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1、 2022机械工程留学申请文书 2022机械工程留学申请文书范文 Dear _, An experienced engineer of security printing with Chinas Central Bank, I now would like to scale higher intellectual heights by pursuing Ph. D. studies in mechanical engineering at your university. I believe that my strong background in CAD has adequately pre

2、pared me to embark on this endeavor. I have been working since 1999 for the Peoples Bank of China, a Chinese version of the Federal Reserve, at its unique research institute of security printing, with the responsibility of designing the Chinese currency and the machinery to produce it. By engaging m

3、e in a variety of projects, the job afforded me ample exposure to cutting-edge developments in computer technologies, particularly in CAD software. I have, for example, recently redeveloped a purchased CAD (Computer Aided Design) software to make it more suitable for our own purposes. By adding our

4、own partsubassembly to the database and make our own drawing criteria, we have achieved dramatically better efficiency. My job performance, which has won me professional respect from all of my colleagues, was achieved thanks to the strong background I acquired as a student in computer science. My un

5、dergraduate GPA ranked first among the 63 students of classmates in mechanical department, for which I was awarded first-class and second-class prizes many times. My graduate GPA ranked among the top 4% of the 105 students in my year, which won me the “San Hao” scholarship every year during the thre

6、e years of my graduate studies. Unlike many other Chinese students, who are content with performing well in exams, I made a point of learning through my own hands-on experiences. In the Masters program at the Beijing Institute of Printing, I gained an in-depth understanding of artificial intelligenc

7、e, including expert system and genetic algorithm, especially in neural network. For my thesis, I programmed a multi-level BP neural network with C language to analyze my mathematical model, and applied much of my knowledge in optimization. I thus became able to program with a host of different compu

8、ter languages, especially C+, with which I helped my graduate advisor to design a paper-cutting machine. To analyze the mechanism statically and dynamically, I programmed a software system to analyze and emulate it on screen. In undergraduate studies, I had often programmed with Fortran77 and the Ba

9、sic language. Upon the completion of my Masters studies, I easily passed the doctoral record examination in CADCAM of Beijing University, one f the top universities in China. But I gave up the opportunity in order to gain more practical experience in the industry. The decision proved to be right, as

10、 it guaranteed me better access to sophisticated facilities, such as state-of-the-art personal computers. With the Peoples Bank of China, I have thus accumulated solid expertise in many kinds of operating and application software systems, particularly in CAD. I now have a firm grip on the latest dev

11、elopments in computer science in China. The challenges I met and the successes I achieved at the Peoples Bank have not only endowed me with confidence but also fired off my desire to further improve myself. I have enjoyed high-quality and efficient production with the use of a kind of PC-based CAD s

12、oftware, MDT, developed by Autodesk Corporation. I now have a dream: some day, every person can design his favorite product with some sort of CAD software, and then search for an ideal factory over high-speed internet its production; and the factory will put specifications of the product, as it has

13、received them via the high-speed internet into its CIMS, and out pops the product, as designed, at the end of the factorys production line. It is a beautiful dream for every engineer, but many difficulties the speed of data-transfer and how to manage the product data among CAD, CAM, CAPP and CAE sys

14、tems. These questions are fascinating, and I would like to come up with my own answers to them. To prepare myself for advanced studies in your country, I have persisted in improving my English proficiency. As demonstrated by my score of 700 (96%) in the verbal section of GRE, I now have an adequate

15、command of English for undertaking graduate studies in your program. After carefully comparing the strengths of many universities, I find Mercy University particularly suited for my purpose. It has got the best combination of quality faculty, many state-of-the-art facilities, and an intriguing acade

16、mic environment. Currently, China still lags significantly behind Western countries in mechanical engineering. I hope that, with a few years of graduate studies under your seasoned guidance, I will be able to return to my motherland and help bring mechanical engineering in my country to internationa

17、l standards. Although my ultimate objective is a Ph. D. degree, I am willing to do a Masters degree if necessary. In either case, I would like to concentrate my studies in one or a combination of the following areas: CAD, CAM, CIMS, Computer graphics, Mechanical design, Mechanical manufacturing, Opt

18、imization, Artificial intelligence, and Robotics. Your favorable evaluation of my application will be highly appreciated. Yours sincerely, 留学丹麦就业前景好的专业推荐 1.医护 丹麦是一个缺乏医护人员的国家,而且其某些地方的医疗设备也很不完善,甚至有的地区达不到法律规定的医护人员数目,这样就常常使得公民的医疗权利得不到保障,因此丹麦政府正在大力发展医护专业的人才。因此,学医护是工资很高而且需求量十分大的工作。 2.旅游 丹麦是“童话”的产地,而且其国土面积

19、小,风景优美、气候宜人,是个适合旅游发展的国家。因此丹麦的旅游业就开始越来越火爆,这就使得旅游专业的人才急需。因此去丹麦留学读旅游业会有很好的就业前景,而且伴随着高收入。 3.国际贸易 外贸人员一直都是一个吃香的行业人才,不论是在哪个国家都需要发展本国的对外贸易来更好地促进国家的经济发展。然而在丹麦很多银行都认为,软弱的欧元应对目前丹麦正面临压力的出口行业有所帮助。因此刺激了欧元的出口,使得贸易人才越来越抢手。 4.管理 南丹麦大学在世界大学的排名如中国的清华北大一样位于前250,它在丹麦的地位也如清华北大在中国的地位一样,南丹麦大学所开设的专业有财经类、法律、纺织与服装、工程技术、管理、环境、建筑、教育、理科学、旅游、农林类、人文艺术、社科类、生物、体育、新闻传递、信息科学、医学、语言、自然科学 等众多专业,是一个适合很多学生选择的大学。 5.信息技术 现如今是个信息技术飞速发展的时期,哥本哈根信


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