摘要获取文章大意The US is well known for its reliance on having many of its students paying for most or sometimes th
6、e full costs of enrollment in higher education institutions, both public and private. The complexity of this student contribution scheme is often lost on foreign observers, many who focus on seemingly insurmountably high student debt levels. However, there are potential lessons regarding how the US
7、has approached student financial aid over time. In the US, the student loan market of $460 billion and a student loan history stretching over decades is accompanied by expertise in lending facilities to help students pay for the costs of their degrees. As in any policy, this expertise was often accu
8、mulated through “trial and error,” and shaped by an American cultural generally more accepting of personal debt than in other parts of the world. A timely picture of the US student loan scheme is beneficial to China as it is expanding its student loan scheme. The US moved from largely a low tuition
9、and student grant scheme prevalent in the 1960s, to a largely government and private sector loan program by the 1980s. How has this system worked? What policy advents and experiments might help in form policymaking in the area of financial aid? This paper does not aim to promote perfunctory policy e
10、mulation. Although recent legislative changes have brought necessary simplifications, the opacity of the US student loan scheme still makes it difficult for students to choose the most cost efficient way to invest in their education. Instead, this paper presents five key lessons from the US student
11、loan system to inform the design of a generic student loan system. Building a student loan scheme in China: Five lessons from the US student loan system 10第10页,共24页。阅读英文文献的方法 通过引言获取文章大意With China being now the largest source country for internationaly mobile students, transnationalhigher education i
12、s also phenomenal on the Chinese soil. By April 2011, there are 579 licensed(bythe Ministry of Education) TNHE programs or institutions at bachelors degree level or above inChina, operated jointly between Chinese universities and their foreign partners (MOE, 15 April2011). There could be even more a
13、t sub-degree level, which are subject to approval by localeducation authorities and become hard to trace down. They come inevitably with manyconcomitant issues and challenges, which, in turn, have stirred an increasing research interest. Theresearch so far, however, focuses on aspects of policies or
14、 policy changes of Chinese governmentand operational issues at the institutional level. There are few attempts to question or challenge why these transnational higher education activities are happening on Chinese soil., whether theybring in what is needed by Chinese society and higher education, and
15、 how they may contribute tothe progress of Chinese system. Put in another way, the current research seems to have proclaimedthe doominant TNHE patterns and practices are fine and thus the focus should be placed on their improvements. This paper attempts to fill out this gap by suggesting a critical
16、culturalist research agenda on transnational higher education in China, and cite such perspectives as neo-liberalism, post-colonialism and the culturalist approach as potential theoretical tools that underpin such aresearch agenda. Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical cultural
17、ist research agenda11第11页,共24页。摘要与引言阅读技巧掌握摘要与引言的特点(精炼、概括性)把握摘要与引言部分的逻辑结构着重阅读摘要和引言部分的总结性话语12第12页,共24页。阅读英文文献的方法 分析与研究正文部分解读作者观点英文文献正文部分分析与讨论的特点:框架清晰明了,逻辑结构严谨各个部分相对而言较为独立各个部分基本采用“总分”的论述结构数据及例证翔实研究方法严谨13第13页,共24页。Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical culturalist research agendaInt
18、roductionThe Context, Characteristics and Trends of TNHE in ChinaThe Paradoxes Arising from Proliferation of TNHE Establishments in ChinaThe Arising Conflict of Interests behind the SceneTowards a Critical Culturalist Research Agenda Concluding Thoughts14第14页,共24页。正文分析与研究部分阅读技巧通过每一部分的小标题掌握该部分的主旨大意快速
19、浏览把握分析讨论的数据和例证针对质量较高的文献作具体分析掌握“分合”的分析方法15第15页,共24页。阅读英文文献的方法 通过阅读结尾部分明确作者观点与获取研究信息英文文献结尾特征:高度概括和总结文章主旨大意,重申作者观点提出对研究对象的进一步思考16第16页,共24页。Building a student loan scheme in China: Five lessons from the US student loan system ConclusionThe 2010 federal legislation led to major changes in the US. It ende
20、d the role of private lenders as intermediaries. But student loan sources remain diverse. Federal loans are intended largely for low and lower-middle income students. Private banks offer a range of commercial loans for other students and their families a role that has increased at the same time as t
21、he cost of tuition in both private and public universities and colleges. And as many American families have generally been more inclined to take on debt for a great variety of costs, although at the end of the process, students have to repay the accumulated debt.(总结分析美国学生贷款制度)17第17页,共24页。Building a
22、student loan scheme in China: Five lessons from the US student loan systemThis brief preliminary summary of the complex evolution of the US student loan system offers five lessons to inform the design of a student loan scheme. These five lessons included:1 - Preferring a unique publicly managed sche
