1、红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson25: Myfavouritecolours需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词pink orange purple white brown black green we our their they 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is .能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 I like_ . We like_ .重点难点教学重点能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型.教学难点能正确听、说、读、写单词pink orange p
2、urple white brown black green we our their they能正确听、说、读、写句型I like . We like .能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语My favourite colour is .教学方法情境教学法等教学辅助手段录音机教学过程一、Class opening and review Sing a song “Colour Piont” Review :pink orange purple white brown black green二、New concept1.T:Whats this? S:Its a pen. T:Good!This is
3、a pen. T:What colour is it? S:Its black.T:Very good!This is a black pen.Follow say it.C:This is a black pen.S:Whats this?(书)S:This is a book.S:What colour is it?S:Its yellow.C:This is a yellow book.T:Ok.What are these?S:These are purple grapes.T:You are a good boy . Lets say it.C:These are purple gr
4、apes.2、Game规则:两名同学在教室内快速找出不同颜色的东西,用 This is . These are .表达,用时短的为赢.3、出示课件.抢答颜色单词.T:I like pink. What your favour colour?S:I like red.T:Good.4、连锁练习T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour?S1:I like red. Whats your favourite colour?S2:I like black. Whats your favourite colour?S3:I like green. Whats
5、your favourite colour?S4:I like orange. Whats your favourite colour?S5:5、(教具:手偶)T:I like pink. Whats your favourite colour,Danny?Danny:I like pink,too.T:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.Follow say it.C:We like the same colour. Our favourite colour is pink.We like the same colour
6、. Our favourite colour is pink.Danny:I like pink and yellow. What your favourite colour,Jenny?Jenny :I like red and yellow.T:They like a different colour. Their favourite colour is yellow.6出示课件,认读新词.7、听录音跟读.8、学生自编对话表演.三、Class closing Draw a picture :draw your favourite clothes.板书设计Lesson 25: My favo
7、urite colours This is . I like .These are . We like .What is your favourite colour? My/Our favourite colour is .教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson26: My favourite clothes需课时:2课时课型:新授课教学目标能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词but and we our their they能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Our favourite clothes are 。The
8、ir favourite clothes are 。能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型 I like 。 I dont like 。重点难点教学重点:能听懂、会说、会读和会写本课四会单词和句型。教学难点: 能正确听、说、读、写单词but and we our their they能正确听、说、读、写句型I like 。 I dont like 。能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Our favourite clothes are 。Their favourite clothes are 。教学方法情境教学法等教学辅助手段录音机、课件教学过程一Class opening and review Sing a
9、 song “Hes wearing red pants” Review :pink orange purple white brown black green My favourite colour is .2. I like . We like . 3.review: shorts skirt pants socks shoes shirt blouse二New concept1、T:Whats this?(卡片:裙子) S:Its a skirt。 T:Good!This is a skirt。 T:What colour is it? S:Its red。T:Very good!Thi
10、s is a red skirt。Follow say it。C:This is a red skirt。2.学生互动问答,练习句型S:Whats this?(卡片: 裙子)S:This is a shirt。S:What colour is it?S:Its red。C:This is a red skirt。T:Ok。What are these?S:These are purple shorts。T:You are a good boy。Lets say it。C:These are purple short。T: Do you like shorts ?S: Yes! I like s
11、horts.3.小小展示台”规则:学生利用上节课准备的图画,用简单的英语表述自己喜欢的衣服.例如: I like 。等.出示课件。猜出新词。T:I like socks and pants。Who can tell me “and”s means ?S:(guess)T:Follow say it . and- and- and.S: And- and- and.(学生单个练习读)T: I like socks ,but I dont like pants. Who can guess this means?S: (guess)T: But-but-but. Follow say it .4.
