1、上层时代楼书文案(wn n)初稿风格(fngg):贵族(guz)大气、色调:沉稳封面:LOGO+案名(上层时代)公园湖畔 上层领地扉页:跨页形象P1-P2序 缘 起 十四世纪的佛罗伦萨,十个青年贵族为了躲避一场浩劫,相约一起来到山外的一座别墅,那里环境幽静,景色宜人,有翠绿的树木环绕,还有曲折的走廊,精致的壁画、清澈的清泉和悦目的花草,地窖里还藏着香味浓郁的美酒他们在这赏心悦目的园林住了下来,每天唱歌弹琴,跳舞散步,每人每天轮流讲一个动听的故事,以此来愉快地打发时光,他们一共讲了10天,10天合计讲了100个故事,这些故事收集成集子就叫十日谈卡伽丘的十日谈,是为中世纪贵族构建的完美生活梦想。正
2、如上层时代的梦想,是为记录远离尘嚣的公园湖畔生活,是献给上层贵族的十日谈 The Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio, is the perfect life dream which constructs for the middle ages aristocrat. Just like the upper formation times dream, is far away from the hubbub for the record the park lakeside life, gives to the upper formation aristocrats
3、decameron P3-P4 过渡P 纵横交错的经纬线组成了无数个精彩的空间,有的装着森林,有的盛满城市,有的印着湖海,有的耸立山脉。上层时代则让生活的空间绚丽多姿,也让我们有了更多关于居住的思考Spread across composes the innumerable splendid spaces coordinate, some have been installing the forest, some were filled with the city, some were printing the lake sea, some towered the sierra. the ar
4、istocrats time lets the life the space be colorful, also let us have much about housing ponder. P5-P6 第一日 关于(guny)居住的构想(u xin) First date about housing conception有这样一种生活,是富贵的芳邻,是自然(zrn)的伴侣,是品位,是显赫。是胸怀天下的壮志,是退而结庐的恬淡 (突出显示)Has such one kind of life, is the riches and honor neighbor, is the natural com
5、panion, is the personal status, is prominent. 水以为,世界就是湖;正如湖的视界,仅是包容她的园。惟有,被公园和湖簇拥的宅知道,这一切,因为天赋的灵犀,带来一个私享的奢华。The water thought that the world is a lake; looks like in the lake eye, only then contains her botanical garden. Only then knew by the park and the lake crowding arounds dwelling that all thes
6、e, because of the inborn wisdom, brings a personal share the luxury. 当孩子用脚尖与湖中小鱼对话,而不是缠着你要买电动玩具;当与爱人信步河滨大道聆听各种苗木的歌唱,而不是站在拥挤的街心花园;当吃过晚餐,带上自己的爱犬在湖边溜达,而不是紧闭门窗隔绝噪杂;你会感叹时间的闲静之美。When child with in tip of the toe and lake fish dialog, but not entangles you to buy the electrical toy; When you take a walk wi
7、th the spouse on the river bank road, listens respectfully to each kind of flowers and plants the sound, but is not stands in the crowded garden; When you have had the supper, takes to bring with own pet to take a walk in the bund, but shuts tightly the windows and doors isolation noise; You will si
8、gh the time the sufficiency. P7-P8 第二日 关于(guny)地段的传奇(chunq)Second date - - about land sector legend 有这样一种生活,是湖,是鸟儿,是阳光(ynggung),是自然,是领秀上饶城西的新中心。Has such one kind of life, is the lake, is the bird, is the sunlight, is natural, is the Shangrao west end new center. 上饶县地处江西省东北部,上饶市西部,东靠上饶市信州区、玉山县、广丰县;南连
9、福建省浦城县、武夷山市;西接铅山县、横峰县、北临德兴市。交通运输便利,浙赣铁路、闽赣铁路、320国道、311高速公路横贯县城,并与信州区隔溪连市,是连接上饶市新的行政中心。上饶市委、市政府已将城西列入城市重点开发建设区域,城西日益成为上饶发展的另一个中心所在。The Shangrao county located at Jiangxi Provinces northeastern part, Shangraos west, the east side is the Shangrao Xinzhou area, Yushan County, Guangfeng County; The south
