1、岩土工程专业英语Fossil 化石石灰岩 limestone石英 quartz管涌 pi大 地 工 程engineering反分析法 back数 值 岩 土 力 geomechanics变形 deformation变形模量 modulus of deformation泊松比 Poissons ratio割线模量 secant modulus剪胀 dilaion蠕变 creep塑性变形 plastic deformation弹性变形 elastic deformation有效应力 effective stress最终沉降 final settlementgeotechnicalysis meth
2、od学numerical土力学soil mechanics岩土工程 geotechnical engineering应力路径 stress path层理 beding地质年代 geological age断层 fault Normal,reverse巴 隆 固 结 理 论consolidation theoryBarrons次固结 secondary consolidation固结 consolidation残余强度 residual strength 长期强度 long-term strength单轴抗拉强度 uniaxial ten test峰值强度 peak strength抗剪强度 s
3、hear strength断裂构造 fracture花岗岩 granite 滑坡 landslide 节理 jo喀斯特 Karst泥石流 mud flow,砂岩 sandstone 岩爆 rock burst 岩层产状 attitudestructure摩 尔 theory内 摩 擦 角 friction 粘聚力 cohe理 论 Mohr-Coulombdebris flowangle ofernalof rock极限平衡状态 s equilibriume of limit岩石构造 structure of rock岩石结构 texture of rock 岩体 rock mass页岩 sha
4、le云母 mica褶皱 fold, folding饱和土 saturated soil非饱和土 unsaturated soil膨胀土 expansive soil, swelling soil碎石土 stone, break stone, broken stone, channery, chat, crushed stone, deritus未压密土(台) underconsolidated clay伊利土 illite原状土 undisturbed soil不 均 匀 系 数coefficient of荷载 critical edge prere土压力 passive earth prer
5、e土压力 earth prere at rest主动土压力 active earth prere普法 Bishop method条分法 slice method土坡 slope挡土墙 retaining wall重力式挡土墙 gravity retaining wall板桩结构 sheet pile structure锚固技术 anchoring管涌 pi基底附加应力 net foundation prere抗滑桩 anti-slid摩擦桩 friction pileleuniformity, coefficient干重度 dry unit weightuniformity群桩效应 effic
6、iency of pile groups复合地基 comite foundation桩土应力比 stress ratio烈度 earthquakeensity塑性指数 plasticity index含水量 water content, moisture content定律 Darcys law不 固 结 不 排水 试 验unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test塑限试验 plastic limit test液 限 试 验liquid limit test板剪切试验 vane shear test现场渗透试验 field permeability渗流 seep
7、age渗透力 seepage force渗透性 permeabilitytestsoil test原位试验 in-situ应力分析的有限元方法fire in rock 岩石中的裂纹,岩石中的裂缝fractures of rock 岩石断裂,岩石裂缝Friction 摩擦岩石力专业词汇anchored cables锚索forin cables锚索中的力An-isotropy非均质性各向异性,有向性,angle of Friction hardness of rocks horizontal stress hydrosic pre in situ tests and场试验与测量摩擦角 岩石的硬度水
8、平应力re 静水压力measurements 现line 背斜向斜(syncline )arch dams 拱坝arch gravity dams 重力拱坝,拱形重力坝Austrian method 奥地利施工法 NATM ( New Austrian Tunnelling Method) 新奥法 for tunnel lining 奥地利隧道支ernationalSocietyofrock,国mechanics国际岩石力学际岩石力学学会jack 千斤顶 jooe of dam 位于坝趾的千斤顶节理Basalt Bedding Biotite玄jos黑云母层理strength of 节理强度J
9、urassic rock 侏罗纪岩石 Laplace equation Macrofractures宏观裂纹 Marble 大理石Bolts (同 rock bolts) 锚杆bore holes 钻孔brittle fracture of rock 岩石脆性破坏,岩石脆性断裂Calcite方程Microfractures断裂微观破坏,、微观classification of rocks类岩石分mining engineering采矿工程modulus of elasticity ( Young modulus)弹性模量(杨氏模量) Mohr circlemoment, 力矩 Mudstone
10、 泥岩 Openings 峒室,巷道circular 圆形巷道,圆形峒室rock slides Sandstones岩石滑动,岩石滑移砂岩Strain-stress curves曲线应力-应变Cobble大卵石collapse of tunnel roof or wall道冒顶或片帮Concrete 混凝土隧Darcys law for 律岩石渗水定contour diagrams 等高线图,轮廓线图permeability factor K 渗透性系数 Phyllite 千枚岩,硬绿泥岩 physical properties of rock 岩石的物理性质plastic deformati
11、on of rock 岩石的塑性变形convergence敛unnels 隧道中的收Coulomb(Coulomb-Mohr)law of shear(-)剪应力定律或准则crushing of rock masses round tunnelsdam foundations 坝基础 density of rock岩石密度 Displacements 位移 dynamic tests动态试验 effective stress 有效应力岩石破碎Poissons ratio 泊松比p的or岩e prere 孔隙压力隧道周er sions电站pulvino(prere distributionsla
12、b)压力分布板rock quality designation 岩石质量指标Quartz 石英rate of loading 加载率relaxation of rock masses 岩体的松弛rock bolting 岩石锚杆,岩石锚杆支护safety factor 安全系数scale effect 尺寸效应seismic wave tests on rock; on dam site 岩石的,坝址的波试验failure of rock 岩石破坏,岩石断裂 brittle failure, shear failure, tensile failure, visco-plastic failu
