1、Question AskingWho, What, Where, When, Why, How?QuestionsWhat kinds of WH- questions can you ask?WhatWhereWhoWhenWhyHowWho QuestionsWho is helping the boy?The dentist is helping the boy.Who is talking on the telephone?The man is talking on the telephone.Who is riding on the horse?Who pulled a rabbit
2、 out of the hat?The jockey is riding on the horse.The magician pulled a rabbit out of the hat.Who QuestionsThe boy is scared.Whoisscared?The girl is swinging.Whoisswinging?The girl is carrying a dog.Whois carryingadog?The boy is listening to music.Whoislisteningtomusic?What QuestionsWhat is she pain
3、ting?She is painting a picture. What is she painting on?She is painting on a canvas.What is she painting with?She is painting with a paintbrush.What QuestionsThe boy is eating watermelon.WhatThe man is driving the tractor.WhatThe rooster is blowing the horn.What is the rooster blowing?The man is thr
4、owing a football.What is the man throwing?is the boy eating?is the man driving?Where QuestionsWhere is the tree?Where is the fence?Where are the flowers?Where are the windows?The tree is next to the house.The windows are on the house.The flowers are in the baskets.The fence is in front of the house.
5、Where QuestionsThe children are at the zoo.Where areWhere isThe butterfly is on the flower.Where is the rabbit?The rabbit is in the hat. Where is the boy?The boy is in the wheelchair.the children?the butterfly?Who, What, Where QuestionsWho is bouncing the ball?What kind of ball is she bouncing?Where
6、 do you play basketball?What does she have on her feet?Who, What, Where QuestionsWho is wearing a hat?Where do you think this man works?What is he cutting?Where do you buy meat?The man is wearing a hat.The man is cutting meat.You buy meat at the grocery store.The man works at the grocery store.Pract
7、ice Question AskingWho _?What _?Where _?Where _?Practice Question AskingWho _?Where _?Who _?What _?What _?Where _?Practice Question AskingAsk 4 questions about the picture. QuestionsWhen is your birthday?My birthday is in March.I will be 13 in 2005.When will you be 13?I eat cake on my bi
8、rthday.When do you eat cake?When QuestionsWhen does Miss Katz get up?When do you come toschool?When do you eat lunch?Why QuestionsWhy is he running?He is running becauseWhy is she drinking?She is drinking becauseHe is eating because he is hungry.Why is he eating?How QuestionsHow is the boy eating his watermelon?The boy is eating his watermelon noisily. How QuestionsHow do we walk in the corridor?We walk quietly.Words that say HowHappilyQuicklySlowlySadlyQuietlyAngrilyBy BusBy MTRWhen,
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