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1、ContentsWhat is the GPCI?Methodology4 Executive Summary6 Comprehensive Ranking10 Function-Specific Ranking18 Actor Evaluation20 Special Article22 Special ContributionAllen J. ScottMichael Batty CBE24 DefinitionsWhat is the GPCI? 1What is the GPCI?世界都市総合力Given the global competition between cities, t

2、he Global Power City Index(GPCI) evaluates and ranks the major cities of the world according to their “magnetism,” or their comprehensive power to attract people, capital, and enterprises from around the world. It does so through measuring6 functions Economy, Research and Development, Cultural Inter

3、action, Livability, Environment, and Accessibilityproviding a multidimensional ranking.Originally formulated with input from the late Sir Peter Hall, an authority in the urban research field, and published annually since 2008, this ranking is created under the direction of the Executive Committee, c

4、omprised of various experts in different fields, while the Working Committee oversees concrete data analysis. In order to ensure the impartialityof the ranking process and results, two third- party peer reviewers validate the contents and provide suggestions for improvement.The GPCI is able to grasp

5、 the strengths, weaknesses, and challenges of global cities in a continuously changing world not only through a ranking, but also through analyzing that rankings specific components. It is hoped that in addition to this years results, the past 13 years of data will also continue to be of use to vari

6、ous stakeholders for planning urban policy and corporate strategy.世界都市総合力( Global Power City Index, GPCI )、国際的都市間競争、人企業惹“ 磁力”、都市有総合的力生出考基作成。GPCI、世界主要都市総合力経済、研究開発、文化交流、居住、環境、交通6 分野複眼的評価、順位付。2008 年毎年発表本、都市研究関世界的権威故卿最高顧問招、分野国際的第一人者構成実行委員会監修下、作業委員会具体的分析行。作成過程結果妥当性、評価検証受。GPCI、順位、構成要素分析、変世界中、各都市強弱、課題有詳細把握

7、。本年結果加、過去13 年間蓄積、今後多人都市政策企業戦略立案役立期待。Executive Committee 実行委員会ChairmanHeizo TakenakaProfessor, Toyo University Professor Emeritus, Keio UniversityChairman, Institute for Urban Strategies,The Mori Memorial Foundation委員長竹中 平蔵東洋大学 教授慶應義塾大学 名誉教授森記念財団都市戦略研究所 所長Hiroo IchikawaProfessor Emeritus, Meiji Unive

8、rsityExecutive Director, The Mori Memorial Foundation市川 宏雄明治大学 名誉教授森記念財団 理事Saskia SassenRobert S. Lynd Professor,Columbia University大学 教授Richard BenderProfessor and Dean Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley大学 校名誉教授学部長Allen J. Scott Distinguished Research Professor, University of California,

9、Los AngelesJ大学 校特別研究教授Peter NijkampResearch coordinator,Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, and Professor,AC Cuza University of Iasi大学研究大学 教授Michael Batty CBE Professor, University College LondonOriginal Principal AdvisorSir Peter Hall( 1932-2014 ) Professor, University College London創始時最高顧

10、問卿(1932-2014) 教授 教授Peer Reviewers Working Committee 作業委員会Andrs Rodrguez-PosePrincesa de Asturias Professor,London School of Economics 教授Heng Chye Kiang Provosts Chair Professor, National University of Singapore王才強国立大学 教授Principal : Hiroo IchikawaMember : Institute for Urban Strategies, The Mori Memo

11、rial Foundation Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.主査: 市川 宏雄 : 一般財団法人森記念財団 都市戦略研究所株式会社三菱総合研究所2MethodologyMethodology作成方法Function分野Indicator Group指標No.番号Indicator指標 政治経済商機Political, Economic and Business Risk13法人税率低Corporate Tax Rate12Ease of Doing Business容易性充実度Variety of Workplace Options11優秀人材確保容易

12、性Availability of Skilled Human Resources10賃金水準高Wage Level9Business Environment環境人材多Employees in Business Support Services8従業者数Total Employment7Human Capital人的集積世界500企業Worlds Top 500 Companies6証券取引所株式時価総額Stock Market Capitalization5Economic Vitality経済集積経済自由度Economic Freedom4GDP成長率GDP Growth Rate3Mark

13、et Attractiveness市場魅力1人GDPGDP per Capita2GDPNominal GDP1Market Size市場規模Economy経済数Number of Startups21主要科学技術賞受賞者数Winners of Prizes in Science and Technology20特許登録件数Number of Patents19Innovation学力高Academic Performance18留学生数Number of International Students17研究開発費Research and Development Expenditure16Re

