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1、科技英语与翻译翻译技巧(3) (1)词量的减少例1In the formula, E is the elastic modulus of the material, I is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area with respect to the minor principle axis, and L is the length of the member between points of support.式中E为材料弹性模量,I为关于截面副主轴的惯性距,L为支座间的距离。此句省译英语连词and。例2: It is know

2、n to all that a cable-stayed bridge is much more complicated than a simply-supported one.众所周知,斜拉桥比简支桥复杂得多。此句省译英语引导词that。例3:As fresh concrete is plastic, it can be cast into any desire shape.由于新拌混凝土具有可塑性,所以可浇筑成需要的任意形状。 此句省译英语代词it。例4: Because the contract has not been signed, we cannot start with the

3、construction project.由于合同未签,还不能开工。此句省译英语代词we。例5: The high plastic index of the oil lends itself very susceptible to shear failure.该土的塑性指数高,容易发生剪切破坏。此句省译英语反身代词itself。be subject tobe liable tobe apt to例6: Different types of beams differ in their mechanisms to resist the loads.不同类型的梁抵抗荷载的机理也不同。此句省译英语物主

4、代词their。例7: The shear wall resists a shear force greater than that resisted by all the columns in this story.此剪力墙的抗剪强度比本层所有柱的总和还要大。此句省译英语动词resisted。例8: Concrete expands when heated and contracts when cooled almost the same as rebars do.混凝土和钢筋几乎一样,受热会膨胀,遇冷便收缩。此句两处都省译了英语连词when。例9: In the excavation of

5、 a deep trench, timbering is necessary.深沟开挖必须进行支护。此句省译英语介词in。例10: It is the section curvature ductility of a reinforced concrete beam that makes its moment redistribution possible.正是钢筋混凝土梁截面的曲率延性使其弯矩重新分布成为可能。此句省译英语强调句中的先行词it。 (2)词类转换英汉两种语言有各自的结构与表达方式,在翻译时不能逐次翻译,而要使译文符合汉语的表达习惯、通顺自然。这就要求进行词类转换,即英语中的某一

6、词类并不一定译成汉语中相应的词类。词类转换译法主要有以下四种情况:1、转译为动词在汉语中,动词使用的频率较高,在许多情况下,要将英语中的名词、形容词、副词甚至介词转换为动词。例1:On the basis of virtual work principle, the displacement of the joint of this triangular truss can be readily found.根据虚功原理,可容易地求出该三角形桁架那个节点的位移。此处将介词短语 one the basis of 译成动词“根据”。例2. When structures are built in

7、area of permafrost, special consideration must be given to the thermal effect the structure will have on the permafrost.当结构建造于永久冻土区时,要特别考虑结构热效应对永久冻土的影响。此处将名词consideration译成动词“考虑”。例3.Such piles commonly fail due to the collapse of the walls of the shaft resulting in the formation of a reduced section

8、 which may not be able to bear the loads for which it had been designed.通常这种桩失效的原因是其孔壁倒塌,导致其截面减小而不能承受其设计荷载。这里将名词 collapse译成动词“倒塌”。例4: It is necessary that a foundation is not loaded beyond its bearing capacity or the foundation will “fall.基础上的荷载不得超过其承载力,否则它就会“失效”。此处的介词beyond转译为动词“超过”。2、转译为名词英语中的动词、代

9、词、形容词和副词等有时候可转换为名词。例1:To test the dynamic behavior of the bridge, the loading trucks must run at a speed of at least 50km/hr.为了测试该桥的动力性能,加载车辆的车速必须至少为50公里/小时。此处将动词短语run at a speed转译为名词“车速”。例3.Cohesive soil is different from non-cohesive soil in that the former has internal cohesion C.粘性土与无粘性土的区别在于前者具

10、有内聚力C。此处将形容词different转译为名词“区别”。例4.The primary design of the building is schematically shown in Fig.1.该建筑的初步设计方案如图1所示。此处将副词schematically 转译为名词“方案”。3、转译为形容词有时可将名词、动词和副词等转译为形容词。例1.The basic principle put forth in the paper is of significance in the design of multistory building.本文所提出的基本原理对高层建筑的设计意义重大。此

11、处将名词significance 转译为形容词“重大”。例2.Driven piles are either wood, reinforced concrete, or steel.打入桩是由木材、钢筋混凝土或钢材制成的。此处将表语部分are either wood, reinforced concrete, or steel 译成汉语的“由制成的”。显然不能译成:打入桩是木材、钢筋混凝土或钢材例3.The theory can be used to analyze the structures whether they are loaded uniaxially or triaxially.

12、无论结构受轴向的荷载还是三向的荷载,都可用此理论对其加以分析。此处将副词uniaxially 和 triaxially 分别转译为形容词“轴向的”和“三向的”。例4.The velocity of seismic wave is closely related to the stiffness of rock through which it travels.地震波的传播速度与它所通过的岩石的刚度密切相关。此处将副词closely转译为形容词“密切的”。4、转译为副词有时可将名词、形容词和动词等转译为副词。例1:For an expressway, frequent maintenance i

13、s necessary.对高速公路,必须经常养护。此处将形容词frequent 转译为副词“经常”。例2:The article gives a clear definition of the design and construction of frame structures.本文明确地定义了框架结构的设计和施工。此处将形容词clear 转译成副词“明确地”。Summary(总结) 翻译技巧之- 词量的减少 词类转换Exercises人类面临着生存、环境和发展的严峻问题。问题的产出源自人类社会的自身发展改变破坏了原有的生存环境,从而影响甚至威胁人类社会的进一步发展和生存空间。目前,一个世界性的生态环境保护和资源的永续利用,即可持续发展的科学发展观已成为人类的共识。资源和环境也是一个全球共性的问题。人类越来越明白,人口压力能抵消经济增长,导致对食物、资源和环境的不可持续的需求。人类要生存,就要有一个较好的环境,即一定的生活质量标准和生态环境。低于质量标准,破坏了生态平衡,就会对人类造成危害。人口、资源和环境不仅是我国存在的问题,也是全世界面临的问题。人口问题就是一个全球共性的


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