



1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 乌龟赛跑300字 自从上次龟兔赛跑兔子败在乌龟的“门下”后,故事远还没有终止呢。 The story is far from over since the hare was defeated by the tortoise in the last race. 后来,兔子心里很不服气。于是,他想再跟乌龟比赛。由于他知道自己是“喜悦城”里著名的“飞毛腿”啊,怎么能输给一个行动缓慢的缩头乌龟呢。他就到乌龟家里对乌龟说:“上次,我是由于小睡了一会儿,才输给你的。要不,我们再比一次。”乌龟听了,心想:兔子断定是不服气了,这次要让他输得心服口服才可以。就爽快地说:“好

2、!”兔子请来了公正严明的牛伯伯做为裁判,而全城的小动物们做为双方的拉拉队。 Later, the rabbit was very unconvinced. So, he wants to compete with the tortoise again. Because he knows that he is a famous Scud in happy city. How can he lose to a slow-moving turtle. He went to the turtles house and said, last time, I lost to you because I h

3、ad a nap. Otherwise, lets have another competition. After hearing this, the tortoise thought to himself: the rabbit must be unconvinced. This time, he must be convinced to lose. Just say, OK! The rabbit invited the fair and strict uncle Niu as the referee, and the small animals of the whole city as

4、the cheerleaders of both sides. 比赛开头,牛伯伯的枪声一响,“砰”的一声。兔子“嗖”的一下,蹿出了起跑线。他边跑边告诫自己:不能再偷懒,确定要赢乌龟。“突突突”乌龟追了上去。比赛强烈地举行着,兔子和乌龟不分前后,拉拉队员们手舞足蹈地叫喊:“加油,乒乓球”兔子听到了加油声,顿觉信仰加倍,更加努力地向前跑,乌龟迅速超越过去。最终,乌龟把兔子甩得远远的,先行跑到终点。牛伯伯大声宣布:“乌龟再次获胜!” At the beginning of the game, uncle Nius gun rang out and bang. The rabbit whooshed

5、out of the starting line. As he ran, he admonished himself that he could not be lazy any more. He must win the tortoise. The tortoise came after him. The game was going on fiercely. Before and after the hare and the tortoise, the cheerleaders danced and shouted: come on, table tennis. When the rabbi

6、t heard the cheering sound, he felt more confident and ran harder. The tortoise quickly surpassed the past. Finally, the tortoise left the rabbit far away and ran to the end first. Uncle Niu announced loudly, tortoise wins again! 兔子累得腰酸背痛,气喘呼呼地问:“怎么回事?”乌龟拍着胸前的推进器说:“要动脑筋。”兔子终究服气了。 Rabbit tired of backache, panting to ask: whats the matter? The tortoi


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