14、search Environment研究環境世界大学Worlds Top Universities15研究者数Number of Researchers14Academic Resources研究集積R&D研究開発外国人訪問者数Number of Foreign Visitors37外国人居住者数Number of Foreign Residents36International Interaction外国人受入実績食事魅力Attractiveness of Dining Options35買物魅力Attractiveness of Shopping Options34客室数Number of

15、 Luxury Hotel Rooms33客室数Number of Hotel Rooms32Visitor Amenities受入環境数Number of Stadiums31美術館博物館数Number of Museums30劇場数Number of Theaters29Cultural Facilities文化施設充実度Nightlife Options28世界遺産近接性Proximity to World Heritage Sites27観光地充実度Tourist Attractions26Tourism Resources観光資源市場環境Art Market Environment2

16、5輸出額Cultural Content Export Value24文化開催件数Number of Cultural Events23国際件数Number of International Conferences22Trendsetting Potential発信力Cultural Interaction文化交流The GPCI evaluates its target cities in 6 urban functions and each of these functions comprises multiple indicator groups (total: 26 groups),

17、which in turn consist of several indicators. A total of 70 indicators are used in the GPCI.The average scores for each indicator within an indicator group areMethodologycombined to calculate a citys function-specific rankings, which are then totalled to determine its comprehensive ranking.The highes

18、t possible total score equals 2,600 points.3GPCI、6 分野主要要素表指標26 設定、構成指標70 選定。各指標化平均指標、合算分野別作成。総合合計2,600点満点作成。Function分野Indicator Group指標No.番号Indicator指標 Working Environment就業環境38Total Unemployment Rate完全失業率低39Total Working Hours総労働時間短40Workstyle Flexibility働方柔軟性Cost of Living居住41Housing Rent住宅賃料水準低42

19、Price Level物価水準低Security and Safety安全安心43Number of Murders殺人件数少44Economic Risk of Natural Disaster自然災害経済的少Well-Being生活良好性45Life Expectancy平均寿命46Social Freedom and Equality社会自由度平等47Risk to Mental Health水準Ease of Living生活利便性48Number of Medical Doctors医師数49ICT ReadinessICT環境充実度50Number of Retail Shops小

20、売店舗多51Number of Restaurants飲食店多Livability居住都市空間清潔Satisfaction with Urban Cleanliness60緑地充実度Urban Greenery59水質良好性Water Quality58Urban Environment都市環境気温快適性Comfort Level of Temperature57空気Air Quality561人CO2排出量少CO2 Emissions per Capita55Air Quality and Comfort空気環境率Waste Recycle Rate54再生可能比率Renewable Ene

21、rgy Rate53環境取組Commitment to Climate Action52Sustainability持続可能性Environment環境自転車移動Ease of Mobility by Taxi or Bicycle70渋滞少Traffic Congestion69通勤通学時間短Commuting Time68Transport Comfortability移動快適性空港時間短Travel Time to Airports67公共交通機関利用率Public Transportation Use66駅密度Station Density65Inner-City Transporta

22、tion都市内交通発着回数Number of Arrivals and Departures at the Airport64国内国際線旅客数Number of Air Passengers63Air Transport Capacity航空国際貨物流通規模International Freight Flows62国際線直行便就航都市数Cities with Direct International Flights61International Network国際Accessibility交通Changes to indicators in GPCI-2020 | GPCI-2020 指標変更

23、(21) Number of Startups was changed from Startup Environment. 数環境変更。CO2 Emissions per Capita was changed from CO2 Emissions. 1 人 CO 排出量少CO 排出量少変更。Air Quality was changed from SPM Density. 空気SPM 濃度低変更。(60) Comfort Level of Temperature was changed from SO2 and NO2 Density. 気温快適性SONO 濃度低差替。(60) Satisfa

24、ction with Urban Cleanliness was newly introduced. 都市空間清潔新規追加。(64) Number of Arrivals and Departures was changed from Number of Runways. 発着回数滑走路本数変更。(70) Ease of Mobility by Taxi or Bicycle was changed from Taxi Fare. 自転車移動運賃安変更。4Executive SummaryExecutive SummaryLondon1結果概要212141Amsterdam6101285192

25、0126271629Seoul128 Brussels32 Helsinki17183931 Dublin 22 Stockholm19 Copenhagen16 Vienna15323 FrankfurtBerlin7111530 Moscow48Shanghai101113 Madrid21 Barcelona20 Zurich39 Milan29 Geneva34 Istanbul41 Tel Aviv15 Beijing4219343 Fukuoka33 Osaka1721146 Cairo17 Dubai48 Mumbai3735 Bangkok37 Taipei610925344