23、me set up at the start of lending activities over incremental streamlining from a variety of public and private loans. The US federal government had to fight deeply entrenched interests and it took a major economic recession to be able to reform a costly and complex system of student loans.2 - Limit
24、ing the intermediaries involved. These intermediaries need to be paid various fees and increase the number of administrative steps before the loan reaches students.3 - Controlling the risks associated with the (necessary) involvement of the financial market by managing the debt through government bo
25、nd issuance instead of guaranteed asset-backed securities4 - Facilitating students access to information.5 Finally, anticipating unintended consequences which will take the form of a reduction of resources available to higher education at other levels of governance.(总结文章主要观点五点启示)18第18页,共24页。Building
26、 a student loan scheme in China: Five lessons from the US student loan systemThese lessons are applicable to the Chinese student loan scheme. The deregulation of higher education and coupling of an increase in fees with higher loans will lead China to face various similar issues to the US, including
27、 considering streamlining loan structures, combining changing cultural debt aversion to maintaining social equity, as well as finding ways to manage debt and potentially relying on financial markets.The capacity of the Chinese government to take up these challenges depends on various factors, includ
28、ing the willingness of nationally implanted actors to adapt to a shift away from centrally provided higher education to a higher cost sharing with students through loans, cultural factors such as attitudes toward risk as well as the social purpose that governments seek to achieve by setting up such
29、scheme.(分析中国情况,再一次点明文章主旨)19第19页,共24页。Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical culturalist research agendaConcluding ThoughtsWith application of these theoretical tools, research on transnational higher education in China may need and be able to explore more fundamental 、questions
30、that bear far-reaching significance and impact, rather than relatively short-range policy and operational issues. In other words, a critical research agenda needs to be developed to dig deep into the drivers and factors behind the scene of operational patterns, and look into the possiblity of differ
31、ent orientations. Included on this agenda should be questions like the following: (提出问题提供信息)20第20页,共24页。Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical culturalist research agenda-What are Chinas evolving educational needs for the sake of national capacity building? In what sense can TNH
32、E effectively help to meet the needs.-To what extent should the educational needs for national capacity building be met by local institutions and by foreign providers?-In the current circumstance of Chinese higher education (where the move to a mss system is recently accomplished, which is, however,
33、 hierarchically differntiated), what form or combination of forms of foreign provision (e.g., franchising, twinning, offshore campus) would suit Chinas needs better or best?-Have the major provider countries developed explicit and different policies and patterns for executing TNHE activies in China?
34、 If so, are there any differences among those countries? Are there any ways in which their policies and patterns are linked to their previous aid-based educational collaborations with China opened its door to the outside world in the late 1970s or even earlier?-Are there any complementary strengths/
35、interests and synergies between the Chinese system and the provider system? If yes, how are the Synergies evolved over the years?-How can TNHE help develop cross-border research collaborations that facilitate knowledge transfer and expansion of Chinas intellectual and technological capacity?-In what
36、 sense can the TNHE arrangements can be used, and effectively, as Chinas platform for brain gain circulation?-In what sense can the TNHE arrangements help channel the Chinese ideas and thoughts to the world community?21第21页,共24页。Transnational Higher Education in China: towards a critical culturalist
37、 research agendaThis is certainly not an exhaustive list, but only serve as a start. The theoretical perspectives cited above may help open up a wider spectrum of research topics pertaining to TNHE phenomena in China, and take the discussion and analysis to a new depth. Related to this points, anoth
38、er one is that the TNHE research should not be limited to the domain of educational studies (in particular policy studies in education). Rather, it should be opened up as an interdisciplianry area, involving not only education researchers but also those from a variety of relevant fields such as globalizaiton studies, political science, economics, sinology, cultural studies, history, phiosophy, anthropology, and siciology. The proposed critical culturalist research agenda and interdisiciplinary approach may promise the possibility of investigating each and every facet or layers of T
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