12、 出示课件。抢读单词。5、游戏:智能对答.规则:五名学生之间不能说相同的衣服.如果说出相同衣服的学生,将被淘汰.T:I like pants。What your favourite clouthes?S1:I like shorts。What your favourite clouthes?S2:I like skirt。What your favourite clouthes?S3:I like shose。What your favourite clouthes?S4:I likesocks。What your favourite clouthes?S5:6.出示课件.学生根据课件要求操练
13、句型.T:I like socks ,but I dont like pants.S:I like , but I dont like .T:We like socks ,but We dont like pants.S:We like ,but We dont like .T:Our favourite clothes arepants。Their favourite clothes aresocks。S: Our favourite clothes are 。Their favourite clothes are 。7、听录音跟读。8、学生自编对话表演。三、Class closing Ho
14、mework: 两名同学根据本节课的内容自编对话,在下节课的”展示台”上表演.板书设计Lesson 26: My favourite clothesand but we our they their I like . We like .What are your favourite clothes? Our favourite clothes are .教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson27 My Favourite Food需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标1、能正确认读并运用下列词汇:breakfa
15、st lunch and supper ;and和but。2、能够了解一些东西方的食物,并能熟练运用句型What s your favourite food ? (你喜欢什么食物?)I like (我喜欢)/I dont like (我不喜欢)并使用连词and 和but表达3、能把所学的单词运用到日常的口语交际中,能够灵活运用,如谈论自己对各种食物的喜好、需求。重点难点教学重点:表达对各种食物的喜好,需求;对单词and 和but 的理解和使用教学难点:What s your favourite food ? 你喜欢什么食物?I like 我喜欢 / I dont like 我不喜欢对单词and
16、 和but 的理解和运用教学方法情境教学法教学辅助手段1单词卡片,要求四会单词的实物, 2录音机教学过程1、Greating2、Review:Play “Go Fish”T: There are many games for you! Do you like to play?C: Yes !T: Ok,lets play:Go Fish!用学生在第二册已经掌握的单词卡片(chicken, donut, dumplings, fish, French fries, hamburger, hot dog, meat, milk, noodles, pizza, pop, rice, soup, t
17、ea, vegetables, water )在复习的过程中,让学生将卡片分类,并用This is . 和These are . 句型来描述。(这个游戏是用来复习第二册中学生所掌握的一日三餐、一天中的三个时间段的单词。利用这个简单的游戏,调动起学生的积极性。)3、New ConceptesT: OK, very good! When do you have breakfast / lunch / supper ?C: We have breakfast / lunch / supper in the morning / afternoon / evening .(在这一环节中如果学生不能理解的
18、比较彻底,教师可以适当的加大练习的力度。注意单词the在元音字母前的发音)T: Now, please look here.What are they?(出示书中第一部分的图片,让学生看图回答问题,教师在这个过程中注意学生的单、复数的运用:fruit的单、复数说法是一样的)T: Please listen to the tape and read after it.(这个环节不仅让学生练习听,还要训练学生说的能力。)T: Great !Play “Favourite”whit colour and clothing. We studied clothes last lesson. Do you
19、 remember ?C: Yes.T: Lets go !(这个游戏是用来复习Favourite的,同时也为本课要学习的重点内容做铺垫。在学生回忆起Favourite的用法是教师在这时要不失时机的说)T: What s your favourite food ?(学生会说出自己喜欢的食物,此时教师利用学生说的这些食物来引导学生做游戏,目的是引出本课重点。)C: I like sandwich / milk / fish T: Please draw picture of your favourite food.(让学生画出自己喜欢的食物的图片为后边的学习打基础)(在学生画好后教师用他们的图片
20、进行重点教学)T: I like sandwich and milk.(教师指着图片对学生说,这样可以使学生更容易的理解其意思。同时教师要注意用自己的肢体语言使学生明白like的意思。)T: What s your favourite food ?S1: I like hot dogs and pizza.T: I like hot dogs and pizza,too.S2: I like vegetables.T: I like vegetables,too.S3: I like fruit and chicken.T: I like fruit and chicken,too.S4: I
21、 like .T: Whats meaning this word and ?S5: 和(通过反复的练习让学生明白的意思,这样使学生的记忆更深刻)T: What is meaning too?C: 也T: 它放在了什么样的句子中呢?C: 它放在了肯定句中T: (教师再次拿起图片) I like sandwich and milk,but I dont like fish.(教师边说边用肢体语言演示,让学生明白老师所要表达的意思。如果学生还不能理解,教师可以用不同的食物再演示一遍)T: I like pizza and hamburgers,but I dont like soup. Whats