10、 side is the Fujian Province Pucheng county, Wuyishan; West meets Yanshan County, the Hengfeng county, north near Dexing. The transportation convenience, the Zhejiang and Jiangxi railroad, the Fujian Jiangxi railroad, 320 federal highways, 311 highways cross the county, and separates the brook conti
11、nually city with the Xinzhou area, connects the Shangrao new administration center. The Shangrao Municipal party committee, the municipal government have included the west end the urban key development to construct the region, becomes the urban development another center to be. 上层时代地处上饶县武夷山大道及吉阳大道交汇
12、处,周边遍布学校、医院、银行、体育中心、移动通信、购物中心及各居住小区,环境配套十分完善 资料待提供 P9-P10 第三日 关于(guny)气度的演绎Third date about bearing deduction有这样一种生活,收纳一座公园的气质(qzh),独拥大面积的水域,用生态还原生活,用绿色标注(bio zh)未来。Has such one kind of life, info clerk park makings, supports the big area alone the waters, and chooses one new way, will focus the mos
13、t potential future (装饰性排版,不做要点)一道风景,延长了生活视野一道风景,凝练了生活情趣一道风景,牵引了回家方向A scenery, lengthened the life field of vision.A scenery, is containing the emotion which lives A scenery, is directing the direction which goes home上层时代建筑面积5万2千多平米,共364户,以高层、小高层住宅为主,视野广阔,绿氧充沛,除了自然所赋予的格调,没有多余的装饰。她与政府大手笔规划的旭日公园毗邻而居,旭日
14、湖静伴其侧,草坡堤岸自然延伸入水,有摇动的水草、浮游的小生物,更不缺少流淌荡漾的情趣,湖的内敛和含蓄与居者的贵族气质相得益彰,混合种植着的树木、花草,是专门留给主人独享自然的领地,经典的贵族品质在湖畔领驭传奇,诠释一种传世情怀,这是自然的,更是生活的。您可以在花园里赏花、观景、听细雨,看斜阳;您可以在湖畔流连、漫步、发呆;每天被日、月、 风、花眷顾,眼睛永受绿的盛宴,与公园为邻的感觉,就像天天在渡假,上层时代给您的,不只是房子!The aristocrats time construction area more than 52,000 square meters, altogether 36
15、4 households, by high-level, small high-level housing primarily, the field of vision is broad, the oxygen is sufficientIt nearby park which plans located at the government, the great lake in its side, lively and tranquil may also grasp. The lake contains with yours aristocrat makings is the same; Th
16、e classical aristocrat quality is relating the legend in the bund, is containing one kind of moodYou may view the flowers in the garden, look at the scenery, listen to the drizzle, looks at the setting sun; You may take a walk in the bund, be in a daze; Every day by the date, the month, the wind, th
17、e flower loves one another, the eye saw forever is the green. You and the park are the neighbor feelings, looks like is taking vacation daily, the aristocrats time gives you, is not only a house!旭日(xr)公园:政府(zhngf)投资800万元打造大型湖泊(h p)公园,08年8月30日动工,09年1月竣工。项目建成后,您将与XX平方米的城市绿肺为邻,生态公园等同于你的私家花园。P11-P12 第四日
18、 关于建筑的品质Fourth date about construction quality有这样一种生活,以国际级标准来度量,打造一个关于品质的传说Has such one kind of life, measures by the international level standard, makes one about the quality fable外在品质打动别人,内在精致感动自己。如果建筑与自然完全分离,享受将是乏味的。上层时代的建筑永远只是环境的一部分,如同在土地上自然生长起来的植物,始终保持一种对自然谦和的姿态。采用庄重、典雅的新古典欧式住宅造型,主外墙面以高档面砖为主,住宅