13、re 脆性破坏,剪切破坏,拉伸破坏,粘-塑形破坏progressive failure of rock mass岩体的渐进破坏finite element method(f. e. m.)of numerical stressysis 岩石shear stress 剪应力 Shotcrete 喷射混凝土 Slope 斜坡,边坡 stability of 边坡稳定性 sonic waves 声波Steel 钢,钢材arches of 钢拱形支架 Survey 测量 geological 地质测量geophysical 地球物理测量 tensile strength 抗拉强度一:单词翻译tenjo
14、张节理,受拉接头triaxial compres试验test 三轴压缩Tunnels 隧道,巷道 lining of 隧道支护 vertical stress 垂直应力 void ratio 空隙比volumetric strain-stress curve 体积应变-应力曲线watrere 水压water table 水位,水位烈度 earthquakeensity37.IAEG(ernational assotion38.ISRM(ernational Societv ofof Civil Engineers) 土木工程师学 会 40.lines 背斜 环境与土木:College二.简答或
15、填空 1.三大检索 EI(工程索引)录)SCI(科学引文索引) ISTP(科技会议压缩法、混成法符号母象2.岩石边坡破坏类型四大类planar failure 极限平衡分析(平面型)形法法由相互独立的两个或过对词根加上各种前缀或后缀来wedge failure投影法roional 条分法(圆弧型)新词得到新词派生法通的词of Enviroment and Civil Engineering(Chengdu University of Technology )41.synclines 向 斜 42.normal 正断层 43.reverse 逆断层 44.left-lateral 平移断层Rec
16、onstructive Microsurgery,Australia) 国际岩 石力学学会39. ASCE(The American Societystrain-stresiv 应力-应变活动 seepage 渗 透 cohe内聚力the texture and structure 结构和构造consolidation 固结angle of meternal friction 内摩擦角 geotechnical engineering 岩土工程beding 层理 fault 断层 jo节理 11.fold 褶皱12.landslide 滑坡 13.sandstone 砂岩14.illite伊利
17、土15.Darcys law 定律16.saturated soid饱和土17.effective stress 有 效 应 力 18.secondary consolidation 次固结19.granite 花岗岩20.basalt 玄21.marble 大理岩22. passive earth pre re土压力 23.earth prere at rest土压力24.active earth prere 主动土压力25.NATM 新奥法 26.RQD 岩石质量系数27.moment力矩28.quaritz 石英 29.voidvatio空隙比 30.couples 力偶31.failu
18、re 破坏32.soil texture 土 壤 33.lining 支衬34.bolts 锚钉 35.cable 锚索 36.pile 桩of engineering geology) 国际工程地质学会翻译过程一般经过三个阶段: 理解、表达、校对abuildingprojectof high-riseapartmenthouses公寓大楼的建筑项目one of the common defects in tunnel maenance隧道养护中普遍存在之一toppling 数值计算3.岩土工程三门专业基础课地质 engineering geologybefore beinglified 省
19、略 句 使 用 频 繁 If it is sible, the open-loop control工程岩石力学 rock mechanics土力学 oil mechanics4.摘要四大部分性摘要(informative abstract)approach should be usedhis thesystem.Ifsible,open-loop control approach shouldbe usedhis system.(2) 指 示 性 摘 要 (indicative abstract)- 指示性摘要 (informative- indicative abstract)背景信息,目的
20、陈述 what I wantIt 句型和祈使句使用频繁复杂长句使用频繁 I s been mentioned above t the electrons in a metal are able to move freely through the metal, t their motion constitutes anto do? it方法论和语法 how研究结果/发现 what results didelectric currenthe metal andI get ands can I draw? t they play an important part in conduction of
21、 heat.后置形容词短语作定语多(of)省略句使用频繁带来的启示/结论 what isand original this pr5. 岩土工程专业英语特点客观性(Objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练性(conciseness)As already discussed 前已so 倘若如此If 广 泛 使 用 mathematics is used different fields,语 态 in manyAs previously mentioned 前已提到 When needed (ne sary, feasible)必要时Where feasible 在实际可行的场合Whe
22、re sible 在可能的情况下People use mathematics different fields,any 广泛使用非谓语形式 Thesignal should be filtered before it islified.The signal should be filtered Ifsible (nesary)如果可能(必要)As explained before 前已解释As described above 如上所示6. 地层产状要素strike()根据静力学原理,使梁保持平直的力必定等于将其压弯的荷载 4.about one third of all accidents h
23、appen when it is dark ,although obriously there is more traffic during daytime大约三分之一的事故发生在黑夜,尽dip(倾角)dip direction(倾向)7. 岩石圈的演化过程igneousrock(岩浆岩)metamorphic(变质岩)sedimentary(沉积岩)三,句子翻译1.a building project of high-rise apartment house.公寓大楼的建筑项目2.one of the common defects in tunnel maenance管明显有天的交通事故发生
24、在白5.such construction procedure can increase producticity over 3 times 这种程序可以提高生产力的 3 倍以上隧道养护中的普遍存在之一6.the production coss reduced four times生产成本降低了四倍3.the forkeng the beamstranght must,by a fundamentallaw of sics, equal the tending to fold it up.load四:英要填空The results with high preci conventional me
25、thod sucharehard to achieve raly by means of and numericalas theoreticalysiscalculation; slope engineering is a highly complicated nonlinear system.A new prediction method based on Gaussian pros (GP), as a probabilistickernel leaning machine and aerful tool for solving highly nonlinearproblems, is p