22、 meaning this word but ?C: 但是T: What about you ?S6: I like French fries and dumpings,but I dont like noodles.T: I dont like noodles,either.T: What about you ?S7: I like soup and chicken,but I dont like vegetables .T: I dont like vegetables,either.T: What about you ?S8: I like sandwich and hamburgers
23、,but I dont like sandwich.T: I dont like sandwich,either.T: What is meaning either?C: 也T: 它放在了什么样的句子中呢?C: 它放在了否定句中T: Ok,now please listen to the tape, and answer my question. What does Danny like for lunch? What does Jenny like for lunch?(要学生把正确的答案写下来,练习他们写的能力) Listen!(教师放录音,第一遍放学生认真听,第二遍让学生回答问题,然后第
24、三遍订正并朗读。在这个环节中不但训练了学生的听力,还训练了学生听音回答问题的能力,同时,也不能丢了让学生练习读的机会)在读的过程中请学生们注意lunch-time这个词,猜猜它的意思。(三)、PracticeT: Do you want to know what the others favourite food? Please make a dialogue in group, then show your fruit.(让学生在小组内编对话,来练习学生说英语的能力)T: Im tired! Are you tired?C: We are tired!T: Ok, lets have a r
25、est. Play the “Smile , Frown” game!(让学生在轻松的氛围中学到知识,并以轻松愉快的心情结束本节课的学习)(四)、Class closingT: Are you happy ?C: Yes, we are happy!T: Im happy,too. Ok,now class is over. Lets say goodbye!板书设计Lesson27 My Favourite FoodWhat s your favourite food for breakfast/lunch/supper ?你喜欢什么食物?I like _ and _ 我喜欢_和_But I
26、 dont like_ 但是我不喜欢_ 和_教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson 28 My Favourite Subject需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标a、知识目标:重点句型:I like我喜欢 b、能力目标:能够熟练运用句型c、情感目标:让学生感受成功的喜悦,激发他们学习英语的热情,使他们具有更积极的情感态度。重点难点重要概念:Chinese,English,science,math,P.E.,art, music.学生能熟练运用Whats your favourite subject?I l
27、ike .教学方法情境教学法教学辅助手段1单词卡片,要求四会单词的实物, 2录音机教学过程(一)、Greeting.T: Hello,everyone!C: Hello!(二)、New ConceptesT: Whats your favourite subject?S1: I like_.T: Whats your favourite subject?S2: I like_.(让学生根据图片内容来回答问题。因为这个问答学生都很熟悉了,因此他们回答起来是比较容易的。而教师在这个环节中要做的就是及时发现他们在回答过程中的问题,及时纠正。)T: Ok, lets have a race. Ther
28、e are many cards , please fill in the blank in the group. Then show your subject.(教师出示需要填空的句子,填的多的并且正确的为获胜组)I like_.(任何一种颜色)I like_s.(任何衣服)I like a _.(任何衣服)I like_(任何一门科目)(给学生一段时间填空)T: Which group has finished? Who wants to try?(通过这个游戏看看学生对单词的掌握情况,并且在总结的时候向同学们展示句中进行单词替换的方法。之后请每个小组的同学读出自己小组的成果)T: Ple
29、ase read it.T: Ok,good! Please ears up! Listen to the tape, and answer my question. Whats Dannys favourite subject? What subject do they like?(先放一遍录音让学生听,并试着让学生回答问题。如果不行,可再放一遍,然后订正。)T: Answer my question.S:_.T: Great! Listen to the tape and read after it.Then please make a dialogue in group.(这个环节是训练
30、学生的说的能力,说是学好英语的重要环节,因此我们要注重培养学生说英语的能力。)(三)、PracticeT: Divide the class into pairs. Please make some sentences with I like a/an_and you like a/an_. I like _s and you like _s. and I like (a/an)_(s) but you like (a/an)_(s).Let me see who the first one is.(利用以前学过的词,比如:最喜欢的颜色、衣服、午餐和甜点等造句。比较哪对同学最快、最好。)(四)