19、底部外墙采用光面花岗岩,立面突出识别性和认同感,立面高低错落,流淌着尊贵傲然的贵族气息;窗,挑檐,线脚和空调板的细节塑造如乐符般流动的线条,南北通透的大露台,使建筑的美,从内部向外部渐渐生长出来,把建筑转换成音乐般“和谐秩序”,达到人与自然的和谐,景观与建筑的和谐。The external quality may move others, the intrinsic quality may move itself. If constructs with separates completely naturally, enjoys can be very tasteless. The arist
20、ocrats times construction forever is an environment part, probably is the plant which grows naturally on the land, forever is maintaining one kind to the nature modest manner. Uses the grave elegant western-style housing modelling, outside the wall surface with the upscale face brick, the housing ba
21、se wall surface uses the granite, the height is different, fills the honored feeling; The detail likely flows the line, the north and south insightful big balcony, causes the building the beauty, grows gradually from the interior to the outside comes out, to achieve the human and the natural harmony
22、, the landscape and the building harmony. P13-P14过渡(gud)P一份来自竹林(zh ln)的问候、一个(y )去阳台看风景的提议、一个慵懒午后伸懒腰的细节, 都会给我们带来太多的愉悦和惊喜,因为,你在上层时代From the bamboo grove regards, goes to the balcony to look the scenery the proposition, a lazy afternoon stretches oneself the detail, can bring too many joyfulness and pl
23、easantly surprised to us, because, you in aristocrats time. P15-P16第五日 关于公园和湖的享受 Fifth date about park and lake enjoyment有这样一种生活,日子在风景里,日子在享受中,日子在贵族气概中Has such one kind of life, in scenery, in enjoyment, in aristocrat spirit 美,存于自然,物,取于匠心快乐与悲伤、梦想与遥望、成功与失败我们的生活由伴随我们的公园和湖畔一起鉴证,这里,记录了我们的生活与梦想,这里,包容了我们所
24、有曾经的故事。关于公园的故事如果厅前没有繁花似锦,生活将是单调的If before the living room, doest have the fresh flower, the life will be monotonous微醉-阳光(ynggung)is a little drunk feeling Sunlight是的,是有些醉意。可能是这里阳光浓度稍高了一些,脸颊有些绯红,发稍漫出光晕,时间,慢了下来(xi li);慵懒,来得悄无声息。睁眼时,却见树间吊床依然悠悠。湖滨(h bn)一线XX亩的景观公园更是独具魅力,XX亩清澄湖光,XX米长堤,无限时纯粹闲适的时光都属于我,搁置了几年
25、的假日计划,终于不再延误,生活的景致在空中无限延伸,每一天都是轻松假日。Yes, is a little drunk feeling. Possibly was here sunlight density high some, the face was somewhat red, sends has the halo slightly, the time, slow down; Lazy, comes to be quietly. Opens the eye, between trees hammock still. The lakeside park is very attractive,
26、the lake water is limpid, the dike is very long, the has not limit time belonged to me, Delayed several year holiday plan, finally no longer delays, the life view in airborne infinite extends, each day is the relaxed holiday. (装饰性排版,不做要点) 由政府或公共团体建设经营,供公众游玩、观赏、娱乐的园林。资本主义初期的欧洲,一些皇家贵族的园林逐渐向公众开放,形成最初的公
27、园。19世纪中叶,欧洲、美国和日本出现经设计、专供公众游览的近代公园。19世纪末20世纪初,中国各地相继建设公园。中华人民共和国建立后,各城市的公园建设迅速发展,并创造出不同的地方风格。中国城市公园分综合公园,专类公园(动物园、植物园、儿童公园等),花园3种类型。P17-P18关于湖的故事湖,大陂也。说文漫步中,我成了幸福的私享者。Strolls, I have become happy private enjoying. 城市的空间再大,也装不下绿野踏青的爽朗心情;与繁华相近,与自然相息,一片葱茏绿意与原野花香期待您的鉴赏。给予身体和心情一个悠然舒展的机会,让城市也伸个懒腰。绿以修身,花以养