26、Paris38 Kuala Lumpur545 Jakarta2920389 Hong Kong81047 JohannesburgAlthough the 3 top-ranking cities kept their positions from last year, whencomparing the fluctuation in deviation scores (seen on pg. 9), London (#1) and New York (#2) were seen to pull away from Tokyo and Paris. Berlin (#7) increases

27、 its scores in Economy, Livability, and Environment, taking Seouls position from last year. Shanghai was the only new entrant into the top 10 cities as it improved its scores across 5 functions, rising dramatically in its ranking.3 都市順位変動、偏差値変動( 9 参照)比較位、2 位東京引離結果。7 位経済居住、環境分野伸、入替順位上。10 都市中昨年唯一顔触変上海

28、、 5 分野伸、大躍進。135345 SingaporeLondonThis years results saw London maintain its first-place position for the 9th consecutive year, while creating a large distance between other cities in terms of deviation score. Aside from Environment, London is placed in the top 10 for all functions, and is especiall

29、y strong in Accessibility where in addition to holding on to the top spot in two indicators, the city also improved its score from last year in four indicators, ranking first in Accessibility. Despite the gap between #2 New York extending further in Economy, London boasts a stable comprehensive stre

30、ngth at the top of Cultural Interaction.9 年連続位、今年偏差値他都市大引離結果。環境除全分野10 入、特交通2 指標1位維持加、4 指標昨年伸首位。 2 位経済、位差広、総合力、文化交流筆頭安定強誇。11 Sydney14 MelbourneNew YorkNew York was once again dominant in Economy this year, increasing its scores in Total Employment and Employees in Business Support Services, as well a

31、s reaching #1 in Variety of Workplace Options. Though the city maintained its top ranks in Research & Development and Cultural Interaction, its scores in Ease of Mobility by Taxi or Bicycle and Traffic Congestion fell, causing it to hand over the #3 position in Accessibility to Shanghai.今年経済強、従業者数人材

32、多伸、充実度順位位上。研究開発、文化交流上位維持一方、交通分野自転車移動渋滞少評価下順位落、位座上海譲結果。Executive Summary 5Accessibility交通Environment環境Economy経済Livability居住R&D研究開発Cultural Interaction文化交流Comprehensive Ranking総合London 1New York 2Tokyo 3Paris 4Singapore 5Amsterdam 6Berlin 7Seoul 8Tokyo326 Vancouver47324 San Francisco18 Toronto25 Chica

33、go*The graph shows deviation*形偏差値表27 BostonHong Kong 9Shanghai 10Sydney 11Los Angeles 12Madrid 13Melbourne 14Beijing 15Vienna 16Dubai 17Toronto 18Copenhagen 19Zurich 20Barcelona 21184123 Tokyo12 Los Angeles44 Mexico City36 Washington, DCNew York21412223342 Sao Paulo40 Buenos AiresStockholm 22Frankfu

34、rt 23San Francisco 24Chicago 25Vancouver 26Boston 27Brussels 28Geneva 29Moscow 30Dublin 31Helsinki 32Osaka 33Istanbul 34Bangkok 35Washington, DC 36Taipei 37Kuala Lumpur 38Milan 39Buenos Aires 40Tel Aviv 41Sao Paulo 42Fukuoka 43Mexico City 44Jakarta 45Cairo 46Johannesburg 47Mumbai 48Preserving its #3

35、 rank, Tokyo continued to display its consistent strengths in all functions while also raising its rank in Environment and Accessibility. Due to a drop in scores for Workstyle Flexibility and Social Freedom and Equality, Livability was the only function where the citys rank fell. In Research and Dev

36、elopment, in which Tokyo maintained a # 3 position, the citys rank in Academic Performance fell, though it was able to obtain a high ranking in Number of Startups.総合位維持東京、昨年引続全分野安定強、環境交通順位上。唯一順位落居住、働方柔軟性社会自由度平等落要因。一方、 3 位維持研究開発、学力高順位落、数高順位得。Criteria for Selecting CitiesCities found in the top 20 of

37、existing influential city rankingsMajor cities of countries found in the top 20 of existing influential international competitiveness rankingsCities which do not meet the above criteria but were deemed appropriate for inclusion by the GPCI Executive CommitteeHowever, some cities match one or more of