31、、Class closingT: Are you happy ?C: Yes, we are happy!T: Im happy too. Ok,now this class is over. Please say goodbye to me!C: Goodbye!T: Bye-bye!板书设计Lesson 28 My Favourite Subject Chinese English science math P.E. Art music.Whats your favourite subject?I like .教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元
32、、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do?需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么? I like to do 我喜欢做重点难点能够熟练运用句型What do you like to do?(你喜欢做什么?)I like to do (我喜欢做)教学方法情境教学法教学辅助手段单词卡片 ,录音机 ,活动用的材料。教学过程 (一)、Greeting.T: Hello,everyone!C: Hello,Miss Yun!T: How are you?C: Im fine,thanks.A
33、nd you?T: Im very well,thank you!(二)、New ConceptsT: Boys and girls,do you like to play a game?C: Yes ,we do.T: Ok, lets play a game .Please look here,guess!(将一些写有动词短语的卡片放进一个纸盒中,让一名学生从中抽出一张,看完后根据短语作出相应的动作,然后请其他同学猜出短语)S: play basketball / play ping-pang / play football / play on the computer(做这个游戏的目的就
34、是复习以前学过的动词短语,使学生想起它们的含义为下边的内容打基础。然后把这些卡片贴在黑板上做为板书的一部分)T: What do you like to do ? I like to _ _.(教师指着黑板上的短语卡片,自问自答,展示回答的方法“I like to _ _”。T: What do you like to do ? I like to _ _.(边说边做动作)T: What do you like to do ?S1: I like to _ _.T: What do you like to do ?S2: I like to _ _.T: What does he like t
35、o do ?S2: He likes to _ _.(教师边问边用手指着第一个同学,让这个同学说出他的爱好。然后再指着另外一个人进行提问。)T: What does she like to do ?S3: She likes to _ _.T: please make a dialogue in group with these sentences, then show your fruit.I like to_(play)_(game).I like to_(play with)_(a toy / toys).I like to_(play on)_(the computer).(在这个过程
36、中教师要提醒学生注意不同的说法。)T: Well done,class! Please listen to the tape, and then answer my question.What does Jenny like to do?What does Danny like to do?What does Steven like to do?What does Kim like to do? T: Who can answer the questions?S:_.(三)、PracticeT:Are you tired? Lets have a rest. Play a game Smile
37、, Frown with “He/She likes to_(play/play with)_(game/toys)”(在这个游戏中我们可以分成两次来做,一次是有关运动项目的如:basketballand ping-pong,另一次是有关玩具的如:doll and skipping rope。这样有助于学生正确地进行替换练习:用play或play with。)(四)、Class closingChant: What do you like to do ? I like to play ping-pong. What does he like to do ? He likes to play w
38、ith a ball. What does she like to do ? She likes to play with a doll. 练习题: (一) 用动词like的适当形式填空 1、I _to play basketball. 2、Li Ming _ to play ping-pong. 3、We like to _ play cards. (二)判断 1、I like to play with the ping_pong.( ) 2、Kim likes to play her doll.( ) 3、He likes to play with the computer.( )板书设计
39、Lesson 29: What Do You Like to Do? What do you like to do?你喜欢做什么? I like to do 我喜欢做教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson30: My favourite school work需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标1Know the two words: write, read; Know what are school works.2Can express their favourite school works and as
40、king questions about the others favourite school works; Can sing the song重点难点1write(a story), read(a book)2My favourite school work is _3I Am Drawing (song)教学方法情境教学法教学辅助手段CAI、word card、radio and tape教学过程(一) Greeting and Warming-up:1.GreetingT: Hello,everyone!C: Hello,Miss Yun!T: How are you?C: Im fi
