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1、上海交通大学网络(wnglu)学院医学院分院2015年(13春、秋年级(ninj))毕业理论综合考试(kosh)练习卷(4)专业:护 理 学(专升本)一、英语:(30%)I Vocabulary & StructureDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.1What you say now i

2、s not _ with what you said yesterday Ainsistent Bprevalent Cconsistent Dpermanent2Putting prisoners in chains doesnt solve the _ 0f crime,such as poverty or disaffection within societyAcauses Bvictims Cpurposes Dincreases3The book fair has received a positive _ _ from readers.A. result B. response C

3、. settlement D. solution4If the operation _ _ carefully prepared, it would not have been successful.A. was not B. has not been C. had not been D. were not5No sooner had we reached home a violent storm broke out.A. when B. that Cuntil Dthan6People differone another their ability to handle stress.A. f

4、rom.to Bfrom.in C. for.in D. in.from7He was specifically asked to write a play that would be_to the local community.A. flexible B. Accessible C. Responsible D. Capable8It is strongly held that new_must be introduced to protect the right of the immigrants.A. statistics B. constructions C. measures D.

5、 Concessions9 Johnson was _unknown before running for the presidency.A. visibly B. visually C. vertically D. virtually10The volunteers would rather go by train than_.A. to drive B. drive C. driven D. to be driven11If payment is not received, legal action will be our only_ .A. aggression B. advantage

6、 C. alternative D. ambition12Dont trust everything_ you have read in the newspapers.A. which B. that C. as D. what13_Tom has done really amazed everyone in his class.A. What B. Which C. That D. Who14It is not decided _ the conference will be held.A. what B. which C. when D. that15A computer can only

7、 do _you have instructed it to do. A. how B. after C. what D. when16-John, when shall we meet again, Thursday or Friday? -_. Ill be off to London then. A. Either B. Neither C. Both D. None17-The Modern Art Exhibition in the City Museum has been cancelled. -Oh, no!_. A. Its a pity B. It doesnt matter

8、 C. I knew it already D. Its not interesting at all18Food supplies in the flood-stricken area _.We must act immediately before theres left.A. have run out B. are running outC. have been run out D. are being run out19It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _ Zheng sailed to E

9、ast AfricaA. when B. that C. after D. since20New technologies have made _ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.A. that B. this C. one D. it II. ClozeHowever careful one may be, he cannot possibly listen carefully to everything that he hears. There are 21 of reasons for this.

10、One of them is the overload of messages most of us 22 each day. In addition to the numerous hours we spend hearing other people speak, we may spend several hours listening to the radio or sitting in front of a television set. 23 , it is impossible to focus our attention completely on what is said; o

11、ur mind might be wandering elsewhere. Preoccupation with our personal concerns is 24 reason we dont always listen carefully. A romance gone sour or a good grade on a test may take prominence in our mind even as 25 is speaking to us. Furthermore, we are surrounded by all kinds of noises which interfe

12、re with listening.21. A. the number B. a number C. number D. numbers22. A. accept B. obtain C. receive D. possess23. A. Besides B. Whereas C. Otherwise D. Nevertheless24. A. other B. some C. the other D. another25. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. fewIII. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There is

13、 a passage in this part. The passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the best answer to each question based on the passage.Passage:There was a strange girl in my high school whom we all called th

14、e Bird. We called her that because of her nervous, birdlike movements.Her skin looked as if it had never felt the sun, and there was usually a red spot in the middle of her forehead.She had thin black hair on her arms long enough to comb, and she wore clothes that had been out of fashion since Shirl

15、ey Temples time.She was so often laughed at that it shames me to this day to think that I was part of it.Oh, I never laughed at her in her face; I wasnt that brave.Id wait until she hurried by and join the other guys.And its important when youre a teenager to join in the laughter so that the laughte

16、r will not turn on you.I remember one day when the Bird was surrounded by three or four rude guys who had stopped her in the hall between classes. They were moving their arms up and down like birds and shouting in her ear.She was terrified and there was fright in her eyes.A couple of her books fell

17、to the floor.Then this girl came out of nowhere.Id never seen such anger in a girl before.She went up to the leader of the guys and shouted angrily, “Stop it!Cant you see what youre doing?”The guys backed off, astonished.Then the girl went over to the Bird and put her arm around her shoulders and wa

18、lked her to class.I thought about the Bird when I read about Nathan Faris, the little boy who shot a classmate and killed himself after being laughed at by the kids in his school. I thought of how I had been part of her misery, how more than twenty years later it still bothered me.But I also thought

19、 of what I had learned that day about respect and bravery, about being a human being, from a girl whose name I dont even know.And I wonder whether that one act of kindness might have saved another girls life.26The girl was called the Bird mainly because of her_.A. outdated dressB. color of her hairC

20、. physical appearance D. birdlike actions27The author joined other teenagers in laughing at the Bird because he_.A. shared their opinion of her nervous actionsB. did not dare to laugh at her in her faceC. feared that they would laugh at him D. was ashamed of her peculiar movements28When the kind gir