26、roed for slope stability evaluation. The GP mforslope stability evaluation is established and appd to the practicalengineering. The results showt the method can find the nonlinearmaprelationship betn classifications of slope stability andinfluencing factors easily. Furthermore, the reasonable, relia
27、ble andprobabilistic results of slope stability evaluation can be obtainedquickly by using the method. In, the method is feasible,effective and simple to implement slope stability evaluation and to provide a new way for fast design of slope engineering.针对边坡工程是复杂的非线性系统,采用常规的理论分析和数值计算方法难以满足对边坡稳定性评价的高精
28、度与快速性的要求,为此,提出对处理非线性复杂问题具有很好的适应性一种有概率意义的核学习机 过程机器学习方法来解决边坡稳定性的合理评价问题,建立了相应的边坡稳定性 模型。工程应用研究结果表明,采用 过程机器学习方法进行边坡稳定性评价是科学可行的,该方法能很好地表达边坡稳定性与各影响 之间的非线性 关系,能方便快捷地给出合理可靠且具有概率意义的边坡稳定状态评价结果,为实现边坡快速设计的工程实践要求提供了一条新的途径。Recent scientific work demonstrates aitive assotion betnsol support and health; empirical ev
29、idence consistently shows highermortality rates fors with fewer sol relationships. Despite thisevidence, the quality of sol support on healthes remaixts he literaturelargely unexplored. The present study addresses this gapby ex-aminingitive and negative aspects of diabetes-specific solsupport as it
30、relates to glucose control among 116 young adults with Type1 diabetes. This study further examinef-care as an explanatory t increased negativevariablehis relation. Results indicatesol support reliably predicts worse glucose control andt thisrelation is mediated by self-care. This pattern of results
31、was marginal for total so l support and insignificant for itive so l support.研究背景回顾研究背景 常用词汇有: review, describe 等。summarize, present, outline,Several researchers have theoretically investigatedtThe precious work on archeology has indicatedt3ost studies of (teaching methods) have been emphasised with
32、attention being given to 4 There have been a few studies highlighting while研究目的阐明写作或研究目 常用词汇有:pure,attempt,aim 等。另外还可以用动词不定式充当目的状语来表达。如:介 绍的 重 点 内 容 或 研 究范 围常 用 的 词 汇 有 :study,present,include,focus, ion 等。emphasize,emphasis,attent1 This thesis isended to explorefacing .the major technical challenges
33、This system is designed for to help them .This thesis concerns the design of a spel project about choosing a site for school buldingsThis thesis attempts to explain The pure of this thesis is to improve The primary goal of this research is to method for .7 Theention of this pr is to surrey put forwa
34、rdbyhe last annual conference.8 The overall objective of this study is toroduce being wildly debated in 9 The chief aim ofthe present work is to investigate 研究方法&工具介绍研究或试验过程experiment, discuss,常用词汇有:test, study, investigate, examine,consider,yze,ysis 等。application 等。介绍应用、用途 常用词汇有:use,apply,1 This pr
35、oject proes to use established methods for .The projectroduthe fundamental principles and conceptsof MTSThis report describes how to use FALC3D program in The method used in our study is known as The procedure can be briefly described as 研究结果展示研究结果 常用词汇有:show,result,present 等。TheOur 3Someresearch we
36、 have done suggests an increase in experimental data are briefly summarized as follows:of the authors findings are listedhe tables described ina separate pr.4 Sufficient results for (greener house) have been observed with the new method we dcted above.5 Most recent experiments to the same effecve led the authors tobevet the result is the most accurate so far.6 This fruitful work gives an explanation of .结论阐明论证 常用词汇有: support, provide, indicate, identify, find, demonstrate, confirm, clarify 等。介绍结论 常用词汇有:summary,roduce,conclude 等。mend,和建议 常用词汇有:suggest, su
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