38、 the above criteria but are not evaluated in the GPCI as necessary data are not available.都市選定基準既存有力都市比較上位20 位入都市有力国際競争力競争力上位20 位入国主要都市本作成実行委員会対象都市取上適切判断都市、上記基準満、入手困難対象都市含都市。6Comprehensive RankingComprehensive Ranking総合Among the top 5 cities holding their positions, London (#1) and New York (#2) are

39、 once again enhancing their comprehensive power. However, moving forward the COVID-19 pandemic will cast a largeshadow over the state of the worlds cities.順位堅持上位5都市中、再総合力高首位2位。、新型感染症今後世界都市行方大影落。The composition of the top 5 cities remain unchanged since GPCI 2016, with London, New York, Tokyo, Paris,

40、 and Singapore filling out the ranks. However, when looking at the deviation value over the past 5 years, London and New York have shown a marked uptrend, while Tokyo, Paris, and Singapore have displayed a downtrend, with the gap between the two groups widening. Shifting focus to the other top 10 ci

41、ties, Berlin extended its scores in Livability and jumped over Seoul to rank #7. Additionally, Shanghai improves its score in all functions aside from Research and Development, greatly lifting its comprehensive score and overtaking Sydney to enter the top10 for the first time.Looking back at world c

42、onditions in 2020, there is no doubt that the most serious event was the spread of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and its subsequent labeling by the WHO in March as a global pandemic. Not only did COVID-19 bring about numerous effects to cities economic networks and lifestyles through such measure

43、s as lockdowns, travel prohibitions, and movement restrictions, several major international events such as the Tokyo Olympics and the Dubai World Expo, have been postponed or canceled.In response to the transition toward online- based working styles due to COVID-19, internet transmission speeds were

44、 added to the definition of Variety of Workplace Options in the GPCI 2020. This resulted in Asian cities such as Hong Kong, Singapore, and Bangkok significantly rising in rank. On the other hand, as the Olympics and World Expo were both cancelled, Tokyo and Dubai did not see an increase in internati

45、onal cultural events and were thus unable to increase their scores inNumber of Cultural Events. It is expected that from 2021, several indicators, starting with Number of Foreign Visitors and Number of International Conferences, will begin to show the effects of COVID-19.上位5 都市GPCI 2016 変化、今年、東京、順。、

46、過去5 年間偏差値推移、( 1位)( 2 位)上昇傾向、東京、下落傾向、上位2 都市差拡大。10 他都市目向、居住伸、抜7 位。、上海研究開発除5 分野上総合大伸、抜初10 入。2020 年世界情勢振返、最大出来事、3 月WHO 認識表明新型(以下、COVID- 19 )世界的大流行疑余地。COVID- 19 、都市封鎖渡航禁止、移動制限、世界中都市経済大影響、東京五輪国際博覧会(万博)、国際的大次延期中止追込。GPCI 2020 、COVID- 19 中心働方変容考慮、通信充実度定義含。結果、香港、都市本指標順位大上。一方、五輪万博延期、東京世界的文化増加、文化開催件数伸。 GPCI 202

47、1以降、外国人訪問者数国際件数様指標、 COVID-19 影響受見込。Comprehensive Ranking 7Comprehensive Ranking 総合Numbers in are ranks and scores from the GPCI-2019 内数値GPCI-2019 順位London 1New York 2Tokyo 3Paris 4Singapore 5Amsterdam 6Berlin 7Seoul 8Hong Kong 9Shanghai 10Sydney 11Los Angeles 12Madrid 13Melbourne 14Beijing 15Vienna

48、16Dubai 17Toronto 18Copenhagen 19Zurich 20Barcelona 21Stockholm 22Frankfurt 23San Francisco 24Chicago 25Vancouver 26Boston 27Brussels 28Geneva 29Moscow 30Dublin 31Helsinki 32Osaka 33Istanbul 34Bangkok 35Washington, DC 36Taipei 37Kuala Lumpur 38Milan 39Buenos Aires 401661.1 1 (1669.1)1514.9 2 (1543.2

49、)1386.5 3 (1422.2)1325.4 4 (1387.7)1262.1 5 (1262.9)1187.4 6 (1236.0)1185.4 8 (1201.7)1163.1 7 (1205.6)1149.7 9 (1170.4)1108.9 30 (1023.2)1101.7 10 (1162.9)1099.0 12 (1130.3)1097.0 13 (1125.0)1092.0 11 (1162.1)1091.9 24 (1050.9)1085.0 21 (1085.9)1084.9 19 (1091.6)1082.1 16 (1113.2)1080.5 20 (1087.4)