21、l came to the Birds help, the teenagers were_.A. angry B. afraid C. shocke D. ashamed29The story of Nathan Faris reminded the author that_.A. he should have asked the girls nameB. a kind act may change a persons lifeC. boys were not as brave as girls in school D. the girl had saved the life of the B

22、ird30What the author learns from the kind girl is_.A. shame and miseryB. respect and courageC. shame and kindnessD. respect and love二、健康(jinkng)评估:(25%)A型题(在一组备选(bi xun)答案中,选择一个(y )最佳答案):31下述各项中,应当在对病人进行问诊时,不应该出现的是: A复述患者叙述的内容或提出质疑 B对患者表述的问题进行解析C澄清相关内容 D打断患者的叙述 32个体沉溺于病人角色,对自我能力怀疑,对原承担的角色恐惧,其发生的角色适应

23、不良被称为是 A. 病人角色冲突 B. 病人角色缺如 C. 病人角色强化 D. 病人角色消退 33糖尿病酮症酸中毒患者,会出现: A恶臭味 B氨味 C蒜味 D烂苹果味34下列有关超声检查的叙述错误的是 A. 常规肝、胆、胰B超检查要求空腹, 胆道检查的准备要求禁食8hr,且检查前一天晚清淡饮食 B. 肝硬化声像图显示肝表面“锯齿状”或凸凹状,肝实质回声不均匀增强C. 超声检查是诊断胆囊结石最简便、最准确的方法、准确率95%D. 胆囊结石B超显示为强回声光团,后伴声影,且不随体位变动而移动 35对疾病预防的描述,下列陈述错误的是 A. 一级预防是在疾病发生的早期针对病因采取的措施。B. 一级预防

24、包括健康促进与健康保护两个方面。C. 二级预防主要是在疾病的潜伏期的预防措施,为阻止或延缓疾病发展而采取的措施D三级预防主要包括对症治疗和康复治疗36伤寒、副伤寒时出现的特征性皮疹是: A斑丘疹 B蜘蛛痣 C荨麻疹 D玫瑰疹 37下列各种疾病中,是由于甲状腺素分泌不足引起的是A. 侏儒症 B. Addisons 病 C. 呆小症 D. 卵巢(luncho)多囊症38瞳孔缩小(suxio)见于: A阿托品中毒(zhng d) B有机磷中毒 C可卡因药物反应D视神经萎缩 39正常成人胸廓前后径与横径之比为: A1:1 B1:1.5 C1:2 D1:2.5 40“三凹征”是哪一种呼吸困难的特征表现?

25、 A呼气性呼吸困难 B吸气性呼吸困难 C心源性呼吸困难D精神性呼吸困难 41哮鸣音可出现在: A肺淤血 B肺结核空洞 C支气管肺炎 D阻塞性肺气肿 42男,18岁右侧胸痛2周,伴呼吸困难。体检发现:气管左偏,右侧胸廓饱满,叩诊浊音;右侧呼吸音及语音震颤均减弱。最有可能的诊断是:A右侧大叶性肺炎 B右侧气胸 C右侧肺不张 D右侧胸腔积液 43心包积液的心浊音界特征为:A心浊音界向左下增大 B心浊音界向右增大 C 梨形心 D心界向两侧增大,并随体位而改变 44毛细血管搏动征、枪击音,见于脉压增大的疾病,此时脉搏可出现: A无脉 B细脉 C奇脉 D水冲脉 45以下哪一项不一定说明心脏有器质性病变?

26、A舒张期杂音 B心包摩檫音 C奔马律 D心律不齐46腹部检查,最主要和常用的检查方法是: A视诊 B听诊 C叩诊 D触诊 47关于腹部反跳痛不正确的是: A检查时腹部出现压痛后手指于原处稍停片刻,见于急慢性腹膜炎 B检查时腹部出现压痛后迅速抬手 C当突然抬手时腹膜被牵拉引起疼痛 D阳性说明腹膜壁层已受累及 48露齿时鼻唇沟变浅,脑神经受损是指:A三叉神经 B面神经 C位听神经 D舌下神经 49指鼻试验用于检查: A不随意运动 B肌张力 C共济运动 D复合感觉 50属于浅反射的是: A提睾反射 B肱二头肌反射 C膝腱反射 DOppenheim征 51男性,66岁,昏迷,皮肤黏膜呈樱红色,提示可能

27、存在:A亚硝酸盐中毒 B酮症酸中毒 C巴比妥类中毒 D一氧化碳中毒52关于家庭的叙述,不正确的是:A家庭至少应包含2个成员,可以是基于婚姻关系而形成的社会共同体B家庭可以是基于血缘关系而形成的社会共同体C家庭可以是基于收养关系而形成的社会共同体D家庭的功能不包括社会化功能53在美国,通常将罹患癌症的信息直接告诉患者(hunzh),而在我国告诉患者时比较谨慎。这主要是因为: A宗教信仰不同(b tn) B种族背景(bijng)不同 C价值观不同拜 D道德和法律不同 54甲状腺吸碘率测定前,应告诉患者停用含碘量高的食物,主要是: A牛、羊肉 B蚌、鱼、虾、蟹 C豆及豆制品新鲜蔬菜 D海带、紫菜、海

