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1、青少版新概念英语学案2A-Unit3strangenoteairporthandwritingtraining runpocketyoursstrange note mine你(们)的奇怪的便条 我的(所有物)pocket口袋,衣袋belong tohandwritingto-dolisthis 属于笔迹工作任务清单他的airport飞机场back Why on earth?回原处究竟,到底pick up接(某人)training run 长跑训练Jack: strange.Whats this in my ?It isnt .Is it ,Daisy?Thatsnotepocketminey

2、oursDaisy:No, it isnt mine. Let me see.Oh, it belongs to Paul.The handwriting is his.let+宾格代词+do Let me open the door.belong to+名词或者代词表示归属This book belongs to me.This book is mine.This is my book.his第三人称单数名词性物主代词Daisy: No, it isnt . me .Oh, it Paul.The is .mineLetseebelongstohishandwritingJack: So w

3、hy is it in my pocket?Daisy: I dont know. It looks like Pauls to-do list. Let me read it .看起来像This picture doesnt look like her at all.Jack: So is it in my ?Daisy: I dont know. It Pauls . me read it.whypocketlooksliketo-do listLetpick sb. up接人drive to开车去Jack: Hmm. Give it to me , Daisy.Yes, it is Pa

4、uls, isnt it ?给某人某物 give sth. to sb. give sb. sth.反义疑问句Jack: Hmm. it me , Daisy.Yes, it is , it ? GivetoPaulsisntDaisy:Yes, Jack. Put it back.Jack:But why on earth is it in my pocket ?究竟,到底put back放回去Daisy: Yes, Jack. it .Jack: But is it in my ?Putbackwhyonearthpocket人称代词I 我we 我们you你 you 你们 he他 she

5、她 it 它 they 他们 她们它们 人称代词I 我we 我们you你 you 你们 he他 she 她 It 它 they 他们 她们它们 我是、 你是、 她他它是I am we areyou are you areHe /she /It isI am a girl .You are a girl.He is a boy.She is a girl.It is a cat.We are girls.You are girls.They are boys.They are girls.They are cats.I am a girl .We are girls.You are a girl

6、.You are girls.He is a boy.They are boys.She is a girl.They are girls.It is a bird.They are birds.I have a computer.This is _ computer.= This computer is _ .= This computer belongs to _.myminemeJulia has a computer.This is _ computer.= This computer is _ .= This computer belongs to _.JuliasJuliasJul

7、ia 形容词性物主代词有形容词的性质,可以修饰名词,而名词性物主代词具有名词的性质。不能再用来修饰名词。 名词性质的物主代词,等于形容词性的物主代词加上他所要修饰的名词。例如: This is my bag. = This bag is mine.名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 1.Lookatthetwopencils.Theredoneisyourpencil. = Theredoneisyours. Theblueoneismypencil. = The blueoneismine.看那两支铅笔,红的是你的,蓝的是我的。2.Helikesmypen.Hedoesntlikeher

8、s.=Hedoesntlikeherpen. 他喜欢我的钢笔。不喜欢她的。 3. This schoolbag is not his. His bag is black. 这个书包不是他的。 他的书包是黑色的。 my book =minehis sweater = hisyour desks = yours our desks = ours our classroom = oursour English teacher= ourstheir English teacher = theirs her CDs =hersits milk =its形容词性物主代词+名词=名词性物主代词形容词性物主代

9、词名词性物主代词 My comb is yellow.Mine is small.Your watch is big.Yours is new.His wallet is old. His is over there.Her teapot is here.Hers is blue.mymineyouryourshishisherhers形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词ouroursyouryourstheirtheirsOur books are green.Ours are small.Yours are nice,too.Theirs are red.Your desks are big.T

10、heir presents are nice.这是我的手表。这块手表是我的。This is my watch.This watch is mine.这些是我的手表。这些手表是我的。These are my watches.These watches are mine.这是你的狗。这只狗是你的。This is your dog.This dog is yours.这些是你的狗。这些狗是你的。These are your dogs.These dogs are yours.这是他的猫。这只猫是他的。This is his cat.This cat is his.这些是他的猫。这些猫是他的。Thes

11、e are his cats.These cats are his.这是她的汉堡包。这个汉堡包是她的。This is her hamburger.This hamburger is hers.这些是她的汉堡包。这些汉堡包是她的。These are her hamburgers.These hamburgers are hers.这是我们的香蕉。这些香蕉是我们的。 These are our bananas.These bananas are ours.这是他们的汽车。这辆汽车是他们的。 This is their car.This car is theirs.13452This is watc

12、h.(A.my B.mine)my 13452yoursIs this comb ? (A.your B.yours) The skateboards are . (A.their B.theirs) 13452theirsMy hairdryer is red. is yellow. (A.Her B.Hers)13452Hers13452They are books. Yours are over there. (A. our B. ours) ourA: Is this (you) comb? B: No, its not (I ) comb . ( I )is at home. A:

13、Whose comb is it?B: Perhaps its Helens. Its (she) .A: Helen, is this comb (you)? C: Yes, its (I) comb. Thank you.A: Not at all. Fill in the blanksA: Are they (you) skateboards ? B: No, theyre not (I).A: Whose skateboards are they?B:Theyre (they) , I think.A:Are these skateboards (you)?C: Yes, theyre

14、 (we). Thank you .A: Youre welcome.Fill in the blanks形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词myyourhisherouryouryoursmineyourshishersours主格I youheshe we theirtheirsyouthey 数 单数 复数 格主格 宾格 主格宾格 第一人称 I me weus第二人称youyou you you he him theythem 第三人称she her theythem itit theythem I have these books.= These books belong to me.personal pron.-人称代词有人称、数和格的变化: 数 单数 人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 形容词性物主代词 my your his / her / its 名词性物主代词 mine yours his / hers / its 形容词性物主代词 our your their名词性物主代词 ours yours theirs 数 复数人称 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称possessive pron.-物主代词有人称、数和词性的变化:This is my book. = This book is mine.That is her bag. = That bag is he


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