28、性,水以净心。我喜欢热闹的园林,有鸟在歌唱,有蝴蝶在玩耍(wnshu),还有肆意生长的满园草木花朵,晴朗的夜晚,或许还有萤火虫在飞舞;再加上一池清澈见底的湖水,还有那湖水中的草、游动(yu dn)的鱼和各式的石子(sh z),摇曳着自己的倒影,我看湖,湖也看我,心情便在湖心里荡漾。我眼前的上层时代,正是这般模样 The green may the training body, the flower be possible to raise the emotion, the water may purify the mind. I like the lively botanical garden
29、, has the bird to sing, to have the butterfly to play, but also has at will the growth vegetation flowers, perhaps the sunny night, also has the firefly to dance in the air; Also has the limpid lake water, but also has the fish which and each kind of stone in the lake water grass, hovers, I look at
30、the lake, the lake also look at me, the mood ripples in the lake heart. the aristocrats time in front of me, is this appearance . 城市中的水景,历来是稀缺的资源,如果水景成湖,则更是钻石般稀有。在欧洲上流社会的造屋哲学中,“湖”一直是贵族身份与气度的优雅表征。依湖而居,仅是城市中一小部分人的专享,可遇而不可求。红尘不远处,自然生态中。In the urban water scene, is the scarce resources, if becomes the l
31、ake, is scarcity likely the diamond. In the European upper circles of societys philosophy, “the lake” has been aristocrat status representative. Lives in the lakeside, is in the city a young part of persons special right.P19-P20 这里有我的“兵兵海”我叫兵兵,我家的旁边,就是一个XX亩的大湖,那是我的“兵兵海”,小时候,我认为它就是大海,因为我围着它走一圈,要好几个小时
32、的时间。这里是我和我的小伙伴的私人王国,这里有我们的帆船,有我们的泥巴雕塑,有我们的争吵和欢笑,还有那些咕呱呱唱歌的小精灵,还有我们眼中的那只大妖怪现在,我长大了,但是这里还是我的“兵兵海”。P21-P22第六日 关于绿化的研究Sixth date about afforested research有这样(zhyng)一种生活,被满目的色彩(sci)包裹,有365个视角(shjio),就有365个风景,这是人、建筑、草木的同乐。Has such one kind of life, by the color package everywhere, some 365 angles, is had
33、365 sceneries, this is the person, the building, vegetations having a good time together. 远远的,就能看见那成排的桂花树,守候在回家路口。每天,都要走过它们身边,然后穿过香樟园,听着竹林唱的歌走回家。上层时代运用植物造就多种主题空间,我们不仅让您享受到充分的水、空气、还有阳光,保持对自然的亲和力,而且更强调邻里间的互动和情感上的交融。所以我们在深入考虑社区风格与秩序的建构、人、生活、空间,文化与自然的互动等基础上,与组团绿地、绿化带结合,打造多个不同题材的户外活动空间:集会广场、观景亭台、健身天地、太极广
34、场、儿童乐园等。平缓起伏的草坡,群落成荫的树木,匍匐低矮的灌木丛,点缀的景石,清浅蜿蜒的水体,曲折的步道构成了丰富的景观,簇拥着的盈盈新绿,点点嫣红,让您的家芬芳四季。 Very far, I may see that row of sweet-scented osmanthus tree, is going home street intersection. Every day, I must pass through side them, then passes through the camphor tree the garden, is listening to the song wa
35、lk home who the bamboo grove sings. We let you enjoy to the full water, the air, also have the sunlight, maintains to the natural distance, emphasizes between the neighbor in the emotion exchange. We construct many outdoor activity space: The assembly square, looks at the scenery the location, the f
36、itness location, the primal chaos square, the playground and so on. The grassy slope, the trees, the shrubbery, the stone, the water, the road, constituted the rich landscape to let you the family fill fragrant. P23-P24过渡P真正贵族的享受,并非所谓的穷奢极欲,而是表现在属于自己的生活半径里,或在空中院馆,或在休闲会所,或在空中别墅,从容享受着属于你自己的优雅生活。 Genuin
37、e aristocrats enjoyment, is not very luxurious, but is displays in belongs to own life, either in airborne courtyard hall, either in leisure office, either in the airborne villa, enjoys calmly is belonging to your graceful life. P25-P26第七日 关于(guny)个性(gxng)的诠释(qunsh)Seventh date about individuality a