28、蛰、苔条55因抢救危重病人未能及时书写的记录,应在多少时间内据实补记,并注明“补记”? A6小时内 B12小时内 C24小时内 D36小时内 三、成人护理学(45%):A型题(在一组备选答案中,选择一个最佳答案):56肺癌的早期症状是: A咳嗽,痰中带血 B咳脓痰 C大咯血 D声音嘶哑 57支气管扩张大咯血窒息患者,应采取的正确卧位是: A头低位 B俯卧位 C平卧位 D端坐卧位 58治疗支气管哮喘时,快速静脉注射氨茶碱的主要副作用为:A口干和皮疹 B心律失常和低血压 C腹痛和腹泻 D耳鸣和高血压 59急性呼吸衰竭是指动脉血氧分压(PaO2):A 3.65 kPa B 4.65 kPa C 5.

29、65 kPa D 6.65 kPa 60慢性肺源性心脏病主要死亡原因是( )A. 肺性脑病 B.心力衰竭 C.肝衰竭 D. 心律失常 61急性心肌梗死发病后24小时内致死的最常见原因是( )A.心源性休克 B. 急性房颤 C.急性左心衰竭 D.室性心律失常 62下列属于度房室传导阻滞心电图表现的是:APR间期进行性延长,直至QRS波群脱落 BPR间期超过0.20秒,无QRS波群脱落CPP间隔相等,RR间隔相等 DP 波频率大于QRS波频率6312.心绞痛发作时首要的处理措施为 A.立即进行心电监护 B.舌下含化硝酸甘油 C. 让病人立即停止活动,坐下休息 D. 舌下含化硝酸异山梨酯 64高血压

30、患者最常受累的脏器为:A肾脏 B脑 C眼底 D心脏 65不能采用介入治疗方法的为:A冠心病心绞痛 B二尖瓣狭窄 C阵发性室性心动过速 D肥厚性梗阻型心脏病 66上消化道呕出大量鲜红色血液,且不易控制的常见病为:A消化性溃疡(kuyng)出血 B应激性溃疡出血(ch xi) C食管(shgun)胃底静脉曲张破裂出血 D急性出血性胃炎出血 67门静脉高压最危急的并发症是:A食管、胃底静脉曲张破裂 B肝性脑病 C脾功能亢进D严重顽固性腹水 68肝硬化失代偿期的检查结果不正确的为: A凝血因子减少,血红蛋白减低 B雄激素减少 C肾上腺糖皮质激素减少 D雌激素减少 69肝昏迷病人昏迷期的检查结果不包括:

31、A肌张力降低,各种反射消失 B抽搐 C脑电图异常 D扑翼样震颤70确诊胃癌最可靠的方法为:A消化道钡餐 B大便潜血阳性 C胃B超 D纤维胃镜 71提示上消化道出血停止的临床表现是:A肠鸣音亢进 B黑便次数增加 C脉压变小 D末梢循环改善 72引起急性肾炎水肿的机制是:A大量蛋白尿导致低蛋白血症 B肾小球滤过率下降 C血浆胶体渗透压降低 D毛细血管通透性增高 73慢性肾衰竭患者需严格记录出入液量是因为患者有:A脱水 B水肿 C脱水或水肿 D低钾血症 74护理少尿与无尿患者,最重要的措施是:A卧床休息,预防感染 B限制蛋白质的摄入 C保证饮食总热量 D严格控制水、钠摄入75急性白血病患者出现头痛、

32、恶心、呕吐、颈项强直等症状常提示: A颅内出血 B败血症 C上消化道出血 D脑膜白血病 76Hodgin(霍奇金)病最常见的首发症状为: A颈部和锁骨上淋巴结肿大 B皮肤瘙痒 C持续性周期性发热 D出血倾向,肝脾肿大77长期使用哪一类降糖药最可能出现乳酸性酸中毒的严重不良反应?A磺脲类,噻唑烷二酮类 B诺和龙、那格列萘 C双胍类 D 葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂 78为了抑制甲状腺素的释放,减少甲状腺血供,术前常用的药物为:A普萘洛尔 B苯巴比妥 C甲状腺素 D复方碘化钾 E硫氧嘧啶 79术后并发甲状腺危象的主要原因是:A术前准备不充分 B术中出血过多 C术后未服碘剂D甲状腺切除过少 80对腰麻后头痛的预防措施是:A给予预防性止痛药 B给予镇静剂 C静脉输液 D麻醉后去枕平卧68小时 81低渗性脱水的常见原因是:A急性(jxng)肠梗阻 B慢性(mn xng)十二指肠瘘 C肺炎(fi


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