50、1073.5 15 (1117.3)1072.3 22 (1076.8)1050.0 14 (0000.0)1043.0 17 (1100.9)1040.1 18 (1099.3)1013.7 26 (1046.1)1007.6 23 (1055.9)1005.2 25 (1047.7)993.4 27 (1044.3)964.9 34 (986.3)963.0 32 (1018.6)962.3 33 (1016.3)958.7 28 (1025.0)954.0 29 (1024.5)951.1 37 (951.9)945.9 40 (909.3)936.3 31 (1022.6)934.1

51、39 (917.9)927.0 35 (981.8)922.0 36 (980.5)861.2 41 (874.6)Tel Aviv 41Sao Paulo 42Fukuoka 43Mexico City 44Jakarta 45Cairo 46Johannesburg 47Mumbai 48856.7 38 (931.9)846.4 43 (852.0)834.0 42 (870.3)788.9 44 (807.6)737.3 45 (720.1)657.4 46 (648.5)618.1 47 (630.2)612.6 48 (605.1)Economy経済R&D研究開発Cultural

52、Interaction文化交流Livability居住Environment環境Accessibility交通8Comprehensive RankingRank Fluctuation 総合順位変動GPCI- 2011123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748GPCI- 2012GPCI- 2013GPCI- 2014GPCI- 2015GPCI- 2016GPCI- 2017GPCI- 2018GPCI- 2019GPCI- 2020London New Yo

53、rk Tokyo Paris Singapore Amsterdam Berlin Seoul Hong Kong Shanghai SydneyLos Angeles Madrid Melbourne Beijing Vienna Dubai Toronto Copenhagen Zurich Barcelona Stockholm FrankfurtSan Francisco Chicago Vancouver Boston Brussels Geneva Moscow Dublin Helsinki Osaka Istanbul BangkokWashington, DC TaipeiK

54、uala Lumpur MilanBuenos Aires Tel AvivSao Paulo Fukuoka Mexico City Jakarta CairoJohannesburg MumbaiComprehensive Ranking 9Score Deviation Fluctuation 総合偏差値変動GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-GPCI-2011201220132014201520162017201820192020902020/12020/3WHO classifiesCOVID-19 as a pandemicWH

55、O 新型表明London New York Tokyo Paris Singapore2012/72016/6EU Membership ReferendumEU離脱国民投票UK withdraw from the EU英国 EU離脱AmsterdamBerlin80London Olympic Games 五輪開催2012/10Hurricane Sandy2020/32020 TokyoSeoul Hong Kong Shanghai SydneyLos Angeles Madrid702011/3Great East Japan Earthquake2013/92015/11Paris

56、Terrorist Attacks同時多発2015/11COP21 (Paris Agreement)COP21(協定)Olympic Games postponed 2020年東京五輪延期Melbourne Beijing Vienna東日本大震災6050403020Tokyo wins bid to host 2020 Olympic Games2020年東京五輪決定2017/9Paris wins bid to host 2024 Olympic Games 2024年五輪決定2018/6North Korea United States Summit米朝首脳会談Dubai Toront

57、o Copenhagen Zurich Barcelona Stockholm FrankfurtSan Francisco Chicago Vancouver Boston Brussels Geneva Moscow Dublin Helsinki Osaka Istanbul BangkokWashington, DC TaipeiKuala Lumpur MilanBuenos Aires Tel AvivSao Paulo Fukuoka Mexico City Jakarta CairoJohannesburg Mumbai10Function-Specific RankingFu

58、nction-Specific Ranking分野別Amidst the turbulent world of these early 2020s, the roles played by cities, as well as the perspectives of evaluation, continue to change as work styles and lifestyles diversify.2020年代入激動世中、働方暮方多様化、都市担役割評価目線変続。In the Economy function, Shanghai ranks at #11 moving up from #

59、16 last year by growing the score of Variety of Workplace Options, for which the definition includes fixed broadband speeds this year in consideration of the popularization of working from home or remote working. In Livability, Amsterdam overtook Paris and ranks up at #1 while Vienna and Zurich impr

60、oved their ranks highly with the strength in Workstyle Flexibility. Stockholm achieves #1 in Environment function with high scores in Commitment to Climate Action and Satisfaction with Urban Cleanliness that isadded newly this year.済分野、上海昨年16 位大順位伸11位高評価得経。在宅勤務普及考慮定義変更充実度伸主要因。居住分野、昨年代位、働方柔軟性強都市大順位伸。


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