38、nnotation 有这样一种生活,是露台,是凸窗,是角窗,是空中庭院,是斜檐,是廊柱,是人生处处的风景Has such one kind of life, is the flat roof, is the bay window, is the angle window, is the airborne garden, is the slanting eave, is the porch pillar, is life scenery everywhere . 弧形景观广场/半地下车库Arc landscape square/half underground garage 上层时代规划一条景观
39、大道成为连接各组团的景观节点,并设计圆弧形景观广场,形成最大的立体视觉景观效果,并且使各节点空间各具特色。单体均考虑了凸窗,在边套房型设计了角窗,以扩大室内空间和丰富临窗景观。The plan landscape main road becomes the landscape node, the design arc landscape square, forms the biggest stereoscopic vision effect. Has considered the bay window, has designed the angle window, the space and
40、enriches by the expansion chamber in near the window landscape. 半地下生态园式车库为您的爱车也准备了一道独特的风景线,拥有机动车库6191平米,车位158个,实现完全的人车分流,设置无障碍坡道,保证小区内步行和休憩系统的安全。别具匠心的在车库底部设计了部分透天的绿化景观,利用车库的景观通透性将车行人流的舒适性与均好性达到极致。同时在地面形成相互呼应的立体绿化格局,造就别具一格的环境特征,传承尊贵韵味。Has the mobile garage 6191 square meters, parking spot 158, has de
41、signed the afforested landscape in the garage base, achieves comfortably using the garage landscape the acme. Forms the three-dimensional afforestation in the ground, fills with the honored breath. P27-P28关于(guny)空中(kngzhng)院馆的闲情(xin qn) about air courtyard full of leisurely and carefree mood 拥有空中花园
42、的三房两厅 习惯了花开香在平地,习惯了树木生在平地,习惯了花园砌在平地看到她,长在空中的花园,我充满惊讶幸福的笑了。给自己一座空中院馆,让自己生活在XX平米的“空中花园”,烙上只有上层人私有的印记,拥有一座气势磅礴的私人王国。雍容大度,从容不迫,有清风、有阳光、有花香、有泥巴,给你的人生写满不同的幸福味道。我情不自禁的想要做个舞者,与邻里相视一笑,发现他却早已起舞翩翩。Was used to the flower to grow in the flat land, was used to the trees to live in the flat land, was used to the g
43、arden to build in the flat land .Sees her, long in airborne garden, I filled surprised happy smile. For oneself an airborne courtyard, lets own life in “the hanging garden”. Has the wind, the sunlight, the flower, the putty, writes all over the different happy flavor for yours life. I want to be a d
44、ancer, with neighbor looking at each other, discovered that he already started to dance. 上层时代除追求人与建筑的高度和谐外,更关注国际人居生活园林环境的打造。园林与建筑外观风格的统一,背景音乐、休闲长椅、健身器材、鹅卵石步道,每一细节都内涵丰富,每尺每寸都是绿的延伸,每一天的生活都伴着绿色开始。P29-P30 第八日 关于生活的艺术Eighth date about life art有这样一种生活,是咖啡吧,是图书馆,是健身,是西餐,是音乐。是优雅闲散的心境 Has such one kind of li
45、fe, is the coffee, is the library, is the fitness, is the western-style food, is music. Is the graceful mood at ease . 在上层时代的休闲会所,我把阳光和咖啡搅拌在了一起in the aristocrats time s leisure office, I stir the sunlight and the coffee . 我们(w men)特别设立(shl)休闲(xixin)会所,在这里,有人会结识牌搭子、有人会寻到相逢恨晚的知己,更多的人找到生活无穷的乐子,使您的每一天充满
46、健康与活力。We set up the leisure office, in here, some people had known the friend with plays cards, some people have found the good friend, more people found the pleasure of life, each day filled the health and the vigor. 我们沿吉阳大道与武夷山大道的转角设置了沿街商业,与社区主入口呼应,将商业的繁华人气与社区的安静祥和融为一体。在这里,超市、咖啡厅、特色商店云集,你不用开车在路途中购
