



1、An English writing class!(Period One) 2013-12-6Shaoxing Chang an Experimental SchoolZhao QinTeaching objectivesAfter this lesson, students will be able tounderstand how to use the action verbs in third person singular correctly.timprove their speaking and writing skills.Importance and difficultiesSh

2、e likes apples and vegetables. She thinks they are healthy.But she doesn t like hamburgers. She thinks they are unhealthyHe has a ping-pong ball and two badmintons. But he does tnhave a baseball.She eats well.I miss you very much.Teaching proceduresStep1: Warming-upGreet each other between the teach

3、er and the students.T: Nice to meet you, boys and girls! Look, here are so many teachers here. Lets welcome them. Im happy to be with you! Are you happy to be with me? Happy to hear that. So lets begin our class with a chant as usual, OK?(设计意图:通过师生间的问候交流,既联络了师生间的感情,为课堂的顺利开展铺垫好感情基础,又复习了前面学习的语言知识。)Ste

4、p2: PresentationAfter chanting, who can tell me what we are going to talk about?Today, let s talk about our new friends. At first, let me tell you my new friend,Zhu Jin. She likes fruits and vegetables, and other healthy food. Please guess what food she likes?(设计意图:通过猜喜欢的食物,并利用头脑风暴的形式,激起学生的课堂参与热情,很好

5、 滴做好了以旧带新,巩固了原有的词汇量,并不断的激发出新的词汇,如:西瓜、柠檬和茄子等名称。)Step3: PracticeLet the students say the sentences after the teacher on the blackboard.Give the students two minutes to prepare the sentence of their friend.sLet the students say their friends favorite food. Like:She likes ,and .She thinks they are .But

6、she doesn t like ,or .She thinks they are .(设计意图:由教师先领着学生说一遍,然后由学生选择自己朋友的爱好说一说。这个过程看似简单,其实意义重大。教师的领其实是搭建给学生的支架,学生自己的说其实是学习了支架之后的自由发挥。)Step4: PresentationT: In a word, many friends like healthy food. Because they want to be healthy. At the same time, my friend loves sports. She has some sports things

7、. Please guess, what sports things does she have?( 设计意图:仍然用头脑风暴激活学生的背景知识,给接下去的说和写朋友的爱好做好充分的铺垫,对整体的课堂设计进行统筹安排。)Step5: PracticeLet the students say the sentences after the teacher on the blackboard.Give the students two minutes to prepare the sentence of their friend.sLet the students say their friend

8、s favorite food. Like:She has- -, . and .But she doesn t have , or .( 设计意图:教师从搭建支架到放手让学生自由会话,给学生提供了充分的锻炼的机会。)Step6: Fast readingT: Great. Claps. We have talked much about our new friends. Let s write e-mails to our old friends. Let our old friends know our new friends. OK?Let s read quickly. Circle

9、the action verbs in third person singular.( 设计意图:通过圈第三人称单数的行为动词的方式,来检验学生是否掌握了行为动词的三单形式。在此过程中,如若发现了问题,再进一步加以纠正,多一次机会进行巩固。)Step7: Careful readingGood job. Let s read again. Underline the good phrases and good sentences. TOC o 1-5 h z ( 设计意图:让学生自由发挥,说一说他们心目中的好词好句,没有统一的标准。)Step8: CheckCheck the answers.

10、Let s the students read the good phrases and good sentences together.( 设计意图:教给学生正确的审美,如若不是至少也给学生一个机会来享受美,欣赏美。)Step9: WriteT: Let s use the good phrases and good sentences to write e-mails to our old friends.Write it about 60 words.( 设计意图:学以致用,同时也检测学习的效果。)Step9: CheckLet the students check by themselves after finishing writing.Let all the students check together.T: Circle the mistakes and underline the good phrases and good sentences.Ste


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