



1、相关方管理制度文件编号: EHS-015版本号: 1生效日期: 页码: /41 目的( Purpose )对相关方施加必要的管理和影响,使其了解本公司的职业健康安全环境要求及相关内容,促使其自觉预防事故,保护环境,确保安全,改善环境行为,特制定本制度。We formulate this system in order to apply the necessary management and related party influence, make them understand the companys occupational health and safety environment

2、requirements and related content, to prompt them to consciously prevent accidents, protect the environment, to ensure safety, improve the environment behavior. 2 适用范围(Scope) 此份文件应用于以下部门/区域:This document is applied to the following departments/areas:办公室office国际部international department销售部sales depart

3、ment设备部Equipment Department物流部Logistics Department其他 Others 3. 依据(According)N/A4 用语定义(Definitions)N/A5 职责权限(Responsibilities)5.1设备部负责对污水处理,危废处理委托的相关方及建筑承包商的安全环境行为施加影响,宣传公司安全环境方针,调查收集对本公司的投诉或抱怨。Equipment Department is responsible for sewage treatment, waste of handling the entrusted parties and impos

4、ing the influence on the safe environment behavior by the construction contractor, promoting companys security environment policy, surveying and collecting the complaint or complaints to our company.5.2 办公室负责对一般固体废物处理相关方和保安公司的管理,周边工厂及社区施加安全环境影响,宣传公司安全环境方针,调查收集对本公司的投诉或抱怨。Office is responsible for the

5、 management of the general solid waste treatment related parties and the security company, imposing influences on the factory and surrounding community security environment, publicity company safety environment policy, surveying and collecting the complaint or complaints our company.5.3物流部负责对原辅材料、危险

6、化学品及劳保用品的供应商及运输承包方的安全环境行为施加影响。Logistics department is responsible for imposing influences on the safety environmental behavior of suppliers of the raw and auxiliary materials, and the suppliers of labor insurance and transportation of dangerous chemicals contractor.3.3销售部和国际部负责对客户(顾客) 宣传本公司的职业健康安全环境

7、方针,并调查收集相关方对本公司的安全环境行为的抱怨、投诉、意见或建议。The sales department and international division are responsible for publicizing the occupational health and safety environment policy of the company to the customer (customer), and survey to collect the related party to this companys security environment behavior c

8、omplaints, complaints, comments or suggestions.6 文件内容(Procedure) 6.1 因基建项目、设备安装、修理等工作需要对外发包时,各对应部门必须对承包方的资质等级、实际技术水平和安全保证条件进行审核确认。对不符合条件的单位,不得让其承包工程。Because the infrastructure projects, equipment installation, repair and other work need foreign contract, all corresponding departments must confirm th

9、e qualification level, technical level and actual safety guarantee conditions of the contractor. If the units does not meet the conditions of the unit, they may be allowed to undertake the project.6.2 各对口主管部门向所对应的相关方宣传和传递公司的职业健康安全环境要求,监督检查对有关规定的执行情况并提出安全环保整改要求,在合同(协议)中应尽可能包括安全环境事故或隐患的处理以及明确各自责任条款。Ea

10、ch counterpart to the corresponding department will in charge of related party propaganda and transfer of the companys occupational health and safety environment requirements, the relevant provisions of the supervision and inspection on the implementation of environmental improvement and put forward

11、 the safety requirements, they should included the security environment accident or handling, and clear their respective liability clause in the contract (agreement). 6.3 各对口主管部门与相关方按照合同法规定签订合同,合同中必须注明安全条款(也可单独签订安全环保协议),明确双方的安全工作责任和义务。签订相关方职业健康安全、环境保护管理协议,约定项目实施过程中甲乙双方安全管理监督的权利与义务,特别要明确相关方临时雇佣人员的安全控

12、制措施责任。对承包方各级领导和安全管理人员进行作业现场及环境的安全技术交底,明确安全技术要求,提供安全施工条件,落实安全措施。In accordance with relevant provisions of the law of contract, the counterpart departments and related parties will sign a contract which should indicate safety clause in the contract (or sign agreement alone), clear security responsibil

13、ities and obligations of both parties. When signing the relevant occupational health and safety, environmental protection management agreement, they should agree upon the rights and obligations of the management supervision by both parties during project implementation process, clear safety control

14、measures by temporary employment. We will disclosure the work safety and the environment safety management by the contractor leaders at all levels of and staff, clear safety technical requirements, provide a safe construction conditions, and carry out the safety measures.6.4 相关方在施工服务过程中,设备部实施日常安全监督和

15、专项安全监督检查,对发现隐患向施工方下达隐患整改通知单,对整改情况进行验收,重大隐患有权要求立即停工整改,并对现场进行证据保留(拍照、摄像等),待验收合格后方可继续开工。并实行经济责任制考核,有关监督检查要有记录,隐患整改单和验收单要予以备案。对拒不整改的相关方必须清理出公司管辖区域。Related parties will have safety supervision and inspection in the process of construction service, carry out day-to-day safety surveillance and special equi