47、物,不用为买不到想吃的而担心,到楼下买份报纸顺便和老王打个招呼,然后上楼去喝五分钟前泡好的花茶;同样的一天,不一样的悠闲,因为你在上层时代。We established the trade along the street, the trade vividly peacefully have merged into one organic whole with the community. In here, the supermarket, the cafe, the characteristic store are many, you do not need to drive in the
48、journey the shopping, does not need to not to be able to buy wants to eat worried, to the downstairs buys the newspaper and while convenient to Mr wang, then goes upstairs drinks the tea which five minutes ago soaks .Similar one day, dissimilar idleness, because of you in the aristocrats time. P31-P
49、32第九日 关于空间的哲学Ninth date about spatial philosophy有这样一种生活,是细节塑造的杰作,是新古典欧式风格的浓缩Some this kind of kind of life, is the detail mold masterpiece, is the classical western-style style . 用创意体贴生活,用细节感动居住。在上层时代的户型艺术中,当创意与空间完美拥抱的时刻,也是您的贵族生活方式被品鉴的时刻。上层时代每栋楼宇均坐北向南,摆脱普通住宅的局限,一梯X户和全框剪结构提高房间实用面积空间,明厅、明卧、明厨、明卫的“四明”设
50、计使住宅内部功能分区趋于完美,并以起居厅为中心,内部公私分离、居寝分离、洁污分离。 Sympathizes the life with the innovation, moves the housing with the detail. In upper formation time household art, when creativity and spatial perfect hug time, is also your aristocrat lives the time which savors. North upper formation time each building si
51、ts to the south, gets rid of the ordinary housing the limitation, enhances the room net space, causes the housing interior function to be perfect.室内布置(bzh)紧凑,主卧室与起居室均有良好景观(jn un)朝向,并且强调大厅(dtng)活动空间,设计尽可能减少开向起居厅门洞的数量,走道短捷,提高面积的使用率和舒适程度。 105135平米的三房二厅和140160平米的四房二厅,专为豪门大户精心设计,处处细节收纳大宅风范,90-105平米的二房二厅,
52、实用温馨,不凡的品位尽现舒适豪华,使主人贵族气魄展露无遗。 Designs carefully specially for the rich and powerful family wealthy and powerful family, the detail info clerk big dwelling style, practical warm, the uncommon personal status completely presently is everywhere comfortable luxuriously, causes masters aristocrat makings
53、 to display. P33-P34 关于空中别墅 About airborne villa 品位为你而设,气度为你而藏。在这里,面积不只为大一些生活空间,更代表您对生活的掌控。户型设计135平方米的“空中别墅”,紧凑的面积,复式的格局,近5米的挑高客厅,雍容气派,让视界无所顾忌,任阳光随心所欲的在室内游走,与主人的高阔格局相得益彰,成为您身份的极致演绎。站在休闲阳台观望,无论是孩子在空中院馆嬉戏,或是老人在舒展筋骨,或是有鸟儿轻声呢喃,总会有种幸福感油然而生,景色琳琅中,自然的气息被传送到房间的每个角落,沐浴在阳光里,或游或潜,或索性躺在阳光斑驳的地板,感受贵族气息被绿色感染的浪漫。Th
54、e household design 135 square meters “the airborne villa”, the compact area, 5 meters select the high living room, lets the eye not worry, lets the sunlight at will in the room internal breaks. stands in the leisure balcony looked outward, regardless of has the child to play in the airborne courtyard hall, either has old person to exercise the body, either has the bird to sing, the general meeting feels is very happy, the natural flavor is passed to the room each corner, in the sunlight, lies on the floor, feels the aris
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