41、ne,thanks.And you?T: Im very well,thank you!2.Play a game: Can you guessWhat do I like to do ?What does he/she like to do?S: You/He/she like(s)to_.复习动词词组Play basketball, Sing a song, Read books, Draw a picture (用游戏的形式营造轻松的英语课堂气氛。复习巩固sb like(s)to sth 句型,为下面的教学活动作铺垫)(二)、Key Concepts:1.教师板书(简笔画:学校)T:Wh
42、at is this?Ss: A school.T: What do you do at school?Ss: Play ping-pong, play on the computer, play basketball, sing a song, draw a picture(教师简笔画板书学生所述的各项活动)(发挥教师简笔画作用,使学生易学、乐学)2.教授school workT: Play ping-pong is a school work. Say it, please,class.S: Play ping-pong is a school work.出示卡片school workT:
43、 Tell the class these activities are “school works.”Teach “read a book”, “write a story” a few times.T: My favourite school work is to play on the computer.I like to play on the computer.Whats your favourite school work?Students should answer follow the teachers demonstrate.(Single.)(教师的示范加深了学生对句型的理
44、解,利于他们在现实中运用。)(1)Ask different students with “Whats your favourite school work?”several times.(2)Ask 4 or 5 students, “Whats your favourite school work?” they should say “Our favourite school work is to _.”(3)Ask the whole class “Whats their favourite school work?” The students should answer with “T
45、heir favourite school work is _.”(三)Drill: Get the card (教具:自制课表) What do you like to do? I like to _(学生有节奏地读出)引出:T: What is your favourite school work?教师示范: My favourite school work is to_.(学生有节奏地读出) 4.Game: “Guessing game” 规则:教师示范,学生到前面哑剧表演,学生猜出后得到展示的机会。 My favourite school work is to . 5.听课文回答问题:
46、 What is Danny s favourite school work? 学生回答后,教师引导学生与Danny对话。 6.学生小组编排对话并表演。7.T:Are you tired?C:Yes.T:Lets have a rest.Lets sing a song.教唱歌曲:Im drawing.(四)Class closing.Sing the song “Im drawing.”练习题:用动词的适当形式填空1-Whats your favourite school work?-My favourite school work is_(write) a story.2、I am _(d
47、raw) a picture now.3、I like_(read) a book.板书设计Lesson 30 My Favourite School WorkWhats your favourite school work?play basketball / sing a song/ read books/ draw a picture My favourite school work is to _.教学反思 授课时间: 红会学校集体备课教案设计学科:四年级英语 教师:王树珍单元、章、节、课Unit 4教学内容Lesson 31:The Diffos需课时:2课时课型: 新授课教学目标1.
48、知识技能。学生能够读懂小故事。2.能力目标:通过故事理解,提高学生的阅读及听力理解能力。3.情感目标:提高英语学习的兴趣。重点难点教学重点:1复习本单元重点句型及回答。2理解故事教学难点:听懂并理解故事内容,顺利完成相关练习教学方法情境教学法教学辅助手段录音机及磁带。教学过程1Class Opening and Review.(1) Greeting.(2) Chant and sing the song in this unit.(3) Listen to the teacher and finish some words of this unit. Story: The DiffosListen to the radio and think about these questionsRead.Write T or F.( )The Diffos are different.( )Their favourite colour is pink.( )They like to sing songs in the library. Discuss these questions then read the story.Ask the students to listen carefully. Play the tape twice .(可以在最后设计一个简单复述故事的练习,以检验
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