C2创造真实学习情境作业2—方案设计:高中英语Working the Land.要求基于作业1中的工具软件平台设计学习方案突出学生真实学习体验方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具软件平台的使用策略等内容_第1页
C2创造真实学习情境作业2—方案设计:高中英语Working the Land.要求基于作业1中的工具软件平台设计学习方案突出学生真实学习体验方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具软件平台的使用策略等内容_第2页
C2创造真实学习情境作业2—方案设计:高中英语Working the Land.要求基于作业1中的工具软件平台设计学习方案突出学生真实学习体验方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具软件平台的使用策略等内容_第3页
C2创造真实学习情境作业2—方案设计:高中英语Working the Land.要求基于作业1中的工具软件平台设计学习方案突出学生真实学习体验方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具软件平台的使用策略等内容_第4页
C2创造真实学习情境作业2—方案设计:高中英语Working the Land.要求基于作业1中的工具软件平台设计学习方案突出学生真实学习体验方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具软件平台的使用策略等内容_第5页
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1、 C2创造真实学习情境作业2方案设计要求: 基于作业1中的工具/软件/平台设计学习方案,突出学生真实学习体验。方案需包括主题、面向对象、目标、任务、过程、评价、工具/软件/平台的使用策略等内容。创造真实学习情境Working the Land方案设计一、主题本单元阅读文本话题是袁隆平和他的创新性农业研究成果。通过介绍袁隆平的成就与梦想,特别是他从事农业研究的初衷,引导学生认识农业创新对缓解世界饥饿问题的重要意义,与此同时,启发学生树立崇高的理想,执着地追求梦想。本文是一篇人物介绍。全文六个段落呈现了人物介绍类文本常见的内容结构:身份简介(第一段)核心事件(第二、三段)影响力(第四段)人物评价(

2、第五、六段)。本文以标题“A Pioneer for All People”为统领,以袁隆平研发杂交水稻这个事件为核心,描述了他从事农业研究的初衷、为消除饥饿问题所做的努力、贡献及影响,赞扬了这位“全人类的先驱”的悲悯之心、使命感、创新能力、淳朴品质和追梦精神。二、面向对象1. 情感特点 高中学生思想刚开始成熟,他们希望通过自己的努力或与伙伴的合作去解决很多事情,不希望老师满堂灌。课堂上发言积极,具有勇于表现自我,不怕失败的精神。因此,在实际的教学中,要充分满足学生求知欲强的特点,利用网络资源,采用多媒体教学,让他们自主合作学习,让他们真正成为课堂的主人,让他们以饱满的热情投入到课堂学习中去。

3、. 已有知识方法经验学生处于知识积累,前后知识衔接,培养良好的学习习惯的关键时期。经过一年多系统的英语学习,具备了一定的基础和听说能力,正逐步向读,写过渡,通过一年多新课程理念的熏陶和实践,有了初步自主合作,分析归纳的能力。大部分学生对英语有一定的兴趣,但由于知识的逐渐加深,有少数学生对这门学科产生了厌学心理,消除学生厌学情绪,激发学习兴趣显得至关重要。. 学习本课存在的困难本课内容与农业有关,但是现在的学生对农业真正了解的不多。所以在课堂问题设计尽量避免用wh-类需要具体陈述的问题,可用图、表之类的形式来提供信息。在课堂过程中,要完成部分归纳性或者总结性任务的时候,部分学生会有困难。因为很多

4、学生的学习方法还是比较机械,不会很好地运用自己的语言来表达,只会机械地照着课文读。这就更加需要教师组织学生在小组内交流、合作,借鉴别人的方法,最终完成任务。三、目标1. Target Language知识目标a. 词汇和短语Sunburnt, struggle, decade, super, output, crop, hunger, disturbing, expand, Vietman, circulate, satisfied, freedomb. 重点句子Thanks to his research, the UN has more tools in the battle to rid

5、 the world of hunger.2. Ability goals 能力目标Enable Ss to learn more about agriculture, countryside and farming. By talking they can exchange their experience with each other. By reading they will realize the role that agriculture plays in human life. In fact this world faces a serious problemstarvatio

6、n. So after reading the passage about Dr Yuan students will know the importance of his achievement to man. Of course they will learn from Dr Yuan some noble character.四、任务采用任务型教学方法进行自主学习、同伴讨论、和 Roleplaying的学习策略,利用教学图片、PPT课件、教学视频等来展开课堂学习。文本多处运用了对比的写作手法来突显袁隆平的品格和特质。在强调杂交水稻的影响力时,则主要运用了列数据的手法。让学生分析文本的写作