16、pment, to find hidden trouble to the contractor issued notice of hidden dangers rectification, check the rectification, and it has the right to shutdown the projects towards the hazard for rectification, and keep records of the scene evidence remain (pictures, video, etc.), and allow it to continue

17、to work after qualified rear. And implement the economic responsibility system, to record relevant supervision and inspection, hidden dangers rectification and acceptance certificate to be put on record. If the parties refuse to rectify, you must clear out of the jurisdiction area by companies.6.5进入

18、厂区的作业相关方的管理The management of related parties when entering the factory operation6.5.1物流部在项目招标时,应对项目相关方(承包单位)的营业能力和经营范围、合法性、技术水平和安全持证条件进行审查,应确认以下内容:Logistics Department will investigate the related parties (contractor) operating ability and the scope of business the holder of legitimacy, technical le

19、vel and security conditions during the project bidding and should confirm the following content:a)验证相关方营业能力和经营范围是否符合要求,是否依法取得相应等级的资质证书、营业执照、税务登记证、法人资格证、法人委托书、项目经营资质证书、工程资格证、施工许可证、安全管理人员资格证书、特种作业人员操作证等证书,以上证书必须真实有效,未按期审验,视为无效证件;Verify operating ability of related party and the scope of business been

20、in line with the requirements, whether legally obtained corresponding levels of qualification certificate, business license, tax registration certificate, the legal person qualification, legal power of attorney, certification and construction of the project management qualification certificate, lice

21、nse, safety management qualification certificate, special operations personnel operation certificate and other certificates, certificate of the above must be real and effective, fail to test, it will be regarded as void documents;b)相关方的管理能力(组织机构和人员配置)和队伍素质能否满足工程需要,安全生产保证体系是否健全,安全措施是否落实,是否有职业健康安全/环境管

22、理制度。Management ability of the party (organization and staffing) and quality will meet the requirements of engineering, production whether the safety assurance system is sound, security measures are implemented, whether there is occupational health and safety/environment management system.6.5.2在项目验收时

23、物流部要组织设备部、项目使用部门对相关方的安全环境管理进行评价,建立相关方安全环境业绩评价档案,各对口主管部门在相关方参与项目或分供方投标、评标时,要将相关方的安全业绩作为投标准入、评标打分的重要依据之一;Logistics department should organize Equipment Department and Department using Project to evaluate the environmental management when the project is accepted, to establish relevant safe environmenta

24、l performance evaluation archives. The related parties in the counterpart departments in the relevant parties will participate in the project or subcontractors bidding, bid evaluation, safety performance of the related party will be viewed as the important basis of evaluation score for accessing and

25、 bidding. 6.5.3相关方应根据其具体作业活动,识别可能存在的危险源和环境因素,应采取的控制措施或要求。Related parties should identify possible hazards and environmental factors according to their specific activities and take measures to control and requirements.6.5.4相关方从事特种作业人员必须持证作业,从事危险作业前必须进行危险作业审批,具体按照危险作业审批制度执行;需架设临时电气线路或动火作业时,应到生产部办理审批手续

26、,双方必须安排好现场安全监护人员;Related parties engaged in special operations personnel must be licensed operations, before engaged in dangerous operations they must be conducted for the examination and approval, carry out according to the examination and approval system of execution of the dangerous operations; w

27、hen you set up temporary electrical wiring or hot work, you need deal with formalities for examination and approval to the production department, both parties must arrange on-site safety supervision personnel;6.5.5 相关方在作业中需要动用公司的设备设施,必须经设备部的审批方可使用,严禁擅自使用设备设施,如发现存在擅自使用情况,应立即停止违规作业并责令相关责任人作出说明,在手续完备后方

28、可继续进行。Related parties need to use the companys facilities in the homework, must examined and approved by the all equipment departments for use, it is forbidden to unauthorized use of equipment and facilities, if found unauthorized use, you should immediately stop the illegal operation and the releva

29、nt responsible persons shall be ordered to explain and continue after the formalities complete.6.5.6进行维修作业时,必须严格遵守工艺和施工规范,遵守安全技术操作规程;When you carry out the repair work, you must strictly abide by the technology and construction specification and comply with the safety technical operation procedures;

30、6.5.7委托方对进入公司作业的相关方有告知义务,进入公司受限空间、有禁止标识、护栏等区域的,对口主管部门应办理相关手续、作业票等。手续不齐全的,不允许进入。The delegate to the relevant party into the company operation has the inform obligation, and should deal with relevant formalities and work ticket if entering into the company limited space, banned logo area such as fence, counterpart departments, operation, etc. You are not allowed to enter if he procedure is not complete.6.6 临时来客的管理The management of the temporary visitor临时来客(来访、参观、联系工作等以及未与公司签订长期安全


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