7、手法,能提高学生运用写作技巧表达意图的意识和能力。此外,可引导学生关注第五段首句在内容上的承上启下作用,以及第六段首句作为段落主题句的作用。让学生对句子的作用进行分析,能增强学生对段落架构技巧的感知。1. 语音教学:让学生能在朗读或对话中正确使用连读。2. 词汇教学:采取图片、PPT呈现进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义,并学会运用。3. 口语教学:采取pair work问答式的口语交际活动和小组活动互相操练。4. 听力教学:根据听到内容的先后排序,听后回答问题等方式。5. 写作教学:以填词、回答问题、写简单的短文为主。五、过程Step 1 Greeting and leading inL

8、ook at the pictures on the screen and answer the questions:1. What are the people doing?2. Can you tell me something about rice?3. Who is the man in the photo?4.What do you know about the man? What else do you want to know about him?Step 2 Warming up1.Discussion: (group work)Have you ever grown any

9、plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it?Step 3 Pre-readingThe purpose of this step is to let students know the importance of rice. By answering the two questions, students can easily understand why we call Dr Yuan Longping

10、a pioneer for all people, and why he devotes all his life to the rice research.1.What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat?2. If you had the chance to do one thing to help end famine in the world, what would you do? Step 4 Fast ReadingThe purpose of fast reading is

11、 to let students find some useful information, and get familiar with the text. So in this step, some questions are designed for students, so that they can easily find the answers and finish the reading task.1. What does Dr Yuan look like?2. Whats his achievement?3. What do you think of him?Step 5 Ca

12、reful Reading and Explanation1.Give students 3 minutes to read and find the main idea of the text. While students are doing this, show the chart on the screen. After they have finished their task, ask them to look at the screen and fill in it.Show the chart on the screen.A PIONEER FOR ALL PEOPLE1) H

13、e wants everyone to call him a farmer.2) His biography.3) His personality.4) His dreams.2.language points:1)“for thats how he regards himself”.“how he regards himself”, means how he thinks of himself. It refers to a persons self-image .2) “has more, rather than fewer troubles.”?while “ has more, rat

14、her than fewer troubles” means that you expect fewer troubles but in face you get more than you thought you would.3) struggle v to make great effortse.g. They have struggled for years to free their country from the enemy.Im struggling to finish the huge helping you gave me.4)sunburnt adj sun-tannede

15、.g. His sunburnt skin looks healthy.5)super adj (infml) excellent; splendide.g. Youll like her, shes super.You look super in your new clothes.It was super of you to help.6) expand v(cause sth to) become greater in size, number or importancee.g. Metals expand when they are heated.Why not try to expan

16、d your story into a novel?7)circulate v(cause sth to) pass from one person, place, etc to anothere.g. People who circulate false news are to be blamed.Yet reports of this kind have been circulated by our newspapers.The news of the enemys defeat quickly circulated round the town.7) equip vsupply sb/s

17、th (with what is needed, for a particular purpose)e.g. Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.They cant afford to equip their army properly.Please equip yourself with sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.9)export vsend(goods) to another country for salee.g. India exports tea and cotton to many d

18、ifferent countries.This company has a large home market but doesnt export.10) ridof make sb/sth free from(sb/sth unpleasant)e.g. We all wish that we would rid the world of famine.The farmer recently tried to rid the house of rats.11) lead a life, live a lifee.g. Now we are leading a happy life.In th

19、e old days farmers led a terrible life in the country.12) be satisfied with, be content withe.g. The young lady isnt satisfied with the peaceful life.Are you satisfied with his answers?13) would rather, prefer toe.g. Id rather walk than take a bus.Id rather you knew that now, than afterwards.Step 6

20、Listening and Post-reading1. At first, let students listen to the tape, and then finish the exercise in Comprehending. In Step IV and V, we have involved some questions in Exercise 3, so teachers can choose some questions to do. For Exx 1 and 2, teachers can leave some time for students to finish an

21、d then check the answers with the whole class.2. Retell the textYuan Longping, born in a poor family, saw the great need for( increasing) the rice (output_) when he was young. He has (struggled ) for the past five (decades) to grow (super) hybrid rice. (Thanks to) his research, the UN has more tools

22、 in the (battle) to (rid) the globe (of) hunger. Dr Yuan is quite (satisfied) with his life. Though he is famous, he cares little about money and fame. (Therefore) he gives millions of yuan to (equip) others for their research in (agriculture).六、评价1、这节课借助信息技术手段创造真实学习情境,让学生通过解决问题来获取知识、提升能力与综合素养,强调对所学知识、技能的实际运用,注重学习的过程和学生的实践与体验。评价的要求在于全面考察学生的学习情况,激励学生的学习热情,促进学生全面发展。评价的功能要让学生在评价中得到教育、改进和提高,增强自信,不但要促进学习上的进步,而且要推动人的潜能的开发。2、新课


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